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Creu.ru (Eng) . 05/03/2016.No man is to suffer in uncomfortable shoes!


Среда, 04 Мая 2016 г. 15:56 + в цитатник
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No man is to suffer in uncomfortable shoes!

10 wise counsel women over 35 from personal experience. 1. No matter how long and exciting nor was a party, do all to wake up in his own bedroom. 2. Between the biscuit and apple have opted for a glass of water. 3. If the clock at midnight, and you need to wash your hair, do manicures and hair removal legs - always choose sleep. 

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Why do women like to be a victim?

Why do we like to suffer? Why do we often do not see for yourself the other point in life, but to "carry the cross"? Why do we like to suffer? Why do we often do not see for yourself the other point in life, but to "carry the cross"? When a woman sitting by the phone, neglected all their affairs in expectation 
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Рубрики:  80th Anniversary/Natural Ways to Stay Young
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Creu.ru (Eng)

Creu.ru (Eng) . 04/28/2016.10 things for which the girls "30" is too old.


Четверг, 28 Апреля 2016 г. 14:46 + в цитатник
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12 main reasons why the modern girl is difficult to marry

If married women interested in questions like: "How to keep the family" or "How to return her husband," the unmarried, first of all, interested in, "When I get married." Here, the usual psychological methods can not do, you need to look into the fate of the map. It comes to the aid of astrology - the science on which it is impossible to hide anything.The experience of our long-term observations displayed in the form of a simple list 

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"I want to heat the chocolate and ..."

I want heat and chocolate, two cups of coffee in the morning. That strong hand - in his arms so much so that - that's going to die! No, not really, but fun, as they say - love.Under the blanket skolznuvshuyu palm and whisper sweet "Do not go to sleep ..." I want to smell the spring and happiness in the box loud chirping of birds, ray of sunshine, warm like an eraser, 

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CREU.RU (ENG) .04/15/2016.How to kill a woman happy?


Пятница, 15 Апреля 2016 г. 15:20 + в цитатник

To a child did not grow up selfish, selfish is to be mom

- Well, - he said the girlfriend, skeptical glance at cheep bundle, tied with a blue ribbon tight - and you brought into the house of the tyrant. While small. But mind you, it will grow. So do not wait, immediately take a second. Then they "closed" on each other and not grow quite so selfish. Not yet come to himself from the first, 

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The whole experience of the world of psychology in the 21st quote

These quotes are the quintessence of the whole experience of mankind - they change the way of thinking and help to live on, even in the most difficult times. Once her life was a nightmare. She survived rape at the age of 5 years, 15 became pregnant and dropped out of school, and 16 abandoned her child. However, her life changed radically theory, 

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Creu.ru (Eng)

Creu.ru (Eng) . 04/14/2016.How to deal with his wife, to make it work for a long time and bring joy


Четверг, 14 Апреля 2016 г. 18:23 + в цитатник
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The antidote to the destructive power of insults

Emotion, which in this case arise - first, anger, aggression, then depression and feeling of something unspeakably disgusting, such that it is impossible to forget and correct, except that after many years or a century ... It is no coincidence even 150 years ago believed that insult can be washed off only the blood - or his or enemy ... Lethal weapon "Do not answer", "need to forgive", "Do not fall 

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Creu.ru (Eng)

Creu.ru (Eng) .04/13/2016.Why is it important not to hurry with the wedding


Четверг, 14 Апреля 2016 г. 18:19 + в цитатник
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11 reasons why you should appreciate each other Lion

If you have a friend, Leo, you probably already heard about their incredible plans for a birthday celebration, for their creative ideas and generosity. Lions are known for their positive, vigor, optimism and self-confidence. And in August - the month of Lviv. It is their brightest period. We suggest you take a look at 11 the characteristics of the Lions, for which they should appreciate and 

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Why is it important not to hurry with the wedding

People do not like to think too much about the future, because this is something over which they have no control. Therefore, trying to somehow curb this, they create the plans. No one cares whether you are ready at the moment for a decisive step, all wondering what you predprimesh further. Tactless questions will be (or may have) to pour on your head: "When is the wedding», 

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Creu.ru (Eng)

Creu.ru (Eng) .«Идите к черту! Я слишком стара для этого!»: отличный текст о принятии возраста


Вторник, 12 Апреля 2016 г. 18:22 + в цитатник
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30 мужских «ПОЧЕМУ?», которые мы оставим без ответа

Мужчины и женщины — с разных планет, и им иногда так сложно найти общий язык. Это 30 вопросов, на которые с легкостью ответит любая женщина, и эти же вопросы поставят любого мужчину в тупик. 1. Почему она плачет без причины? 2. Почему мне кажется, что она плачет, только когда я дома? 3. Почему она постоянно →

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«Идите к черту! Я слишком стара для этого!»: отличный текст о принятии возраста

Популярный американский блоггер Мишель Комбс рассказала о том,как привычные стереотипы портят нам жизнь и тех бонусах, которые дает нам возраст. И ведь она права! «25 лет назад я читала глянцевые журналы, внимательно изучала разделы моды и красоты, выучивала советы из рубрики «секс» и «как удовлетворить любимого 125 способами». Сегодня я по привычке просматриваю статьи на тему «Как не стареть», «как правильно стареть» и прочую безвредную и бесполезную белиберду и вот, →

