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1.английский язык.2. полиглотство.3. живое человеч


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Серия сообщений "Chen-Shir-Alon -Ponchi Katz(Rison Le Zion)":
Часть 1 - Bendel Eliezer (Beer-Sheva)-С Днём Рождения!!!
Часть 2 - Lunevskaya Tamara(Черновцы)- Meet Kitty: the Jet Setting Feline
Часть 3 - Дневник Ирина -Зоотерапия - это система лечения человека общением с животными(Для изучения)
Часть 4 - Chen-Shir-Alon Katz(Rison Le Zion) -Hebrew-Смех евреев (Изучать иврит)
Часть 5 - Metargem73(Rishon Le Zion) -Забота о детях очень хорошая,но..
Часть 6 - Chen-Shir-Alon Katz-У палаток врачей в Тель-Авиве
Часть 7 - Ponchi -Dog Food -Dog Feeding Schedules(Для изучения)
Часть 8 - Ponchi-Training Miniature Poodles (Для изучения)
Часть 9 - Ponchi - Poodle Training Information.
Часть 10 - Ponchi-Miniature Poodle Tricks
Часть 11 - TrainPetDog.com -Ed (& Ponchi), Day 1 of the Toy Poodle Training Course
Часть 12 - Ponchi -Day 2 of the Toy Poodle Training Course(Для изучения)
Часть 13 - Ponchi-Day 3 of the Toy Poodle Training Course
Часть 14 - Ed (& Ponchi), Day 4 of the Toy Poodle Training Course
Часть 15 - TrainPetDog.com -Ed, Is this for real?
Часть 16 - Ed, THREE free gifts for Ponchi!
Часть 17 - Shir Katz (Israel)-mikmak
Часть 18 - Shir Katz(Israel)-MIKMAK...
Часть 19 - Chen-Shir(Israel)-26.1.2012-Карате-Зеленый пояс у Шир
Часть 20 - Chen-Shir Katz (Israel)- Песах 2012
Часть 21 - Lunevskaya Tamara(Черновцы) Молодость и зрелость(Для изучения)
Часть 22 - Alon Katz(Israel)- A nice boy
Часть 23 - Irina Shir (Beer-Sheva) С Новым 2013 годом !
Часть 24 - Metargem75(Israel) Sleeping Beauty (Little Briar Rose)
Часть 25 - Metargem75(Israel)-The Story of Cinderella(Золушка)
Часть 26 - Chen-Shir-Alon -Ponchi Katz(Rison Le Zion)
Часть 27 - 5 cool exercise in which you simply freeze
Часть 28 - 7 steps to a healthy body
Часть 29 - How to learn the multiplication table, and save a lot of nerves.

Выбрана рубрика Chen-Shir-Alon -Ponchi Katz(Rison Le Zion).

Другие рубрики в этом дневнике: Школьные годы чудесные(67), Реальные друзья(127), Память , зрение , слух(409), Здоровье и красота мужчины(580), Живое Человеческое Общение(6158), Вегетарианство. Вегетарианская кухня. Рецепты.(167), Welcome to Baba-Mail (1449), USA (119), todo-mail(13), Study German (11), Putin President New Russia (18.03.2018)(256), Humor in English(260), HTTPS://4BRAIN.RU/BLOG/.GRIGORY KSHEMINSKY.(1), Hebrew on the Forum(44), HEALTH LIFESTYLE.(18), Facebook.https://www.facebook.com/eduard.furman.3(7), English on the Forum(1417), Creu.ru (Eng)(107), Aрабский.Переводы.Уроки.(23), 80th Anniversary(6057), "Anti-aging medicine."(502), Health & Lifestyle > Health(651)

Bendel Eliezer (Beer-Sheva)-С Днём Рождения!!!


Среда, 20 Апреля 2011 г. 08:35 + в цитатник

 Bendel Eliezer

Oт всей души поздравляю тебя

С Днём Рождения!!! (13.04.2011)

Всегда и грустно, и приятно
Свой день рожденья отмечать:
Уходят годы безвозвратно,
Их только успевай считать.
Но время, будто бы теченье,
Ничто не в силах удержать.
Тебе сегодня в день рожденья
Хочу я счастья пожелать,
Удачи, радости, успеха,
Здоровым быть, беды не знать,
Преграды в жизни и помехи
Легко и быстро устранять,
Побольше смеха, меньше грусти -
И никогда не унывать.



070 (700x525, 256Kb)

 Shir Katz and Ponchy (Rishon Le Zion)-4.2011

Рубрики:  Реальные друзья

Lunevskaya Tamara(Черновцы)- Meet Kitty: the Jet Setting Feline


Среда, 20 Апреля 2011 г. 08:44 + в цитатник

Meet Kitty: the Jet Setting Feline

Kitty is a very adventurous cat. She is the beloved pet of American travelers, Peter and Marcia Simmons, who are hiking from Miami, Florida to Ushuaia in Argentina. They are currently in Colombia. Kitty is often seen resting in Peters backpack as they travel. They have set up a little umbrella on the backpack to shade Kitty from the sun. Kitty is enjoying the trip as much as her owners. She often climbs on Peters shoulder to get a better view of the new scenery. She is not at all shy about meeting new people. If there was an award for the most adventurous cat, Kitty would be the purr-fect candidate. The apparatus on his shoulder is a camera mounted in a way to document their travels.

She often climbs on Peters shoulder to get a better view of the new scenery. She is not at all shy about meeting new people. If there was an award for the most adventurous cat, Kitty would be the purr-fect candidate. The apparatus on his shoulder is a camera mounted in a way to document their travels.


