
  • (19)
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  • . (14)
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  • - . (12)
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  • . (15)
  • ? (19)
  • . (2)
  • . (5)
  • . (62)
  • . (0)
  • (15)
  • . (19)
  • . (5)
  • . (128)
  • . (85)
  • (10)
  • . (35)
  • . (117)
  • . (29)
  • . (25)


 - e-mail



: 25.08.2011
: 1185
: 56
: 1587



: .(25), .(29), .(117), .(14), .(35), (10), .(85), .(128), .(5), .(19), (15), .(0), .(62), .(5), .(2), ?(19), .(15), - .(12), .(135), .(153), .(14), .(86), .(81), (19)


, 18 2015 . 11:07 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

Impossible photography



, 26 2014 . 17:34 +
__1008 [ + !]

, , . . , , -ing : to read - reading . , . , , , .

to ask (, ) 4 .
() : asking ( ) having asked ().
() : being asked having been asked .

, , :
I know of your reading. , .

I insist on your going there now. , .


I like reading books. .

I like walking slowly. .

Running long distances requires much training. .

My favourite form of rest is reading. - .

I like reading books. .

I heard of his being sent to the South. , .

- ( of for)
I like his method of teaching. .

After working at some plant you will know your speciality better. , .

, , .
, , , , . Indefinite Gerund Active : reading , smoking , waiting .

Reading English newspapers helps in learning English. .

He likes playing chess. .

You can't learn English well without practicing every day. , .

I know of his having written a good article. , .

3769678_4444444 (410x247, 6Kb)



, 25 2014 . 16:26 +
__1008 [ + !]

3769678__6_ (700x490, 131Kb)



, 25 2014 . 16:20 +
__1008 [ + !]

"Una mela al giorno leva il dottore di torno." - .

"Nessun posto è bello come casa propria." - .

"In casa sua ciascuno è re." - .

"Cane non mangia cane." - .

"Niente uccide piu della calunnia." - , .

"Meglio poco che niente." - , .

"Chi ama me, ama il mio cane." - , .

"I modi fanno l'uomo." - .

"Chi non lavora, non mangia." - , .

"L'amore è cieco." - .

"Il primo amore non si scorda mai." - .

"Anno nuovo vita nuova." - - .

"Presto è bene roro avviene." - , .

"Chi beve birra campa cent'anni." - , .

"Gallina vecchia fa buon brodo." - .

"Carta canta, è villan dorme." - , .

Il bugiardo vuola buona memoria - .

La gente in case di vetro non dovrebbe gettare le pietre - , .

Una volta un ladro sempre un ladro - - .

Ogni regola ha un' eccezione - .

Uno chi fa il letto deve trovarsi in esso - , .

"Prendere due piccione con una fava." - , .

"Tempo è danaro." - - .

"Chi ha tempo non aspetti tempo." - , .

"Meglio tardi chi mai." - , .

"L'abito non fa il monaco." - , .

"L'unione fa la forza." - - .

"Chi troppo vuole nulla stringe." - , .

"Non tutt'oro quel che luce."
"Non tutto oro quello che luccica."
, .

"A caval donato non si guarda in bocca." - .

"Fredo di mano, caldo di cuore." - , .

"Sfortunato al gioco, fortunato in amore." - , .

"Il denaro una chiave che apre tuttie le porte." - - .

"Il denaro fatto per essere speso." - , .

"L'erba cattiva non muore mai." - .

"Un belle gioco dura poco." - .

"Ogni cosa ha un limite." - .

"Si mangia per vivere, non si vive per mangiare." - , , , .

"Una mano lava, l'altra ( e tutt'e due lavano il viso )." - .

"Ogni medaglia ha il suo rovescio." - .

"I panni sporchi si lavano in casa ( o famiglia )." - .

"La parola è d'argento, il silenzio d'oro." - - , - .

3769678_XOtKhvD_olc (604x482, 33Kb)




, 21 2014 . 06:22 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]


For , .

It has been raining for three days.

I have studied English for six years.

Since , ( ) .

They have been married since 2005.

It has not rained since Monday.

Ago , .

I bought a bicycle four days ago.

The company was founded 30 years ago.

for (700x400, 30Kb)

: http://languagelearningbase.com/20380/expressing-d...mments-20380&show=20380#p20380



, 06 2014 . 20:08 +
[ + !]