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Creu.ru (Eng)

Creu.ru (Eng) . 04/11/2016.Stop complaining! It is very harmful, say scientists


Понедельник, 11 Апреля 2016 г. 15:04 + в цитатник
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Stop complaining! It is very harmful, say scientists

Why do people complain? Of course, not to torment others. When we sometimes allow ourselves a little ponyt, we just want to splash out emotions. And it seems to us, then what is sure to become easier. But science says that all is not as harmless as it seems. First, the expression of negative feelings not only facilitates our state, but also bad 

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"Anti-aging medicine."
Creu.ru (Eng)

Creu.ru (Eng).10.04.2016. What spare women after forty years?


Воскресенье, 10 Апреля 2016 г. 15:26 + в цитатник
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10 stereotypes about girls that destroyed life

What did I know about girls in fifteen years? Absolutely nothing. But I thought I knew everything. Now, when exceeded tridtsatnik, can be called the ten things that I was wrong. If the girl I love - it is forever. For some reason I have always been sure. What's met her, the one and 

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What spare women after forty years?

We asked women what they now regret their thirties. What would they do differently that would advise others. And based on the results, we got a top-5. We recently conducted a survey, and I want to share with you the results. We asked women over forty years, what they regret. This study will be a greater degree 

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If you allow it to become your world 
if you are not married, then you do not need 
I sincerely think that the meaning of life in love 
I look at these girls in their 30s, and that's what I think ... 
He married a provincial girl. Expectation vs reality
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Creu.ru (Eng) 04/07/2016.Why is it so painful to part with your favorite?


Четверг, 07 Апреля 2016 г. 20:31 + в цитатник


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7 reasons why the former once again being felt

1. They are looking for a way to satisfy his ego he wants to make sure you have not forgotten his / suffering on him / still love him, and thereby increase their self-esteem. 2. They want to "complain to the vest" Good emotional support is hard to find in today's world. If you were not a good lover, but also close friends, it is simply 

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Spring. Former arrived

"How are you?" ... Once I wanted you to ask how I am. I really wanted you to know what's going on with me. I wanted you to be interested in how I feel. I wanted to when you said that it is not ready for relationships. I wanted to, when he said that you do not know what love is. I wanted to, when he said that what you are to 

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Creu.ru (Eng)

Creu.ru .1.4.2016.Что происходит в организме во время сна.


Воскресенье, 03 Апреля 2016 г. 05:31 + в цитатник

Что делать, если бросил любовник


Как легко сказать: «Бросил? Да слава богу, найдешь себе получше! Немедленно сходи в парикмахерскую, купи себе новое платье и заведи интрижку!» Возможно, если тебя бросил тот безымянный парень, с которым у вас вчера после трех бутылок текилы, что-то было на берегу очень быстрой реки, ты обойдешься стрижкой и платьем. Но в иных случаях — сильно →

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20 вещей, которые нужно вычеркнуть навсегда, ведь они делают из тебя старуху


1. Сумка в тон туфель и бижутерия в наборе также сегодня крайне неактуальны и автоматически накидывают пару-тройку лет. 2. Избегайте оливковых, болотных и прочих землистых тонов, которые рефлексируют на лицо и придают ему нездоровую бледность. 3. Приверженность многих женщин к роскошным тканям, таким как бархат, атлас, кружева и люрексы, особенно в дневное время, работает против →

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3 фразы, которые сложнее всего произнести вслух


Прислушайтесь к своему внутреннему голосу, и Вы поймете, что не единожды уже избегали самые искренние фразы в своей жизни. Человек так устроен, что самое ценное всегда скрывается за толстым слоем лжи, молчания и неизвестности. И здесь дело даже не в «запретном плоде», все скрыто намного глубже. Сложно произносить вслух то, ради чего хочется жить, просыпаться →

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Creu.ru.2.04.2016.Зачем слушаться мужа?


Суббота, 02 Апреля 2016 г. 21:27 + в цитатник
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Прочтите это, если вы от всего устали

Глубоко вдохните, прочтите и действуйте! И да прибудет с нами сила! Мир, в котором мы живем, очень выматывает. Он неблагодарен. Вы устали даже оттого, что живете в нем. Вы устали слишком много любить, заботиться, отдавать миру, который никогда не дает ничего взамен. Вы устали от неопределенности. Устали от серых будней. Когда-то вы были полны светлых →

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12 малоизвестных законов кармы, которые способны изменить вашу жизнь

Для того, чтобы перестать бояться и обрести некоторые познания в мире кармы и реинкарнации, вам необходимо знать пару кармических законов. Что такое карма? В переводе с санскрита «карма» — значит «действие». Она равноценна закону Ньютона: «на каждое действие есть своё противодействие». Когда мы думаем, говорим или действуем, мы приводим в действие силу, которая будет в свою →

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Creu.ru (Eng)
Health & Lifestyle > Health

Creu.ru (Eng) .1.4.2016.Что происходит в организме во время сна


Пятница, 01 Апреля 2016 г. 21:32 + в цитатник


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Что делать, если бросил любовник