029 (700x525, 247Kb)

Рубрики:  Живое Человеческое Общение/Переводы .Humor.Смех.Сатира.
Реальные друзья

Дневник Ирина -Зоотерапия - это система лечения человека общением с животными(Для изучения)


Вторник, 28 Июня 2011 г. 04:52 + в цитатник
  1. 044 (525x700, 274Kb)

  2. 017 (700x525, 257Kb)

  3.  Picture 020 (700x525, 195Kb)

  4. Зоотерапия - Relax - я.ру

     - [ Translate this page ]
    Зоотерапия. Зоотерапия - это система лечения человека общением с животными. Лечение с помощью кошек называется фелинотерапией. ...
  5. Relax - я.ру

     - [ Translate this page ]
    Зоотерапия - это система лечения человека общением с животными. Лечение с ...
    clubs.ya.ru/4611686018427416298/ - Cached
  6. Ella

     - [ Translate this page ]
    Jump to О любимых кошках‎: Зоотерапия - это система лечения человека общением с животными. Лечение с помощью кошек называется фелинотерапией. ...
    mi-ze.livejournal.com/ - Cached
Читать далее...
Рубрики:  Здоровье и красота мужчины

Chen-Shir-Alon Katz(Rison Le Zion) -Hebrew-Смех евреев (Изучать иврит)


Среда, 29 Июня 2011 г. 11:53 + в цитатник

זוג מקבל חשבון טלפון בזק מנופח ומתחיל לריב.
הבעל צועק על אשתו:

"איך הגענו לאלף שקל?!

הרי אני מתקשר רק מהעבודה!"
"מה אתה רוצה ממני,
גם אני מתקשרת רק מהעבודה!"

, צועקת האשה חזרה.
שניהם מסתכלים על העוזרת והיא צועקת בתגובה:
"מה אתם מסתכלים עלי?

גם אני מדברת רק מהעבודה!!!"

Алон радуется хвосту лошадки

בבית 411 (700x466, 206Kb)
Рубрики:  Живое Человеческое Общение/Переводы .Humor.Смех.Сатира.

Metargem73(Rishon Le Zion) -Забота о детях очень хорошая,но..


Суббота, 16 Июля 2011 г. 12:49 + в цитатник

Забота о детях очень хорошая,но..

Суббота, 16 Июля 2011 г. 10:52ссылка
Доброе утро , Галина ! Шабат шалом ! У нас очень- очень жарко. Вышел погулять с Пончи , карликовым пуделем. Наша дочка купила его за 2500 шекелей для своих детей -Шир (6 лет) и Алона (1 год и 4 месяца). Забота о детях очень хорошая , но за собачкой надо ухаживать ..А жизнь не совсем легкая ..У родителей работа и работа...Я научил Алона ходить , а теперь учу Пончи тоже гулять , и знакомиться , например , с другими маленькими собачками , с детьми...
005 (525x700, 224Kb)

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Chen-Shir-Alon Katz-У палаток врачей в Тель-Авиве


Вторник, 09 Августа 2011 г. 23:44 + в цитатник

Рубрики:  Живое Человеческое Общение/Переводы .Humor.Смех.Сатира.

Ponchi -Dog Food -Dog Feeding Schedules(Для изучения)


Воскресенье, 20 Ноября 2011 г. 10:01 + в цитатник

 Dog Feeding Schedules


Many of us use some sort of scheduling tool, like a Daytimer, to plan our hectic days and nights. This plan helps us to establish a routine and to get all the important tasks done. Dogs don't need reminders about picking up the laundry or going to Little League but they benefit from a schedule which includes things like eating and play time. Dogs thrive on routine and, though they do not keep track of time like we do, their circadian rhythm, or internal clock, makes it possible for them to tell when it's close to the time for a routine task.

The following sample schedule is meant for a breed or mix who is of average activity and has no health problems.

Sample Schedule of an Average Day with an Adult Dog

Food: Most adult dogs should eat twice a day. This keeps their metabolism stable and aids in digestion. You'll find they quickly catch on to when feeding time is. A sample schedule would be:

  • 7:00 a.m. - Breakfast

  • 6:00 p.m. - Dinner

Water: In general, it is best to leave a fresh bowl of water out for your dog every morning and every evening. Dogs should always have clean water after any activity. If you're working on housetraining or have a dog who overdrinks, you can schedule the amount and times you provide it. But watch your dog carefully and, if he seems to be thirsty, increase the amount. A sample schedule for monitoring water would be:

  • 7:00 a.m. - Clean and fill bowl half-way.
  • Noon - Rinse out and refill half-way.
  • 6:00 p.m. - Rinse and fill half-way.
  • Bedtime - Clean and fill bowl about 1/4 of the way.

See: How Much Water Should a Dog Drink a Day?

Sleep: An average dog sleeps about 14 hours a day. Unlike humans, they sleep for shorter times more frequently. A dog's REM cycle is more active than a human's and may explain the phenomenon of "chasing in their sleep." If your dog sleeps more than 16 hours a day, it is wise to check for any illness. By scheduling his activities throughout the day, you will naturally create a good sleeping routine.

