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Участник сообществ (Всего в списке: 3) Серийные_убийцы Beatles Hunter_Thompson


Статистика LiveInternet.ru: показано количество хитов и посетителей
Создан: 07.06.2006
Написано: 145


Я простой Московский парень,я играю на гитаре!!!

C Новым годом!!!!

Воскресенье, 09 Января 2011 г. 12:06 + в цитатник
Опять я не был тут сто лет
Такая штука,этот интернет
Вчера зашёл, сегодня вновь опять забыл
Но к дневничку я знайте не остыл....
Я буду заходить сюда почаще
Я дома чаще , я стал чуть постарше....
А всем просто огромнейший привет
Всех с Новым годом и прекрасных лет...!!!!!

Понравилось: 31 пользователям

День рождения!!!

Среда, 14 Мая 2008 г. 11:44 + в цитатник
Ура! Всё прошло отлично!!! Только оклемался!!! 30 лет ,я вам скажу,не хухры мухры!!!

Без заголовка

Суббота, 19 Апреля 2008 г. 20:19 + в цитатник
В колонках играет - Кино
Настроение сейчас - нормуль

Одноклассники АУууууу!!!!!!!!


 (621x326, 26Kb)


Всего по чуть-чуть... - новая серия фотографий в фотоальбоме

Суббота, 22 Марта 2008 г. 22:59 + в цитатник

Рок энд ролл не умрёт никогда!!!

Суббота, 22 Марта 2008 г. 22:50 + в цитатник
 (266x400, 50Kb)
Сходил на концерт Чака Берри, очень порадовался за старика Чака,он ещё бодрячком!!! Обидно конечно, что не было ни Джони би гу, рок энд ролл мьюзик,ни Мейбеллин,но всё равно всё было очень здорово!!! Перед Чаком выступала группа Пижоны,тож не плохой рок н рольчик!!! Спасибо Алексу за билеты, и Костету за участие в сием зрелище!!!

Старенький стишок!!!

Понедельник, 25 Февраля 2008 г. 12:54 + в цитатник
 (600x433, 23Kb)
Настроение сейчас - так сяк

Выкладываю совсем старенький стишок, которому в этом году исполняется 10 лет!
Незнаю под каким впечатлением я его написал, но похоже настроение было дерьмо!!!

Как хорошо быть мёртвым
Спокойно лежать в гробу
Сегодня я наемся снотворных
Сегодня я наверно умру.
Умру и забуду про всё
Что было когда-то со мной
И не было мне хорошо
И был я на сердце больной.
В земле полежу отдохну
Открою глаза, помолчу
Порой очень тихо вздохну
И снова пойти захочу.
И пусть что я умер сегодня
И пусть друзья пьют на могиле
И пусть неполадки с погодой
И пусть будет DOORS на виниле.
Зато я теперь не болею
И деньги теперь не нужны мне
Лицо я не мою, не брею
И ничего не вижу во сне я.
Как хорошо, что я умер
Давно надо было покончить
Такой вот у меня юмор
Такой вот смертельный номер.
Сегодня пришло незаметно
Сегодня теперь всегда
Ушёл человек бесследно
И не придёт никогда.
Теперь темнота повсюду
Теперь тишина везде
Жить я больше не буду
Квартира моя в земле.
Зато иногда под вечер
Я буду ходить к друзьям
Они лишь услышат ветер
Бегут молиться в храм.
А мне ведь уже всё равно
Молись ты или травись
Я друзей не видел давно,
А увижу, и всё зашибись.
Я с ними когда-то торчал
Я с ними в группе играл
Я с ними девок снимал
Но только я рано устал.
Устал я не от того,
Что девок когда-то снимал
Устал ни с того ни с сего
Захотел устать и устал.
Теперь у меня нет работы
И учиться мне ни к чему
Нет ощущения рвоты
К прошлому своему.
Теперь мне не нужен мозг
Теперь мне не надо думать
Всё равно жара и мороз
Лишь хочеться что-то послушать.
Beatles и группа Ramones
Джим Морисона, группу DOORS
Чижа, Зоопарк, Rolling Stones
Sex Pistols, КИНО и Toy Dolls.
Так что друзья не поленитесь
В гроб магнитолу положить
Кассет побольше соберите
Без них я не смогу там быть.
А вообщем всё уже в порядке
Уже освоил новый дом
Тут, правда, не съиграешь в прятки
Зато лежать удобно в нём.
Сегодня я уже умер
Я съел порошок снотворный
О чём я всегда думал
О том, что сейчас я мёртвый…

Раф (20.09.98г.)

Всего по чуть-чуть... - новая серия фотографий в фотоальбоме

Понедельник, 25 Февраля 2008 г. 12:14 + в цитатник


Понедельник, 25 Февраля 2008 г. 11:43 + в цитатник
22 ого февраля побывал в Точке на концерте Гарика Сукачёва!Было всё очень здорово!Море позитива и энергии от Гарика!
 (640x480, 142Kb)

Умер Егор Летов!

Среда, 20 Февраля 2008 г. 16:02 + в цитатник
В колонках играет - ...............................
121 (450x600, 93Kb)
Настроение сейчас - ...............................

Опять Джон!

Вторник, 29 Января 2008 г. 22:16 + в цитатник
В колонках играет - Белый кролик
 (476x699, 281Kb)
Настроение сейчас - нормуль

Возвращаясь с работы, прогуливался по магазинчикам, купил книгу( русскую рок-энциклопедию), две девочки впарили флакон с вкусно пахнущим веществом(вроде трезвый и добрый), и самое главное приобрёл супер ДВД ,История Джона Леннона,!!! Очень замечательная НЕОрабочая прогулка!!! Пойду смотреть кино!!!


Страх и ненависть в Лас Вегасе!

Пятница, 25 Января 2008 г. 22:34 + в цитатник
howlin' wolf - i smell a rat Душевная песенка из фильма Страх и ненависть в Лас Вегасе! Слушайте на здоровье!!!

Володя Высоцкий!!!

Пятница, 25 Января 2008 г. 22:26 + в цитатник
В колонках играет - В.Высоцкий
 (450x450, 86Kb)
Сегодня 70-летие Владимира Высоцкого! От всей души хочется поздравить этого человека с Днём рождения! Он навсегда останется в наших сердцах, его песни, фильмы, спектакли, его голос, душа!!!Огромное уважение тем, кто до сих пор помнит этого человека,а таких я думаю большинство!!! Спасибо вам, Володя!!!



Пятница, 25 Января 2008 г. 22:16 + в цитатник
В колонках играет - Высоцкий
Сидючи, поздним вечером 23 числа, сочинил песню! Вот её текст, предлагаю вашему вниманию!


Я не в первый раз захожу в Дакоту
И вижу, как ты лежишь,
Над тобой склонившись, сидит Йоко Оно
И ждёт, когда ты полетишь.

На земляничных полянах снова темно
Там северный ветер свистит,
Там маленький мальчик смотрит в окно
И ждёт, когда он полетит.

На облаке Хендрикс играет в очко,
Дженис Джоплин снимает кредит,
А Харрисон бабочек ловит сачком
Они ждут, когда он прилетит.

Кобейн завязал с героином и спит
За медсестру у него Монро,
Толик Крупнов собрал группу “Гранит”
По вечерам он их всех веселит.

А Джим Моррисон всех подсадил на абсент
И с Ван Гогом рисуют Париж,
А СашБаш на холме встречает рассвет
В надежде, что ты прилетишь.

Цой и Майк играют квартирник
У Дюши в укромном углу,
Янка у Свина украла светильник
И поставила вниз на полу.

Элвис спокойно сидит у реки
Под гитару “Imagine” свистит,
Он верит в то, что он очень велик
И обязательно к ним прилетит.

Сид Вишес, давно уже пишет стихи,
А Нэнси готовит обед,
Бодров сочиняет новый сценарий
О человеке идущем на свет.

Александр Абдулов недавно приехал
Чтобы сыграть главную роль
С ним крепко сдружился Хантер Томпсон
Листая старый фотоальбом.

Джонни Кэш репетирует с группой Рамонс
А Высоцкий поёт “all you need…”
Они обязательно его дождутся
Он обязательно к ним прилетит.

Раф (23.01.2008г.)
 (509x698, 101Kb)


Глава 27!

Пятница, 25 Января 2008 г. 22:11 + в цитатник
В колонках играет - В.Высоцкий
Настроение сейчас - либо-либо

После просмотра этого фильма! Стало как-то не по себе, что про таких ублюдков снимают кино!Я всегда буду считать, что Леннона убили спец.службы.А Чапмен всего лишь подставная пешка и кусок дерьма!!! Выкурил много сигарет,выпил пива!!! А настроение полное фуфло!!!

 (250x362, 21Kb)


С Новым годом!!!

Понедельник, 31 Декабря 2007 г. 19:20 + в цитатник
В колонках играет - Володя Высоцкий
Настроение сейчас - Хорошее

От всей души, поздравляю всех с Новым 2008 годом!Пусть все ваши мечты в Новом году сбудутся! Удачи вам!!!

 (500x375, 67Kb)


17 лет!

Четверг, 16 Августа 2007 г. 18:51 + в цитатник
hghf (548x573, 99Kb)
В колонках играет - В.Цой-Перемен!

Вчера ,как 17 лет с нами нет Виктора Цоя!Светлая ему память!


Четверг, 26 Июля 2007 г. 19:47 + в цитатник
 (700x700, 113Kb)
В колонках играет - Захар Май-Менты хуже пидарасов
Настроение сейчас - более-менее

Захар Май - один из ведущих современных российских музыкантов. Родился в Харькове в 1969 году, учился (недолго) на математическом факультете Тартуского Университета. Первую песню ("Холодильник пуст") написал в 1987 году, с ней же выступил на фестивале КСП "Эсхар '87", где сорвал свою первую многотысячнуюстоячую овацию. С 1988 по 2002 год жил в Соединенных Штатах, где занимался народной музыкой, компьютерами и звукозаписью. С 1994 года - отец русской сети, лауреат бесчисленных премий за созданный им с друзьями сайт baza.com.

Автор популярных хитов "Нахуй!", "Наши танки" и "Russo Matroso". В 2002 году вернулся в Россию, где продолжает заниматься народной музыкой, компьютерами и звукозаписью. В том же 2002 году собрал лучших рок-музыкантов Питера в супергруппу "Шива", и записал с ней альбом "Чёрные вертолёты", ласково встреченный публикой и критиками.

Участник всяческих фестивалей, король клубных площадок пяти континентов. Живёт то в Питере, то в Москве, всё время где-то играет - а если не играет, то работает у себя в студии над новыми треками.

Захар Май - Всё напоминает о тебе

Четверг, 26 Июля 2007 г. 19:36 + в цитатник
Очень хорошая песня!!!

Ура!Приобрёл 12 Гб каверов Битлз!Всего за 1500 рублей!!! Сижу,слушаю,кайфую!!!