Как легко сказать: «Бросил? Да слава богу, найдешь себе получше! Немедленно сходи в парикмахерскую, купи себе новое платье и заведи интрижку!» Возможно, если тебя бросил тот безымянный парень, с которым у вас вчера после трех бутылок текилы, что-то было на берегу очень быстрой реки, ты обойдешься стрижкой и платьем. Но в иных случаях — сильно →

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20 вещей, которые нужно вычеркнуть навсегда, ведь они делают из тебя старуху

1. Сумка в тон туфель и бижутерия в наборе также сегодня крайне неактуальны и автоматически накидывают пару-тройку лет. 2. Избегайте оливковых, болотных и прочих землистых тонов, которые рефлексируют на лицо и придают ему нездоровую бледность. 3. Приверженность многих женщин к роскошным тканям, таким как бархат, атлас, кружева и люрексы, особенно в дневное время, работает против →

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3 фразы, которые сложнее всего произнести вслух

Прислушайтесь к своему внутреннему голосу, и Вы поймете, что не единожды уже избегали самые искренние фразы в своей жизни. Человек так устроен, что самое ценное всегда скрывается за толстым слоем лжи, молчания и неизвестности. И здесь дело даже не в «запретном плоде», все скрыто намного глубже. Сложно произносить вслух то, ради чего хочется жить, просыпаться →

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"Anti-aging medicine."
Creu.ru (Eng)
Health & Lifestyle > Health

Creu.ru (Eng).10 вещей, которые делают женщины, когда никого нет дома.


Пятница, 01 Апреля 2016 г. 21:26 + в цитатник


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Что делать, если бросил любовник

Как легко сказать: «Бросил? Да слава богу, найдешь себе получше! Немедленно сходи в парикмахерскую, купи себе новое платье и заведи интрижку!» Возможно, если тебя бросил тот безымянный парень, с которым у вас вчера после трех бутылок текилы, что-то было на берегу очень быстрой реки, ты обойдешься стрижкой и платьем. Но в иных случаях — сильно →

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20 вещей, которые нужно вычеркнуть навсегда, ведь они делают из тебя старуху

1. Сумка в тон туфель и бижутерия в наборе также сегодня крайне неактуальны и автоматически накидывают пару-тройку лет. 2. Избегайте оливковых, болотных и прочих землистых тонов, которые рефлексируют на лицо и придают ему нездоровую бледность. 3. Приверженность многих женщин к роскошным тканям, таким как бархат, атлас, кружева и люрексы, особенно в дневное время, работает против →

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3 фразы, которые сложнее всего произнести вслух

Прислушайтесь к своему внутреннему голосу, и Вы поймете, что не единожды уже избегали самые искренние фразы в своей жизни. Человек так устроен, что самое ценное всегда скрывается за толстым слоем лжи, молчания и неизвестности. И здесь дело даже не в «запретном плоде», все скрыто намного глубже. Сложно произносить вслух то, ради чего хочется жить, просыпаться →

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"Anti-aging medicine."
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Creu.ru (Eng) .31.03.2016.Health depends on our thoughts.


Пятница, 01 Апреля 2016 г. 10:14 + в цитатник
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Why did you not call in a hurry to get married?

You do not need the power to drag a man into marriage. Saying "Love can not be!" Our wise people do not come up with nothing. When in a relationship there is at least a little bit of coercion. They will be painful for everyone. And as a result of the expected happiness will turn gloomy fairytale castles burden of everyday life. But if it is not the reluctance and hesitation about, 

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"Feed my demons"

Press the accelerator pedal to the floor, to kiss the pain in the cheekbones desirable women do tattoos, glasses hit the wall and on the muzzle hammam, sing drunken songs on the streets, jump with a parachute and a smile to children in adjacent vehicles through the car window. Feed your demons, because your demons and it is you. You are real, not pasteurized, not refined, 

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Здоровье и красота мужчины
Память , зрение , слух
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Creu.ru (Eng) .13 facts on health that will make you a different look at yourself


Среда, 30 Марта 2016 г. 13:19 + в цитатник

mirror Act - whom you see

Mirroring - a repetition of facial expressions, intonation, gestures to the other party. At the level of the subconscious mirroring gives the impression that you think and feel the same as your partner. That's why this technique and the law of the mirror to help the best way to make contact with another person. As practice shows, in business at the business communication is achieved in about one and a half times as many agreements on transactions, 

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8 important signs that the time for you to leave him

Everyone has moments when you realize that it is necessary to leave - a man or a woman, a friend, or just with friends. Once when you first met this man, you were very good together, but once you got to know him better, and held him for a while, you begin to realize that not only the relationship with him is not 

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Creu.ru (Eng) .29.03.2016.27 трюков на кухне, которые нужно знать каждой хозяйке


Вторник, 29 Марта 2016 г. 20:54 + в цитатник
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Три к трём — так и живём

В природе существует только три вида женщин: девушки-дочки, девушки-сёстры и девушки-мамы. С мужчинами та же ситуация: сынки, братья и папики. И все они гармонично сосуществуют друг с другом строго попарно. Папики ищут дочек. Гламурных кисуль, которые не способны ни копейку заработать, ни яичницу приготовить. Им хочется чувствовать себя покровителями, защитниками, иногда даже хозяевами. Им в →

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27 трюков на кухне, которые нужно знать каждой хозяйке

Чем бы вы ни занимались, делайте это с любовью, и тогда результат любой деятельности будет удачным. А чтобы чувствовать себя еще более уверенными на кухне, воспользуйтесь кулинарными советами шеф-поваров. Если блюду нужно придать легкие чесночные нотки, но вы побаиваетесь переборщить с запахом, натрите посуду зубчиком чеснока, прежде чем положить туда еду. Опытные хозяйки найдут достойное →

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Creu.ru (Eng) .28.3.2016.


