


 - e-mail


: (128), (29), (53), (47), (58), , (24), (4), (17), , (170), ,(74), (124), ,(294), (1231), (59), (200), (168), (30), , , (29), (108), -(398), ,(432), (22), (50), (265), ,...(85), -- (46), - (32), - (25), (72), (351), (14), (625), (93), (35), (280), (65), -(253), (153), (8), (73), ...(748), (389), (134), (63), (44), -(189), - (23), -(153), -(33), --(107), --(40), ( ,)(284), - (68), - (24), - (257), - (66), - (171), - (112), ()(264), ()(38), ()(112), ()(271), (- )(177), ( )(24), ()(98), - - - (86), (64), (34), (335), (141), (122), (142), (62), (96), (692), --...(95), --(442), --,,(398), --,(67), --, .(200), --,(525), --...(84), --.(62), - ..(20), - ...(10), - ....(7), (2004), (6), (54), (363), (203), (15), (591), (42), -(268), (431), (436), (12), (402), (202), ,(44), ...(1920), -(87), - (319), (145), (214), ,(217), (163), ,,(373), (118), (+)(273), - (271), -(799), (363), -(337), -(414), -,,(820), - ,(81), - (232), -,(361), -(312), -,,(721), - (476), - , (201), - (235), - (369), (32), (184), -(105), (74), , (567), (148), (11), (0)


, 26 2017 . 15:19 +
Panter_Woman [ + !]


Johan Krouthen (1858-1932)

… . , , … , … - , – .… , – … , … , , … , , , ..
  … … , – … , … …
  – … , … , … , …… …… … , , , , … , … – ....
    ...   .. ...   ... ..... ... .....
© Copyright: 



/ (Edward William Cooke)

, 05 2016 . 18:45 +
valniko77 [ + !]

/ (Edward William Cooke)

/ (Edward William Cooke)


(. Edward William Cooke, 27 1811, — 4 1880) — -, , , ë, (1864) .  

Edward William Cooke

Edward William Cooke

Edward William Cooke

Edward William Cooke


, 22 2014 . 15:28 +
- [ + !]


4964063_134 (450x83, 59Kb)




, 15 2014 . 00:23 +
A-delina [ + !]

. .



- - XVII-XIX . / 1/

, 11 2013 . 21:57 +
klassika [ + !]

- - XVII-XIX . / 1/


0_494a2_65f92f8b_L (500x93, 63Kb)

fada505e4bf1 (97x51, 3Kb)fada505e4bf1 (97x51, 3Kb)

*Sonata, No.5 in G minor, Adagio *

, - (1750 - 1819) -

65400721_1287286272_37e53259717a (110x35, 1Kb)

63860592_99 (160x35, 8Kb)


, 02 2013 . 12:23 +
Arnusha [ + !]



Luciano Torsi.

, 26 2013 . 16:41 +
_ [ + !]

Luciano Torsi.



, 15 2013 . 20:00 +
- [ + !]

, 1966 . : - . ... - , , . . , . . .

4964063_0_8fea5_e41f7a28_M (160x37, 6Kb)



, 11 2013 . 18:18 +
Madam_Irene [ + !]

,. .

783120 (700x697, 694Kb)




, 09 2013 . 16:28 +
[ + !]


Frederick Waters Watts

Henry John Boddington

William Shayer




, 24 2012 . 13:13 +
_ [ + !]

. .



. John Atkinson Grimshaw ( )

, 17 2012 . 20:16 +
ovenca [ + !]

. John Atkinson Grimshaw ( )


AMossyGlen1864-vi (700x570, 189Kb)



, .
, , ,


   ,  Park, (577x700, 152Kb)




, 19 2012 . 23:27 +
_ [ + !]




Peter Mork Monsted

, 08 2012 . 15:21 +
__ [ + !]

Peter Mork Monsted.



Jian Ye Liu

, 21 2012 . 18:09 +
teanika [ + !]

Jian Ye Liu

Jian Ye Liu



, 15 2012 . 23:00 +
- [ + !]


1925 , 312 550 , . 1980 , 1- 1982 , 1982 1984 , 1993 1996 .
, . . . , , . , . , . .



, 05 2012 . 22:16 +
[ + !]


Manuel Barron y Carrillo




, 05 2012 . 16:48 +
[ + !]


Glendening Alfred Augustus




Colin W. Burns

, 02 2012 . 12:51 +
PKFNF [ + !]

Colin W. Burns.

       - Colin W. Burns. ( Norfolk ) 1944 .     ,     . ,   , .

The Thames at Westminster.  

On the Thames, London  

Mallard alighting, Thurne, Norfolk  

Glen Feshie, Inverness-shire, Scotland  




, 26 2012 . 23:07 +
Sergey1958 [ + !]


- , 1965 . .
1987 . .. .
, , , .
1989 -.
1992. .
1993-2006.- , .
1998 .

1 (700x546, 110Kb)


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