Четверг, 19 Апреля 2007 г. 18:51 + в цитатник
В колонках играет - You've Got to Hide Your Love Away - Elvis Costello
Настроение сейчас - гравитационное


00 The Early Tapes Of The Beatles with Tony Sheridan

Ain't She Sweet (J. & D. Edwards).mp3
Ain't She Sweet - John Lennon.mp3
Ain't She Sweet - Les Primitifs Du Futur.mp3
Cry For A Shadow - Los Straitjackets (Live at the Abbey Pub).mp3
Sweet Georgia Brown - Benny Goodman.mp3
Sweet Georgia Brown - Bing Crosby.mp3
Sweet Georgia Brown - Captain Beefheart & the Magic Band.mp3
Sweet Georgia Brown - Dave Brubeck.mp3
Sweet Georgia Brown - Dick Hyman Group.mp3
Sweet Georgia Brown - Ella Fitzgerald.mp3
Sweet Georgia Brown - Gentle Giant.mp3
Sweet Georgia Brown - Harry Connick Jr..mp3
Sweet Georgia Brown - Monty Alexander.mp3
Sweet Georgia Brown - Nat King Cole.mp3
Sweet Georgia Brown - Stephane Grappelli.mp3
Sweet Georgia Brown - Yehudi Menuhin & Stephane Grappelli.mp3
When The Saints Go Marchin' In - J.L.Lewis.mp3
When The Saints Go Marching In - Al Hirt.mp3
When The Saints Go Marching In - Carl Perkins.mp3

01 Please Please Me

01 I Saw Her Standing There - Blink 182.mp3
01 I Saw Her Standing There - Burns.mp3
01 I Saw Her Standing There - Daniel Johnston.mp3
01 I Saw Her Standing There - George Martin(instr).mp3
01 I Saw Her Standing There - Hurriganes.mp3
01 I Saw Her Standing There - Jerry Garcia.mp3
01 I Saw Her Standing There - Jerry Lee Lewis (with L. Richard).mp3
01 I Saw Her Standing There - John Lennon & Elton John.mp3
01 I Saw Her Standing There - John Lennon.mp3
01 I Saw Her Standing There - Jumpin' Jivin' Dance Party.mp3
01 I Saw Her Standing There - Laurence Juber.mp3
01 I Saw Her Standing There - Little Richard.mp3
01 I Saw Her Standing There - Peter Grant.mp3
01 I Saw Her Standing There - Peter Lipa.mp3
01 I Saw Her Standing There - S. Webb.mp3
01 I Saw Her Standing There - Tiffany.mp3
01 I Saw Her Standing There - Toad.mp3
01 I Saw Her Standing There - Tubes.mp3
01 I Saw Her Standing There (I Saw Him Standing There) - Maggie Bell.mp3
01 I Saw Her Standing There (I Saw Him Standing There) - Tiffany.mp3
02 Misery - Kenny Lynch.mp3
02 Misery - KGB band(instr).mp3
02 Misery - Peter Lipa.mp3
03 Anna (Go To Him) - Arthur Alexander.mp3
03 Anna (Go To Him) - George Martin.mp3
03 Anna (Go To Him) - Renato E Seus.mp3
04 Chains - BeatleJazz(instr).mp3
04 Chains - Carole King.mp3
05 Boys - Dans Ramblers.mp3
05 Boys - Jools Holland, Ringo Starr.mp3
05 Boys - Mini-Beats.mp3
05 Boys - Shirelles.mp3
06 Ask me why - KGB band(instr).mp3
07 Please Please Me - Flamin' Groovies(1979).mp3
07 Please Please Me - George Martin(instr).mp3
07 Please Please Me - Joshua Rifkin(instr).mp3
07 Please Please Me - Keith Richard.mp3
07 Please Please Me - M. Dusk.mp3
07 Please Please Me - Pete Best Band.mp3
07 Please Please Me - Peter Maffay.mp3
07 Please Please Me - Petula Clark.mp3
07 Please Please Me - Punkles.mp3
07 Please Please Me - Score.mp3
08 Love Me Do - Beats.mp3
08 Love Me Do - Brady Bunch.mp3
08 Love Me Do - F4.mp3
08 Love Me Do - Go Disco.mp3
08 Love Me Do - Pete Best Band.mp3
08 Love Me Do - Peter Maffay.mp3
08 Love Me Do - Pickin' On Beatles(instr) (2001).mp3
08 Love Me Do - Punkles.mp3
08 Love Me Do - Ringo Starr.mp3
08 Love Me Do - Sandy Shaw.mp3
08 Love Me Do ! She Loves You ! Paperback Writer ! Help! - F4.mp3
08 Love Me Do(Un'Altra Ragazza) - Adriano Celentano.mp3
09 P.S. I Love You - Peter Lipa.mp3
09 P.S. I Love You - Ricky Maiocchi(1965).mp3
10 Baby It's You - Carpenters.mp3
10 Baby It's You - Elvis Costello.mp3
10 Baby It's You - Helen Shapiro.mp3
10 Baby It's You - Shirells.mp3
10 Baby It's You - Smith.mp3
10 Baby It's You - Spaniels.mp3
11 Do You Want to Know a Secret - Barbara Casini.mp3
11 Do You Want to Know a Secret - Beatlesgrass(instr).mp3
11 Do You Want To Know A Secret - Billy J Kramer (1964).mp3
11 Do You Want To Know A Secret - Billy J Kramer(2).mp3
11 Do You Want to Know a Secret - Fairground Attraction.mp3
11 Do You Want to Know a Secret - Peter Lipa.mp3
12 A Taste Of Honey - Barbra Streisand.mp3
12 A Taste Of Honey - Boogie Oogie Oogie.mp3
12 A Taste Of Honey - H. Alpert.mp3
12 A Taste Of Honey - Jackie Allen.mp3
12 A Taste Of Honey - Julie London.mp3
12 A Taste Of Honey - Kingston Trio(1966).mp3
12 A Taste Of Honey - Lionel Hampton(instr).mp3
12 A taste of honey - Roulettes(instr).mp3
12 A Taste Of Honey - Tom Jones.mp3
13 There's a Place - Flamin' Groovies.mp3
13 There's A Place - George Martin(instr).mp3
13 There's A Place - The Kestrels.mp3
14 Twist And Shout - Backbeat (soundtrack).mp3
14 Twist And Shout - Bon Jovi.mp3
14 Twist And Shout - Booker T. & MG`s(instr).mp3
14 Twist And Shout - Chaka Demus & Pliers.mp3
14 Twist And Shout - Grayson, Wonfor.mp3
14 Twist And Shout - Iguanas.mp3
14 Twist And Shout - Isley Brothers.mp3
14 Twist And Shout - Magnetic.mp3
14 Twist And Shout - Mamas & The Papas.mp3
14 Twist And Shout - Searchers.mp3
14 Twist And Shout - Shangri-las.mp3
14 Twist and Shout - Sugar Beats, Russel Velazquez.mp3
14 Twist And Shout - Tina Turner.mp3
14 Twist And Shout - Tremeloes.mp3
14 Twist And Shout - Who.mp3
14 Twist And Shout - Мумий Тролль.mp3
I Love You - Taste Of Honey - Jazzanova.mp3

02 With the Beatles

01 It Won't Be Long - Franz Ferdinand.mp3
01 It Won't Be Long - BeatleJazz(instr).mp3
01 It Won't Be Long - Bentwood Rocker.mp3
01 It Won't Be Long - Bugs & Friends.mp3
01 It Won't Be Long - Eddie Hardin.mp3
01 It Won't Be Long - Julian Lennon.mp3
01 It Won't Be Long - Punkles.mp3
01 It Won't Be Long - Redd Kross.mp3
02 All I've Gotta Do - Geluso(2005).mp3
03 All I've Got To Do - George Martin(instr).mp3
03 All I've Got to Do - Peter Lipa.mp3
03 All My Loving - B. Greene.mp3
03 All My Loving - Daniel O`Donnell.mp3
03 All My Loving - Fancy.mp3
03 All My Loving - George Martin(instr).mp3
03 All My Loving - Helloween.mp3
03 All My Loving - Lollipops(1964).mp3
03 All My Loving - Peter Lipa.mp3
03 All My Loving - Renato E Seus.mp3
03 All My Loving - Sandpipers.mp3
03 All My Loving - Suzy Boggus & Chet Atkins.mp3
03 All My Loving - Swingle Singers.mp3
03 All My Loving - Trends.mp3
03 All My Loving - Trio Rococo(instr) (1995).mp3
03 All My Loving (...And Justice For All My Loving) - Beatallica.mp3
04 Don't Bother Me - Eytan Mirsky.mp3
04 Don't Bother Me - George Martin(instr).mp3
04 Don't Bother Me - Gregory Philips.mp3
04 Rock And Roll Music - Backbeat (soundtrack).mp3
04 Rock And Roll Music - Manic Street Preachers.mp3
05 Little Child - George Martin(instr).mp3
05 Little Child - Jackie Lynton.mp3
06 Till There Was You - Helen O'Connell.mp3
06 Till There Was You - Henry Mancini(instr).mp3
06 Till There Was You - Ray Charles.mp3
06 Till There Was You - Rod Stewart.mp3
06 Till There Was You - Semisonic.mp3
07 Please Mister Postman - Backbeat (soundtrack).mp3
07 Please Mister Postman - Helen Shapiro.mp3
07 Please Mister Postman - Marvelettes.mp3
07 Please Mister Postman - Mike Sheridan & Nughtriders.mp3
07 Please Mister Postman - Mini-Beats.mp3
07 Please Mister Postman - Punkles.mp3
07 Please Mr- Postman - Carpenters.mp3
08 Roll over beethoven - 13th Floor Elevators.mp3
08 Roll over beethoven - Byrds.mp3
08 Roll Over Beethoven - C. Perkins.mp3
08 Roll Over Beethoven - Carl Perkins.mp3
08 Roll over beethoven - Chuck Berry.mp3
08 Roll over beethoven - E.L.O..mp3
08 Roll over beethoven - Gene Vincent.mp3
08 Roll over beethoven - George Harrison.mp3
08 Roll Over Beethoven - J.L.Lewis.mp3
08 Roll Over Beethoven - live on the sump'n else tv show (3-25-66).mp3
08 Roll over beethoven - Mountain.mp3
08 Roll over beethoven - Olympic.mp3
08 Roll Over Beethoven - Pat Wayne & Beachcombers.mp3
08 Roll over beethoven - Shakin` Stevens.mp3
08 Roll over beethoven - Status Quo.mp3
09 Hold Me Tight - Count Basie and His Orchestra(instr).mp3
09 Hold Me Tight - Stackridge.mp3
09 Hold Me Tight - Treasures (Phil Spector).mp3
10 You Really Got A Hold On Me - Billy Joe Royal.mp3
10 You Really Got A Hold On Me - Bobby McFerrin.mp3
10 You Really Got A Hold On Me - Cyndi Lauper.mp3
10 You Really Got A Hold On Me - Dusty Springfield.mp3
10 You Really Got A Hold On Me - Greg Brown.mp3
10 You Really Got A Hold On Me - Jackson 5.mp3
10 You Really Got A Hold On Me - Mickey Gilley.mp3
10 You Really Got A Hold On Me - Mike & Mechanics.mp3
10 You Really Got A Hold On Me - Smokey Robinson.mp3
10 You Really Got A Hold On Me - Temptations.mp3
10 You Really Got A Hold On Me - Trojan Motor City Reggae.mp3
10 You Really Got A Hold On Me - Zombies.mp3
11 I Wanna Be Your Man - Brothers.mp3
11 I Wanna Be Your Man - Count Basie and His Orchestra(instr).mp3
11 I Wanna Be Your Man - Keith Richards.mp3
11 I Wanna Be Your Man - Peter Lipa.mp3
11 I Wanna Be Your Man - Purple Helmets.mp3
11 I Wanna Be Your Man - Rolling Stones (1964).mp3
11 I Wanna Be Your Man - Sam Phillips.mp3
11 I Wanna Be Your Man - Suzi Quatro (1973).mp3
11 I Wanna Be Your Man (live) - Thurston Lava Tube(2005).mp3
13 Not A Second Time - Pretenders.mp3
13 Not A Second Time - Robert Palmer(2002).mp3
13 Not A Second Time - Terje Rypdal.mp3
14 Money - Afghan Whigs.mp3
14 Money - Animal House.mp3
14 Money - Babys.mp3
14 Money - Backbeat (soundtrack).mp3
14 Money - Dave Davies.mp3
14 Money - Doors.mp3
14 Money - Dr. John.mp3
14 Money - Freddie & Dreamers.mp3
14 Money - Hanson.mp3
14 Money - Ike & Tina Turner.mp3
14 Money - Little Richard.mp3
14 Money - Purple Helmets.mp3
14 Money - Rolling Stones.mp3
14 Money - Searchers.mp3
03 Hard Day's Night

