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As Putin outsmarted us...

Четверг, 22 Сентября 2016 г. 07:20 + в цитатник
New Statesman logoThe Statesman the New , United Kingdom
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As Putin outsmarted us


195 128965
John Simpson (John Simpson)

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin in recent years has been in the whole business.Here is a partial list of what he has achieved. It 1) returned to the Crimea - the only part of the territory, the loss of which after the collapse of the Soviet Union the Russian people most sorry; 2) brought the Ukraine, in the Crimea which he took, almost to a nervous breakdown; 3) put the fear NATO, giving the appearance that can invade one or more of the Baltic countries; 4) become acquainted with Turkey, gave her the opportunity to demonstrate its independence from the United States and Europe; 5) the same thing - with Israel; 6) was rescued from the mob violence (similar to the one which was subjected to Colonel Gaddafi) Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, has turned from an ophthalmologist in criminal reset drum bombs, and simultaneously saved the incomparable ruins of Palmyra; 7) set as good relations with Iran, he allowed it to use a military base; and now 8) Vladimir Putin is positioning itself as the only one who can bring peace not only to Syria but also to Israel and the Palestinians. And, yes - even he might have concluded (and perhaps not) some questionable dealings with a man who could (if Hillary Clinton and we all have things go wrong) become the next US President.

If there Nobel Prize for political maneuvering, Putin would be fully deserved it. Of course, this list - with the exception of paragraphs 1 and 6 - there is nothing particularly outstanding, and if President Obama, who is the real Nobel Prize winner, would be harder and would have acted more energetic, much of this list would not have happened in the last eight years. But Putin - a fine opportunistic, and he was able to take full advantage of the opportunities that Obama and all of us, he was granted.

As a result of the approval in Putin's country ratings are still high, and it enjoys the support of the overwhelming majority of the population - despite the fact that the Russian the economy contracted by 3.7% last year. Many Russians face to face admit that they are afraid to tell pollsters that they think really. But, no doubt, Putin is very popular. And let's be honest - when Putin, Russia's GDP based on purchasing power daily, almost doubled, and infant mortality under five years old halved. Not bad.

During the years of Putin's Russia has undergone an extremely unpleasant and frightening events - from the war in Chechnya and the de facto occupation of the Crimea and eastern Ukraine before the killing, among others, Boris Nemtsov and Alexander Litvinenko. But be that as it may, Vladimir Putin -. Not just kind to revive the old wax figure of the Soviet era 

If so! That the Kremlin leader, which we see today, resourceful, bold, energetic, and (as we would say representatives of the Western powers) strikingly devoid of moral principles. And pleasant in dialogue. My only experience with Putin face to face was rather short-lived. It was in 2008 - he has just stepped down as president for one term, to be able to return to the presidency later and remain there indefinitely. I caught him just after he voted - it seemed to me that he is calm and keeps ease. Yes, he said, he often looks Bi-bi-si, to improve my English, and said something kind about my own reports. 

A couple of years ago I attended one of his telethons. This annual press conference, during which he spent about four hours answering journalists' questions, mostly Russian, witty and without notes. Some of the questions were not exactly modest, or simply banal - any woman he likes? How much he earns?


He was also questioned in detail about the economic and energy policy of Russia, there were difficult questions (of Ukrainian journalist asked) what objectives it pursues in Ukraine. When I was given a microphone, so I asked the question, I gave him the opportunity to say that he does not want a new Cold War. He was responsible for a long time and in detail, but he did not say he did not want the war.

His speech struck me. What is the Western leader could answer questions for four hours without notes and never lose? Of course, the Russian media in recent years, silenced, and it is alarming, but the "press conference" was broadcast throughout Russia, and at the slightest lie in statements to draw attention around the world.

As Putin began as a simple officer KGB operative in East Germany and then worked in St. Petersburg City Hall in the team of the first post-Soviet mayor Anatoly Sobchak, where almost nothing stood out, the Russian president in the West is often considered drab and incomprehensible - just wrong and Trotsky, characterizing Stalin in his early years. But Putin is not a creature of some other, darker figures from the old Soviet past. What's KGB handler in their right mind would allow that his protege gave himself go on the air, not adhering to the given scenario?

No. Vladimir Putin is independent, and is his game, his adventurous plan works perfectly - he tricked us into thinking that Russia has again become a superpower.

And yet, like many of the best campaigns, all this - an absolute lie. According to IMF estimates, Russia this year will be only the 14th largest economy in the world - after Australia, with a population of only a sixth of the population of Russia. The US spends on its armed forces in nine times more than Russia; this article Russia annually allocates only $ 10 billion more than the United Kingdom. Leaders of Turkey and Israel, Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Benjamin Netanyahu does not really think that Russia will be able to bring peace to their region - they simply like to act on the nerves and mock the poor man-antiquity Barack Obama.

If world affairs were a card game, Putin with the best scenario would be, say, three eights. And leaders around the table - mostly straights and flushes or better yet; but they staring at a pile of chips in front of him, pondering whether to reset the card. It would be wrong to extol the many things that made Vladimir Putin; but if he gave lessons in the game of poker, I would, of course, for him to record.

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