

 - e-mail





: 30.06.2007
: 332


Microsoft Windows.

: (4), (0), (0), (0), (0), (1), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (1), ( )(2), (7), (6), CD DVD (0), (11), (1), (0), (1), (0), (0), (3), Web (0), unix(2), Novel(0), NEW (3), Microsoft Office(5), icq(2)

, 02 2007 . 07:49 +
iros (best_soft)

Microsoft Windows 2003 Server

service pack 1
, 316.0 —
, 329.4 —

resource kit tools, 11.8 —

Microsoft Windows XP

service pack 2
, 260.2 —
, 266.1 —

service pack 1
, 123.3 —
, 125.1 —

Microsoft Windows 2000

service pack 4
, 127.8 —
, 129.3 —

service pack 3
, 123.8 —
, 125.0 —

service pack 2
, 100.8 —
, 101.4 —

service pack 1
, 84.7 —
, 83.3 —

Microsoft Windows NT4

service pack 6a
, 47.4 —
, 44.6 —

service pack 5
, 34.5 —
, 33.0 —
Microsoft Windows


SQL Server 2005 Enterprise x86 & x64

, 02 2007 . 07:10 +
iros (best_soft)
SQL Server 2005 Enterprise x86 & x64

: , , .

SQL Server 2005 , . , , , .

SQL Server 2000, SQL Server 2005 , :

•, , .
• IT- .
• , , .
• , , .

SQL Server 2005 : , (Business Intelligence, BI). , , SQL Server 2005 Microsoft Windows Server System.

SQL Server 2005 Enterprise x86

ifolder.ru ( Rapidshare.com)
Password :windowz


Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Enterprise x64

ifolder.ru (C Rapidshare.com)
Password :no pass

1 http://windowzteam.ifolder.ru/2534485
2 http://windowzteam.ifolder.ru/2534488
3 http://windowzteam.ifolder.ru/2534482
4 http://windowzteam.ifolder.ru/2534484
5 http://windowzteam.ifolder.ru/2534487
6 http://windowzteam.ifolder.ru/2534490
7 http://windowzteam.ifolder.ru/2534486
8 http://windowzteam.ifolder.ru/2534491
9 http://windowzteam.ifolder.ru/2534492
10 http://windowzteam.ifolder.ru/2534481
Microsoft Windows


Windows 2000 SP4 ENG - 4in1- MultiBoot

, 02 2007 . 07:09 +
iros (best_soft)
Windows 2000 SP4 ENG - 4in1- MultiBoot

: Microsoft
: Windows 2000
: Windows 2000 SP4 ENG ( )
: Professional, Server, Advanced_Server, Datacenter_Server

. : ! !
, , .

Download | Part 1

Download | Part 2

Download | Part 3

Download | Part 4

Download | Part 5

Download | Part 6

Download | Part 7

Pass | No Pass

From Fuhrer-Adolf :
Download | Russian MUI

Download | Cr@ck |
Microsoft Windows



, 01 2007 . 13:44 +
Microsoft Windows



, 01 2007 . 13:43 +
Microsoft Windows



, 01 2007 . 13:32 +
Microsoft Windows



, 01 2007 . 13:29 +
Microsoft Windows



, 01 2007 . 13:27 +
Microsoft Windows



, 01 2007 . 13:24 +
cj_angel (best_soft) !!! !!!
Microsoft Windows



, 01 2007 . 13:21 +
Microsoft Windows



, 01 2007 . 13:18 +
Microsoft Windows



, 01 2007 . 13:15 +
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:37 +
cj_angel (best_soft) .

WindowsXP SP2 , , .

. .

, :
" , , . , . - , . , , , . - ."


1. Windows
3. ( )
4. DirectX
7. , www.microsoft.com
8. .

safe mode ( F8 " "). . windows/prefetch.

> > msconfig .

WindowsXP SP2!

1. (Remote Assistance and Desktop Sharing).

Win ( ALt) + Break -> -> .

2. .