01 A Hard Day's Night - 12 Cellists of Berlin Philharmonic(instr).mp3
01 A Hard Day's Night - Bar-Kays(instr).mp3
01 A Hard Day's Night - BeatleJazz(instr).mp3
01 A Hard Day's Night - Beatlesgrass(instr).mp3
01 A Hard Day's Night - Billy Joel & Elton John.mp3
01 A Hard Day's Night - Chet Atkins(instr) (1966).mp3
01 A Hard Day's Night - Diana Ross with Supremes.mp3
01 A Hard Day's Night - Dionne Warwick.mp3
01 A Hard Day's Night - Ektomorf.mp3
01 A Hard Days Night - F4.mp3
01 A Hard Day's Night - Go Disco.mp3
01 A Hard Day's Night - Goldie Hawn (1998).mp3
01 A Hard Day's Night - Grayson, Wonfor.mp3
01 A Hard Day's Night - Guitar Tribute(instr).mp3
01 A Hard Day's Night - Help!(soundrack).mp3
01 A Hard Day's Night - Hoodoo Gurus.mp3
01 A Hard Day's Night - Hungaria (1978).mp3
01 A Hard Day's Night - John Mayall (1975).mp3
01 A Hard Day's Night - Max Bygraves.mp3
01 A Hard Day's Night - Mini-Beats.mp3
01 A Hard Day's Night - Modern Gustin Trio(instr).mp3
01 A Hard Day's Night - Otis Redding.mp3
01 A Hard Days Night - Pete Best Band.mp3
01 A Hard Day's Night - Pickin' On Beatles(instr) (2001).mp3
01 A Hard Day's Night - Sugar Minott.mp3
01 A Hard Day's Night - Sunflowers.mp3
01 A Hard Day's Night - Supremes.mp3
01 A Hard Day's Night - Swinging Blue Jeans.mp3
01 A Hard Day's Night (A Garage Dayz Nite) - Beatallica.mp3
01 A Hard Day's Night (Inst.) - A Hard day's Night(Soundtrack).mp3
02 I Should Have Known Better - Beach Boys (1965).mp3
02 I Should Have Known Better - Brazilian Tropical Orchestra(instr) (1990).mp3
02 I Should Have Known Better - DDT(1992).mp3
02 I Should Have Known Better - Johnny Rivers.mp3
02 I Should Have Known Better - Naturals.mp3
02 I Should Have Known Better - Skatalites(instr).mp3
02 I Should've Known Better (Inst.) - A Hard day's Night(Soundtrack).mp3
03 If I Feel - Pickin' On Beatles(instr) (2001).mp3
03 If I Fell - Adrian Belew.mp3
03 If I Fell - Barbara Casini.mp3
03 If I Fell - Beatlejazz(instr).mp3
03 If I Fell - Chet Atkins(instr) (1966).mp3
03 If I Fell - Eric Hansen(instr).mp3
03 If I Fell - Maroon 5(2005).mp3
03 If I Fell - Maura O'Connell.mp3
03 If I Fell - Meek.mp3
03 If I Fell - Sammy Kershaw.mp3
04 I'm Happy Just To Dance With You - Anne Murray.mp3
04 I'm Happy Just To Dance With You - Cyrcle.mp3
04 I'm Happy Just To Dance With You - Instrumentally Yours(instr).mp3
04 I'm Happy Just To Dance With You - Sun PK.mp3
05 And I Love Her - BeatleJazz(instr).mp3
05 And I Love Her - Bob Marley.mp3
05 And I Love Her - Boney Nem(non-en).mp3
05 And I Love Her - Brazilian Tropical Orchestra(instr) (1990).mp3
05 And I Love Her - Brian Bromberg(instr).mp3
05 And I Love Her - Chet Atkins(instr) (1966).mp3
05 And I Love Her - Cliff Richard.mp3
05 And I Love Her - Detroit Emeralds.mp3
05 And I Love Her - Diana Krall.mp3
05 And I Love Her - El Canario.mp3
05 And I Love Her - Francis Goya(instr).mp3
05 And I Love Her - John Ambercrombie(instr).mp3
05 And I love Her - Julio Iglesias.mp3
05 And I Love Her - Kevin Hays(instr) (1996).mp3
05 And I love Her - KGB band(instr).mp3
05 And I Love Her - Mark Wynter.mp3
05 And I Love Her - Mohawks.mp3
05 And I Love Her - Peter Lipa.mp3
05 And I Love Her - Pickin' On Beatles(instr) (2001).mp3
05 And I Love Her - Sandpipers.mp3
05 And I Love Her - Sarah Vaughan.mp3
05 And I Love Her - Smokey Robinson.mp3
05 And I Love Her - Transatlantic(instr).mp3
05 And I Love Her - Trio Rococo(instr) (1995).mp3
05 And I Love Her - Vadim Brodsky(instr).mp3
05 And I Love Her - Various Artists, Classic(instr).mp3
05 And I Love Her - Гасан Багиров(instr).mp3
05 And I Love Her (Inst.) - A Hard day's Night(Soundtrack).mp3
05 And I Love Her (Yo la amo) - Roberto Carlos.mp3
05 And I Love Her(And I'm Evil) - Beatallica.MP3
05 And I Love Her(Послевоенное танго) - Ариэль.mp3
06 Tell Me Why - April Wine.mp3
06 Tell Me Why - Beach Boys.mp3
06 Tell Me Why - Brinsley Schwarz.mp3
06 Tell Me Why - Me And Them.mp3
06 Tell Me Why - Punkles.mp3
07 Can't Buy Me Love - 12 Cellists of Berlin Philharmonic(instr).mp3
07 Can't Buy Me Love - Barbara Casini.mp3
07 Can't Buy Me Love - Beatlesgrass(instr).mp3
07 Can't Buy Me Love - Blackstreet.mp3
07 Can't Buy Me Love - Brenda Lee.mp3
07 Can't Buy Me Love - Carpenters.mp3
07 Can't Buy Me Love - Chet Atkins(instr) (1966).mp3
07 Can't Buy Me Love - Connie Evingson.mp3
07 Can't Buy Me Love - Ella Fitzgerald.mp3
07 Can't Buy Me Love - George Martin(instr).mp3
07 Can't Buy Me Love - Grayson, Wonfor.mp3
07 Can't Buy Me Love - Guitar Tribute(instr).mp3
07 Can't Buy Me Love - Michael Buble.mp3
07 Can't Buy Me Love - Modern Gustin Trio(instr).mp3
07 Can't Buy Me Love - Pete Best Band.mp3
07 Can't Buy Me Love - Pickin' On Beatles(instr) (2001).mp3
07 Can't Buy Me Love - Shenandoah.mp3
07 Can't Buy Me Love - Shirley Scott(instr).mp3
07 Can't Buy Me Love - Stanley Turrentine(instr) (1964).mp3
08 Anytime at All - Nils Lofgren.mp3
09 I'll Cry Instead - Billy Joel.mp3
09 I'll Cry Instead - Chet Atkins(instr) (1966).mp3
09 I'll Cry Instead - Joe Cocker.mp3
09 I'll Cry Instead - Joshua Rifkin(instr).mp3
10 Things We Said Today - Barbara Casini.mp3
10 Things We Said Today - Chet Atkins(instr) (1966).mp3
10 Things We Said Today - Cliff Richard(1966).mp3
10 Things We Said Today - Dwight Yoakam.mp3
10 Things We Said Today - Gordon Haskell.mp3
10 Things We Said Today - Iguanas.mp3
10 Things We Said Today - Joshua Rifkin(instr).mp3
10 Things We Said Today - Loving Hearts(1966).MP3
10 Things We Said Today - Nanci Griffith.mp3
10 Things We Said Today - Pleasure Fair.mp3
10 Things We Said Today - Rick Wakeman(instr) (1997).mp3
10 Tings We Said Today - Beatlesgrass(instr).mp3
11 When I Get Home - Yellow Matter Custard.mp3
12 You Can't Do That - Goddo.mp3
12 You Can't Do That - Grayson, Wonfor.mp3
12 You Can't Do That - Help!(soundrack).mp3
12 You Can't Do That - Namelosers.mp3
12 You Can't Do That - Supremes.mp3
12 You Can't Do That - Yellow Matter Custard.mp3
13 I'll Be Back - Buckinghams.mp3
13 I'll Be Back - Errol Dunkley(instr).mp3
13 I'll Be Back - Johnny Rivers.mp3
13 I'll Be Back - Mellow Dubmarine(instr).mp3
13 I'll Be Back - Rick Stasel.mp3
13 I'll Be Back - Wes Montgomery(Instr).mp3
13 I'll Be Back - Yellow Matter Custard.mp3
Beatles Medley- Can`t Buy Me Love, A Hard Day`s Night, Get Back, Ob La Di Ob La Da - James Last(instr).mp3

04 Beatles for Sale

01 No Reply - Peter Lipa.mp3
01 No Reply - Yellow Matter Custard.mp3
01 No Reply (No Remorseful Reply)- Beatallica.mp3
02 I'm A Loser - Doug Kershaw.mp3
02 I'm A Loser - Eels.mp3
02 I'm A Loser - Punkles.mp3
03 Baby's In Black - Dans Ramblers.mp3
03 Baby's In Black - Hi-Fi's.mp3
03 Baby's In Black - Yellow Matter Custard.mp3
03 Baby's In Black(Болеро) - Ариэль.mp3
04 Rock And Roll Music - Beach Boys.mp3
04 Rock And Roll Music - Chuck Berry.mp3
04 Rock And Roll Music - Mini-Beats.mp3
04 Rock And Roll Music - Olympic.mp3
04 Rock And Roll Music - Red Elvises.mp3
04 Rock And Roll Music - REO Speedwagon.mp3
05 I ll Follow The Sun - David Ball.mp3
05 I'll Follow The Sun - BeatleJazz(instr).mp3
05 I'll Follow The Sun - Chet Atkins(instr) (1964).mp3
05 I'll Follow The Sun - David Ball.mp3
05 I'll Follow the Sun - David Lanz(instr) (1988).mp3
05 I'll Follow The Sun - Don Deckmann(2001).mp3
05 I'll Follow The Sun - Glyn Johns.mp3
05 I'll Follow The Sun (Perseguirй al sol) - Sandro y Los de Fuego(non-en).mp3
06 Mr. Moonlight - Hollies.MP3
06 Mr. Moonlight - Merseybeats.mp3
07 Hey Hey Hey Hey - Gene Vincent.mp3
07 Kansas City - Applejacks.mp3
07 Kansas City - Brenda Lee.mp3
07 Kansas City - Dion.mp3
07 Kansas City - Fats Domino.mp3
07 Kansas City - J. B. Hutto.mp3
07 Kansas City - James Brown.mp3
07 Kansas City - Jimmy Sturr.mp3
07 Kansas City - Joe Dassin.mp3
07 Kansas City - Lou Rawls.mp3
07 Kansas City - Morris Albert.mp3
07 Kansas City - Muddy Waters.mp3
07 Kansas City - Peggy Lee.mp3
07 Kansas City - Smokey Joe`s Cafe.mp3
07 Kansas City - Swinging Blue Jeans.mp3
07 Kansas City - Wilbert Harrison(1959).mp3
07 Kansas City - Willie Nelson.mp3
07 Kansas City - Отиева Ирина.mp3
08 Eight Days A Week - Billy Preston.mp3
08 Eight Days A Week - Dandy Warhols.mp3
08 Eight Days a Week - Deals.mp3
08 Eight Days A Week - Grayson, Wonfor.mp3
08 Eight Days A Week - Joshua Rifkin(instr).mp3
08 Eight Days A Week - Lorrie Morgan.mp3
08 Eight Days A Week - Pickin' On Beatles(instr) (2001).mp3
08 Eight Days A Week - Procol Harum (1975).mp3
08 Eight Days a Week - Robyn Hitchcock & Egyptians(1988).mp3
08 Eight Days A Week - Swinging Blue Jeans.mp3
08 Eight Days a Week - Todd Rundgren and Ian Hunter.mp3
09 Words of love - Buddy Holly.mp3
09 Words Of Love - Graham Sacher(1971).mp3
10 Honey Don`t - Basement Rockers.mp3
10 Honey Don't - C. Perkins.mp3
10 Honey Don't - Country Gentlemen.mp3
10 Honey Don't - Ringo Starr.mp3
10 Honey Don't - Shakin` Stevens.mp3
10 Honey Don't - Steve Earle & Joe Walsh.mp3
10 Honey Don't - T.Rex.mp3
11 Every Little Thing - Peter Lipa.mp3
11 Every Little Thing - Yes (1969).mp3
12 I Don't Want To Spoil The Party - Meek.mp3
12 I Don't Want To Spoil The Party - Rosanne Cash.mp3
12 I Don't Want To Spoil The Party - The Savoys.mp3
14 Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby - Carl Perkins(2).mp3
14 Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby - Carl Perkins.mp3
14 Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby - Johnny Cash.mp3

