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: 01.06.2012
: 3573
: 57
: 3799


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: (4)

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, 26 2014 . 12:19 +
[ + !]

1994 , .
, , .

throw-threw-thrown, ()
fly-flew-flown, ()
catch-caught-caught, ()
bring-brought-brought. ()
Fling-flung-flung ? ()
Cling-clung-clung , ()
, , say-said-said, ()
hear-heard-heard, ()
feel-felt-felt ()
kneel-knelt-knelt... ( )
Cost-cost-cost !!! ()

:/ )) (, ,)


Body Verbs

, 23 2014 . 16:11 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

Breathe .
While I breathe, I hope. , .
When we breathe in, or inhale, our diaphragm contracts and moves downward. , .

Yawn .
She yawned good night. , .
Why do I yawn when Im tired? , ?

Cough .
If he coughs she immediately runs to him. , .
The smoke in the room made her cough. - .

If he wasnt sleeping, he was hiccoughing. , .
She was crying and hiccoughing at the same time. .

Sneeze .
If you just sneezed, something was probably irritating the inside of your nose. , , - .
Sneezing used to be thought of as a means for the body to drive out evil spirits. , .

Sigh . (sigh of relief), , . , (sigh heavily).
When he is here, I sigh with relief. , .
She sighed and said: You are right. : .

Snore . .
Yesterday she snored her head off. .
Is there a cure for snoring? ?

Chew .
Can I chew gum while Im pregnant? , ?
My dog continues to chew my blanket. .

Rumble ( ).
Whats happening when your stomach rumbles? , ?
How to stop stomach rumbling in exam? ?

Swallow . ?
How can I make my daughter swallow a pill? ?
My dog died because he swallowed the squeaker in a dog toy. , .

Suck , .
My father often sucks raw eggs. () .
A child usually sucks his thumb! .

Lick , .
The cat licked up the milk. .
I licked the chocolate off my fingers. .

Bite , .
I have a bad habit. I often bite my nails. . .
Why does my cat bite my hand when I stroke her? , ?

, bite. : bite bit bitten. .

Blink , .
Why do we blink our eyes? ?
Ive got something in my eye. Dont rub it. Try to blink several times. - . . .

Wink , .
Have you winked at anyone this week? - ?
What does it mean when a girl winks at a guy? ?

Frown , .
He was trying to excuse but she frowned and refused to listen to him. , .
Do you smile or frown more? ?

Grin , .
I grinned my approval. .
What are you grinning about? ( )?

Blush , , . .
I dont know what made her blush so. , .
She always blushes when she speaks in public. , .

Perspire / sweat , .
My hands dont perspire. .
She drank very little but she sweated a lot. , .

Tremble , .
My whole body trembled. .
Her voice trembled with excitement. .

Shiver , , .
My sister seemed depressed and she often shivers. , .
Why do we shiver when we are cold? , ?
33753-Breathe-In-Breathe-Out-Move-On (500x500, 180Kb)
:/ )) (, ,)


to be

, 23 2014 . 15:49 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

1. to be after somebody -; -

Quick, hide me, the police are after me!

2. to be away ,

He is away at the moment.

3. to be down to somebody - -

It is down to you to wash dishes.

4. to be in/out / ,

I was out this morning when you called.

5. to be into something - -

She is really into painting.

6. to be off , ; ,

She was off school all last week with her cold.

10441254_767912949897071_2845948840206171686_n (700x700, 148Kb)
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/Household chores

, 17 2014 . 17:09 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

household_chores 1 (700x377, 101Kb)
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, 24 2014 . 17:51 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]


1. Hello/ good bye - /
2. Good morning! / Good afternoon! / Good evening! - ! / /
3. Please thank you - /
4. Sorry -
5. I don't understand. -
6. Please speak more slowly. - , , .
7. Could you repeat that? - ?
8. What is your name? - ?
9. My name is . . . . - ...
10. Nice to meet you! -
ace6f33003544d992e5c404141092241_b (600x333, 37Kb)

:/ )) (, ,)


At the bank

, 13 2014 . 21:50 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

There are some special words and phrases that we need to understand and be ready to use at the bank.

These phrases are the most important expressions that we use.

Intermediary-banking-services (401x299, 181Kb)

The cashier () is the person who serves you in a bank. They are usually behind a glass screen for security. In the US they are called 'tellers'.