-> -> -> -> -> . - . , (, 3DMax') -. = 1024 1 - , , 1 . , -, . 1536.

3. Windows Update.

-> -> . WindowsXP SP1(SP2), , XP SP1, . .

4. (System Restore).

Win + Break ( ) (System Restore), " ".

5. - .

, . Windows, , . , .
, , "" . , 256 , (- 800), . .

6. .

-> , ( , , ).

7. .

-> -> . .

8. Windows Messenger.

Windows Messenger ( ), ? Messenger , , . , , ( -> ) : RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %windir%\INF\msmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove OK. . Messenger .

9. .

, . . ʻ , , . ( , ), . , NTFS.

10. Windows.

-> . c:\windows\media.

11. NTFS.

, . - NTFS 8.3 MS-DOS Windows 3.x . , , NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation 1. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Filesystem. . - NTFS . NTFS . : NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate 1. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentContolSet\Control\Filesystem. , , REG_DWORD. . NtfsMftZoneReservation REG_DWORD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Current ControlSet\Control\File System. , . ? , . NTFS , , 1 (-). 2 3. 4 ( ) , . , 2 , .

12. (IRQ).

, , , IRQ . CMOS- , . , . , , . ( , Win + Break). (Hardware) (Device Manager). , (Resources). , IRQ . . RegEdit. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Control/PriorityControl. DWORD IRQ#Priority ( '#' IRQ) 1. , IRQ08 System CMOS. IRQ8Priority. , , . CMOS, . IRQ, . , . .

13. .

XP , . HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/Session Manager/MemoryManagement. . XP RAM . (512 ), , RAM. . DisablePagingExecutive 0 1. . LargeSystemCache 0 1 Windows XP 4MB , XP , . 4MB , , XP . . 256MB RAM ( 512MB ).

14. SUPPORT_388945a0.

, Windows XP Professional , ( Settings -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Computer Management | Local Users and Groups -> Users) SUPPORT_388945a0. , , . , , . .

15. POSIX.

. Windows XP HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ Session Manager\SubSystems Optional Posix.

16. .

( -> -> ), .

17. DLL.

, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Explorer DWORD AlwaysUnloadDLL, 1.

18. .

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\MemoryManagement\SecondLevelDataCache] (), L2 .

19. Dr.Watson'.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug] Auto 0.

20. .

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer], (DWORD) NoLowDiskSpaceChecks 1.

21. (scheduled tasks).

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\explorer\Remote Computer\Name Space\{D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF}].

22. 16- .

16- Windows XP. , , 16- . , . , .

: 16- , , 16- 16- DLL, . 16- , DLL, 16- . .

, 16- , HKLM\ System\ CurrentControlSet\ Control\ WOW\ DefaultSeparateVDM "no" "yes".

23. Windows XP.

, Windows XP , .

-, "%SystemRoot%\ DriverCache\ i386\ ", "%SystemRoot%" Windows. -, , , , . , , CD-ROM Windows.
-, . , . - Windows , . 400 . "sfc" ( ) "/cachesize", . , "/cachesize" ("sfc /cachesize=0"), Windows .
-, Windows . - , (, , - ). , , , Windows. 20% . , :

1. " ", "", " " " ".

2. " ".

3. OK.


sysoc.inf %SystemRoot%\ inf . hide. , , WBEM=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,wbemoc.inf,hide,7 WBEM=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,wbemoc.inf,,7. Windows , .

24. .

, , screensavers , , - , . , , , . " " , " ". . . , , " " . , , . : .

25. CD-ROM.

, -? . , CD-ROM , .
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ FileSystem \ CDFS . , .
CacheSize - : ff ff 00 00
Prefetch - DWORD, 4000 hex
PrefetchTail - DWORD 4000 hex
, - -, , .


C NoDriveTypeAutoRun (binary - ) 00 00 00 00, CD-ROM, . 95 00 00 00. . .

