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: 06.01.2008
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: 20 ?!

, 08 2010 . 10:05 +
21 , , , , .

 (700x525, 63Kb)

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, . , , , , . 1989 .
____ / / Cosmos
/ Alien technology
, .


: Birds Of Paradise/

, 24 2010 . 17:11 +

Birds Of Paradise

Who are you who am I?
Is it real do we touch the sky?
Nothing's real - all disguise
said the birds of paradise.

I'm afraid can't you see
tell me where do you carry me.
You will soon realize
said the birds of paradise.

Flying home flying home
to the land that you once have known
To the peace that once was true
for a little girl like you.
Flying home flying home
from a world that is made of stone
Till your heart is light and free
like it once was meant to be.
/ Alien technology
, .
-, / PHOTO Artists_ ARTISTS
, , , /Videos, TRAILERS


: - - - -

, 13 2010 . 12:13 +
 (130x135, 10Kb)
: http://www.liveinternet.ru/search/?q=%C2%C8%CA%D2%...1=&m1=&y1=&d2=&m2=&y2=&p=1&m=1


" " ".
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3-4 ! , . , , .

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? 52.

 (310x173, 4Kb)
____ /, ,


: / UFO - *The Greatest Story Ever Denied* - HD.

, 01 2010 . 09:28 +
" - "



: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7nw3gPgSGg

____ / / Cosmos
, / _Secret World_Illum
"", , , , , .
/ Alien technology
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, , , /Videos, TRAILERS


2012: Galactic Federation Of Light - Saint Gemain - March 25 2010

, 26 2010 . 13:55 +

, -.

, Grid.

, . , , Eons . .

9/9/09 , . 12/12/09, .

1000 , , .
, , , , Black Ops: , .
____ /, ,
____ / / Cosmos
, / _Secret World_Illum
"", , , , , .
, , , /Videos, TRAILERS



, 17 2010 . 16:11 +
____ / / Cosmos
/ Alien technology
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, , , /Videos, TRAILERS


2012: ? - . 2

, 17 2010 . 09:01 +
 (700x469, 110Kb)

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, 3000 5000. , , , , , ( ), ( ) . , VI .

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____ /, ,
____ / / Cosmos
/ Alien technology
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, 15 2010 . 05:58 +
____ / / Cosmos
/ Alien technology
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, , , /Videos, TRAILERS


: * */ The Secret KGB UFO Files

, 03 2010 . 05:39 +

: : The Secret KGB UFO Files

: 2003 :
: / Dan Goldman


" " , .

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____ / / Cosmos
/ Alien technology
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, , , /Videos, TRAILERS


: -

, 25 2010 . 08:04 +

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____ /, ,
____ / / Cosmos
, / _Secret World_Illum
"", , , , , .
/ Alien technology
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, , , /Videos, TRAILERS


: Nidle - 10 EST .

, 19 2010 . 09:23 +
 (700x120, 38Kb)

Tonight at 10pm EST Florida UFO Radio welcomes Special guest Sheldon Nidle. His first extraterrestrial and UFO experiences began shortly after his birth and were highlighted all through his childhood by various modes of contact phenomena, as well as accompanying manifestations - light-form communications, extraterrestrial visitations, and teaching/learning sessions on board spacecraft. During most of his life. Sheldan is a representative and lecturer for the Galactic Federation of Light and, in November 1997, founded the Planetary Activation Organization (PAO). This will be a big show, don't miss it.

Florida UFO Radios main website is now a .com www.floridauforadio.com

To listen to tonights show http://www.blogtalkradio.com/floridaufos/2010/02/19/guest-shelden-nidle

10 EST Nidle.

, - , , .
/ Alien technology
, .


with spirit guide Gregory Haye: , , , Crop Circles

, 18 2010 . 09:07 +
Part 1/6 - Moon Landing, UFOs & E.T Disclosure, Visiting Races, Crop Circles - Deep Trance Channelling Message Part 2/6 - Moon Landing, UFOs & E.T Disclosure, Visiting Races, Crop Circles - Deep Trance Channelling Message

1 / 6 - , & ET , , Crop Circles - Deep Trance 2 / 6 - , & ET , , Crop Circles - .

Journeys into Consciousness 7 - Moon Landing, UFOs, E.Ts, Disclosure, Visiting Races, Crop Circles

In today's deep trance channelling show we discussed the following topics with spirit guide Gregory Haye:

E.T Races (Raptures, Greys and Other Humanoid Races) Gregory also confirmed that there is a race of Raptures that had been here at one time, not a particularly nice race by all accounts as they can be extremely manipulative and self serving with little or no emotions. These sound very similar to the Reptilians spoken about by David Icke. However there are other extremely friendly races visiting us as well who have been here a very long time, most groups have a vested interest in our spiritual evolution. However we do need to be discerning as there are still other self serving groups who would love nothing better than for us to destroy ourselves. He also confirmed that the Greys were and still are involved in abductions for their own means.

Moon Landings - 5 Mile Ships
Gregory confirmed that the Moon landings had been closely watched by other E.T races. The astronauts witnessed other worldly craft that stretched over 5 miles in length.
____ / / Cosmos
/ Alien technology
, .



, 15 2010 . 09:47 +

One of the loveliest pieces of music ever written illustrated with photos of the open sky, artwork, the aurora borealis / northern lights and cloud-ships; culminating in a striking double UFO shot ~

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: , , Aurora Borealis / "" ; UFO ~
____ / / Cosmos
/ Alien technology
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-, / PHOTO Artists_ ARTISTS
, , , /Videos, TRAILERS


/ Crop circle: 4

, 15 2010 . 07:19 +
Important message for human race from stars - cz

This does not need any description, it's just the next step in human evolution.