Вторник, 29 Марта 2016 г. 08:33 + в цитатник
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Почему второй брак может быть лучше первого

Пожалуй, главное отличие второго брака от первого в том, что сразу после свадьбы вы не думаете о медовом месяце. Вернее, думаете, конечно, но не только о нем. Вы прекрасно понимаете, что после всех приятных хлопот, торжества и прекрасного отдыха есть и другая жизнь – порой непростая, наполненная заботами и тревогами. И только вы вместе с →

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Любовь невозможно заслужить

Часто ко мне приходят выросшие девочки и мальчики, питающие иллюзию, что могут заслужить любовь. Заработать её, как орден, упорным трудом или выслугой лет. Вынудить кого-то полюбить так сильно, как им этого хочется. Но, увы, этого не происходит. Их помощь и заботу принимают. Услугами пользуются. Благодарят. Замечают. Заботятся. Но любить не начинают. Прежде всего потому, что →

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Воскресенье, 27 Марта 2016 г. 14:32 + в цитатник
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70 occupations, which will increase power women

Each of the women to have periods of energy decline. Ancient Vedas offer amazing ways that increase the power of women. And it is interesting - nothing since then has changed! Modern women, these tips are very fit! So, the list of cases that give strength: Massage. According to the Vedas female body just needs a touch. Our bodies need to stir, knead. Otherwise  →

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15 clever psychological techniques that are useful to know everyone

Useful and interesting psychological life hacking, which will help in stressful situations and in everyday life. Good to know everyone: 1. When the laughing group of people, each instinctively looks at someone who he just nicer (or the one he wanted to be considered a close friend). 2. When you have to do something special charge or requiring concentration, in a word,  →

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Who's your ideal girlfriend sign: friendly signs of the zodiac

As much as we did not have friends, I am not comfortable with each of them.And all because the people come to each other in the zodiac, well, or they are absolutely incompatible. Learn from our horoscope, what a friend is perfect for you zodiac sign. Aries If you are Aries, then all the horoscopes of compatibility  →

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The story of a very "stupid" boy and the correct choice

One day in the middle of the working day to the barber ran a little boy. He had been there often, and the barber immediately recognized him. Master laughed, referring to all its customers, said: - Look who came to us! You know, this is the stupidest boy in the world! I know him for a long time. He's like a little monkey - a completely  →

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7 chief mysteries of Nikolai Gogol

"I read a mystery to all, no one will solve me perfectly," - said the writer of himself. Like many of his characters, Gogol himself became semi-fantastic figure. Gogol Ladder As a child, a little Gogol heard stories about my grandmother ladder by which souls ascend to heaven. This image is deeply deposited in the memory of the boy, carried him through Gogol  →

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The parable about the bouncer

On the way was a crowd of people, each carried by a heavy cross. They moved a lot of days, measure out a mile a mile away. It was among these travelers cunning. Gradually he turned to the forest. And I cut down there at the end of the cross, to the cross arm not pulled. And happy travelers caught up, go have fun, just do not know about a trickster with a light burden,  →

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10 myths affect your life

1. Lie own - means "lonely," What you are now alone, does not mean that you are alone. And, if it comes to that, a personal relationship is not guarantee happiness. And leave without a pair, you will never be alone as much as in all the wrong ways. If you understand that the life of this man is not  →

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9 things you should do before 9 am 
As smart people say to those who they do not like 
as an orphan found his mother: an amazing story with incredible coincidences
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70 occupations, which will increase power women

Each of the women to have periods of energy decline. Ancient Vedas offer amazing ways that increase the power of women. And it is interesting - nothing since then has changed! Modern women, these tips are very fit! So, the list of cases that give strength: Massage. According to the Vedas female body just needs a touch. Our bodies need to stir, knead. Otherwise  →

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15 clever psychological techniques that are useful to know everyone

Useful and interesting psychological life hacking, which will help in stressful situations and in everyday life. Good to know everyone: 1. When the laughing group of people, each instinctively looks at someone who he just nicer (or the one he wanted to be considered a close friend). 2. When you have to do something special charge or requiring concentration, in a word,  →

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Who's your ideal girlfriend sign: friendly signs of the zodiac

As much as we did not have friends, I am not comfortable with each of them. And all because the people come to each other in the zodiac, well, or they are absolutely incompatible. Learn from our horoscope, what a friend is perfect for you zodiac sign. Aries If you are Aries, then all the horoscopes of compatibility  →

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The story of a very "stupid" boy and the correct choice