A bank account ( ) is the record of how much money that you keep in the bank. There are many different kinds of account.

'Current account' ( ) means that you can take the money quickly whenever you want.

'High interest account' ( ) is another record of money that you keep in the bank for a long time. Every month the bank pays you a little money (interest) for keeping a lot of money in the account.

The balance () is how much money you have at one time in one account. You can ask 'I'd like to know the balance of my current account'.

A cash/debit card ( ) is another way to take out money. You put it in a machine, type some numbers and it gives you money.

A hole-in-the-wall() is the machine that you can take money from with a cash card. In the US, they are called A.T.Ms.

You have an overdraft ( ) when you take out more money than you have in your account. You have minus money (e.g. -50 pounds).

If you have an overdraft you are overdrawn (adjective) and we say that your account is 'in the red' ( ). In the black ( ) is the opposite.

A standing order ( ) is some money that the bank automatically pays to somebody from your account every month. In the UK, we often pay for gas / electricity / telephone like this.

Sometimes you need to put/place/deposit money into an account ( )

But mostly you use your cash card to withdraw money from an account ( )
:/ )) (, ,)



, 21 2013 . 22:44 +
_ [ + !]

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, 24 2013 . 13:47 +

§ 1.


this, that, these, those, such

, (this, these) (that, those) .

This house is not mine, mine is that green cottage next to it.
– , – .


this (, , ) these ()
that (, , ) those ()

, , , :

This is our secretary.
– . ( )

Mom, dad, this is Jennifer, my girlfriend.
, , – , .

, , , this :

This summer is so rainy.

That :

Many small companies went bankrupt that summer.
:/ )) (, ,)


"a word in ones ear"

, 18 2013 . 14:11 +

"a word in one’s ear" :

1. ; 2. -.

"a word in season"


"a word out of season"


A word to the reader
«() »

"A word to the wise"

:/ )) (, ,)



, 17 2013 . 11:02 +


catch one's breath - ,

Jimmy stopped to catch his breath; he had been running fast.
, .

hold one's breath -

The little girl held her breath when she saw a beautiful doll in the shop window.
, , .

save one's breath - ; ,

I had a lot of questions to ask her, but looking how upset she was, I thought I'd better save my breath.
, , , .

take (someone's) breath away - , -

The unexpected news of my uncle's generosity has taken my breath away.

waste one's breath - ,

I felt I was wasting my breath, trying to convince Wanda not to quit her job.
, , .
:/ )) (, ,)


, 17 2013 . 11:01 +

: my, your, his, her, its, our, their, mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs . My book is black and his is yellow. – , – . (cojoint) (absolute) . (my, your, his, her, our, their) : My cat is 5 years old. 5 . (mine, yours, his, hers, ours, yours, theirs) : What hedgehogs like to drink? – Mine likes milk. ? – . I () my (, , , ) mine he () his () his she () her () hers it () its (, ) – we () our (, , , ) ours you () your (, , , ) yours they () their () theirs : its . (it’s) – it is. . (-), : I’ve lost my new keys. .

:/ )) (, ,)



, 25 2013 . 22:37 +

, .

Good news

Breaking good news is easy – :

  1. - Hey, guess what? (: ", ?". – " ?")

    - What?

    - I've found a person, who can meet us at at the airport and show us around the town.

    ( , )

  2. I've got some good news for you. Paul and I are having a baby boy.

    ( . )

  3. - Believe it or not, but I just won a competition!

    - No way! I'm really happy for you. So what did you win?

    - A bag of peanuts. You know how I love peanuts, don't you?

    - , , !

    - ! . ?

    - . .

  4. On top of that, I’ve got one extra bit of good news I think you might want to hear.

    ( , , )

Bad news

The way you break bad news is very important. You have to make sure that a person is ready to receive the bad news. Try to break it gently and slowly.

( . , . :) )

  1. - You can take my camera with you. I want a lot of pictures from your trip.

    - Speaking of the camera, there is something I have to tell you about it...

    You don't have one anymore. I accidentally dropped it in the aquarium.

    - . .

    - , - ... . .

  2. If you are telling your boyrfriend that you don't like him anymore, you might want to offer a guy a chair.

    ( , , )

    - Please, sit down. I hate to tell you, but I think we should break up... *weep and howl* ... You know what, the good news is you can keep the gift I got you for our anniversary.

