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Плеасуре Тоыс фор Вомен - Тхе Басиц Тхингс Ыоу Неед То Кнов

Понедельник, 31 Октября 2022 г. 08:10 (ссылка)

If you're a vulva-owner or are looking to buy anyone with a vulva toys for sex, we've assembled an easy-to-follow guide to the different types of sexual toys for females.

Why? Well, often, your pleasure toys get so comfortable with our preferred type of stimulation that brings us to sexual pleasure that we tend to forget that there are alternatives to enhance that experience.


Why Indulge in a Different kind of pleasure toy for women?

You might think "Well I have my favorite sex toys and it does the job perfectly," and that's amazing. But have you tried to shake things up little? Just like spicing up one's sexual experience is always a hoot by changing the type of stimulation you're seeking is an experience unlike no other.

Additionally, there are millions of vulva lovers who believe they won't get other kinds of orgasms. For example they've been experiencing the effects of clitoral stimulation for years, and believe that the G-spot sensation isn't possible.

So, we're here break that stereotype by not only introducing you to the different kinds of pleasure toys for women, but also by introducing you to a few of our favorites that are must-haves!

Are you ready for an adventure?

Different Types of Pleasure Toys for Women

Because one-size-does-not-fit-all, there are various types of sex toys for women.

The most sought-after sexually explicit toys for girls include:

    Clitoral stimulation sex toys

    G-Spot sex toys

    Dual stimulation sex toys

    Couples sex toys

    Sexually explicit toys


Playthings that stimulate the brain for women

Clitoral stimulation sex toys are pleasure items that stimulate the clitoris. There are many different clitoral sex toys for women, some simply vibrate and some come with other functions like suction features. In the lattercase, it utilizes suckling actions to further stimulate the clitoris, similar to deep waves of pleasure.

Either way, you can get a wide range of clitoral vibrators in different dimensions and shapes, but what they all have in common is that they are used for external stimulation of the clitoris.

G-Spot Pleasure Toys to stimulate women

G-spot stimulation sexy toys for females are created in such a way that they target, tease , and make the G-spot happy. This is an area inside of the vagina, roughly 5-8 cms with the potential to produce massive orgasms.

The G-spot is a soft, thickened area of tissue found on the vaginal wall It can be stimulated with fingers G-spot toys are created with absolute precision in order to reach it easily. In other words, these sex toys have been designed in a manner that it does all the hard tasks for you. G-spots orgasms are different from clitoral sex orgasms, therefore because each individual is different it is a good idea!

Dual Stimulation Sex Toys For women

A sex sex with dual stimulation for women is an amalgamation of clitoral stimulation as well as G-spot stimulation. It's a fun product that is essentially a two-in-one, that will stimulate your clitoris as well as stimulate your G-spot all at once. One excellent example of an sex toy that has dual stimulation is a rabbit vibrator.

Utilizing this kind of sexy toy will give you an additional level of pleasure. It really can be an experience changer for some as it can lead to massive climaxes and all sorts of delightful enjoyment.

Couples Pleasure Toys

We are talking about sexual toys for women, but there are some which are designed to be used alongside a partner. For example, wearables, or a pantsy vibrator with the option of a remote. This way it is possible for a partner to be in control and manage all the sexy sensations whilst the wearer of the vulva holds the sexy toy securely.

Couples sexual toys can be extremely enjoyable as they are an opportunity to not only make your partner more attractive in sex life as well as demonstrate to your partner what will get your heart pumping.

Anal Pleasure Toys

Anal sex products are not gender specific they are not gender-specific, however we wanted to be able to include it in the mix because a lot of women are fond of sexual stimulation. There are many anal sex toys, from the anal beads, to butt plugs, which give off all kinds of euphoric sensations. If you're unfamiliar with anal penetration, it's possible to start off with an anal kit which will allow you to experiment slowly. This is because an anal kit for sex comes with various sizes of anal toys. You can begin with the most basic and move up.

Then, there are bigger anal sex toys to suit interested in anal sex who want to get bigger. Some anal sex toys vibrate with a pulsing sound, while others are constructed of silicone or glass or stainless steel, bringing additional sensory elements. Anal stimulation is excellent for vulva lovers since there are so many nerve endings inside the anus, that it can result in massive gasps.

The Top Toys for Pleasure For Women

In keeping with the theme, we'll present our favorite sexy toy for females based on all five theme categories!

Stimulation of the brain pleasure toys

Do you want to travel to heaven? The LELO 2 Cruise Clitoral Stimulator is a sex toy for females, and makes use of gentle sonic waves to effectively stimulate the clitoris all its aspects (even the parts we can't see). The most amazing thing is a suction clitoral vibration device that comes with Cruise Control, which means that the harder you press, the more intense the stimulation. It's a waterproof sex toy designed for females, and is designed to be enjoyed by anyone and everywhere (where legally and safely, of course!).

G-Spot sex toys

The Tracy's Dog Dual Vibrator Suction Vibe isn't just a G-spot vibration It can also be used for that! So, we thought we'd present you with a three-in-one! It's a real firecracker that features different types of stimulation both ends. On one end you'll find a deliciously curving and ridged G Spot vibrator can be used for the moments of self-care and sexual pleasure. In the opposite end, there's a suction clitoral vibrator, as well as a wand-like vibration (simply by removing the sleeves that come with it allows you to pick the one you prefer). No matter which one you pick the toy that is multi-pleasure for females comes with the option of 10 different settings and two motors! Vroom, vroom!

Dual stimulation pleasure toys

You simply cannot go wrong with the Tracy's Dog Suction Vibrator Next Generation. The reviews across the Internet alone is reason enough to purchase one, but my personal experience suggests that this stunning dual stimulation sex toy will take you from nothing to hero in only a matter of seconds or minutes. It utilizes suction that targets your clitoris and is bent beautifully to hit your G-spot. By having these two types of stimulation going on in unison, you'll be seeing stars.

Couples pleasure toys

Find a new method to enjoy Tickler the wearable vibrator that's all kinds of fun! The great thing about this couples sexual toy for women is that it can be used either vaginally or! It comes with a useful remote that you can pass onto your partner and then relax as you revel in the bliss of wearing a vibrator. You can simply slip it into your body, and you can enjoy any of the 10 distinct vibrational settings with your loved one.

Anal pleasure toys

Then, last but not least one of the most popular items for beginners for beginners, the Jewelled Butt Plug Set! This sexy toy set comes with three different types of butt plugs all of varying sizes which allows you to slowly but surely get into the pure pleasure of sexual stimulation. The three plugs are not only super soft and easy to use however, they've got an adorable base gem making them look adorable as an ornament when worn! This kit of anal training is precisely what you require for either to become familiar with sexual sensations, or to prepare yourself for sexual Sexual sex!

Then, you're on the 411 of pleasure toys for women! Have you found a pleasure product that's totally tickled your fancy?

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Тестирование производительности таблиц офисных пакетов в Linux на примере MS Office, LibreOffice, МойОфис, OnlyOffice

Вторник, 12 Июля 2022 г. 10:05 (ссылка)

Актуальность темы обусловлена форсированием перехода Государственных ведомств и госкомпаний России с Windows на Astra Linux. Это было сделано на фоне заявления корпорации Microsoft о сворачивании бизнеса в РФ. Так как у автора, да и у многих других пользователей MS Office, за долгие годы работы скопилось ряд наработок, то вопрос об их работоспособности и переносе под новый офисный пакет, на платформе Linux, стоит остро, как и возможность малой автоматизации рутинных действий.
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