One day in the middle of the working day to the barber ran a little boy. He had been there often, and the barber immediately recognized him. Master laughed, referring to all its customers, said: - Look who came to us! You know, this is the stupidest boy in the world! I know him for a long time. He's like a little monkey - a completely  →

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7 chief mysteries of Nikolai Gogol

"I read a mystery to all, no one will solve me perfectly," - said the writer of himself. Like many of his characters, Gogol himself became semi-fantastic figure. Gogol Ladder As a child, a little Gogol heard stories about my grandmother ladder by which souls ascend to heaven. This image is deeply deposited in the memory of the boy, carried him through Gogol  →

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The parable about the bouncer

On the way was a crowd of people, each carried by a heavy cross. They moved a lot of days, measure out a mile a mile away. It was among these travelers cunning. Gradually he turned to the forest. And I cut down there at the end of the cross, to the cross arm not pulled. And happy travelers caught up, go have fun, just do not know about a trickster with a light burden,  →

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10 myths affect your life

1. Lie own - means "lonely," What you are now alone, does not mean that you are alone. And, if it comes to that, a personal relationship is not guarantee happiness. And leave without a pair, you will never be alone as much as in all the wrong ways. If you understand that the life of this man is not  →

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Recent Articles:

9 things you should do before 9 am
As smart people say to those who they do not like
as an orphan found his mother: an amazing story with incredible coincidences
Copyright © 2016 Creu, All rights reserved.


Рубрики:  80th Anniversary/Natural Ways to Stay Young
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Creu.ru (Eng) .25.03.2016.Signs that you are much older than his years.


Пятница, 25 Марта 2016 г. 12:48 + в цитатник
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Life principles that allow to move forward, regardless of the external circumstances!

Those who one way or another, hear the story of my life, often ask: "Alain, how do you react to all positive and so skillfully out of the crises of life?". The answer is: the thing is very effective (for me) worldview. Today I decided to share it with you. Perhaps someone it will be useful, and, therefore, the day, and in general a life lived 

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The strength of mindfulness

Awareness - a condition in which you know what is happening in the present moment. If you dream about the future - you do not realize themselves. If you remember past events - you do not realize themselves. Now, if you look at something, for example, on their hands, or notice, as the air fills your lungs and out of them, feel their 

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Creu.ru (Eng) .24.03.2016.Father son Tips: how to find love and not lose yourself


Четверг, 24 Марта 2016 г. 14:13 + в цитатник
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Do not feel sorry for me 11 reasons why I'm staying home to watch the show

Call me boring, but I do not see any reason to go somewhere today. Because everything that I like, is contained within the glorious harbor - in my apartment. Go somewhere expensive. Seeing people downright boring. Dress - bother. Do not even pretend you've never thought about it. Why should I go somewhere where there is a refrigerator, 

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Max Frye love, stupidity and cats

Little silly white cat knows what love is. Love - is to lie on the uncomfortable slippery lap uncomfortable slippery, constantly stirring favorite creatures crawl with them every few minutes, but do not let regrown after clipping claws, not to cling to, and squab on the floor, to sigh, to jump back on the slippery uncomfortable knees, curl up into a ball and sliding to the floor again, 

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He left, leaving unfinished coffee and 15 years of marriage

Average Saturday morning in the family friends. They have breakfast together. Discuss plans for the evening - is scheduled for some event. She advised him what dress to wear better, he says something, and, behind the cup out of the kitchen. She is washing dishes. Fifteen minutes later, he slams the front door. He left without saying a word, leaving behind only an empty 

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Creu.ru (Eng) .23.03.2016.Nine thirty advice from those who are over 40


Четверг, 24 Марта 2016 г. 09:52 + в цитатник
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Cameron Diaz: Aging is not a problem, Hollywood - that's the problem

Hollywood may be obsessed with anti-aging theme, plastics and search for the elixir of youth, but the 43-year-old actress Cameron Diaz prefers to grow old beautifully. Yes, she does not deny that tried Botox and other injections, but realized it was not for her."When I was 20, I could not wait for when I'm 30, and 30 - when I will 

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Nine thirty advice from those who are over 40

1. Start taking care of your health now, without delay, your mind feels for 10-15 years younger than actual age of your body. Your health goes faster than you think, and you do not even have time to notice it. Your body does not break down suddenly in one day, it gradually destroyed unnoticed for many years. Over the next 10 

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Creu.ru (Eng) .22.3.2016.18 of the rules of etiquette, which everyone should know


Среда, 23 Марта 2016 г. 12:33 + в цитатник

If you long to hear the lessons become stiff. Finally Wake up!

I look at the medical report on the health of my son, and I understand that I fucking mother and all very clever. This I did. All. Since its birth to today's entry in his medical card. Barely surviving after birth, he was a healthy baby. Absolutely healthy, without a shadow of memories of what had happened to him. 

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18 of the rules of etiquette, which everyone should know

1. Never come to visit without a call If you have visited without warning, can afford to be in a bathrobe and curlers. One British lady said that the appearance of uninvited guests, it always puts on shoes, a hat and take an umbrella. If a person is pleasant to her, she exclaims: "Ah, well, I just came!". If unpleasant, "Oh, what a 

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Creu.ru (Eng) . common mistakes women who dream to get married.