Crop circle was found just 17 mi = 27 km east from Stonehenge, the famous astronomical site in England, in the village Chilbolton - Chilbolton Observatory, Hampshire, UK.

, .

17 MI = 27 , , Chilbolton - Chilbolton , , .


Here full presentation from 2005:

-, / PHOTO Artists_ ARTISTS/ / Nature photo
____ / / Cosmos
/ Alien technology
, .


: 51 - Confessions of an Area 51 Employee Part 3 (Underground Base) -

, 14 2010 . 10:59 +
1. Confessions of an Area 51 Employee

DISCLAIMER: I am not, nor ever have been, an employee of the federal government. All claims made about myself and my experiences in this video, are entirely fictitious.

My life behind one of the most guarded fences in the world (or what little I can tell of it).

For those having difficulty understanding what I am saying, this is a transcript:

Hello there. First of all, I would like to offer you my real name. However, given the sensitive nature of what I am attempting to undertake here, I think you will understand that that is not at all possible. So, I will use an alias. Since I am stressed for time and lacking imagination, lets just go with the generic "Mr. X."

Now, you are probably wondering why I feel the need to do this. The fact is, I am a true patriot. I love my country, and I love serving it. I don't mean to sound self-righteous, but it's the truth. I would do anything for my country. Dying for it would be trivial. I would be tortured, I would--I think you understand.

But before I digress, without being too specific, I served for several years in one of the armed forces. Due to circumstances that will remain undisclosed, I became an employee of what is popularly known as "Area 51." Needless to say, I was overjoyed at the opportunity serve my country at this elite level. Even though my tasks were menial and mundane--to say the least--just, just to be there, at the centerpoint, the nucleus of American military might.

Anyway, I don't have time to bask in past my glory, because a dark time would come thereafter--and that's what I need to get off my chest.

But first off, I need to correct something that I said earlier. I said that I was an employee of Area 51. I am not an employee of Area 51 per se, in the fact that I work for the governmental entity that exists in side the base. What I am, is part of the special military force that guards the perimeter of the facility. What's often known in Area 51 lore as the "camo dudes." I'm one of them.

Now, before I get into the meat of what I have to say, I feel the need to dispell some popular... (I almost refered to Area 51 by it's confidential name! Can't do that!) But, anyway, I still feel the need to dispell some popular rumors about Area 51. And this is going to burst the bubbles of all the ufologists, but in my tenure as an Area 51 employee, I have not seen a single speck of evidence that suggests that extraterrestrials of any kind have ever visited this planet. In fact, I've seen the exact opposite. I've seen black ops within Area 51 perpetrating UFO hoaxes to divert attention from their genuine projects and opperations. And you will understand why, in my next segment--if I'm still alive! (I say that tongue-in-cheek...) But you will understand why they are so intent to divert attention away. These--are some disturbing stuff, and I'll save that for my next segment, because I believe I am just about out of time for now.

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( , ).

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. , . , , , , , . , . , "- X."
____ / / Cosmos
, / _Secret World_Illum
"", , , , , .
/ Alien technology
, .


/UFO: . 4

, 08 2010 . 02:10 +
1. UFO Italy

An UFO above a river in Italy.

____ / / Cosmos
/ Alien technology
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, , , /Videos, TRAILERS


: Spaceships/ ? -

, 01 2010 . 09:34 +
1. UFOs & Flying Saucers? They Came From the Sky.... Invasion of the Lenticular Clouds

UFOs & Flying Saucers? They Came From the Sky....And then they attacked...What are they? Lenticular clouds!
Possibly, a number of UFOs and what appear to be flying saucers, are in fact lenticular clouds. Music: Beethoven 9th Symphony (music arranged/edited by R. Joseph). From the mind of Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D.

? ! , , , , , .

: 9- (Music / . ). Rhawn , .
-, / PHOTO Artists_ ARTISTS/ / Nature photo
____ / / Cosmos
/ Alien technology
, .


UFO: Contact - Former Canadian Defence Minister.

, 13 2010 . 15:17 +
UFO Contact - Former Canadian Defence Minister

UFO - Extraterrestrial Contact

Former Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer

Exposing the truth regards to UFO / Unidentified Flying Objects & Extraterrestrial Life.

Recorded at the April 2008 X-Conference at the National Press Club, Washington D.C

Disclosure Project was set up and headed by Dr. Steven Greer in 1993. To date, four hundred such witnesses have been identified throughout the world and spanning every branch of the armed services, the NRO, DIA, CIA, NASA, the former USSR, and other agencies and countries.

High-level witnesses include Doctors, Scientists, and Government Officials testimonies.

2001 Disclosure Project: (MOST INTERESTING)

2008 Disclosure Project:

MORE interesting interviews - Project Camelot:

INTERESTING INTERVIEW: Retired Command Sergeant Major Robert Dean:
Project Camelot:

____ / / Cosmos
/ Alien technology
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, , , /Videos, TRAILERS


: Alien Underwater Base/ - found on Google Earth?

, 07 2010 . 10:20 +

Incredible finding on Google Earth of a really big underwater complex.Is it an Alien Underwater Base?
____ / / Cosmos
/ Alien technology
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, , , /Videos, TRAILERS


: user CmdrAleon - *Ashtar Galactic Command* -

, 07 2010 . 09:40 +
/ Alien technology
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, , , /Videos, TRAILERS


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