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rolex - Самое интересное в блогах

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История и археология: Как появился бренд Rolex, который стал революцией в мире часов, и Как эти знаменитые хронометры проверяли на прочность

Четверг, 01 Августа 2024 г. 18:47 (ссылка)

Часы Rolex – это не просто часовой механизм, показывающий время, это имя, бренд и показатель успешности. Их воспринимают как элемент богатства, поэтому только разбогатев, высший привилегированный класс сразу спешит купить эту модель. Но за популярностью часов стоит целая история упорной работы молодого на то время Ганса Вильсдорфа, который доказал, что и мужчины могут носить наручные часы. Он основал компанию и улучшал постоянно часовой механизм, корпус, качество, точность, разбавляя дополнительными функциями. Это принесло успех, а часы Rolex никто не смог превзойти ни в качестве, ни в спросе, и это при том, что даже рекламой компания практически не пользуется.



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Luxury Watches In Dubai, Buy And Sell Watches Online - Strap Up

Воскресенье, 04 Декабря 2022 г. 18:31 (ссылка)

Looking for a luxury watch in Dubai? If yes then You are at the right place! At Strap Up, we specialize in the buying and selling of high-end watches, including brands like Rolex and Omega. Whether you're looking to add to your collection or you're ready to sell a watch you no longer wear, we can help. Our online platform makes it easy to browse our selection of luxury watches and make a purchase or sale.

A luxury watch is a perfect way to add a touch of class and sophistication to your look. And in Dubai, you'll find no shortage of luxury watch stores. Whether you're looking to buy or sell a Rolex, Omega, or other high-end watches, you'll be able to find what you're looking for in Dubai.

The city is home to some of the world's best luxury watch brands, so you can be sure to find the perfect watch to suit your style. And with so many high-end stores to choose from, you're sure to find the perfect place to strap up your new luxury watch.

What We Will Do On Strap Up?

strap-up is a one-stop shop for all watch enthusiasts. A marketplace where you may buy, sell, consign, or source a timepiece.


With ease, submit a free listing. Fill out your watch details to receive direct offers from those who are interested.

Allow strap-up.com to handle the sale for you. We keep track of the watches, conduct phone calls, negotiate, and set up meetings.

The beauty of watches is what they signify (apart from their evident aesthetics). They reflect worth, accomplishment, goals attained, a statue, and immaculate taste and flair from the outside. On the inside, however, they signify hard work, devotion, passion, and achievement, as well as personal time stamps for life's memories.

Watches remind us of what is truly significant, from telling time to symbolizing the importance of time.

Allow us to find the watch you're looking for. Fill out a short form and let us handle the rest.

We value people's time and strive to build a safe and simple platform that connects all watch enthusiasts. Individuals and businesses now have a dedicated site for buying, selling, trading, sourcing, and auctioning timepieces. A platform that takes pride in being clear and transparent, delivering services at fixed prices with no commissions or hidden fees.

For more information regarding cartier watch, visit our website: https://strap-up.com/

Or contact us at:

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