Понедельник, 21 Марта 2016 г. 18:18 + в цитатник
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4 common mistakes women who dream to get married

It often happens that seems to be around a lot of men, but all wrong. Or already in a relationship, but not in these, what I would like. Thus, the typical errors that make women dream to get married, and how to find a soul mate. Fixation on the idea - in whatever was to get married, it is desirable in the near 

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Excellent story "Karma"

Anna V. died quietly enough. Stroke occurred during sleep, and woke up because she was not in her bed and a spacious room with lots of other people like it, expect to see something different. Knock about among the people and finding out what's what, and where, Anna V. pushed to a large Reference Bureau, which sent its first 

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Creu.ru (Eng) .20.03.2016.Where does the energy of a man who walks.


Воскресенье, 20 Марта 2016 г. 21:28 + в цитатник
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A value will remain the same ...

Zhvanetski as always to the point! Just a few lines, and which are important ... But values remain the same: honesty, integrity, legs girlfriend, the child's shoulders, a conversation with a smart, silent with him as guests from afar, the cicadas at night, the morning the smell of the garden, silent gait cats, books, enabling not live here, and a normal friendship, when both do not need anything. Author: Zhvanetski 

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Candid pictures legend pictures of Helmut Newton

These iconic images have become legislators a model photography. They inspired many photographs and made an indelible impression on everyone who saw them. Now all of them gathered together and put on the London exhibition superfotografa Helmut Newton (1920-1984). Among the 26 captured images of vintage and young Jerry Hall - the photographer successfully caught the moment when she spat water on topless model 

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Creu.ru (Eng) .17.03.2016.Why do women like to be a victim?


Четверг, 17 Марта 2016 г. 15:52 + в цитатник
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Scarf on the head: 15 examples of how to wear a major must-have item of the season

In the last fashion shows, among other trends, especially one stood out. Many brands offered fashionable women wearing shawls and light scarves on their heads. How to do it right, and what accessories you should pay special attention to? At African Fashion scarf in the African style One of the hottest trends this Spring - the wearing of scarves and satin scarves on her head 

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Why for the sake of the one that is drinking tequila, you can go to any sacrifice

Each type of alcohol in people's minds is associated with a certain stereotype. Wine allegedly drink only sages Whisky - a drink for tough guys, rum consumed by pirates and so on. But then, there must be a drink and for strong women. And it is - tequila.They say that even a small dose of tequila can "rip the roof." If this is true, those who drink 

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Creu.ru (Eng) .16.03.16.The four stages of birth and four stages of death


Среда, 16 Марта 2016 г. 16:30 + в цитатник
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The energy of high vibrations - at a same frequency you are vibrating

Nothing in the world is at rest - still rages, vibrates, moves, emits energy with its characteristic frequency. We are with you and we can also radiate different vibrations - such as fear and sorrow or joy and health. How to adjust the process and stay on the second? Let's see in detail what influence our vibration, and 

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Throughout his life with a good man who has a very different taste of happiness

I know one family. Outwardly very good, twenty years together. Children already teenagers. They look nice. Someone to them is equal. And while I have not talked with a woman closer, I was sure that the ideal family ... Let's tell this story from the beginning.It is - from the family of intellectuals. My mother - a doctor, father - a scientist. The family of many children, the city safely. 

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Creu.ru (Eng) .5.03.16.If I were a man.


Суббота, 05 Марта 2016 г. 15:11 + в цитатник
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"Happy Birthday, Princess!" Letter to Johnny Cash on the 65th anniversary of his wife

"Happy Birthday, Princess! We grow old and get used to each other. We think alike.We read each other's thoughts. We know what the other wants, without asking.Sometimes we irritate each other a little bit - and maybe sometimes take each other for granted. But sometimes, like today, I think about it and understand it, how can I 

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Take the example of them - Kiss more often!

Honey, let me kiss you! The first kiss and kiss, and washed - convenient Oh, I think we kissed ... I just had to kiss you! Family kiss Come here, little wife, I kiss you! Romantic Kiss so we are drawn to each other! Oh, she did, however, kiss) Eat you or kiss) Dear, today arrange a romantic evening) Source:??? Boredpanda 

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Creu.ru (Eng) .4.03.16.How to become a good boss?


Пятница, 04 Марта 2016 г. 15:51 + в цитатник
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Cautionary tale about how it is important not to hesitate to ask questions

A great anecdote! Caught in the woods Dragon Wolf, tells him: - Look, write: "The wolf, gray, one piece." Today, come to me for dinner, I'll eat you. I got it? - Got it. - Have questions? - No. Wolf went downcast. Dragon is going on in the woods. Caught Fox. - Look, Red, write: "The fox, red, tailed, one piece." Today, come to me for dinner, I'll eat you. Understood? - I Got it. - Any questions? - No. Went Fox, 

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Books in gift beloveds

How to please the March 8 girlfriend, mother, grandmother, sister? The best way to attend - to deliver something that corresponds to their interests. Remember what your favorite addicted women: creativity, sports, travel, cooking, or may be, self-improvement. On this and think, when you come to prepare a surprise. And we offer to choose one of these books as a major gift or a nice extra 

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Creu.ru (Eng) .3.03.2016.Alexander Shirvindt of age.