26. Boot Logo.

Windows XP Boot Logo, . : , Boot Logo , (: chkdsk, convert ), , . -> -> msconfig Boot.ini /NOGUIBOOT.

27. history.

- , -> . , , HKEY_CURRENT_USER(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Policies\ ( ) NoRecentDocsHistory, DWORD, 1.

28. .

/prefetch:1 . Adobe Photoshop 7.0. Adobe Photoshop 7.0 . /prefetch:1 ( / ), OK.

29. prefetch.

, Windows 98/2000 . Windows XP C:\windows\prefetch, . . : .

: prefetch .

prefetch . , deleteprefetch.bat :

del C:\Windows\Prefetch\*.* /Q

prefetch . ;)

30. HDD .

Windows XP , . , , 1 IDE- CD-ROM+CD-RW IDE-. IDE/ATAPI-. IDE . 0 ( 1) , .

31. Windows.

, , , . . , Windows XP , . , , -> -> , , .

32. Shared Documents My Computer.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Explorer\My Computer\NameSpace\DelegateFolders] {59031a47-3f72-44a7-89c5-5595fe6b30ee}.

33. CTRL+ATL+DEL Windows.

-> -> -> -> : CTRL + ALT + DELETE .

34. .

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon] AutoAdminLogon = 1, DefaultUserName = , DefaultDomainName = , string DefaultPassword = .

35. Prefetcher tweak.

1. > "regedit".

2. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ CurrentControlSet\Control\SessionManager\ MemoryManagement\PrefetchParameters\EnablePrefetcher].

3. 3.

4. .

36. .

HungAppTimeout HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop ( 5000 ). 2000. WaitToKillServiceTimeout WaitToKillAppTimeout, ( 20000). 5000.
AutoEndTasks ( 0), . , 1.

, , .

37. Prefetch .

128 ( 256 ), Prefetch , . Prefetch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters EnablePrefetcher , 0.

38. .avi 100% .

Windows XP .avi. , (, , ..).
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SystemFileAssociations\.avi\shellex\PropertyHandler {87D62D94-71B3-4b9a-9489-5FE6850DC73E}. .

39. .

GNOME- , Windows XP Windows.
. XP , , , . , , , .

(Appearance) , , (Properties).

(Effects) , , Microsoft ClearType. , ClearType , . , ClearType, .

(System Properties). (Control Panel) (System) (Properties).

(Advanced) (Settings) (Performance). , , .

(Advanced) (Performance Options) , , .

40. .

TMP TEMP. , (C:\Windows\Temp ), . , . .

41. Start.

, , , HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Desktop/MenuShowDelay, 400. 50-100. , ... HKCU\ControlPanel\Desktop\WindowsMetrics MinAnimate. 1, .


Windows , , SHELLICONCACHE. , - . , Max Cached Icons HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\ Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer 5000 (5 ), .


43. zip .

Windows XP "" - , zip . , . -> :

zip :
regsvr32 c:\winnt\\system32\zipfldr.dll /u regsvr32 c:\windows\\system32\zipfldr.dll /u

zip :
regsvr32 c:\winnt\\system32\zipfldr.dll regsvr32 c:\windows\\system32\zipfldr.dll

44. .

Windows XP Professional , , - Windows XP. :
-> -> gpedit.msc
, , .

: ..

45. .

: -> : COM-, 128000 , :

Data Bits ( )=8

Parity (׸)=none ()

StopBits ( )=1

FlowControl ( )=hardware ()

, FIFO .

, , , DMA. CD-ROM: CD, , DMA. , CD-ROM'.

46. XP DLL, ?

. DLL :
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\KnownDLLs
, , . , . , .

47. Windows XP ( 2).

, , Windows XP 2, 3 .

%windir%\prefetch\ntosboot-b00dfaad.pf [%windir%\ - windows].
(->->() regedit :

1) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters

"EnablePrefetcher"="0" (=3)

2) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Dfrg\BootOptimizeFunction




3) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Prefetcher



4) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Dfrg\BootOptimizeFunction



48. Super Prefetch.

Microsoft Windows Vista 15% Windows XP. "super prefetch". Windows XP SP2, (, Windows XP SP2 Windows Vista ).