05 Help!

01 Help - Deep Purple (1968).mp3
01 Help - Go Disco.mp3
01 Help - Pickin' On Beatles(instr) (2001).mp3
01 Help! - 12 Cellists of Berlin Philharmonic(instr).mp3
01 Help! - 88 Fingers Louie (INCOMPLETE).mp3
01 Help! - Bananarama.mp3
01 Help! - Bon Jovi.mp3
01 Help! - Brazilian Tropical Orchestra(instr) (1990).mp3
01 Help! - Brothers Four(1966).mp3
01 Help! - Carpenters (1973).mp3
01 Help! - CU2.mp3
01 Help! - Damned.mp3
01 Help! - dc Talk.mp3
01 Help! - Diabolik.mp3
01 Help! - Dolly Parton.mp3
01 Help! - F4.mp3
01 Help! - Fate.mp3
01 Help! - Golden Boys.mp3
01 Help! - Grayson, Wonfor.mp3
01 Help! - HENRY GROSS.mp3
01 Help! - Howie Day.mp3
01 Help! - Isaac Scott.mp3
01 Help! - John Farnham.mp3
01 Help! - Joshua Rifkin(instr).mp3
01 Help! - LIttle Texas.mp3
01 Help! - Modern Gustin Trio(instr).mp3
01 Help! - Oasis.mp3
01 Help! - Probe Nation.mp3
01 Help! - Pug Must Die.mp3
01 Help! - Rick Wakeman(instr) (1997).mp3
01 Help! - Rosenberg Trio(instr).mp3
01 Help! - Roxette.mp3
01 Help! - The Damned.mp3
01 Help! - Thurston Lava Tube(2004).mp3
01 Help! - Tina Turner.mp3
01 Help! - U2.mp3
01 Help! - unknown artist.mp3
02 The Night Before - Connie Evingson.mp3
02 The Night Before - Yellow Matter Custard.mp3
03 You've Got To Hide Your Love Away - Beach Boys (1965).mp3
03 You've Got To Hide Your Love Away - Eddie Vedder.mp3
03 You've Got to Hide Your Love Away - Elvis Costello.mp3
03 You've Got To Hide Your Love Away - G. Love & Special Sauce.mp3
03 You've Got To Hide Your Love Away - Grass Roots.mp3
03 You've Got To Hide Your Love Away - Joe Cocker.mp3
03 You've Got To Hide Your Love Away - Joshua Rifkin(instr).mp3
03 You've Got To Hide Your Love Away - Meek.mp3
03 You've Got To Hide Your Love Away - Oasis (1996).mp3
03 You've Got To Hide Your Love Away - Paul Mccartney & Elvis Costello (1999).mp3
03 You've Got To Hide Your Love Away - Rick Stasel.mp3
03 You've Got To Hide Your Love Away - Rick Wakeman(instr)(1997).mp3
03 You've Got To Hide Your Love Away - Silkie(1965).mp3
03 You've Got to Hide Your Love Away - Subways.mp3
04 I Need You - Barbara Casini.mp3
04 I Need You - Geoff Gibbons.mp3
04 I Need You - Ian & Zodiacs.MP3
04 I Need You - Lolas.mp3
04 I Need You - Tom Petty And Heartbreakers.mp3
05 Another Girl - Beatlesgrass(instr).mp3
05 Another Girl - Punkles.mp3
06 You're Gonna Lose That Girl - Dans Ramblers.mp3
06 You're Gonna Lose That Girl - Oohs.mp3
06 You're Gonna Lose That Girl - Yellow Matter Custard.mp3
07 Ticket To Ride - Bee Gees.mp3
07 Ticket To Ride - Brazilian Tropical Orchestra(instr) (1990).mp3
07 Ticket To Ride - Carpenters (1969).mp3
07 Ticket To Ride - Cowboy Group.mp3
07 Ticket To Ride - F4.mp3
07 Ticket To Ride - Go Disco.mp3
07 Ticket To Ride - Guitar Tribute(instr).mp3
07 Ticket To Ride - Gwen Guthrie.mp3
07 Ticket To Ride - Husker Du.mp3
07 Ticket To Ride - Lady Xanadu.mp3
07 Ticket To Ride - Los Shakers.mp3
07 Ticket To Ride - Pete Best Band.mp3
07 Ticket To Ride - Pickin' On Beatles(instr) (2001).mp3
07 Ticket To Ride - Rocking Ghosts(2006).mp3
07 Ticket To Ride - Swingle Singers.mp3
07 Ticket To Ride - Vanilla Fudge.mp3
07 Ticket To Ride - Yellow Matter Custard.mp3
08 Act Naturally - Beatlesgrass(instr).mp3
08 Act Naturally - Buck Owens & Ringo Starr.mp3
08 Act Naturally - Buck Owens.mp3
08 Act Naturally - Charley Pride.mp3
08 Act Naturally - Leon Russell.mp3
08 Act Naturally - Ringo Starr & Cilla Black.mp3
09 It's Only Love - Beatlejazz(instr).mp3
09 It's Only Love - Bryan Ferry (1976).mp3
10 You Like Me Too Much - Chris Richards.mp3
10 You Like Me Too Much - Hugo & Osvaldo Fattoruso.MP3
11 Tell Me What You See - Teenage Fanclub.mp3
11 Tell Me What You See - БГ & Макс Леонидов.mp3
12 Ive Just See A Face - John Pizzarelli.mp3
12 I've Just Seen a Face - Beatlesgrass(instr).mp3
12 I've Just Seen A Face - Dillars.mp3
12 I've Just Seen A Face - Holly Cole (1996).mp3
12 I've Just Seen A Face - Holly Cole.mp3
12 I've Just Seen a Face - Jeff Jones.mp3
12 I've Just Seen A Face - Kenny Rankin.mp3
12 I've Just Seen a Face - Lucy Kaplansky.mp3
12 I've Just Seen A Face - Ludella Black.mp3
12 I've Just Seen a Face - Peter Lipa.mp3
12 I've Just Seen A Face - String Cheese Incident.mp3
13 Yesterday - 12 Cellists of Berlin Philharmonic(instr).mp3
13 Yesterday - Acker Bilk(instr).mp3
13 Yesterday - Agnaldo Timoteo.mp3
13 Yesterday - Andean Nation(instr).mp3
13 Yesterday - Anthony Ventura(instr).mp3
13 Yesterday - Barney Kessel(instr).mp3
13 Yesterday - Beatlesgrass(instr).mp3
13 Yesterday - Billy Dean.mp3
13 Yesterday - Bob Dylan & George Harrison.mp3
13 Yesterday - Bon Scott & Spectors.mp3
13 Yesterday - Boreades.mp3
13 Yesterday - Boyz II Men.mp3
13 Yesterday - Brazilian Tropical Orchestra(instr) (1990).mp3
13 Yesterday - Bruce Parker(instr).mp3
13 Yesterday - Chet Atkins(instr) (1966).mp3
13 Yesterday - Chris Farlow.mp3
13 Yesterday - Cilla Black.mp3
13 Yesterday - Cool Front.mp3
13 Yesterday - D. Eddie.mp3
13 Yesterday - Dandy.mp3
13 Yesterday - Dave Grusin.mp3
13 Yesterday - David Bowie.mp3
13 Yesterday - David Essex.mp3
13 Yesterday - Dean Reed.mp3
13 Yesterday - Deep Purple feat Joe Lynn Turner.mp3
13 Yesterday - Depeche Mode.mp3
13 Yesterday - En Vogue.mp3
13 Yesterday - Erroll Garner(instr).mp3
13 Yesterday - Eva Cassidy.mp3
13 Yesterday - Fantastic Strings(instr).mp3
13 Yesterday - Fausto Papetti(instr).mp3
13 Yesterday - Frank Sinatra.mp3
13 Yesterday - Grayson, Wonfor.mp3
13 Yesterday - Guitar Tribute(instr).mp3
13 Yesterday - James Taylor.mp3
13 Yesterday - Jose Feliciano(instr).mp3
13 Yesterday - Kenny G(instr).mp3
13 Yesterday - KGB band(instr).mp3
13 Yesterday - Kiri Te Kanawa.mp3
13 Yesterday - Klaus-Jurgen Spannhoff(instr).mp3
13 Yesterday - Lee Morgan(instr)(1966).mp3
13 Yesterday - Lisa Ono.mp3
13 Yesterday - Marianne Faithful.mp3
13 Yesterday - Marti Pellow.mp3
13 Yesterday - Marvin Gaye.mp3
13 Yesterday - Matia Bazar.mp3
13 Yesterday - Matt Monro.mp3
13 Yesterday - Michael Bolton.mp3
13 Yesterday - Mina.mp3
13 Yesterday - Modern Gustin Trio(instr).mp3
13 Yesterday - P.P.Arnold(1).mp3
13 Yesterday - P.P.Arnold(2).mp3
13 Yesterday - Pan Pipers(instr).mp3
13 Yesterday - Paul Mauriat(instr).mp3
13 Yesterday - Percy Faith(instr).mp3
13 Yesterday - Pickin' On Beatles(instr) (2001).mp3
13 Yesterday - Placido Domingo.mp3
13 Yesterday - Rage.mp3
13 Yesterday - Ray Charles.mp3
13 Yesterday - Richard Clayderman(instr).mp3
13 Yesterday - Royal Philharmonic Orchestra(instr).MP3
13 Yesterday - Royal Philharmonic Orchestra(instr.).mp3
13 Yesterday - Sandpipers.mp3
13 Yesterday - Sarah Vaughan.mp3
13 Yesterday - Sergei Manukian.mp3
13 Yesterday - Shirley Bassey.mp3
13 Yesterday - Swingle Singers.mp3
13 Yesterday - Tammy Wynette.mp3
13 Yesterday - Tom Jones (1967).mp3
13 Yesterday - Tom Jones(live).mp3
13 Yesterday - Toots Thielemans(instr).mp3
13 Yesterday - Trio Rococo(instr) (1995).mp3
13 Yesterday - Tyrone Taylor.mp3
13 Yesterday - UC.mp3
13 Yesterday - Ventures(instr).mp3
13 Yesterday - Wes Montgomery(instr).mp3
13 Yesterday - Wet Wet Wet.mp3
13 Yesterday - Басков Николай.mp3
13 Yesterday - Песняры.mp3
13 Yesterday (Ayer) - (lofi)Artizia.mp3
14 Dizzy Miss Lizzy - Escorts.mp3
14 Dizzy Miss Lizzy (skinny lizzie) - Gerry & Pacemakers.mp3
Dizzy Miss Lizzy - John Lennon.mp3
I Need You - Ian & Zodiacs.MP3
Yesterday - Chet Atkins(instr) (1966).mp3