Четверг, 03 Марта 2016 г. 19:58 + в цитатник


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Remember, little girl!

Remember, little girl, remember, my dear: A man keeps his word, not the waist ... Whatever you did not have the power, it is not necessary to explain the "how to".Understand good, everything repeated again, if not to hurt shy. Man - is the one who keeps his word. Goats, remember, baby, do not change! Author: Alexander Shurygina Photo: Vladimir Tsar'kov 

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Books in gift beloveds

How to please the March 8 girlfriend, mother, grandmother, sister? The best way to attend - to deliver something that corresponds to their interests. Remember what your favorite addicted women: creativity, sports, travel, cooking, or may be, self-improvement. On this and think, when you come to prepare a surprise. And we offer to choose one of these books as a major gift or a nice extra 

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Take the example of them - Kiss more often!

Honey, let me kiss you! The first kiss and kiss, and washed - convenient Oh, I think we kissed ... I just had to kiss you! Family kiss Come here, little wife, I kiss you! Romantic Kiss so we are drawn to each other! Oh, she did, however, kiss) Eat you or kiss) Dear, today arrange a romantic evening) Source:??? Boredpanda 

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"Anti-aging medicine."
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Вторник, 01 Марта 2016 г. 13:59 + в цитатник


To life a person always luck, joy and happiness, it must be guided by a correct idea.

September 17th 30644
Fifteen of God prompts man

A few important rules, the basis for which there is God's commandments:

  1. . Rule one God created man not to suffer - the creation of God is to enjoy life, to love and to create. Less complain about life, always remember that there are people who live far worse than you.
  2. The second rule Everyone sent to this earth for a reason -. It should prove his divinity and in some ways to improve the world around us. God gives man the talent, strength and ability. The gift of God to be used for improvement of the world, as well as to help those who really need your help.
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Creu.ru (Eng) .1.3.2016."He's outside lights were lit, she - began the dawn


Вторник, 01 Марта 2016 г. 12:49 + в цитатник

Women's highlight or 13 simple truths as to be desired!

1. A woman in any situation should be a woman Unfortunately, many of us forget about it. Our main drawback - it is excessive emotionality, which is evident when we put out.Very often in the heat of anger, we speak a lot of words, which later regret, when the anger subsided, and commit such acts, for which often 

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Rita Law - the law of the purity of the spirit and the blood

When Genghis Khan asked the best doctor, how to prolong his life, the doctor replied: "Stop watching and straight love with all the women." The doctor did not know how to prolong life, he knew how it did not diminish. Rita Act How would it sounds silly today, but for our ancestors was that "sexual" order: The woman - one man on 

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Creu.ru (Eng) .28.02.2016.Wolves were given a lesson of love for people.


Воскресенье, 28 Февраля 2016 г. 14:28 + в цитатник
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Simply February ...

Simply February and windy. Just I felt sad. It will take. All this is true ... temporarily. Here ... it melts the ice. You see, the tears dried up. The sun, smiles, laughter. I want so passionately kissing me as your gentle, long separations from hunger with me. Just winter. Cold. How are you one? Soon storm settles. The ship, station, taxi. I'm not sad / it seems / Just in February. 

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Features of the women's team in the eyes of men

The first week Well, just super! I so well arranged - 8 women in the same room! For every taste, so to speak! With women working great - nice atmosphere, flowers, clean, comfortable, home-cooking ... the right beautiful ass, from left are slender legs, sitting next to gorgeous chest. Quietly imagine doing something, whispering, no bawling, no foul language. 

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Creu.ru (Eng) .27.02.16.Unknown Catherine II. 16 facts.


Суббота, 27 Февраля 2016 г. 17:07 + в цитатник
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Motivation is not for the faint of heart

James Altacher: I'll tell you why you should quit your job. Why do you need to bring ideas into motion. Why do you need to build the foundation for your life, or in the near future you will not have a roof. 1. The middle class is dead a few weeks ago, I visited a friend of mine who turn their trillions of dollars. Not a joke. Trillions. If I 

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Funny and true comics about women

The artist Agustin Guerrero draws comics about everyday life of ordinary girls. She is observant and notices such details that men do not guess. The secret is that she simply draws his own life, with its joys and sorrows, in this case, even in the trouble of the artist turns out to see the funny side. 

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Creu.ru (Eng).26.02.16.Love - this is the experience of death and resurrection


Суббота, 27 Февраля 2016 г. 16:45 + в цитатник
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And you imagine it in the hands of others ...

Take care of loved ones! And you imagine it in the hands of others ... Such a gentle, beautiful, home. As he, in his arms clenched, her in the night, so sweet kisses. And you imagine, she is preparing him dinner, waves, a hundred times a day calling. What is he, not you, she was so mad and needed only for it all to forgive him. You 

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A break in the relationship: Why do some need it

What if it's time to write the word "break" on the road of personal life? If you want to take time out to take a break ... We have tried to understand what is covered in the proposal of the partner to take time out. Fatigue Fatigue kopilas, as interest in the bank, and reached its highest possible level. Partner tired of everything: from work, from the Life tsunami that washes away the time on his 

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Creu.ru (Eng) .25.02.2016.Why do women have no luck with men


Четверг, 25 Февраля 2016 г. 18:19 + в цитатник
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You do not have to endure all this!

