


 - e-mail



: 10.09.2010
: 1228



: (72), ?(50), , , (51), (9), , , (47), (417), (45), non-fiction(31), (49), (23), (11), (80), (22), (60), (8), (44), (36), * * * * *(105), * * * *(288), * * *(253), * *(47), *(7)

Richard Brautigan Loading Mercury with a Pitchfork (1976)

, 06 2012 . 16:25 +
verbava (free_readings) Richard Brautigan Loading Mercury with a Pitchfork

brautigan - mercury (270x400, 29Kb)It's time to train yourself
to sleep alone again
and it's so fucking hard.


Finding is losing something else.
I think about, perhaps even mourn,
what I lost to find this.


I talked a good hello
but she talked an even
better good-bye.


We were the eleven o'clock news
because while the rest of the world
was going to hell we made love.


Things slowly curve out of sight
until they are gone. Afterwards
only the curve


* * *


Richard Brautigan Rommel Drives On Deep into Egypt (1970)

, 25 2011 . 19:55 +
verbava (free_readings) Richard Brautigan Rommel Drives On Deep into Egypt

brautigan - rommel (263x400, 47Kb)She tries to get things out of men
that she can't get because she's not
15% prettier.


Romeo and Juliet

If you will die for me,
I will die for you
and our graves will
be like two lovers washing
their clothes together
in a Laundromat.
If you will bring the soap,
I will bring the bleach.


There are so many better things for you
than to see your feelings sold
as magic lanterns to somebody whose body
casts no light.



Everybody wants to go to bed
with everybody else, they're
lined up for blocks, so I'll
go to bed with you. They won't
miss us.


and she was the woman that I loved,
but too many times she slept like
a mechanical deer in my caresses,
and I ached in the metal silence
of her dreams.



* * *


Leonard Cohen The Energy of Slaves (1973)

, 18 2011 . 12:57 +
verbava (free_readings) Leonard Cohen The Energy of Slaves

cohen - slaves (250x362, 20Kb)Who could have foretold
the heart grows old
from touching others


I have no ideas to shackle you
I have nothing in mind for you
I have no prayers to put you in
I live for you without the memory of what you deserve
or what you do not deserve


And is this what you wanted
to live in a house that is haunted
by you and me


We never found a way
to outwit your husband
I suggested a simple lie
You held out for murder


I want to be left alone
in your great envious heart



* * * *


Charles Bukowski The Last Night of the Earth Poems (1992)

, 27 2011 . 11:54 +
verbava (free_readings)

70884 (249x400, 28Kb) - , , , .
, ?


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, : 5 - .


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* * * *


Charles Bukowski Mockingbird Wish Me Luck (1972)

, 17 2011 . 12:49 +
verbava (free_readings) ,

mockingbird-wish-me-luck (259x400, 14Kb) ,






", - "


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* * * *


Thomas Stearns Eliot Murder in the Cathedral (1935)

, 06 2011 . 11:23 +
verbava (free_readings)

eliot - murder (264x400, 49Kb) , .
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Nick Cave King Ink (1988)

, 30 2011 . 18:32 +
verbava (free_readings)

cave - king ink 1 (252x400, 21Kb),





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? !


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* * * *


Arthur Rimbaud Illuminations (1872-75)

, 07 2010 . 20:21 +
verbava (free_readings)

 (246x400, 46Kb) , .


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* * *


Leonard Cohen The Spice-Box of Earth (1961)

, 04 2010 . 16:05 +
verbava (free_readings) Leonard Cohen The Spice-Box of Earth

 (282x400, 9Kb)My body once so familiar with glory,
my body has become a museum:
this part remembered because of someone's mouth,
this because of a hand,
this of wetness, this of heat.


It is foolish to impute pain
to the intense sky
but that is what I have done.
And I will impute loneliness
to the appearing moon.


Did you confuse the Messiah in a mirror
and rest because he had finally come?


Slaves will build cathedrals
for other slaves to burn.


When he puts his mouth against her shoulder
she is uncertain whether her shoulder
has given or received the kiss.
All her flesh is like a mouth.



* * * *


George Gordon Byron Childe Harolds Pilgrimage (1818)

, 12 2010 . 10:22 +
verbava (free_readings) -

 (237x400, 43Kb)
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Walt Whitman Song of Myself (1855)

, 26 2010 . 21:40 +
verbava (free_readings)

 (267x400, 36Kb) , ,
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: ? ,
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Lautreamont Poesies (1870)

, 09 2010 . 01:53 +
verbava (free_readings)

 (189x300, 10Kb) : , , .


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Dante La Divina Commedia (1308-1321)

, 03 2010 . 12:04 +
verbava (free_readings)

 (292x400, 57Kb) ,



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Arthur Rimbaud Une Saison en Enfer (1873)

, 21 2010 . 19:10 +
verbava (free_readings)

rimbaud - hell (241x400, 35 Kb) ! ?


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? ? ?


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: . , .


* * *


Thomas Stearns Eliot Prufrock and Other Observations (1917)

, 10 2010 . 15:51 +

 (300x400, 21Kb)


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