
  • (4)
  • (1)
  • (48)
  • (4)
  • (32)
  •     (5)
  •     (1)
  •     (2)
  •     (8)
  • (222)
  •     (12)
  •    - (14)
  •     " " (58)
  •     (10)
  •     (51)
  • (230)
  •     (86)
  •     (4)
  •     - (21)
  • "" (4)
  • (17)
  • (318)
  •     (26)
  •     (1)
  • (11)
  •     (7)
  • (107)
  • , . (5)
  • (86)
  •     (2)
  •     (15)
  •    - (28)
  •     (12)
  • (162)
  • (17)
  • (43)
  • (20)
  • (7)
  • (21)
  • , (28)
  • (9)
  • , (2)
  • (32)
  • (39)
  • (18)
  • (32)
  • - (4)
  • / , , (53)
  • (204)
  •    ATC (1)
  •    , (10)
  •    - (10)
  •     (31)
  •     (34)
  •    . (78)
  •     (28)
  • (84)
  • (12)
  • (17)
  • (2)
  • (11)
  • - (41)
  •     (2)
  • (11)
  • (47)
  • (6)
  • (15)
  • (41)
  • (46)
  • (132)
  •     - (25)
  •    , (6)
  •     (53)
  • . (6)
  • (3)



 - e-mail



: 29.02.2012
: 2294
: 214
: 2631



: (3), .(6), (132), (46), (41), (15), (6), (47), (11), - (41), (11), (2), (17), (12), (84), (204), / , , (53), -(4), (32), (18), (39), (32), , (2), (9), , (28), (21), (7), (20), (43), (17), (162), (86), , .(5), (107), (11), (318), ""(4), (230), (222), (32), (4), (48), (1), (4)

. !

, 15 2017 . 04:31 +
Mellodika [ + !]


1. Are you kidding? - ?
2. Are you shitting me? - ?
3. Are you sure? - ?
4. Are you positive? - ?
5. Believe it or not - ,
6. Eyes were going to pop out of one's head -
7. Fancy that! - !
8. How could you approach him unnoticed? - ?
9. How in the world can you do that? - , ?
10. How could you say that to her for God's sake? - , , ?
11. Incredible! - !
12. It's impossible! - !
13. It can't be true! - !
14. I can't believe it! - !
15. I'm speechless! - !
16. I am shocked! - !
17. I am astounded! - !
18. I was surprised at her being honest. - , .
19. I never would have thought it possible! - , !
20. I'm sure he's lying. - , .
21. I would never have expected such an answer! - !
22. I didn't expect Jo to come on time. - , .
23. It took my breath away! - !
24. It's too good to be true! - , !
25. It comes as no surprise that Jane dumped him after the honeymoon. - , .
26. I can't imagine you did that. - , .
27. I'll believe it when pigs fly! - , .
28. I just can't believe we are together again. - , .
29. It was the first time in living memory -
30. Mary has come to my wedding, what a surprise! - , !
31. Marta got the sack after her presentation, No kidding? - , ?
32. My foot! - !
33. No-one could really believe their eyes -
34. No wonder he failed! - , !
35. No shit! - !
36. Really? - ?
37. That's a good one! - !
38. They published my article, I'm dreaming! - , , : !
39. To be startled - ,
40. To be speechless - , ( , )
41. To blink, as if you have seen a ghost - , (: , )
42. To get the shock of one's life - ; .
43. Unbelievable! - !
44. To catch one's breath -
45. To faint -
46. To jump out of one's skin - , ( )
47. To make smb. jump - , ( , )
48. Would you believe it? - ?
49. You must be joking! - , , !
50. You're joking, right? - , , ?
51. You're pulling my leg, aren't you? - , ?
52. You, of all people! - ? !
53. You were invited to the show. How amazing! - . !
54. You're not serious! - !
55. You don't say! - !
56. You could have knocked me down with a feather - , , ; .
57. Who could have imagined that? - ?
58. Who would have thought you would marry Nick? - , ?
6aA9NxQql7s (700x700, 160Kb)


, 04 2015 . 05:59 +
Nonochka2 [ + !]

take (514x417, 204Kb)

came (518x417, 210Kb)

get (492x388, 208Kb)

go (604x492, 276Kb)

make (253x199, 69Kb)

look (604x483, 273Kb)

have (604x512, 270Kb)


: " "

, 05 2015 . 07:42 +
Milendia_Solomarina [ + !]

"Private detective Jack Stark" -, . . . - , . .  OceanoMultimedia - . 

8- youtube.com .

1. “The case of the missing husband” ( )  

40   (. SUB)

1.The case of the missing husband - , , , , , .

2 «The island adventure» ( ).




, 05 2015 . 07:20 +
Milendia_Solomarina [ + !]

, - "" . , - - "" - "walking",

45- . 1 -, 2,3 - - - - , .

, :

anglag (543x235, 89Kb)

. (Indefinite), .. , ,

. (Continuous), .. ,

. (Perfect), .. , .




, 05 2015 . 06:28 +
Milendia_Solomarina [ + !]



, 05 2015 . 06:08 +
Milendia_Solomarina [ + !]


, 05 2015 . 06:03 +
Milendia_Solomarina [ + !]