    (, . , ... *(: -)*... , . , .)

  3. Do you remember the governor's words from Gogol's comedy play?

    "I have called you together, gentlemen, to tell you an unpleasant piece of news. An Inspector-General is coming"

    ( ? " , , . ")

:/ )) (, ,)


- .

, 19 2013 . 20:06 +


know the score -

I am surprised that Mr. Davidson doesn't know the score about what is going on in his company.
, , .

out of breath - ,

Jim stopped near the entrance; he was out of breath because he had been running.
; , .

first-run - ,

The first-run of the new movie will take place next week.

bring (someone) into line - -

The coach was able to bring the members of the team into line.

close the books (on someone or something) - , -/ -

I had to close the books on my desire to go to the North Pole.
:/ )) (, ,)



, 05 2013 . 00:42 +

. , .

  • .

FT/PT server wanted for busy pub/rest in downtown TO
Must have serving exp and full avail
Min wage + tips

, .

FT/PT - full-time ( ) part-time ( ).

FT/PT server - .

wanted "".

pub/rest - public restaurant (. ). pub .

pub/rest busy. busy "", "", " ". 

downtown .

TO Toronto.

Must have "() ".

exp experience - "".

Serving exp - .

full avail full availability (. ). .

Min wage - minimum wage, .. .

Tips - , ,

:/ )) (, ,)


, 11 2012 . 14:54 +

( ), , , :

1. (a, the, his)
2. , (good, bad, terrible, nice)
3. (large, little, tiny)
4. (new, young, old)
5. (square, round)
6. (red, yellow, green)
7. (French, lunar, American, eastern, Greek)
8. (wooden, metal, cotton, paper)
9. (sleeping)


a silly young English man

, , ,

a huge round metal bowl

, , ,

father’s small red sleeping bag

, , ,

- , : , , :

funny little children


one of the oldest American towns

the most fashionable French dress
:/ )) (, ,)


, 30 2012 . 15:50 +

A policeman was patrolling near midnight at a local parking spot overlooking a golf course. He drove by a car and saw a couple inside with the dome light on. Inside there was a young man in the driver's seat reading a computer magazine and a young lady in the back seat calmly knitting.

He stopped to investigate.

He walked up to the driver's window and knocked. The young man looked up, obligingly cranked the window down, and said, "Yes, Officer?"

"What are you doing?" the policeman asked.

"What does it look like?" answered the young man. "I'm reading this magazine."

Pointing towards the young lady in the back seat, the officer then asked, "And what is she doing?"

The young man looked over his shoulder and replied, "I think she's knitting a sweater."

Confused, the officer asked, "How old are you, young man?"

"I'm nineteen," he replied.

"And how old is she?" asked the officer.

The young man looked at his watch and said, "Well, in about twelve minutes she'll be eighteen."

:/ )) (, ,)


2. -

, 30 2012 . 15:49 +

in the clear -

At first the police suspected David, but after they talked to him he was in the clear.
, .

for dear life - , ( )

He jumped on the running board of the car and hang on for dear life.

long face - ,

He pulled a long face when he heard the news of his former girlfriend’s engagement.
, .

bide one`s time -

"Bide your time and the opportunity of a good job will present itself."

wipe the floor with (someone) - -

Rick was ready to wipe the floor with the man who had insulted him.
, .
:/ )) (, ,)



, 30 2012 . 15:47 +

(a) one , , , .

: , .

() :

There is a ball on the grass.
. ( , , )

, .

, , , , :

A kitten is a young cat.
– .

, , , .


This task will take me an hour.
() .

«», «», «» . .:

I’d like a whiskey.
() .

Let’s drink a coffee or two?
, - ? 
:/ )) (, ,)



, 10 2012 . 19:48 +

1. to run — , ( -)

2. to dash — , , , , , ( , , , - )

3. to dart — , , , , , , , , ( , )

4. to tear — , , , , , ( - )

5. to charge — (), ( -)

6. to sprint — , , ( )

7. to trot — , , (, )

8. to bound — , , ( , )

9. to break into a run — , , ( )

10. to jog — , ,

11. to scurry — , , , , ( , )

12. to scamper — , , , , , , , ( , )

13. to scuttle — , , , , , , , ( , )


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, 14 2012 . 00:07 +
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 : [1]