
  • (478)
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  • (471)
  •     (124)
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  •     (2)
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  • (288)
  •     (5)
  • , , (277)
  •     - (65)
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  • (146)
  • (139)
  •     (12)
  •     (6)
  •    - (4)
  • (122)
  • - (115)
  • - () (114)
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  • (101)
  • (100)
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  • (82)
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  •     (3)
  •     (2)
  • (66)
  • (66)
  • (66)
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  •     (14)
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  • (43)
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  • (20)
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  • (11)
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  • (8)
  • (8)
  • (6)
  • ( ) . - (6)
  • (5)
  • (5)
  • (4)
  • (4)
  • (3)
  • (2)
  • (1)
  • - (1)



 - e-mail



( : 2) __ _


: 04.04.2011
: 5319
: 116
: 5715


" ":
1 - . .
2 - - . -
3 - - . -
4 - - . -
5 - - . - .
6 - ?
7 - ? 1
8 - - ,
9 - .
10 -
11 - "" - .
12 -
13 - 10
14 - 6
15 -
16 -


: (58), ( ) . - (6), (8), (100), (9), (56), - ()(114), - (115), - (1), (82), (97), (146), (39), (102), (20), (28), (5), (471), (57), (185), (11), (5), (14), (95), (66), (52), (6), (43), (12), (3), (2), (11), , , (277), (21), (74), (31), (1), (32), (101), (139), (333), (478), (4), (66), (122), (35), (66), (4), (288), (10), (429), (162), (42), (43), (36), (8), (20)

. .

, 11 2011 . 21:05 +
_ [ + !]

. .






- . -

, 16 2011 . 20:41 +
Basja_U [ + !]

- . -

" ":

1 -
2 -
3 - ()
4 -
5 - - . -
6 - - . -
7 - - . -
30 - . .
31 - The Prestige online
32 - , TED


1 - ()
2 - - . -
3 - - . -
4 - - . -
30 - .
31 - . / , /
32 - . /


- . -

, 16 2011 . 20:46 +
Basja_U [ + !]

- . -

" ":

1 -
2 -
5 - - . -
6 - - . -
7 - - . -
8 - - . -
9 - - . - .
30 - . .
31 - The Prestige online
32 - , TED


1 - ()
2 - - . -
3 - - . -
4 - - . -
5 - - . -
6 - - . - .
30 - .
31 - . / , /
32 - . /


- . -

, 16 2011 . 20:51 +
Basja_U [ + !]

- . -

" ":

1 -
2 -
6 - - . -
7 - - . -
8 - - . -
9 - - . - .
10 - - . - .
30 - . .
31 - The Prestige online
32 - , TED


1 - ()
2 - - . -
3 - - . -
4 - - . -
5 - - . -
6 - - . - .
7 - - . - .
30 - .
31 - . / , /
32 - . /


- . - .

, 16 2011 . 20:51 +
Basja_U [ + !]

- . - .

" ":

1 -
2 -
7 - - . -
8 - - . -
9 - - . - .
10 - - . - .
11 -
30 - . .
31 - The Prestige online
32 - , TED


1 - ()
2 - - . -
4 - - . -
5 - - . -
6 - - . - .
7 - - . - .
8 - (1 2 )
30 - .
31 - . / , /
32 - . /



, 16 2011 . 21:00 +
_ [ + !]


. , - , .
25 ,    

1. some   any.
, ,  : «Have you got some drugs?» («  - ?») ,     any. : «Do you have any drugs?»

(«  - , ?»)

, >>>


? 1

, 16 2011 . 21:02 +
_ [ + !]

? 1

. . , . . , , - , .

, , , -, , . .

, - : , , ! ( ) . , : , , , , .

: , - , , . , , - .

, , . , , - - . !

buy-bought-bought ()
pay-paid-paid, ()
lay-laid-laid ()
think-thought-thought, ()

Smell-smelt-smelt ! ()

put-put-put ()
begin-began-begun ()
cut-cut-cut, ()
shut-shut-shut, ()
light-lit-lit, ()
hit-hit-hit. ()
ring-rang-rung ()
, , run-ran-run. ()
think-thought-thought, ()

Dig-dug-dug , ()
Come-came-come . ()
: Go-went-gone, (, )

fight-fought-fought, (, )
catch-caught-caught. (, )
bring-brought-brought, ()
get-got-got. ()

bite-bit-bitten, ()
eat-ate-eaten, ()
learn-learnt-learnt ()
burn-burnt-burnt. ()

meet-met-met, ()
keep-kept-kept. ()
, lose-lost-lost, ()
cost-cost-cost. ()

fly-flew-flown. ()
grow-grew-grown. ()
, blow-blew-blown, ()
know-knew-known. ()

find-found-found ()

become-became-become. ()
Give-gave-given ()

feed-fed-fed ()
- !

let-let-let. ()

lead-led-led: ()
dwell-dwelt-dwelt , ()
lie-lay-lain, ()

break-broke-broken ()
draw-drew-drawn, ()
Build-built-built . ()

Show-showed-shown ! ()
Shine-shone-shone, . ()
See-saw-seen . ()
Say-said-said : ()
Swim-swam-swum , ()
Spring-sprang-sprung ()

Read-read-read ()
Tell-told-told sing-sang-sung () ()


- ,

, 16 2011 . 21:09 +
Manini [ + !]