( ) 




   (I, me, you, he, him, she, her, it, we, us, you, they, them)

   (my, mine, your, yours, his, her, hers, its, our, ours, your, yours, their, theirs)

-   (myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, oneself, ourselves .)

   (each other, one another)

   (this, these, that, those, such, the same, it)

   (who, whom, what, which, whose)

   (who, whom, what, which, whose, that)

   (no, none, neither, no one, nobody, nothing)

   (some, any, somebody, someone, something, anybody, anyone, anything, one)

   (all, both, either, each, every, everybody, everyone, everything, other, another)  

  (many, much, few, little, a few, a little, several)

, .   



The Present Indefinite (Simple)   
To be to have (got)    
The Present Continuous   
to be going to   
, Continuous 
The Present Perfect   
Present Perfect Past Indefinite   
The Present Perfect Continuous   

The Past Indefinite (Simple)
The Past Continuous
The Past Perfect
The Past Perfect Continuous 


The Future Indefinite (Simple)  
The Future Continuous  
The Future Perfect  
The Future Perfect Continuous 
The Future in the Past 




; .   

: can, may, must, ought (to)  
: to have (to), to be (to)  
: shall, should, will, would, need, dare  




Present Participle Simple  
Present Participle Perfect  
Past Participle (Participle II) 




, .    



there is 


 ( .)











- .




, 11 2013 . 10:15 +
Ananta [ + !]



Sehr angenehm.


Eine tolle Idee

Freut mich.


Was muß das muß

, .

Wie schön!



Das ist schade, wirklich sehr schade.

, .

Germ geschehen! (Keine Ursache)

Nichts zu danken


Natürlich. Sicher. Na clar!

. .

Danke! Ich danke Ihnen dafür



Das finde ich auch.


Das ist meine Fall

Raten Sie mal!


Gute Unterhaltung!


! !

Erraten! Ganz richtig! Genau! Das stimmt!

! ! !  

Nichts zu machen.

Nichts zu ändern.

. .

Wie geht´s?


Es ist soweit! Es ist höchste Zeit!

. .

Zwei bis drei

Moment mal. Augen Blick moment


So so la la

Mehr oder weniger


Was du nicht sagst


Danke, gut


Das glaube ich dir nicht


Nicht so schlecht aber nicht so gut


Verlieren wir keine Zeit

Es geht

Danke, für die Blumen

Alles in Ordnung

In der Regel

So wie immer

Ich wetter…

Oh, wie schade!


Ich bin nun mal so

Es kommt darauf an

Das ist privat

Etwas. Ein bisschen.


Ich habe meine Gründe dafür

Ich weiß es nicht!

Wie es nimmt

Ich bin frisch und munter

Ich habe keine Ahnung davon

. .

Soweit meine Information. Es ware alles.

. .

Das ist eine Üderraschung!

! .

Daheim ist daheim

, .

Wie es kommt

Irgendwann muß das möglich werden.

- .

Du lieber Himmel!

Du meine Güte!

! !



Aber selbstverständlich


Macht nichts



Genug davon



10 . 450

, 11 2013 . 09:59 +
Alina_RU_ [ + !]

10 . 450











10 :
  (179x105, 13Kb)

" ":



, 12 2013 . 14:10 +
ITDalee [ + !]

WordSteps – . (, , PC), .

1020871_6kyRIb4J41g (604x340, 72Kb)



( )

, 29 2013 . 18:06 +
beautiful__life [ + !]

( )

( )

- , , .. , - " ". ,  .

- , , . . , , . .

- . , .

- , . - 15-20 , .
, . , - .








20 ,

, 20 2013 . 07:54 +
Happy__baby [ + !]



. 16 .

, 16 2012 . 15:55 +
RosaKler [ + !]

. 16 .




, 25 2012 . 19:24 +
Ananta [ + !]


. , - :)

, ...

44_34 (472x480, 50Kb)



. .

, 06 2012 . 10:27 +
Sheree [ + !]

. .

. .

 (300x300, 25Kb)


http://denistutor.narod.ru/  - - , . , , , , .

http://www.englishtopic.narod.ru/ - English Topics and Texts - .

http://esl.report.ru/ - , , , , .

http://www.english4u.dp.ua/ - .



, 31 2012 . 09:33 +
Joker-6 [ + !]


27 , .


 : [1]