06 Rubber Soul

01 Drive My Car - Barbara Casini.mp3
01 Drive My Car - Bo Street Runners(1966).mp3
01 Drive My Car - Bobby McFerrin.mp3
01 Drive My Car - Butlers.mp3
01 Drive My Car - Cadence.mp3
01 Drive My Car - Charlie Hunter(instr).mp3
01 Drive My Car - Children`s.mp3
01 Drive My Car - Danni Carlos.mp3
01 Drive My Car - Humble Pie.mp3
01 Drive My Car - Johnny Van Zant.mp3
01 Drive My Car - Melanie C & Lulu.mp3
01 Drive My Car - Neurotic Sheep (1993).mp3
01 Drive My Car - Noah.mp3
01 Drive My Car - Punkles.mp3
01 Drive My Car - Swingle Singers.mp3
01 Drive My Car - Tausend Tonnen Obst.mp3
01 Drive My Car -.mp3
01 Drive My Car(Старенький автомобиль) - Веселые ребята.mp3
01 Старенький автомобиль - Доктор Ватсон.mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - 12 Cellists of Berlin Philharmonic(instr).mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Acker Bilk(instr).mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Beats (1993).mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Bela Fleck & Flecktones - Victor Wooten.mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Boreades.mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Buddy Rich(instr) (1967).mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Cats & Dogs.mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Cornershop.mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Fiery Furnaces.mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Goran Sollscher(instr).mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Grayson, Wonfor.mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Herbie Hancock(instr).mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Hour Glass(instr).mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Howlin` Wind(instr).mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Jose Frliciano(instr).mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Kingston Trio(1966).mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Lee Morgan(instr).mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Leni Stern(instr).mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Mahogany Rush.mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Marshall Williams.mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - P.M.Dawn.mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Paraffin Jack Flash LTD(instr).mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Patricia Barber.mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Paul Schwartz(instr).mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Percy Faith(instr).mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Peter Lipa.mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Pickin' On Beatles(instr) (2001).mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Richard Clayderman(instr).mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Rick Wakeman(instr) (1997).mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Sergio Mendes.mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Student.mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Suomi.mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Swingle Singers.mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Texas Lightning.mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Trio Rococo(instr) (1995).mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - U2.mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Vadim Brodsky(instr).mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Victor Wooten.mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Vincent DrCola(instr).mp3
02 Norwegian Wood - Week&(instr).mp3
03 You Won't See Me - Anne Murray.mp3
03 You Won't See Me - Bee Gees.mp3
03 You Won't See Me - Bryan Ferry(1973).mp3
03 You Won't See Me - D.W.Diver.mp3
03 You Won't See Me - Dar Williams.mp3
03 You Won't See Me - Dave Matthews Band.mp3
03 You Won't See Me - Ernie Smith.mp3
03 You Won't See Me - Gabor Szabo(instr)(1969).mp3
03 You Won't See Me - Renato E Seus.mp3
03 You Won't See Me - Tom & Jill.mp3
04 Nowhere Man - Acker Bilk(instr).mp3
04 Nowhere Man - Big Savod & Deep Manko.mp3
04 Nowhere Man - Carpenters.mp3
04 Nowhere Man - Henry The Horse.mp3
04 Nowhere Man - Low.mp3
04 Nowhere Man - Marky Ramone & Intruders.mp3
04 Nowhere Man - Paul Westenberg.mp3
04 Nowhere Man - Paul Westerberg.mp3
04 Nowhere Man - Randy Travis.mp3
04 Nowhere Man - Replacements.mp3
04 Nowhere Man - Settlers.mp3
04 Nowhere Man - Three God Reasons(1966).mp3
04 Nowhere Man - Vikki Carr.mp3
04 Nowhere Man - Yanni(instr).mp3
04 Nowhere Man - Yellow Matter Custard.mp3
04 Nowhere_Man - Sergei Manukan.mp3
05 Think For Yourself - Yellow Matter Custard.mp3
05 Think For Yourself - Yonder Mountain String Band.mp3
06 The Word - 13th Floor Elevators(1978).mp3
06 The Word - 13th Floor Elevators.mp3
06 The Word - California.mp3
06 The Word - Mindy Smith.mp3
06 The Word - The Carnival.mp3
07 Michelle - 12 Cellists of Berlin Philharmonic(instr).mp3
07 Michelle - Acker Bilk(instr).mp3
07 Michelle - Adriano Celentano.mp3
07 Michelle - Agnaldo Timoteo.mp3
07 Michelle - Allan Holdsworth(instr).mp3
07 Michelle - BeatleJazz(instr).mp3
07 Michelle - Ben Harper.mp3
07 Michelle - Boreades.mp3
07 Michelle - Chayanne.mp3
07 Michelle - Chet Atkins(instr) (1966).mp3
07 Michelle - Eric Hansen(instr).mp3
07 Michelle - Four Tops.mp3
07 Michelle - Free Design(1967).mp3
07 Michelle - George Martin(instr).mp3
07 Michelle - KGB band(instr).mp3
07 Michelle - Los Shakers.mp3
07 Michelle - Mango.mp3
07 Michelle - Matt Monro.mp3
07 Michelle - Mina.mp3
07 Michelle - Modern Gustin Trio(instr).mp3
07 Michelle - Overladers.mp3
07 Michelle - Overlanders.mp3
07 Michelle - Percy Faith(instr).mp3
07 Michelle - Ramsey Lewis.mp3
07 Michelle - RICHARD COCCIANTE.mp3
07 Michelle - Singers Unlimited.mp3
07 Michelle - Thomas Anders.mp3
07 Michelle - Trio Rococo(instr) (1995).mp3
07 Michelle - Vadim Brodsky(instr).mp3
07 Michelle - Vincent DrCola(instr).mp3
07 Michelle - Will Downing.mp3
07 Michelle - Гасан Багиров(instr).mp3
07 Michelle(Песня о друге) - Ариэль.mp3
08 What Goes On - Beatlesgrass(instr).mp3
08 What Goes On - Joe Val & New England Bluegrass Boys.mp3
08 What Goes On - Nitty Gritty Dirt Band.mp3
08 What Goes On - Sufjan Stevens.mp3
09 Girl - Boreades.mp3
09 Girl - Chris de Burgh.mp3
09 Girl - David Lanz(instr) (1988).mp3
09 Girl - Eric Hansen(instr).mp3
09 Girl - George Martin(instr).mp3
09 Girl - Gino Marinello Orchestra(instr) (2004).mp3
09 Girl - Goran Sollscher(instr).mp3
09 Girl - Modern Gustin Trio(instr).mp3
09 Girl - Rhett Miller.mp3
09 Girl - Sandrine Kiberlain.mp3
09 Girl - Shanty Four.mp3
09 Girl - Tiny Tim.mp3
09 Girl - Truth.mp3
09 Girl - Краденое солнце.mp3
09 Girl(tytto) - Suomi.mp3
09 Girl(Девушка) - Ободзинский Валерий.mp3
09 Girl(Интерлюдия) - Ариэль.mp3
10 Girl - Wonfor Grayson.mp3
10 I'm Looking Through You - Beatlesgrass(instr).mp3
10 I'm Looking Through You - Connie Evingson.mp3
10 I'm Looking Through You - Punkles.mp3
10 I'm Looking Through You - S. Earle.mp3
10 I'm Looking Through You - Ted Leo & Pharmacists.mp3
10 I'm Looking Through You - Wallflowers.mp3
11 In My Life - Barbara Casini.mp3
11 In My Life - Ben Lee.mp3
11 In My Life - Chantal Kreviazuk.mp3
11 In My Life - Crosby, Stills & Nash.mp3
11 In My Life - Dave Matthews Band.mp3
11 In My Life - Eric Hansen(instr).mp3
11 In My Life - For The Boys (soundtrack).mp3
11 In My Life - George Harrison.mp3
11 In My Life - Jackie Robinson.mp3
11 In My Life - Johnny Cash.mp3
11 In My Life - Jose Feliciano.mp3
11 In My Life - Judy Collins(1967).mp3
11 In My Life - Keith Moon.mp3
11 In My Life - Ozzy Osbourne.mp3
11 In My Life - Renee Fleming.mp3
11 In My Life - Richie Havens.mp3
11 In My Life - Rod Stewart.mp3
11 In My Life - Sean O'Connery.mp3
11 In My Life - Spyro Gyra.mp3
11 In My Life - Steven Stills.mp3
11 In My Life - Sunflowers.mp3
11 In My Life - Susan Ashton & Gary Chapman.mp3
11 In My Life - Trio Rococo(instr) (1995).mp3
11 In My Life - Мамонов и Шумов.mp3
11 In My Life (Live) - Blind Ambition(2000).mp3
12 Wait - Barbara Casini.mp3
12 Wait - Ben Kweller.mp3
12 Wait - Connie Evingson.mp3
12 Wait - Yellow Matter Custard.mp3
13 Got To Get You Into My Life - George Martin(instr).mp3
13 If I Needed Someone - Bacon Brothers.mp3
13 If I Needed Someone - Ed James.mp3
13 If I Needed Someone - Eric Clapton.mp3
13 If I Needed Someone - Hollies.mp3
13 If I Needed Someone - Michael Carpenter.mp3
13 If I Needed Someone - Nellie McKay.mp3
13 If INeeded Someone - Pickup Artists.mp3
14 Run For Your Life - Cowboy Junkies.mp3
14 Run For Your Life - Nancy Sinatra.mp3
14 Run For Your Life - Sunflowers.mp3