- ,




- , .




alt alternate
beg begining
bet between
BO bind off
CA color A ( )
CB color B B ( )
contrasting color ,
CDD centered double decrease : , , .
CN cable needle
CO cast on ,
cont continue
cross 2 L cross 2 stitches to the left , , .
cross 2 R cross 2 stitches to the right , , .
dec decrease
DPN = DP double pointed needles , ,
edge st edge stitch
end on RS end on right side .
end on WS end on wrong side .
EON end of needle
EOR end of row
every other row

FC front cross
FL front loop
fol follow
G st garter stitch : - , .
grp(s) group(s) ()
inc increase
K knit
K tbl = K1 tbl = K1b knit through the back loop
K-B knit stitch in row below : , , .
K1f&B=KFB knit 1 stitch in the front , then in the back . : - , - .
K2 tog knit 2 stitches together .
K2 tog tbl knit 2 stitches together through the back loop .
KLL knit left loop : , , , .
KRL knit right loop : , , .
KSP knit, slip, pass : , , . .
K2SP knit 2, slip, pass : , , . .
LC = cross 2 L    
LH left hand
lp(s) loop(s) ()
LT left twist , , .
MB make bobble
MC main color
M1 make 1 . , , .
M1A make 1away : c . .
M1L = M1B make 1 front (left) : , .
M1R = M1B make 1 back (right) : , .
M1T = M1A make 1 towards : c . .
P purl
p tbl = P1 tbl = P1B purl stitch through the back loop
P-B purl stitch in the row below , , , . , .
P-wise purl wise
P1f&B = PFB purl 1 stitch front & back , .
P2tog purl 2 stitches together .
P2tog tbl purl 2 together through the back loop .
pat(s) = patt(s) pattern(s) ,
pm place maker
PSSO pass slip stitch over knit stitch .
PNSO pass next stitch over
prev previous
PU pick up stitch , .
RC = cross 2 R right cross  
rem remaining
rep(s) repeat(s) (),
rev St st reverse stockinette/stocking stitch : , .
RH right hand
rib ribbing . , K1 P1 rib - 11
rnd(s) round(s) ()
RS right side
RT right twist , , , .
seed st seed stitch
sk skip
SKP = SKPO = sl1, k1, PSSO slip, knit. pass , , .
SP2P slip 1, knit 2 together, pass slip stitch over : , , .
sl = S slip . , . , : .
sl1k = sl1 k-wise slip a stitch knit-wise .
sl1p = sl1 p-wise slip a stitch purl-wise .
slip knot   .
sp(s) space(s) , ()
SSK slip, slip, knit : , , .
SS slip stitch nbsp; bgcolor=span style= align=/tdtop#ccccfftr
SSK (improved) = sl1, sl1 p-wise, knit slipped sts tog   : , , .
SSP slip, slip, purl , : , .
SSSK slip, slip, slip, knit : , , .
st(s) stitch(es) ()
St st Stockinette/Stocking stitch : - .
TBL through back loop
tog together
WF wool forward : , , .
WON wool over needle : , , , .
WRN wool round needle : , .
WS wrong side
WYIB with yarn in back
WYIF with yarn in front
YFWD = YF yarn forward
YO = YFON = YFRN = YON =YRN yarn over .
YO2 = YO twice yarn over twice



bl(s) block(s) : .
BPHDC back post half double crochet
BPTR back post triple
ch chain
cl cluster ,
DC double crochet
FPHDC front post half double crochet
FPTR front post triple
HDC half double crochet
HDCTBL half double crochet worked in the back loop
HDCTFL half double crochet worked in the front loop
hk hook
lp(s) loop(s) ,
p picot 3-4-
SC single crochet
TC triple (treble) crochet

Special thanks to





, 16 2011 . 21:14 +
Stephanya [ + !]


, 16 2011 . 21:15 +
Basja_U [ + !]


- More or less : :
Not too bad :
, I am very well, thank you ,
I am fine!
? What's new? What is the news? ? ?
? How are you? How are you getting on? : ? :
? How are you doing? How are things? : : ? :
() Hello, hi ',
! Good evening! :
! Good afternoon! :
! Good morning! :
On monday
! All the best! :
! Good bye!
See you :
Tomorrow '



, 22 2012 . 09:01 +



, 12 2012 . 23:27 +
_ [ + !]


- 10 .
. :)



, 12 2012 . 23:30 +
_ [ + !]

6 .

6 10 .


, 29 2012 . 20:45 +
[ + !]




( ) 




   (I, me, you, he, him, she, her, it, we, us, you, they, them)

   (my, mine, your, yours, his, her, hers, its, our, ours, your, yours, their, theirs)

-   (myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, oneself, ourselves .)

   (each other, one another)

   (this, these, that, those, such, the same, it)

   (who, whom, what, which, whose)

   (who, whom, what, which, whose, that)

   (no, none, neither, no one, nobody, nothing)

   (some, any, somebody, someone, something, anybody, anyone, anything, one)

   (all, both, either, each, every, everybody, everyone, everything, other, another)  

  (many, much, few, little, a few, a little, several)

, .   



The Present Indefinite (Simple)   
To be to have (got)    
The Present Continuous   
to be going to   
, Continuous 
The Present Perfect   
Present Perfect Past Indefinite   
The Present Perfect Continuous   

The Past Indefinite (Simple)
The Past Continuous
The Past Perfect
The Past Perfect Continuous 


The Future Indefinite (Simple)  
The Future Continuous  
The Future Perfect  
The Future Perfect Continuous 
The Future in the Past 




; .   

: can, may, must, ought (to)  
: to have (to), to be (to)  
: shall, should, will, would, need, dare  




Present Participle Simple  
Present Participle Perfect  
Past Participle (Participle II) 




, .    



there is 


 ( .)











- .


, 21 2012 . 22:35 +
28 [ + !]

, . , , .

 : [1]