Play: Play is imperative to keep a dog's skills honed, to provide stimulation and just to have fun. Play can mean a game of fetch with you, a board game where your dog has to do tricks to earn a turn, a doggie play date, or even interactive toys when you are away. Try to get two play sessions in a day. A sample schedule would be:

  • 8:00 a.m. - Spend at least 15 minutes playing with your dog
  • 4:00 p.m. or Right after work - Schedule a play date or try something creative like a game of hide and seek

Activity: Activity is imperative for a dog's mental and physical health. Ideally, a dog should be walked twice a day for 30 minutes. An extra walk does no harm and, in fact, will benefit you both. In our hectic society, however, this can be tough, so consider enlisting the help of a dog walker. Also keep in mind activities other than walking such as the dog park. A sample schedule would be:

  • 6:30 a.m. - Walk your dog before his breakfast
  • Noon - Walk your dog (this is where a dog walker could be helpful)
  • 5:00 p.m. - Walk your dog before his dinner

Together Time: Together time is a bonding experience for you and your dog. This is the easiest thing to schedule as it can be on the couch while watching T.V. or outside reading a book, or on the bed at the end of the night. The key is to focus on your dog and pet and massage him. Dogs love a light massage and many are happy with your foot stroking their back. Even just sitting touching your dog is a bonding activity.

Modifications for Puppies

Housetraining: With puppies, there is housetraining to consider in your schedule. When beginning housetraining, you or someone you trust, such as a dog sitter, really needs to be on hand frequently, so you can catch your pup before or in the act and rush them outside. Older puppies can go between three to four hours between elimination. A sample schedule would be:

  1. Outside upon waking.
  2. Outside after breakfast.
  3. Outside around noon after second feeding.
  4. Outside around 4:00 p.m.
  5. Outside after dinner.
  6. Outside before bed.

Food: A puppy will ideally eat three times a day so schedule in a feeding around noon. Get a dog sitter to help if needed.

Sleep: A puppy sleeps more than an adult dog, averaging about 16 hours a day. But some will sleep for up to 20 hours!

Activity: A puppy will have bursts of energy and then flop down where he is and sleep. Try to get your puppy out as much as you can, starting with short walks and building up to 20 minutes.

Ponchi-Training Miniature Poodles (Для изучения)


Воскресенье, 20 Ноября 2011 г. 10:42 + в цитатник
  1. Poodle Training | Toy Poodle Training and Standard House Training ...

    Latest Poodle training techniques suitable for toy poodles, miniature poodles and
    standard poodles. From puppy house training right through to solving problem ...
    www.dog-obedience-training-review.com/poodle-training.html - Cached - Similar
  2. Miniature Poodle Information and Pictures, Miniature Poodles, Mini ...

    The Miniature Poodle is an intelligent, joyful, companion dog. They can be
    trained to a high degree, and are very willing and happy to please their handler. ...
    www.dogbreedinfo.com/miniaturepoodle.htm - Cached - Similar
  3. Training Miniature Poodles - The Sensible Way

    Teach Your Miniature Poodle 100 English Words. Respect training. Obedience
    training. Socializing Miniature Poodles. Training Miniature Poodle puppies.
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Ponchi - Poodle Training Information.


Воскресенье, 20 Ноября 2011 г. 10:50 + в цитатник

Poodle Training & Poodle Breed Information


Go straight down to Poodle Training Information.

Poodles are a wonderful human companion dog. Poodle owners look upon this breed as being something very special and rarely change their allegiance to any other breed of dog. In fact, the numerous desirable qualities of the poodle has seen them become one of the most popular of all pure bred dogs worldwide.

Poodles are an extremely versatile breed who will adapt well to most household situations. Apart from being recognized as one of the most intelligent dog breeds they are also good natured, have a beautiful even temperament and thrive on human companionship. Plus they have that lovely distinctive appearance - Poodles stand out in any crowd!

When given proper puppy socialization and Poodle puppy training they are a magnificent addition to any dog loving household.



Toy Poodle For Sale

Poodle Breed History

The Standard Poodle is one of the oldest pure bred dogs. They were fully developed around the 16th century, most probably in Central Europe (it's not completely clear). In the early days Poodles were highly sought after for their outstanding hunting ability. They would retrieve birds from the swamps and lakes all day long. To this day you'll find that Poodles still love the water. In the past Poodles have been know as "Water Dogs" "Pudel" and "Caniche".

The popular Toy Poodles and Miniature Poodles came to prominence hundreds of years after the standard was developed.

Poodle Varieties & Appearance

A well kept Poodle is a magnificent animal to look at. Poodles are an athletic, well balanced dog with a sturdy, muscular build. They feature an attractive proud head which is held high and supported by a long strong neck. They have a lustrous dense coat which comes in many solid colors and is either curly or corded.

There are three different varieties of Poodle. From smallest to largest they are the Toy Poodle, Miniature Poodle and the Standard Poodle. All three varieties share the same desirable characteristics. If you come across ads for a "teacup poodle puppy" or "teacup poodle for sale" this is merely a marketing strategy used by breeders to sell smaller versions of the breed.

Toy Poodle Information:

Toy Poodle


10 inches or shorter at the highest point of the shoulders.

Miniature Poodle Information:

Miniature Poodle Training


15 inches or shorter at the highest point of the shoulders, with a minimum height in excess of 10 inches.

Standard Poodle Information:

Standard Poodle


15 inches or taller at the highest point of the shoulders.



Grooming Your Poodle

Poodles do take a little more time and effort to keep in top condition than most other breeds. Poodles need to be brushed every couple of days to keep their coats free from tangles and matting, plus a bath every few weeks is advisable. Depending on the style of clip you prefer, your poodle will need to be clipped every 4-6 weeks. You can do this yourself or through a professional poodle groomer.

Once you and your poodle get into a routine for brushing, bathing and clipping it will actually be a fun experience for your dog. Poodles love to be pampered!

Poodle Temperament & General Characteristics

When well bred and properly socialized the Poodle has a reliable, steady temperament. Poodles are much loved for their high intelligence, affectionate loving nature and cheeky mischievous ways. They truly are a breed of dog who bond very strongly with each member of their human family - they are not a "one person dog". Each individual Poodle has their own unique and special personality - that's one of the reasons why we become so attached to them.