07 Revolver

01 Taxman - Ann Dyer & No Good Time Fairies.mp3
01 Taxman - Barbara Casini.mp3
01 Taxman - Bill Wyman' Rhythm Kings.mp3
01 Taxman - Bill Wyman`s Rhythm Kings.mp3
01 Taxman - Chilly.mp3
01 Taxman - Dr. Lotech, Mrs. Hippie.mp3
01 Taxman - M.c. Iron.mp3
01 Taxman - Power Station (1998).mp3
01 Taxman - Rene Risque.mp3
01 Taxman - Rhythm Kings.mp3
01 Taxman - Rockwell.mp3
01 Taxman - Stevie Ray Vaughan.mp3
01 Taxman - Tom Petty And Heartbreakers.mp3
01 Taxman - Twenty Cent Crush.mp3
01 Taxman - Xennon Light.mp3
01 Taxman(Sandman) - Beatallica.MP3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Adriano Celentano.mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Alice Cooper.mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Ann Dyer & No Good Time Fairies.mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Aretha Franklin(1970).mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - B.B. Seaton.mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Beatlejazz(instr).mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Bent Wind.mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Blonde On Blonde.mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Bloodrock(1973).mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Boreades.mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Brazilian Tropical Orchestra(instr) (1990).mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Crusaders(instr).mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Danny & Vincent Cavanagh.mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Doodles Weaver.mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Eric Hansen(instr).mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - F4.mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - First Time.mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Four Tops.mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - George Martin.mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Go Disco.mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Godhead.mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Joan Baez.mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Joe Jackson.mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Joshua Redman(instr).mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Kansas (1998).mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Kathi Raschke(1966).mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Mem Shannon.mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Myles Band.mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Oscar Peterson(instr).mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - P.P. Arnold.mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Pain.mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Percy Faith(instr).mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Pickin' On Beatles(instr) (2001).mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Ray Charles.mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Rick Wakeman(instr)(1997).mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Rick Wakeman(instr).mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Royal Philharmonic Orchestra(instr).mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - SAFT(1971).mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Sarah Vaughan.mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Shirley Bassey.mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Standells.mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Stanley Jordan(instr)(1984).mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Suomi.mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - T. Bronner.mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Thrice.mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Till Bronner.mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Trio Rococo(instr) (1995).mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Vadim Brodsky(instr).mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Vincent DrCola(instr).mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Wes Montgomery(instr).mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Willy Chirino.mp3
02 Eleanor Rigby - Zachary Breaux.mp3
03 I'm Only Sleeping - Ann Dyer & No Good Time Fairies.mp3
03 I'm Only Sleeping - Barbara Casini.mp3
03 I'm Only Sleeping - George Martin(instr).mp3
03 I'm Only Sleeping - Holly Cole.mp3
03 I'm Only Sleeping - Lobo.mp3
03 I'm Only Sleeping - Phil Angotti.mp3
03 I'm Only Sleeping - Suggs.mp3
03 I'm Only Sleeping - Vines(2002).mp3
04 Love You To - Bongwater(1998).mp3
04 Love You To - Boreades.mp3
05 Here There & Everywhere - Celine Dion (1998).mp3
05 Here There & Everywhere - Celine Dion.mp3
05 Here There And Everywhere - Jupiter(2003).mp3
05 Here, There & Everywhere - 12 Cellists of the Berlin Philharmonic(instr).mp3
05 Here, There & Everywhere - Acker Bilk(instr).mp3
05 Here, There & Everywhere - David Benoit.mp3
05 Here, There & Everywhere - Deems Tsutakawa(instr).mp3
05 Here, There & Everywhere - Eric Hansen(instr).mp3
05 Here, There & Everywhere - George Benson.mp3
05 Here, There & Everywhere - George Martin(instr).mp3
05 Here, There & Everywhere - James Galway(instr).mp3
05 Here, There & Everywhere - John Stevens.mp3
05 Here, There & Everywhere - Laurent Voulzy.mp3
05 Here, There & Everywhere - Singers Unlimited.mp3
05 Here, There and Everywhere - Barbara Casini.mp3
05 Here, There and Everywhere - BeatleJazz(instr).mp3
05 Here, There And Everywhere - Brazilian Tropical Orchestra(instr) (1990).mp3
05 Here, There and Everywhere - Emmylou Harris(1976).mp3
05 Here, There And Everywhere - Episode Six.mp3
05 Here, There and Everywhere - Gloria Lynne.mp3
05 Here, There and Everywhere - Goran Sollscher(instr).mp3
05 Here, There and Everywhere - Ilan Chester.mp3
05 Here, There and Everywhere - KGB band(instr).mp3
05 Here, There And Everywhere - Meek.mp3
05 Here, There and Everywhere - Percy Faith(instr).mp3
05 Here, There and Everywhere - Sarah Vaughan.mp3
05 Here, There and Everywhere - Stacey Wheal.mp3
05 Here, There And Everywhere - Swamp Rats(1979).mp3
05 Here, There And Everywhere - Trio Rococo(instr) (1995).mp3
05 Here, There and everywhere - Vadim Brodsky(instr).mp3
05 Here, There and Everywhere - Vincent DrCola(instr).mp3
05 Here, There,& Everywhere - Ralph Towner(instr).mp3
06 Yellow Submarine - Captain Jack(Radio mix).mp3
06 Yellow Submarine - Dean Reed.mp3
06 Yellow Submarine - Fedya Chistyakov(instr).mp3
06 Yellow Submarine - George Martin(instr).mp3
06 Yellow Submarine - Korol i Shut.mp3
06 Yellow Submarine - Leningrad Cowboys.mp3
06 Yellow Submarine - Suomi.mp3
06 Yellow Submarine - Vanessa Mae(instr).mp3
06 Yellow Submarine - Ариэль.mp3
06 Yellow Submarine ! Yesterday ! Obladi, Oblada - choir.mp3
07 She Said She Said - Black Keys.mp3
07 She Said She Said - George Martin(instr).mp3
07 She Said She Said - Gov't Mule.mp3
07 She Said She Said - Pozers.mp3
07 She Said She Said - Yellow Matte Custard.mp3
07 She Said, She Said - Ann Dyer & No Good Time Fairies.mp3
07 She Said, She Said - CJ Pavloff.mp3
07 She Said, She Said - Matthew Sweet.mp3
07 She Said, She Said - Snake River Conspiracy.mp3
07 She Said, She Said - UFO.mp3
08 Good Day Sunshine - Ann Dyer & No Good Time Fairies.mp3
08 Good Day Sunshine - Boreades.mp3
08 Good Day Sunshine - C. Longet.mp3
08 Good Day Sunshine - Cliff Richard.mp3
08 Good Day Sunshine - Connie Evingson.mp3
08 Good Day Sunshine - George Martin(instr).mp3
08 Good Day Sunshine - Jimmy James.mp3
08 Good Day Sunshine - Tremoloes(1967).mp3
09 And Your Bird Can Sing - Ann Dyer & No Good Time Fairies.mp3
09 And Your Bird Can Sing - George Martin(instr).mp3
09 And Your Bird Can Sing - Greg Godovitz,Segarini.mp3
09 And Your Bird Can Sing - Matthew Sweet.mp3
09 And Your Bird Can Sing - Meek.mp3
09 And Your Bird Can Sing - Punkles.mp3
09 And Your Bird Can Sing - Spanky & Our Gang(1967).mp3
10 For No One - Ann Dyer & No Good Time Fairies.mp3
10 For No One - Anne Sofie von Otter.mp3
10 For No One - Barbara Casini.mp3
10 For No One - Bobby Eaglesham.mp3
10 For No One - Boreades.mp3
10 For No One - Brazilian Tropical Orchestra(instr) (1990).mp3
10 For No One - Cilla Black.mp3
10 For No One - Connie Evingson.mp3
10 For No One - Emmylou Harris.mp3
10 For No One - Gregorian.mp3
10 For No One - Kings.mp3
10 For No One - Paul Schwartz(instr).mp3
10 For No One - Trio Rococo(instr) (1995).mp3
10 For No One (For Horsemen) - Beatallica.mp3
11 Dr. Robert - Beatlesgrass(instr).mp3
12 I Want To Tell You - Ann Dyer & No Good Time Fairies.mp3
12 I Want to Tell You - Barbara Casini.mp3
12 I Want To Tell You - Blue Cartoon.mp3
12 I Want to Tell You - Jeff Lynne.mp3
12 I Want To Tell You - Lambrettas.mp3
12 I Want to Tell You - Paul Myers.mp3
12 I Want To Tell You - Smithereens.mp3
12 I Want To Tell You - Ted Nugent.mp3
13 Got to Get You into My Life - Andrew Gold,Michael White.mp3
13 Got To Get You Into My Life - Cliff Bennett & Rebel Rousers.mp3
13 Got to Get You into My Life - Connie Evingson.mp3
13 Got To Get You Into My Life - Earth, Wind & Fire(1978).mp3
13 Got To Get You Into My Life - Goran Sollscher(instr).mp3
13 Got To Get You Into My Life - Jackie Trent.mp3
13 Got To Get You Into My Life - Johnny Hallyday (Je Veux Te Graver Dans Ma Vie (live)).mp3
13 Got To Get You Into My Life - Little Joe Pesci.mp3
13 Got To Get You Into My Life - Peter Lipa.mp3
13 Got To Get You Into My Life - Tom Jones.mp3
13 Got To Get You Into My Life 2 - Blood Swewt & Tears.mp3
13 Got To Get You Into My Life(Got to Get You Trapped Under Ice) - Beatallica.MP3
13 Medley - Got To Get You Into My Life - - - Royal Philharmonic Orchestra(instr).mp3
14 Tomorrow Never Knows - Ann Dyer & No Good Time Fairies.mp3
14 Tomorrow Never Knows - BeatleJazz(instr).mp3
14 Tomorrow Never Knows - Brian Eno & Phil Manzanera.mp3
14 Tomorrow Never Knows - Chameleons.mp3
14 Tomorrow Never Knows - Cornershop & Noel Gallagher of Oasis, Johnny Marr of Smiths.mp3
14 Tomorrow Never Knows - Craft.mp3
14 Tomorrow Never Knows - Dave Matthews Band.mp3
14 Tomorrow Never Knows - David Lee Roth.mp3
14 Tomorrow Never Knows - Dianne Reeves.mp3
14 Tomorrow Never Knows - Jimi Hendrix(instr).mp3
14 Tomorrow Never Knows - King Crimson.mp3
14 Tomorrow Never Knows - Living Colour.mp3
14 Tomorrow Never Knows - Los Lobos.mp3
14 Tomorrow Never Knows - Michael Hedges.mp3
14 Tomorrow Never Knows - Mission UK.mp3
14 Tomorrow Never Knows - Mosoon(1982).mp3
14 Tomorrow Never Knows - Phil Collins.mp3
14 Tomorrow Never Knows - Punkles.mp3
14 Tomorrow Never Knows - Todd Rundgren & Bourgeois Tagg.mp3
14 Tomorrow Never Knows(Slight Return) - David Fiuczynski.mp3
14 Tomorrow Newer Knows - Wayne Krantz(instr).mp3

08 Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

01 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Big Daddy.mp3
01 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Bubble Gum Machine(1967).mp3
01 Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band - Difference.mp3
01 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Jimi Hendrix.mp3
01 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Probe Nation.mp3
01 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band ! With A Little Help Of My Friends - Les Claypool's fearless flying frog brigade(lofi).mp3
01 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (live) - Jimi Hendrix.mp3
01 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (live) - Royal Philharmonic Orchestra(instr).mp3
01 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Sgt. Hetfield's Motorbreath Pub Band) - Beatallica.mp3
01 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heats Club Band , With A Little He- Bee Gees & Peter Frampron.mp3
02 With A Little Help From My Friends - (Con la ayuda de la amistad) Magneto.mp3
02 With A Little Help From My Friends - Barbra Streisand.mp3
02 With A Little Help From My Friends - Big Daddy.mp3
02 With A Little Help From My Friends - Bon Jovi.mp3
02 With A Little Help From My Friends - Brazilian Tropical Orchestra(instr) (1990).mp3
02 With A Little Help From My Friends - Daniel O`Donnell.mp3
02 With A Little Help From My Friends - Helmut Schmidt(1968).mp3
02 With A Little Help From My Friends - Joe Brown.mp3
02 With A Little Help From My Friends - Joe Cocker(live).mp3
02 With A Little Help From My Friends - Joe Cocker.mp3
02 With A Little Help From My Friends - Kenny Rankin.mp3
02 With A Little Help From My Friends - Macy Cray.mp3
02 With A Little Help From My Friends - Marillion with Bruce Dickinson.mp3
02 With A Little Help From My Friends - Marti Pellow.mp3
02 With A Little Help From My Friends - Modern Gustin Trio(instr).mp3
02 With A Little Help From My Friends - Pickin' On Beatles(instr) (2001).mp3
02 With a Little Help from My Friends - Punkles.mp3
02 With A Little Help From My Friends - Roger Nichols & Etc.mp3
02 With A Little Help From My Friends - Santana.mp3
02 With A Little Help From My Friends - Sergio Mendes.mp3
02 With A Little Help From My Friends - TOTO.mp3
02 With a Little Help from My Friends - Wet Wet Wet.mp3
02 With A Little Help From My Friends - Wolf Sun(2005).mp3
02 With A Little Help From My Friends - Пресняков Владимир (старший)(instr).mp3
02 With A Little Help From My Friends - Серьга.mp3
02 With a Little Help from My Friends ! Day Tripper - Peter Lipa.mp3
02 With A Little Help From My Friends(Лезгинка) - Ариэль.mp3
02 With A Little Help From My Friends,Nowhere Man - Jeff Lynne (1990).mp3
03 Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - Aimee Mann.mp3
03 Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - Black Crowes.mp3
03 Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds - Boreades.mp3
03 Lucy In the Sky with Diamonds - Der Expander Des Fortschritts.mp3
03 Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - Dianne Steinberg (1978).mp3
03 Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - Elton John feat. John Lennon(1974).mp3
03 Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - Elton John.mp3
03 Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - Grateful Dead.mp3
03 Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - Hooters.mp3
03 Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - Katie Melua.mp3
03 Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - KGB band(instr).mp3
03 Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - London Symphony Orchestra(instr).mp3
03 Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - Mercury rev.mp3
03 Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - Natalie Cole.mp3
03 Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - Percy Faith(instr).mp3
03 Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - Vadim Brodsky(instr).mp3
04 Getting Better - Bee Gees & Peter Frampton (1978).mp3
04 Getting Better - Billy Shatter.mp3
04 Getting Better - Gomez.mp3
04 Getting Better - Smash Mouth.mp3
04 Getting Better - Steve Hillage.mp3
04 Getting Better - Wedding Present.mp3
04 Getting Better - Пресняков Владимир (старший)(instr).mp3
05 Fixing a Hole - Connie Evingson.mp3
05 Fixing A Hole - Geluso.mp3
05 Fixing A Hole - George Burns(1978).mp3
05 Fixing A Hole - Helium Kids.mp3
05 Fixing A Hole - Michl Bridge(2005).mp3
05 Fixing A Hole - Syrius.mp3
05 Fixing A Hole - V.P. Senior(instr).mp3
05 Fixing A Hole - Владимир Пресняков (старший)(instr).mp3
06 She's leaving home - Acker Bilk(instr).mp3
06 She's Leaving Home - Al Jarreau.mp3
06 She's Leaving Home - Bee Gees, Jay Macintosh & John Wheeler (1978).mp3
06 She's Leaving Home - Big Jim Sullivan(instr).mp3
06 She's Leaving Home - Boreades.mp3
06 She's leaving home - Brad Mehldau(instr).mp3
06 She's Leaving Home - Brazilian Tropical Orchestra(instr) (1990).mp3
06 She's Leaving Home - Bryan Perry.mp3
06 She's Leaving Home - David & Jonathan.mp3
06 She's leaving home - Eric Hansen(instr).mp3
06 She's Leaving Home - Guys'n'Dolls.mp3
06 She's leaving home - KGB band(instr).mp3
06 She's leaving home - Larry Coryell(instr).mp3
06 She's leaving home - McCoy Tyner.mp3.DE
06 She's leaving home - Mina.mp3
06 She's Leaving Home - Minusbaby(2005).mp3
06 She's leaving home - Nestor Torres(instr).mp3
06 She's Leaving Home - Rick Wakeman(instr) (1997).mp3
06 She's leaving home - Royal Philharmonic Orchestra(instr).mp3
06 She's Leaving Home - Steve Barton.mp3
06 She's leaving home - Suomi.mp3
06 She's Leaving Home - Syreeta.mp3
06 She's Leaving Home - Toninho Horta(instr).mp3
06 She's Leaving Home - Tori Amos.mp3
06 She's Leaving Home - Trio Rococo(instr) (1995).mp3
06 She's leaving home - Vadim Brodsky(instr).mp3
06 She's leaving home - Владимир Пресняков (старший)(instr).mp3
07 Being For The Benefit of Mr. Kite - Spongetones.mp3
07 Being For The Benefit of Mr.Kite - Billy Connolly (1998).mp3
07 Being For The Benefit Of Mr.Kite - Fredo Viola(2005).mp3
07 Being For The Benefit Of Mr.Kite - Paul Schwartz(instr).mp3
07 Being For The Benefit of Mr.Kite - Royal Academy of Music Symphony(instr).MP3
07 Being For The Benefit of Mr.Kite - Пресняков Владимир (старший)(instr).mp3
07 Being For The Benefit Of Mr.Kite! - Peter Frampton, Bee Gees & George Burns (1978).mp3
08 Within You Without You - Beatlejazz(instr).mp3
08 Within You Without You - Big Head Todd & Monsters.mp3
08 Within You Without You - Boreades.mp3
08 Within You Without You - Rainer(instr).mp3
08 Within You Without You - Sonic Youth.mp3
08 Within You Without You - Thievery Corporation(instr).mp3
08 Within You Without You - Пресняков Владимир (старший)(instr).mp3
08 Within You, Whithout - Blue Jay Way - Steve Khan(instr).mp3
09 When I'm Sixty-Four - Ayreon.mp3
09 When I'm Sixty-Four - Big Daddy.mp3
09 When I'm Sixty-Four - Boreades.mp3
09 When I'm Sixty-Four - Claudine Longet.mp3
09 When I'm Sixty-Four - Connie Evingson(2).mp3
09 When I'm Sixty-Four - Connie Evingson.mp3
09 When I'm Sixty-Four - Frankie Howerd & Sandy Farina (1978).mp3
09 When I'm Sixty-Four - Hans Jorg Hack(1973).MP3
09 When I'm Sixty-Four - Keith Moon.mp3
09 When I'm Sixty-Four - Loa Shakers.mp3
09 When I'm Sixty-Four - Metropolitan Police Male Voice Choir.mp3
09 When I'm Sixty-Four - Mina.mp3
09 When I'm Sixty-Four - Swingle Singers.mp3
09 When I'm Sixty-Four - Vadim Brodsky(instr).mp3
09 When I'm Sixty-Four - Пресняков Владимир (старший)(instr).mp3
10 Lovely Rita - BeatleJazz(instr).mp3
10 Lovely Rita - Michelle Shocked.mp3
10 Lovely Rita - Royal Academy of Music Symphony(instr).MP3
10 Lovely Rita - Yellow Matter Custard.mp3
10 Lovely Rita - Пресняков Владимир (старший)(instr).mp3
11 Good Morning - Yellow Matter Custard.mp3
11 Good Morning Good Morning - Peter Frampton, Bee Gees & Paul Nicolas (1978).mp3
11 Good Morning Good Morning - Triffids(2000).mp3
11 Good Morning, Good Morning - Lolas.mp3
12 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (reprise) - Royal Academy of Music Symphony(instr).MP3
12 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (reprise) - Yellow Matter Custard.mp3
12 Sgt.Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band(part 2) - Various artists (1978).mp3
13 A Day In The Life - Because - Hungaria (1978).mp3
13 A Day In The Life - Bee Gees(1978).mp3
13 A Day In The Life - Big Daddy.mp3
13 A Day In The Life - Bill Holman Band(instr).mp3
13 A Day In The Life - Boreades.mp3
13 A Day In The Life - Brazilian Tropical Orchestra(instr) (1990).mp3
13 A Day In The Life - David Lanz & Paul Speer(instr) (1993).mp3
13 A Day In The Life - Frankie Valli.mp3
13 A Day In The Life - Grant Green(instr)(1970).mp3
13 A Day In The Life - Jeff Beck (1998).mp3
13 A Day In The Life - Lee Ritenour.mp3
13 A Day In The Life - Sting.mp3
13 A Day In The Life - Wes Montgomery(instr).mp3
13 A Day In The Life - Yellow Matter Custard.mp3
13 A Day In The Life - Пресняков Владимир (старший)(instr).mp3