, - , - - ...


44_34 (472x480, 50Kb)



. .

. . .

---->>>> -
cap_cake (700x411, 205Kb)

" ":
1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 - .
41 - !
42 - SMS .
43 - , : !



, 05 2015 . 05:59 +
Smorodinka87 [ + !]

2142731 (350x447, 21Kb)


1) Can You hear me?.. — ?...
2) Undressed custom model —
3) Manicure —
4) I’m just asking —
5) I have been there —
6) God only knows —
7) We are the champions —
8) You feel alright —
9) Bye bye baby, baby good bye — ,
10) To be or not to be —
11) I fell in love —
12) Just in case —
13) I will never give up —
14) Oh, dear — , .
15) I saw my honey today —
16) I’m going to make you mine —
17) May God be with you —
18) Finnish people —
19) Bad influence —
20) Phone seller —
21) Good products —
22) Let’s have a party —
23) Watch out! — !
24) I know his story well —
25) Press space bar to continue —
26) I’ve just saw your balance sheet — ...
27) Let it be! — !

1 - :)
2 - :)


Basic Time Scheme

, 12 2015 . 11:48 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

10926381_917669978257871_1979957465547130772_n (700x671, 73Kb)


, 12 2015 . 10:58 +
[ + !]

By the way… - .
A drop in the bucket -
And so on and so forth - .. ..
As drunk as a lord -
As I said before… - ..
As innocent as a babe unborn -
As sure as eggs is eggs -
As to... (As for…) - …
Believe it or not, but - ,
Did I get you right? - ?
Don’t mention it -
Don’t take it to heart -
Forgive me, please, I meant well. - ,
He is not a man to be trifled with -
I am afraid you are wrong - ,
I didn’t catch the last word -
I mean it -
I was not attending -
If I am not mistaken -
If I remember rightly -
In other words… -
In short… -
It does you credit -
It doesn’t matter -
It is a good idea -
It is new to me -
Let us hope for the best -
May I ask you a question? - ?
Mind your own business -
Most likely -
Neither here nor there - ,
Next time lucky -
Nothing much -
Oh, that. That explains it -
On the one hand … -
On the other hand … -
Say it again, please - ,
That's where the trouble lies - !
Things happen -
What do you mean by saying it? - ?
What is the matter? - ?
Where were we? - ?
You were saying? - - ?

1 -
2 - -
14 - C
15 - --
16 -


, 08 2014 . 17:56 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

Dear Sirs, Dear Sir or Madam ( )
Dear Mr, Mrs, Miss or Ms ( ; Ms, "Mrs or Miss")
Dear Frank, ( )

2. , .
Thank you for your e-mail of (date). ()
Further to your last e-mail. .
I apologise for not getting in contact with you before now. , .
Thank you for your letter of the 5th of March. 5
With reference to your letter of 23rd March 23
With reference to your advertisement in "The Times"

I am writing to enquire about , .
I am writing to apologise for , .
I am writing to confirm , .
I am writing in connection with .
We would like to point out that. ...

Could you possibly. .
I would be grateful if you could . , ...
I would like to receive ..
Please could you send me. .

5. .
I would be delighted to . ...
I would be happy to .
I would be glad to .

Unfortunately . .
I am afraid that . , .
I am sorry to inform you that , .
We regret to inform you that. , .

We are pleased to enclose ... .
Attached you will find ... ...
We enclose ... .
Please find attached (for e-mails) .

8. .
Thank you for your letter of
Thank you for enquiring .
We would like to thank you for your letter of ... .

9. .
We would also like to inform you ... .
Regarding your question about ... .
In answer to your question (enquiry) about ... .
I also wonder if. .

10. .
I am a little unsure about. .
I do not fully understand what. .
Could you possibly explain. .

I'm writing to let you know that. , .
We are able to confirm to you. .
I am delighted to tell you that. .
We regret to inform you that. , .

Would you like me to.? ().?
If you wish, I would be happy to. , .
Let me know whether you would like me to. , .

267 (300x184, 64Kb)


"to give"

, 11 2014 . 17:07 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

10417682_651435671615068_7858745942322275599_n (604x482, 46Kb)


Irregular verbs

, 18 2014 . 17:31 +
allxandra [ + !]

, !

 fight - fought - fought
 weep - wept - wept,
 sleep - slept - slept.

 buy - bought - bought
 pay - paid - paid,
 lay - laid - laid,
 think - thought - thought,



. " " - Breakfast at Tiffany's

, 15 2014 . 13:57 +
Milendia_Solomarina [ + !]

, ! ,

odry0 (492x700, 131Kb) .

" " ո ,   , :-)

odry4 (500x266, 118Kb) .

ո (. Audrey Hepburn, /ˈhebən/ /ˈhebə:n/ ), ,

odry5 (533x398, 193Kb)




, 15 2014 . 13:46 +
Milendia_Solomarina [ + !]


-mail.ru ( ), , , !!!! - 3- . , :-)



, 01 2013 . 17:49 +
pmos_nmos [ + !]

1ak (700x495, 264Kb)

2ak (700x495, 267Kb)


20 , .

, 20 2013 . 13:03 +
Happy__baby [ + !]

 : [1]