Poodles are well suited to families with children. Due to their size the miniature poodle and standard poodle are considered more suitable for living with young children.

Most Poodles make excellent watchdogs. They are ever alert to any disturbance around the home and will sound the alarm (bark!) when the need arises.

Poodles do thrive on human company and are not suited to being left alone and isolated for long periods each day. When you are at home they like nothing more than to be right there with you sitting in front of the TV.

Poodles still retain the keen hunting instincts for which they were originally bred. For this reason they love games at the park such as retrieving a ball, hide and seek and they love to swim at any opportunity.

No poodle should be overly shy, timid or in any way aggressive.


Black Poodle Puppy
Black Poodle Puppy

Poodle Health Concerns

Generally speaking Poodles are a sturdy long living dog breed. They commonly live an active 10-15 years.

Purchasing your poodle from a reputable poodle puppy breeder will give you the best chance of bringing a physically and mentally sound dog into your life. A good poodle puppy breeder only breeds from top quality breeding stock (who have been thoroughly screened) and each mating will be carefully planned in advance. Poodle breeders play a crucial role in the health of their chosen breed going forward. They are also responsible for beginning the puppy socialization process in each individual puppy - you will then continue this process as soon as your puppy arrives home.

You can gain more detailed and specific poodle health care advice from your poodle puppy breeder or Veterinarian. Below is a list of potential health problems that you should at least be aware of:

All three Poodle varieties can suffer from: Hip Dysplasia, Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA), Cataracts, Seizures, Von Willebrand's Disease, Epilepsy, Hypothyroidism, Other Eye Disease, Cushings Disease and Mammory Tumors.

Specific To Toy And Miniature Poodles: Legg Calve Perthes, Patella Sub Luxation, Cryptorchidism, Trichiasis and Urolithiasis.

Standard Poodles: Gastric Torsion, Addison's Disease, Sebaceous Adenitis and Canine Cancers.

Apart from the genetically inherited diseases listed above there are many things you can do to keep your Poodle fit and well. Ensure that you feed a good fresh diet (not too much), provide plenty of exercise, socialization and poodle training.


Poodle Pictures
Poodle Puppy Training - Start Early!

Poodle Training Information - How To Train A Poodle

Poodles are great students - they certainly have the intelligence required for successful training and they back it up with plenty of enthusiasm as well.

Poodle puppies seem to love the physical and mental stimulation that is derived from obedience training. Poodle training provides the perfect outlet in which to channel their boundless energy in a positive and fulfilling manor (the alternative is destructive behaviors). Toy poodle training is also the best way to form and strengthen the close bond you will share with your poodle.

Poodles respond best to positive, reward based training methods built on encouragement, praise, repetition and positive reinforcement. Just provide consistent direction and your poodle will learn in quick time. Always work with your Poodle's natural drives and instincts and keep training sessions short, consistent and fun. There is no place for any harsh punishment or corrections in your poodle training sessions.

Here are a few training issues which are particularly relevant to Poodle owners:


  • Poodle House Training - House training a poodle is usually the highest priority for new Poodle puppy owners. The good news is that Poodles are a relatively easy breed to potty train. If you pick out a reliable poodle housebreaking strategy, and stick to it, you should achieve the desired result in just a few weeks. Popular methods of house training poodles are crate training and paper training. You can find a proven poodle house training schedule in this training resource - Secrets to Dog Training - Poodle House Training.


  • All of the basic obedience training commands can be easily taught to your poodle. They quickly learn behaviors such as sit, down, stay, come, heel and many more. When applying your toy poodle training or poodle puppy training remember to always keep it fun, and continue to challenge your dog. Don't let the training sessions become stale or like a "chore" in any way.


  • One poodle training issue that continues to frustrate poodle owners is leash training. Training a poodle to walk nicely on a loose leash is difficult, but by no means impossible. It's important to start leash training as early as you can and never reward inappropriate behavior on the leash (by continuing to walk). To get your poodle properly leash trained you can follow the leash training advice detailed in this poodle training resource - Poodle Leash Training.

If you are looking to train your poodle puppy, solve common behavior problems in your poodle or teach some obedience, you can find the latest cutting edge techniques here - How To Train A Poodle.



Visit Secrets to Dog Training Community - here




Some other pages you may be interested in:

Prevent or solve all the common dog behavior problems such as excessive barking, chewing, pulling on the leash and puppy whining.

Teach your Poodle some cool dog tricks.

Ponchi-Miniature Poodle Tricks


Воскресенье, 20 Ноября 2011 г. 11:43 + в цитатник
Bill the Miniature Poodle training

Miniature Poodle Tricks #4

Miniature Poodle Tricks #3

Miniature Poodle Tricks #2


Best toy poodle tricks!!!

TrainPetDog.com -Ed (& Ponchi), Day 1 of the Toy Poodle Training Course


Воскресенье, 20 Ноября 2011 г. 16:27 + в цитатник

Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2011

Ed (& Ponchi), Day 1 of the Toy Poodle Training Course

Hi Ed,

Thank you for subscribing to my training course for
Toy Poodles. With the help of this course,
you will soon see some dramatic improvements in
Ponchi's behavior.

Training Ponchi can be fun and easy for you
and your dog... if you use the correct training methods.

You can read more about them here:


Here's what it's NOT about:

1. Yelling At Ponchi
2. Hitting or Kicking your Toy Poodle
3. Punishing your dog in any way

Here's what it IS about:

1. Playing with Ponchi and having fun!
2. Making your Toy Poodle actually WANT to obey you!
3. Using the natural instincts ALL Toy Poodles have,
  to quickly and easily get Ponchi trained and
  acting like an angel.