09 Magical Mistery Tour

01 Magical Mystery Tour - Ambrosia.mp3
01 Magical Mystery Tour - BeatleJazz(instr).mp3
01 Magical Mystery Tour - Cheap Trick.mp3
01 Magical Mystery Tour - Punkles.mp3
01 Magical Mystery Tour - Yellow Matter Custard.mp3
02 The Fool On The Hill - 12 Cellists of the Berlin Philharmonic(instr).mp3
02 The Fool On The Hill - Acker Bilk(instr).mp3
02 The Fool On The Hill - Acker Bilk(instr)2.mp3
02 The Fool On The Hill - Barry Goldberg(instr) (1968).mp3
02 The Fool On The Hill - Bjork.mp3
02 The Fool On The Hill - Boreades.mp3
02 The Fool On The Hill - Brazilian Tropical Orchestra(instr) (1990).mp3
02 The Fool On The Hill - Denis Lopez Liquid Latin Sound.mp3
02 The Fool On The Hill - Dianne Reeves, Javon Jackson.mp3
02 The Fool On The Hill - Eric Hansen(instr).mp3
02 The Fool On The Hill - Fantastic Strings(instr).mp3
02 The Fool On The Hill - Four Tops.mp3
02 The Fool On The Hill - Helen Reddy.mp3
02 The Fool On The Hill - Herman van Veen.mp3
02 The Fool On The Hill - Mickey Dolenz.mp3
02 The Fool On The Hill - Mina.mp3
02 The Fool On The Hill - Paul Schwartz(instr).mp3
02 The Fool On The Hill - Percy Faith(instr).mp3
02 The Fool On The Hill - Peter Grant.mp3
02 The Fool On The Hill - Peter Lipa.mp3
02 The Fool On The Hill - Rick Wakeman(instr) (1997).mp3
02 The Fool On The Hill - Rockbeach.mp3
02 The Fool On The Hill - Royal Philharmonic Orchestra(instr).mp3
02 The Fool On The Hill - Sarah Vaughan.mp3
02 The Fool On The Hill - Sergio Mendes.mp3
02 The Fool On The Hill - Singers Unlimited.mp3
02 The Fool On The Hill - Stone The Crows (1969).mp3
02 The Fool On The Hill - Suomi.mp3
02 The Fool On The Hill - Swingle Singers.mp3
02 The Fool On The Hill - The Impressions.mp3
02 The Fool On The Hill - Tom Scott.mp3
02 The Fool On The Hill - Trio Rococo(instr) (1995).mp3
02 The Fool On The Hill - Vadim Brodsky(instr).mp3
02 The Fool On The Hill - Ариэль.mp3
03 Flying - Frank Sidebottom.mp3
03 Flying - Residents.mp3
04 Blue Jay Way - BeatleJazz(instr).mp3
04 Blue Jay Way - Bennett Samm.mp3
04 Blue Jay Way - Colin Newman.mp3
04 Blue Jay Way - Dee Long.mp3
05 Your Mother Should Know - Kenny Ball.mp3
05 Your Mother Should Know - Sugar Beats, Vicki Gross.mp3
06 I Am The Walrus - Spooky Tooth (1970).mp3
06 I Am The Walrus - Beatlejazz(instr).mp3
06 I Am the Walrus - Boreades.mp3
06 I Am The Walrus - Die Toten Hosen(1999).mp3
06 I Am The Walrus - Frank Zappa.mp3
06 I Am The Walrus - Jim Carrey.mp3
06 I Am The Walrus - Leo Sayer.mp3
06 I Am The Walrus - Lol Coxhill(1971).mp3
06 I Am The Walrus - Lord Sitar.mp3
06 I Am The Walrus - Men Without Hats.mp3
06 I Am The Walrus - Oasis(live).mp3
06 I Am The Walrus - Oingo Boingo.mp3
06 I Am The Walrus - Punkles.mp3
06 I Am The Walrus - Royal Philharmonic Orchestra(instr).mp3
06 I Am The Walrus - STYX.mp3
06 I Am The Walrus - Swingle Singers.mp3
06 I Am The Walrus - Thurston Lava Tube(2005).mp3
06 I Am The Walrus - Trio Rococo(instr) (1995).mp3
06 I Am The Walrus - XTC.mp3
06 I Am The Walrus - Yellow Matter Custard.mp3
06 I Am The Walrus (live) - Oasis.mp3
07 Hello Goodbuy - Pickin' On Beatles(instr) (2001).mp3
07 Hello Goodbye - Beats.mp3
07 Hello Goodbye - Boreades.mp3
07 Hello Goodbye - Bud Shank With Chet Baker(instr)(1967).mp3
07 Hello Goodbye - Child choir.mp3
08 Strawberry Fields Forever - BeatleJazz(instr).mp3
08 Strawberry Fields Forever - Ben Harper.mp3
08 Strawberry Fields Forever - Candy Flip.mp3
08 Strawberry Fields Forever - Cassandra Wilson.mp3
08 Strawberry Fields Forever - David Lanz(instr)(1988).mp3
08 Strawberry Fields Forever - E. Hardin.mp3
08 Strawberry Fields Forever - Eddie Hardin.mp3
08 Strawberry Fields Forever - Eric Hansen(instr).mp3
08 Strawberry Fields Forever - Meek.mp3
08 Strawberry Fields Forever - Peter Gabriel.mp3
08 Strawberry Fields Forever - Pickin' On Beatles(instr) (2001).mp3
08 Strawberry Fields Forever - Plastic Penny (1968).mp3
08 Strawberry Fields Forever - Plastic Penny(1968).mp3
08 Strawberry Fields Forever - Robyn Hitchcock.mp3
08 Strawberry Fields Forever - Sandy Farina.mp3
08 Strawberry Fields Forever - Shadows(instr).mp3
08 Strawberry Fields Forever - Stanley Jordan(instr) (1984).mp3
08 Strawberry Fields Forever - Swingle Singers.mp3
08 Strawberry Fields Forever - Todd Rundgren.mp3
08 Strawberry Fields Forever - Tomorrow.mp3
08 Strawberry Fields Forever - Ventures(instr)(1967).mp3
09 Penny Lane - Boreades.mp3
09 Penny Lane - David Bowie.mp3
09 Penny Lane - Eric Hansen(instr).mp3
09 Penny Lane - Modern Gustin Trio(instr).mp3
09 Penny Lane - Swingle Singers.mp3
09 Penny Lane - Vincent DrCola.mp3
09 Penny Lane - World Party.mp3
09 Penny Line - Pickin' On Beatles(instr) (2001).mp3
10 Baby You're A Rich Man - Kula Shaker.mp3
10 Baby You're A Rich Man - Living Guitars(instr).mp3
11 All You Need Is Love - Child choir.mp3
11 All You Need Is Love - Echo & Bunnymen.mp3
11 All You Need Is Love - Love Actually (Soundtrack).mp3
11 All You Need Is Love - Man Doki Allstar Band.mp3
11 All You Need Is Love - Nada Surf(2006).mp3
11 All You Need Is Love - Neil Young.mp3
11 All You Need Is Love - Pavarotti & Friends.mp3
11 All You Need Is Love - Punkles.mp3
11 All You Need Is Love - Rod Stewart, Joe Cocker, Paul Mccartney.mp3
11 All You Need Is Love - Royal Philharmonic Orchestra(instr).mp3
11 All You Need Is Love - Tom Jones.mp3
Medley - Mystery Train, Magical Mystery Tour, Strawberry Fields Forever - Transatlantic.mp3