If you think that in your life too much stress and negative emotions, it's time to stop it.Life is too short to live it unfortunately. And in order to be happy, sometimes enough to stop suffering. 12 things you need to stop endure to live without negativity and in comfort. 1. The decision to come to terms with the fact that 

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The parable of the bad husband

One day a woman came to the priest and said: - You had married two years ago with my husband. And now we dissolve. I do not want to live with him anymore. - What is the reason for your desire to get a divorce - asked the priest. Woman as explained: - In all the time husbands returned home, my husband is constantly delayed. Because of this, every home 

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Рубрики:  English on the Forum
Creu.ru (Eng)

Creu.ru (Eng) .24.02.2016.13 signs of latent indifference.


Среда, 24 Февраля 2016 г. 13:54 + в цитатник
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9 most common mistakes in relations

1. To think that your partner is not going anywhere With the development of relations we increasingly perceive the presence of a partner in our lives for granted. Signs of attention, assist each other in the beginning, surprises and other pleasant things gradually disappear. On the one hand, this suggests that the relationship becomes more mature. But on the other 

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Response feelings photo project that is love

Photographer Emily-Jane Major (Emily-Jane Major) for two years sent out postcards with scenes from the film "Last Tango in Paris" and the words "Love - is ...". Recipients she asked to continue the phrase and send a postcard back. Love - is ... "Deep and dark (feeling)." "How to fall in love": Watch, look into her eyes, listening to her voice, not finding the right words, Read 

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Creu.ru (Eng) .23.02.16.Five reasons why you should marry a beautiful


Вторник, 23 Февраля 2016 г. 12:24 + в цитатник
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If you like to really fight for love does not stop

Whenever there is love between people, it is at least slightly different from what it was before, and all that will happen. It is born between people and how no two people are alike, and love is always a little different. However, it is always love. If you run it, you will always know: it does not matter, 

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The myth of a real man

I got my eye last piece of the play Ivan Vyrypaeva «DreamWorks». And there is a great on the beautiful. "A man should always be collected, concentrated (and a dozen beautiful words), a man should not have to admit weakness and cowardice, is to suppress the fear. He does not talk about fatigue and to communicate its impotence. "There's a lot of beauty. And the devil would 

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Рубрики:  80th Anniversary/Natural Ways to Stay Young
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
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Creu.ru (Eng)
Health & Lifestyle > Health

Creu.ru (Eng) .16.02.2016.There are people who smell of misfortune.


Воскресенье, 21 Февраля 2016 г. 16:45 + в цитатник
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Unhappy woman - an ungrateful woman!

When we buy a new book, go to a psychologist consultation, coaching, training on in our lives unconscious desire to hear and learn something that will make our lives a cloudless, we secretly hope to get rid of the problem forever. The main thing - to know this formula cloudless happiness. That's what I lived and went to various activities at this until 

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Double standards and a further 7 pitfalls that gets your mind

In the science of the mind there is the concept of "cognitive distortion" - repeating the error of thinking that all people have. Some of these errors are not harmful (and one might even say that it is useful), but many lead to inaccurate judgments and the fact that we do not think rationally. 1. We argue to win, not to get 

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Рубрики:  English on the Forum/Google translate
80th Anniversary/Natural Ways to Stay Young
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
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Creu.ru (Eng)

CREU.RU (ENG) .21.02.16.How quickly the information you need to remember


Воскресенье, 21 Февраля 2016 г. 14:34 + в цитатник
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I do not want it ...

The area is filled with intimacy and sexuality so many myths, dogmas and taboos that it will not interfere with one hand - research, on the other hand - human, adult look. To me at the session the women often come with inquiries on the subject of relations, and in the process one way or another are questions of dissatisfaction with their sex life.However, often it sounds 

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The best anecdote about a cup of coffee!

On the plane flying German, Russian and Jewish. God asks each one to conceive a wish, which he promises to fulfill. The German said: - I beg you, my God, destroy Communism! Russian: - I beg you, O God, destroy fascism! The Jew asks God: - What are you, all you can do? - Of course, - tells him to vote 

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Рубрики:  80th Anniversary/Natural Ways to Stay Young
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
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Creu.ru (Eng)
Health & Lifestyle > Health

Creu.ru (Eng) . 17.02.16.Animals that changed history


Суббота, 20 Февраля 2016 г. 03:43 + в цитатник
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That is hell simple words

Say, what the hell - it is a huge table on which smoke soup in the pot. They sit at the table and each people in the hands of the spoon. The handle of the spoon have a very long and covered with sharp thorns and needles. Therefore, to scoop the soup is still possible, but it is simply impossible to eat. Everyone is sitting at the table hungry and angry, cursing the spoons, and 

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The stronger the woman, so it is harder to find her man

The reason is not a woman, but in Russia given, when in severe conditions, due to history, women increasingly become a strong man. If you look at countries with a more favorable economic "climate", in Switzerland, Germany and America, there is a clear awareness that the family created after 40 years. And judging by the way the people live there, perhaps, 

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