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Ponchi -Day 2 of the Toy Poodle Training Course(Для изучения)


Вторник, 22 Ноября 2011 г. 15:12 + в цитатник


Ed (& Ponchi), Day 2 of the Toy Poodle Training Course

Add star 


Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 9:51 AM
To: Ed <metargem74@gmail.com>
Hi Ed,

Nancy Richards here from
with more tips for having a perfectly behaved Toy Poodle.

Yes, I'm talking about Ponchi :-)

In Day 1 of the Toy Poodle Training Course,
we talked about the biggest thing that drives
Ponchi's behavior.

Right now, almost 100% of Ponchi's behavior
(both good and bad) is a result of getting your
attention ...or trying to get your attention.

In fact, almost all "problem" behavior with
Toy Poodles can be traced back to one thing:

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Ponchi-Day 3 of the Toy Poodle Training Course


Вторник, 22 Ноября 2011 г. 15:14 + в цитатник


Ed (& Ponchi), Day 3 of the Toy Poodle Training Course

Add star 


Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 9:52 AM
Hi Ed,

Nancy again from

In my first 2 emails, I had talked about one basic thing that drives
most of the problem behaviors in Ponchi. I
also showed you how to stop your Ponchi from Jumping.

Today, I'll talk about how to stop your Toy Poodle from
barking and biting.


If your Toy Poodle is barking or howling when ignored,
it's probably because it suffers from separation anxiety.

Separation anxiety usually starts with fear and insecurities.

Training your dog to do some tricks will help it gain self-esteem.
Learn about lots of different tricks that you can teach
Ponchi from our Toy Poodle Lovers Membership
Site at:


If Ponchi is yapping at the neighbors through
the fence and annoying them, then behavior modification is THE key.
You should teach Ponchi a reverse command to stop
the barking.

To teach your Toy Poodle a reverse command, it must first
know the command "SPEAK". The SPEAK command is used to teach your
Toy Poodle to bark, but only when you tell it to (i.e.
bark on demand).

My Toy Poodle Lovers Membership Site contains step-by-step
instructions on how to teach Ponchi to SPEAK. Join the
Membership site at:


Once it has mastered the SPEAK command, think of another word to
tell your Toy Poodle to stop barking. Whatever word you
choose, it should be one word and preferably one syllable if

This process of first teaching your Toy Poodle to bark on
demand when your objective is to make it stop barking unnecessarily
may seem counter-intuitive at first, but I have found that it works
brilliantly in reality.

To learn more about exactly how this reverse command method works,
you can join our Toy Poodle Lovers Membership Site at:


Some trainers recommend that you use anti-bark collars in order to
prevent your Toy Poodle from barking. Anti-bark collars
come in two types - radio and herbal spray, but, I do not recommend
either. I have already told you I do not believe in yelling at or
hitting a dog in order to train it.

It would be best if you can train Ponchi to stop
barking on command - without touching him at all :)


If your Toy Poodle has the habit of biting you or other
members of your family, you can use some of the following techniques
to stop it from doing so:

One thing to keep in mind when you are teaching your
Toy Poodle not to bite is: DO NOT use toys and activities
that encourage biting.

Let me explain with an example:

Playing tug-of-war. Although this may be a popular playtime
activity for you and Ponchi, did you know that
this encourages Ponchi to bite, thus leading to unwanted
behavior problems?

Well, I am not saying that you should never play tug-of-war with
Ponchi. Once he is trained and fully understands the
"Off" command, you may tug-of-war with him. Until then, it is
best to put the rope away.

Another common mistake made by inexperienced Toy Poodle
owners that encourages biting is rough housing.

How many of us have either seen, or participated in, activities such
as growling at our dogs and letting them grab our hands in their
mouths during play?

Then, when our Toy Poodle bites too hard, we scold him
and tell him "no bite". We are completely confusing our
Toy Poodle by doing this if it has not yet been trained
to understand hard bites from soft bites.

If your dog has a great propensity to bite when playing, it is
a good idea to keep your hands away from its face when playing or
petting. This will discourage the biting by removing
the item it is trying to bite.

Never reward mouthing, snapping or grabbing types of behavior.

An example would be playing with Ponchi even after
it has grabbed a toy from your hand. In this instance, you should
stop playing and ignore Ponchi.

Continuing to play will enable it to think the grabbing behavior
was acceptable and it will continue to do so in the future. This
could  result in it later grabbing food or other items,
unintentionally injuring someone or another animal.

Once your Toy Poodle has established that mouthing or
biting is not the appropriate response in most instances, it is
important that you make it understand when it IS an appropriate
response. For instance, Retrieving is a situation where it is
appropriate for your Toy Poodle to mouth or bite.

Another approach to stop the unwanted biting behavior is to simply
stop interacting with your Toy Poodle and ignore it for a
period of time.

You can learn more about How To Stop Your Dog From Biting from
my exclusive Toy Poodle Lovers Membership Site at


Well, that's all that I have for today.

The tips discussed in this email should give you a good starting
point to help you correct behavior problems like barking, biting etc.

However, there are lots of other important issues that we have not
discussed which are essential for you to know before you can start
training your Toy Poodle not to bark or bite.

Also, apart from barking and biting, there are several other
behavior problems like chewing, digging, short attention spans,
excessive energy etc. that we have not discussed in this email.

Listen to this part carefully:

The tips from my Membership Site are 100% GUARANTEED
to work for Ponchi.

If it doesn't, I'll refund ALL of your money and let

Here's the full scoop:

Ed, you have NOTHING to lose by trying this.

If Ponchi isn't a well-trained dog
after you put this system to work, let me know and I'll
give you your money back ...AND STILL LET YOU KEEP THE WHOLE

Why can I make such an outrageous guarantee?