10 White Album

01 Back In The USSR - Billy Joel.mp3
01 Back In The USSR - Dead Kennedys.mp3
01 Back In The USSR - John Schroeder Orchestra.mp3
01 Back In The USSR - Kraftysleaves.mp3
01 Back In The USSR - Leningrad Cowboys.mp3
01 Back In The USSR - Pete Best Band.mp3
01 Back In The USSR - Phish.mp3
01 Back In The USSR - Type O Negative.mp3
01 Back In The USSR - Баба Яга.mp3
01 Back In The USSR(Blackened the USSR) - Beatallica.MP3
02 Dear Prudence - (Child choir).mp3
02 Dear Prudence - Alanis Morrisette.mp3
02 Dear Prudence - Boreades.mp3
02 Dear Prudence - Brad Mehldau.mp3
02 Dear Prudence - Charlie Musselwhile & Colin Linden.mp3
02 Dear Prudence - Five Stairsteps.mp3
02 Dear Prudence - Jeff Lorber.mp3
02 Dear Prudence - Jerry Garcia Band.mp3
02 Dear Prudence - Our Lady Peace.mp3
02 Dear Prudence - Sean Lennon.mp3
02 Dear Prudence - Siouxsie & Banchees (1992).mp3
02 Dear Prudence - Yellow Matter Custard.mp3
02 Dear Prudence - Адо.mp3
03 Glass Onion - Arif Mardin.mp3
04 Obladi, Oblada - (Child choir).mp3
04 Obladi, Oblada - 1970 England World Cup Football.mp3
04 Obladi, Oblada - Boreades.mp3
04 Obladi, Oblada - Heptones.mp3
04 Obladi, Oblada - James Last(instr).mp3
04 Obladi, Oblada - Joyce Bond.mp3
04 Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da - Maria Muldaur.mp3
04 Obladi, Oblada - Marmalade.mp3
04 Obladi, Oblada - Mini-Beats.mp3
04 Obladi, Oblada - Modern Gustin Trio(instr).mp3
04 Obladi, Oblada - No Doubt.mp3
04 Obladi, Oblada - Paul Desmond(instr).mp3
04 Obladi, oblada - phish.mp3
04 Obladi, Oblada - Youssou N`Dour.mp3
04 Obladi, oblada - Yuri.mp3
04 Obladi, Oblada - Веселые ребята.mp3
04 Obladi, Oblada - Весёлые ребята.mp3
04 Obladi, Oblada - Песняры.mp3
04 Obladi, oblada ! Lady Madonna ! Michelle ! Girl ! Hey Jude ! Can't Buy Me Love - Beliy Den.mp3
04 Obladi, Oblada(Цыганская рапсодия) - Ариэль.mp3
05 Wild Honey Pie - Pixies (1998).mp3
06 The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill - Deerhoof(2006).mp3
06 The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill - Young Blood.mp3
07 While My Guitar Gentle Weeps - Brazilian Tropical Orchestra (1990).mp3
07 While My Guitar Gently Weeps - Drowners.mp3
07 While My Guitar Gently Weeps - Eric Clapton, Paul McCartney.mp3
07 While My Guitar Gently Weeps - Jake Shimabukuro(instr).mp3
07 While My Guitar Gently Weeps - Jeff Healey Band.mp3
07 While My Guitar Gently Weeps - Joe Louis Walker.mp3
07 While My Guitar Gently Weeps - Joe Walker.mp3
07 While My Guitar Gently Weeps - Kenny Rankin.mp3
07 While My Guitar Gently Weeps - Paul Schwartz(instr).mp3
07 While My Guitar Gently Weeps - Peter Frampton.mp3
07 While My Guitar Gently Weeps - Phish.mp3
07 While My Guitar Gently Weeps - Punkles.mp3
07 While My Guitar Gently Weeps - Rick Wakeman(instr) (1997).mp3
07 While My Guitar Gently Weeps - Russ Freeman.mp3
07 While My Guitar Gently Weeps - Schenker-Pattison Summit.mp3
07 While My Guitar Gently Weeps - Spineshank.mp3
07 While My Guitar Gently Weeps - Todd Rundgren.mp3
07 While My Guitar Gently Weeps - TOTO.mp3
07 While My Guitar Gently Weeps - Vinnie Moore.mp3
07 While My Guitar Gently Weeps - Yellow Matter Custard.mp3
07 While My Guitar Gently Weeps - ДДТ.mp3
08 Happiness Ia A Warm Gun - Meek.mp3
08 Happiness Is A Warm Gun - Anders Osborne.mp3
08 Happiness Is A Warm Gun - Breeders.mp3
08 Happiness Is a Warm Gun - Jim Basnight.mp3
08 Happiness Is A Warm Gun - Tori Amos.mp3
08 Happiness Is A Warm Gun - U2.mp3
08 Happiness Is A Warm Gun - World Party.mp3
09 Martha My Dear - Ambrose Slade.mp3
09 Martha My Dear - Boreades.mp3
09 Martha My Dear - Brad Mehldau(instr).mp3
09 Martha My Dear - Fool's Garden.mp3
09 Martha My Dear - Slade (1969).mp3
09 Martha My Dear - World Party.mp3
10 I'm So Tired - Alex Chilton.mp3
10 I'm So Tired - Chris Duarte.mp3
10 I'm So Tired - Kashmir.mp3
11 Blackbird - (Child choir).mp3
11 Blackbird - Adrian Belew(instr).mp3
11 Blackbird - Amber Claire.mp3
11 Blackbird - Arturo Sandoval.mp3
11 Blackbird - BeatleJazz(instr).mp3
11 Blackbird - Billy Preston.mp3
11 Blackbird - Bobby Mcferrin.mp3
11 Blackbird - Boreades.mp3
11 Blackbird - Brad Mehldau(instr).mp3
11 Blackbird - Colin Linden.mp3
11 Blackbird - Connie Evingson.mp3
11 Blackbird - Crosby Stills and Nash.mp3
11 Blackbird - Denny Laine.mp3
11 Blackbird - Dionne Farris.mp3
11 Blackbird - Doves.mp3
11 Blackbird - Foo Fighters.mp3
11 Blackbird - Herman van Veen.mp3
11 Blackbird - Justin Hayward with Mike Batt.mp3
11 Blackbird - Mickey Dolenz.mp3
11 Blackbird - Paul Schwartz(instr).mp3
11 Blackbird - Pickin' On Beatles(instr) (2001).mp3
11 Blackbird - Rick Wakeman(instr) (1997).mp3
11 Blackbird - Rosalyn Sweat & Paragons.mp3
11 Blackbird - Royal Philharmonic Orchestra(instr).mp3
11 Blackbird - Sarah Mclachlan.mp3
11 Blackbird - Sarah Vaughan.mp3
11 Blackbird - Sting.mp3
11 Blackbird - Tony Williams(instr) (1991).mp3
11 Blackbird - Trio Rococo(instr) (1995).mp3
11 Blackbird ! I Will - Swingle Singers.mp3
12 Piggies - BeatleJazz(instr).mp3
12 Piggies - Boreades.mp3
12 Piggies (R.A.M. Pietsch)(instr).mp3
13 Rocky Raccoon - Phish.mp3
14 Don't Pass Me By - Georgia Satellites.mp3
14 Don't Pass Me By - Gourds.mp3
14 Don't Pass Me By - T-Bone Wolk.mp3
15 Why Don't We Do It In The Road - Electric Boys.mp3
15 Why Don't We Do It In The Road - Jimmy Thackery & Drivers.mp3
15 Why Don't We Do It In The Road - Lowell Fullson.mp3
15 Why Don't We Do It in the Road - Punkles.mp3
15 Why Don't We Do It In The Road ! Come Together - Gotthard.mp3
16 I Will - Alison Krauss.mp3
16 I Will - Art Garfunkel (1997).mp3
16 I WIll - Art Garfunkel(live).mp3
16 I Will - BeatleJazz(instr).mp3
16 I Will - Connie Evingson.mp3
16 I Will - David Roth.mp3
16 I Will - Diana Ross.mp3
16 I Will - Instrumentally Yours.mp3
16 I Will - John Holt.mp3
16 I Will - Kathy Mattea.mp3
16 I Will - Meek.mp3
16 I Will - Paul Schwartz(instr).mp3
16 I Will - Rachel(2004).mp3
16 I Will - Real McCoy.mp3
16 I Will - Tuck & Patti.mp3
16 I Will - Walter & Dairy Kings Clevenger.mp3
17 Julia - BeatleJazz(instr).mp3
17 Julia - Boreades.mp3
17 Julia - Cassia Eller.mp3
17 Julia - Chocolate Genius.mp3
17 Julia - Die Vision.mp3
17 Julia - Instrumentally Yours(instr).mp3
17 Julia - Medeski, Martin & Wood(instr).mp3
17 Julia - Neil Hubbard.mp3
17 Julia - Ramsey Lewis(instr).mp3
17 Julia - Sean Lennon.mp3
17 Julia - Vadim Brodsky(instr).mp3
18 Birthday - (Child choir).mp3
18 Birthday - Bugs & Friends.mp3
18 Birthday - Hair Rave-Up.mp3
18 Birthday - Swingle Singers.mp3
19 Yer Blues - Jeff Healey Band.mp3
19 Yer Blues - Lucky Peterson.mp3
20 Mother Nature's Son - Beatlejazz(instr).mp3
20 Mother Nature's Son - Boreades.mp3
20 Mother Nature's Son - Child choir.mp3
20 Mother Nature's Son - Gryphon.mp3
20 Mother Nature's Son - Sergei Manukan.mp3
20 Mother Nature's Son - Sheryl Crow.mp3
21 Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except for Me and My Monkey ! Ticket To Ride (Everybody's Got A Ticket To Ride Except For Me And My Lightning) - Beatallica.mp3
21 Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except For Me And My Monkey - Yellow Matter Custard.mp3
21 Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey - Milk.mp3
22 Sexy Sadie - P. Weller.mp3
23 Helter Skelter - Aerosmith.mp3
23 Helter Skelter - Husker Du.mp3
23 Helter Skelter - Ian Gillan.mp3
23 Helter Skelter - Joe Lynn Turner.mp3
23 Helter Skelter - Motley Crue.mp3
23 Helter Skelter - Mr. Children.mp3
23 Helter Skelter - Oasis (2000).mp3
23 Helter Skelter - Pat Benatar.mp3
23 Helter Skelter - Popdudes.mp3
23 Helter Skelter - Rob White Zombie.mp3
23 Helter Skelter - Siouxsie & Banshees (1978).mp3
23 Helter Skelter - Techno Bad Bones.mp3
23 Helter Skelter - U2.mp3
24 Long Long Long - Tom Hooper.mp3
25 Revolution - F4.mp3
25 Revolution - Feeling B.mp3
25 Revolution -



Четверг, 19 Апреля 2007 г. 17:55 + в цитатник
Всем привет!!!Парни и девчонки владеющие басом,барабанами и клавишными!Приглашаем вас в наш коллектив!Поиграть,расслабиться,покайфовать!Репетируем на реп.базе,метро Третьяковская!Присоединяйтесь!
С уважением Раф и Ко! www.rafrock1.narod.ru
 (700x525, 90Kb)

Умер друг!!!

Четверг, 12 Апреля 2007 г. 23:34 + в цитатник
В колонках играет - Битлз-Стравбэрри филдз
Настроение сейчас - никакое

18 лет,она прожила со мной рядом!!! Её звали Элси!!!Она умерла! Так тоскливо без неё!Приходишь домой,а дома так пусто, никто тебе не рад,хвостиком не машет!Грустно!

 (640x480, 144Kb)


Я!!! - новая серия фотографий в фотоальбоме

Четверг, 12 Апреля 2007 г. 23:22 + в цитатник

Дневник Раф_20061978

Среда, 07 Июня 2006 г. 18:55 + в цитатник
Всем привет!Меня зовут Раф!
Живу в Москве, в хорошем районе Бибирево!
Мне 28 лет.
Пишу песни очень давно.
В каких нибудь тёмных закоулках Бибирева, иногда можно услышать мои песни, в чужом исполнении, да и в моём конечно тоже.Сейчас занят поиском музыкантов, если таковые есть, буду очень рад, поиграть, попеть, да и пластиночку состряпать.
Всех благ!

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