I know this works.  I've used it on my own dog,
and have helped hundreds of dog owners with it.

Go here and get your copy right now:

You'll be glad you did.  I guarantee it.

Nancy Richards

8721 Santa Monica Blvd, Los Angeles, CA - 90069

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Ed (& Ponchi), Day 4 of the Toy Poodle Training Course


Четверг, 24 Ноября 2011 г. 12:18 + в цитатник


Ed (& Ponchi), Day 4 of the Toy Poodle Training Course

Add star 


Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 10:01 AM
Hi Ed,

This is Nancy Richards from

Do you make these common mistakes with Ponchi?

Many dog owners make these mistakes inadvertently -- due to bad
advice, reading something somewhere, because that's how they did it
with the family dog when they were growing up, or because they are
noteven aware of what they're doing.

Then frustration sets in when Toy Poodle puppies
"have accidents" in the house, or an adult dog won't come
when called or jumps on people for attention or barks

But these and other problems are NOT the fault of the dog.

And it's NOT your fault either. You have simply received wrong

So, don't feel guilty.

Here are 3 common mistakes that most Toy Poodle
owners make, without knowing that they are sending wrong
signals to their pets:
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TrainPetDog.com -Ed, Is this for real?


Пятница, 25 Ноября 2011 г. 01:14 + в цитатник


Ed, Is this for real?

Add star 


Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 9:56 AM
Hi Ed,

Yesterday, I sent you an email explaining why
I'll train Ponchi for free.

Since then, tons of people have written me asking
if this was 'for real'.

The answer is: YES!

I'll flat out GIVE you my ENTIRE Toy Poodle
Lovers Membership Site for free if Ponchi
isn't magically transformed into a dream dog.

It's all here in black and white:

I have more than 52,000 happy customers worldwide.
My newsletters and Blog sites are read by hundreds of
thousands of people around the world.

So plain and simple, I KNOW my training will
work for Ponchi, and I totally
guarantee it.

Ponchi becomes a wonder-dog, or you get
all your money back.  AND you can keep my entire
course for free.
Читать далее...

Ed, THREE free gifts for Ponchi!


Понедельник, 28 Ноября 2011 г. 16:31 + в цитатник


Ed, THREE free gifts for Ponchi!

Add star 


Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 9:51 AM

Here's How To Get Three FREE Breakthrough
Dog Training Tools For Ponchi!


Only If You Act Today, November 28, 2011

Take a look at these 3 killer training tools I'm
going to give you and Ponchi
today, just for saying "Maybe" to my guaranteed
Toy Poodle Lovers Membership Site:

But ...please be aware that I'm only planning to
"give away the farm" like this today. So if you want
some amazing training tools for Ponchi
just for saying "maybe", join my Membership Site
right away.

Talk soon,

Nancy Richards

8721 Santa Monica Blvd, Los Angeles, CA - 90069

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Shir Katz (Israel)-mikmak


Воскресенье, 25 Декабря 2011 г. 13:27 + в цитатник


  1. מיקמק- עולם וירטואלי שלמשחקיםהרפתקאותוכיף

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Shir Katz(Israel)-MIKMAK...


Воскресенье, 25 Декабря 2011 г. 13:35 + в цитатник


  1. מיקמק - עולם וירטואלי של משחקים הרפתקאות וכיף

עולם וירטואלישל משחקים והרפתקאות, בואו להכיר חברים חדשים! הרשמה חינם.

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שחק עכשיו!


מיקמק - מיקמקוד -קודים


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עולם וירטואלישל משחקים והרפתקאות, בואו להכיר חברים חדשים! הרשמה חינם.


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Chen-Shir(Israel)-26.1.2012-Карате-Зеленый пояс у Шир


Пятница, 27 Января 2012 г. 15:40 + в цитатник

Chen-Shir Katz (Israel)- Песах 2012


Вторник, 10 Апреля 2012 г. 20:38 + в цитатник
אחד מי יודע.wmv
אחד מי יודע.wmv

Lunevskaya Tamara(Черновцы) Молодость и зрелость(Для изучения)


Суббота, 16 Июня 2012 г. 15:52 + в цитатник

 1.Lunevskaya Tamara(Черновцы)  прислала стихи

Ирина Самарина-Лабиринт . Ирине всего 31 год ...

И мне Метаргему74 , и Томе , наверно , в 2 раза больше.  

2. Мы помещаем это стихотворение  в разделе :

В     ТИХОМ     ПАРКЕ ...

Живое Человеческое Общение
     Выражение собственных мыслей на разных языках .

На Гугль очень многие люди скопировали  этот стих Ирины .

3. Любое собственное создание надо внимательно просмотреть , прочитать ...
 Молодость и зрелость сели на скамейку.

 Ирина Самарина-Лабиринт

Ирина Самарина-Лабиринт

 Доброго времени суток всем читающим…

Меня зовут Ирина, мне 31 год. Всю жизнь живу на Украине в городе Полтава, но с детства пишу на русском языке… Так уж сложилось... Никогда не читала литературу, как правильно и профессионально писать стихи, потому что (на мой взгляд) их должна диктовать душа, а не голова… Только тогда стихи рождаются настоящие и искренние… Стихи нельзя выдумать, но их можно почувствовать и записать… Именно так с детства я записываю всё, что диктует мне душа… Мои стихи в основном адресованы людям, поэтому обещаю делиться своими новыми мыслями с читателями…

Ведь если я пишу, значит кому-то это нужно, возможно именно Вам

В моих стихах простые слова для простых людей

Хочется, чтобы стихи написанные душой - читались тоже душой
Наверное, так и должно быть

Молодость и зрелость сели на скамейку…
Молодость сказала: «Ты как я сумей-ка…»
Зрелость отвечала: «Красота не вечна,
Научись делиться красотой сердечной…»

Молодость, с насмешкой: «Что в тебе такого?
Дом, семья, работа… Скучные оковы…»
Зрелость улыбалась, будто младшей дочке:
«Без оков семейных люди – одиночки…»

Молодость твердила: «Всё во мне прекрасно,
Молода, свободна, и красива, ясно
Зрелость отвечала: «Я тебя мудрее,
И с тобой, малышка, спорить не посмею…

Повзрослей, узнаешь, счастье не в свободе,
Не в ночных гуляньях, не в Парижской моде…»
Молодость смеялась: «Глупости всё это,
Раз не в этом счастье, значит счастья нету»

Зрелость отвечала: «Нет, оно бывает,
Если жить с любимым небо позволяет,
Если смех детишек слышится из дома…
Ты ещё со счастьем, крошка, незнакома…»

Молодость спросила: «Если правда это,
Что ж ночами плачешь и о чём секреты?»

«Я ночами плачу…», - зрелость говорила:
«Потому что раньше это не ценила…»

Ирина Самарина-Лабиринт, 2011

Оставляю ссылку на свой авторский канал на ютюбе, там я читаю свои стихи на вебку:

А мне   Метаргему   уже     74 года  и 3 месяца  (13.4.1938)
Может быть это и есть моя зрелость.
У меня есть 3 внука -
Шани (США), 18 лет
Шир ,7 лет ,( Израиль),
Алон .2 года.

034 (466x700, 251Kb)

Шир находится у нас ...Я пригласил свою жену и Шир к мыслям стихотворения ...

Переводил мысли от Ирины- душевная доброта , необходимость живого человеческого общения ,

необходимость все это ценить..Жизнь    Шир , Алона, Шани , зависит от их родителей...

Я хотел учить внуков иностранным языкам , которые я знаю , ездим на велосипеде , плавать ,но....

Шир хочет играться с компьютером..

К сожалению , нет сердечной близости ...

А может это правильно , как можно меньше во что-то вмешиваться ????????

Это , наверное , самое вредное решение......................................................

55957 (700x468, 186Kb)

Рубрики:  80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
Живое Человеческое Общение

Alon Katz(Israel)- A nice boy


Вторник, 18 Сентября 2012 г. 16:30 + в цитатник

Chen-Shir-Alon -Ponchi Katz(Rison Le Zion)





Рубрики:  Живое Человеческое Общение/Переводы .Humor.Смех.Сатира.
Живое Человеческое Общение/USA(27.8-19.9.12)
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80

Irina Shir (Beer-Sheva) С Новым 2013 годом !


Суббота, 29 Декабря 2012 г. 19:33 + в цитатник

 Всех реальных друзей поздравляем с 2013 годом ...

и желаем вам как можно больше писать на наш Форум...

Реальные друзья 
     Борис Малаев - www.CATTBA.com 
     Alina Semukha (USA) 
     Chen-Shir-Alon -Ponchi Katz(Rison Le Zion) 
     Don Manual (Москва)(Изучаем испанский язык) 
     Eugenia Vinarsky(Israel)- 
     Furman Lydia (Israel) 
     Furman Cilia (Israel) 
     Furman Regina(USA) 
     Galia Shmulenson(Rishon Le Zion) 
     Grigory Malis(Israel ) 
     Hebrew-Учим иврит 
     Irina Shir (Beer-Sheva) 
     Litos Yosef (Beer-Sheva) 
     LizaUra Marhevka (Beer-Sheva) 
     Lora Bar-El (Israel) 
     Lunevskaya Tamara(Черновцы) 
     Metargem74(Rishon Le Zion) 
     Mila Kreiserman (Beer-Sheva) 
     Mira Shindelman (Israel) 
     new.ba-bamail (Hebrew) 
     Novik Leonid (Eilat) 
     Pnina Lavi (Rishon-Le-Zion) 
     Ruth Goren (Israel) 
     Shir - Alon -Ponchi(Rishon-Le-Zion) 
     Tsafy Berend(Beer-Sheva) 
     Willy Gold (Germany) 
     Ермоловская Татьяна (Ульяновск) 
     Израиль.(Мысли и мысли) 

Рубрики:  Живое Человеческое Общение/Переводы .Humor.Смех.Сатира.
Реальные друзья

Metargem75(Israel) Sleeping Beauty (Little Briar Rose)


Воскресенье, 17 Марта 2013 г. 04:48 + в цитатник


Fables and Fairytales Main 



Это новый раздел нашего Форума. И изучает этот материал Metargem75(Israel).Раньше мы были Метаргем74 , но до 13.4.13  остаются  26 дней. В 75 лет надо считать   время  по минутам и часам. Писать всякие глупости на Форуме не хочется . Главное ,выражать собственное мнение...на разных языках.  Этот раздел замечательный раздел для изучения английского языка. И Алону можно будет рассказывать эти сказки. Метаргем75 исправляет возможные ошибки этого текста. Метаргем75 будет писать зрачения определенных слов на русском языке.

Sleeping Beauty (Little Briar Rose)

The classic story of sleeping beauty and the 100 year trance

Read more athttp://www.kidsgen.com/fables_and_fairytales/sleeping_beauty.htm#wEhITBlUGMqXcD38.99

A long time ago there were a king and queen who were unhappy because they were childless. But it happened that once when the queen was bathing, a frog crept out of the water on to the land, and said to her, "Your wish shall be fulfilled,before a   year has gone by, you shall have  a daughter."

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Рубрики:  Живое Человеческое Общение/Переводы .Humor.Смех.Сатира.
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80

Metargem75(Israel)-The Story of Cinderella(Золушка)


Вторник, 26 Марта 2013 г. 13:43 + в цитатник

Fables and Fairy Tales for kids

26.3.13.   Надо учить английский язык. И другие языки тоже. Очень жаль , что мы не имеем с кем переписываться на этих языках.Идея очень простая ..Использовать Переводчик Гугль  для изучения разных языков.

Fables and Fairytales Main

The Story of Cinderella


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Рубрики:  Живое Человеческое Общение/Переводы .Humor.Смех.Сатира.
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80

Chen-Shir-Alon -Ponchi Katz(Rison Le Zion)


Воскресенье, 06 Сентября 2015 г. 08:09 + в цитатник

5 cool exercise in which you simply freeze


Суббота, 17 Октября 2015 г. 07:23 + в цитатник
5 cool exercise in which you simply freeze

5 cool exercise in which you simply freeze

Just Freeze in each position 5-30 seconds. And occupies at least 4-5 times a week.


1. Butterfly Wing

Bent right foot rest against the wall, his left leg bent at the knee right place. Loins tear off the floor, put his hands on his stomach. Repeat the same with the right foot.

Читать далее...
Рубрики:  80th Anniversary/Natural Ways to Stay Young
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
Живое Человеческое Общение
"Anti-aging medicine."

7 steps to a healthy body


Суббота, 17 Октября 2015 г. 07:38 + в цитатник

7 steps to a healthy body

7 steps to a healthy body

What good diet Plisetskaya celebrated as Hollywood stars dissemble about their diets and why you do not need to go on a diet - along with experts, we have figured out how to develop their own system of power. 

Surprise - the New Year we ourselves are not
pohudeem. We'll have to start now - and seriously, not as usual. Of course, deep down, we all know how to eat properly: it is necessary to stick to the well-known and highly effective diet Maya Plisetskaya, codenamed "Do not eat!". You can develop your own system, and that will gain followers as soon as you become famous. 

Marilyn Monroe, for example, for the sake of the figure, making it the world's main seductress, refused dinner (but loved the dinner, and it is desirable - juicy piece of meat). Actress Courteney Cox, contrary to the traditional advice of nutritionists, indulging in carbohydrates for breakfast and lunch, but with interest refers to him during dinner. 

Sophia Loren, although talks over the years about her loyalty to the Italian pasta, has long been prefers vegetables and fish, Catherine Deneuve - separate meals, and Nicole Kidman shows off its commitment to whole-grain bread for breakfast and vegetable salad for lunch. And celebrities are constantly told how to start the morning with a jog in the park, drink a lot of fluids (not containing, of course, not a drop of alcohol), dinner without doubt give the enemy decisively, and for dinner choose a good fitness workout. 

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Рубрики:  80th Anniversary/Natural Ways to Stay Young
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
Живое Человеческое Общение
"Anti-aging medicine."

How to learn the multiplication table, and save a lot of nerves.


Суббота, 10 Декабря 2016 г. 11:02 + в цитатник
  Спасибо Лизе и Юре Мархевка   от меня и от моего внука Алон
Elizabeta Marhevka [lizaura)

How to learn the multiplication table, and save a lot of nerves

Teacher of Mathematics Catherine Kukina told AdMe.ru , how to master the multiplication table, without taking in children summer. This method will facilitate the study, will present knowledge and save the school diary.


You probably have heard the opinion that the level of mathematics education falls.

When my children studied in the second grade, I clearly understood why falling level of mathematical education at the school. It was in the second grade, when laying the foundations of mathematics education, there is such a huge irreparable hole .

The main problem - in the multiplication table . Look at the notebook in a cage that is at your school children.

I have long walked around the shops in search of notebooks. Still, all is such a picture:

There are notebooks worse (for high school), where the multiplication table, but there is a bunch of meaningless formulas.

So what is this book is bad ? The unsuspecting parent sees that on the notebook multiplication table. Like all life on notebooks has been the multiplication table. What is not so?

But the problem is precisely the fact that notebooks  NOT multiplication table . 
The multiplication table, my dear readers, is here:


In another way, it is called "Pythagorean table."

The upper and the left column, you can not take only the basic rectangle.

Firstly, a table. Secondly, it is interesting!

No child will not consider prescription bars examples.

No child will not be able to find in the prescription examples of interesting pieces and regularity.

And in general, when the teacher says, 'Learn the multiplication table "- and the child, even before a table can not see, he immediately realizes that mathematics - is a science, where ordinary things are named differently and should be lots of cramming, and understand nothing is impossible.

What is the "table" is better?

  • Firstly, there is no waste and noise information in the form of the left side of examples.
  • Secondly, it is possible to think over. There even is not written anywhere that this multiplication - just a table.
  • Third, if it is constantly at hand and the baby at her constantly stumbles, he perforce begins to remember these numbers. In particular, the question of "seven, eight," he will never answer "55", because the number 55 in the table at all and never was!

Remember bars examples can only children with abnormal memory. The "table" need to remember a lot less.

In addition, the child machine looks for patterns . And he finds them alone. These patterns are even children not yet know how to multiply. 
For example: the numbers symmetric about a diagonal equal.

The human brain is simply configured to look for symmetry , and if it finds and sees very happy. And what does it mean? This means that the permutation of factors places the product does not change.



You see, the child sees it himself! And  that man invented himself, he will remember forever , as opposed to what he was told and memorized.


Source livejournal.com 

Источник: https://www.adme.ru/zhizn-nauka/kak-vyuchit-tablic...-sberech-kuchu-nervov-1361815/ © AdMe.ru
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Память , зрение , слух

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