Windows XP SP2!

1) regedit

2) :

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ Session Manager\MemoryManagement\PrefetchParameters

3) :

Data Type: DWORDM

Value Name: EnableSuperfetch

Value : 1

49. .

, ( ), , , . , , True Color 20002000 , 15 . , . , , . .

50. .


(WIN + Break ). . Plug and Play . , , .

mndm ( MS Netmeeting), NetBios TCP/IP RDPCDD ( Remote Desktop). . , .. , , .


, , . . , .

1. ProtocolMTU.

: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Current ControlSet\Services\Ndis Wan\Parameters\Protocols\0]. , . 3 , , DWORD.
ProtocolType=dword: 00000400
PPPProtocolType=dword: 00000021
ProtocolMTU=dword: 0000005d

(ProtocolMTU). 1500. . , , .

2. DefaultTTL.

. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Current ControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters] DefaultTTL=dword:00000080. . , . , . , XP 128 . .

3. DNS.

"" IP . DNS, , " ". DNS, .

dns.reg, :
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





4. .

, , . ? DNS. . :

: -> -> cmd
ipconfig /flushdns

5. .

Windows 2000 XP, , 95/98 . - . :

fix.reg :
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




6. .

, , , . Windows XP , 30 . ! , . HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Current Version/Explorer/RemoteComputer/NameSpace. {D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF}. , Windows.

7. IE.

, Internet Explorer , , , . , , "-> ->" 5 . , , .

web- User Agent, - , , , . , , , , .

IE User Agent. , , : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Win32; ), . : User Agent 200 , , .

, : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Internet Settings\User Agent , , , , , User Agent_BAK, User Agent, .

HTML- View Source Notepad.exe. . [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\View Source Editor] Editor Name , . , , Windwos XP , Notepad. , Notepad.exe

, MSIE 6.0 , , . , :
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ explorer \ RemoteComputer \ NameSpace \ {D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF}.

, . Windows 2000/XP/2003 . , , .


. ->-> ->->services.msc. , , . , , , , . Regedit HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services ( ->).

, :

ASP.NET State Service - ;

DHCP- (DHCP Client) , ( , , ) DHCP-. , DHCP-, ( , xDSL ..), . ISDN-, DHCP-, ;

DNS- (DNS Client) - DNS- . , DNS- Active Directory . Active Directory , , . , ; DNS IPSEC. "" : "DNS resolver failed to flush the cache", ;

MS Software Shadow Copy Provider - , . (, " ") (, " "). . , ;

NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing - . NetMeeting Windows Windows NetMeeting . NetMeeting, Windows. , .

Plug and Play - , , , . . "" Plug and Play . , . . , UPnP , PnP. UPnP TCP/IP (, ..). - PnP . Plug and Play.

QoS RSVP - QoS- . , IPSEC, , , QoS. QoS TCP/IP . , .. 99% . , QoS 20% 20% . , . q316666 Microsoft. . , ;

Telnet . Telnet, . , . ;

Windows Audio - . - - , (, ) - ;

Windows Installer - , MSI. 3.4 Mb . , MSI (Microsoft Installer) . " ";

Windows User Mode Driver Framework (SP2) - ;

(Automatic Updates) Windows XP. , , , Windows XP ;

WMI (WMI Performance Adapter) WMI HiPerf. , - , ( ) . , WMI, - . ( ) ;

(Wireless Zero configuration) 802.11 (Wi-Fi). , - . - - ;

(ICF)/ (ICS) (Internet Connection Firewall (ICF)/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)) , . , , (, ). . (Outpost firewall, Norton Personal Firewall, ZoneAlarm ..), .

- (WebClient) Windows- , , . , . FTP , ;

(RunAs Service, Secondary Logon) . - , , ;

- (Remote Access Auto Connection Manager) - , DNS- NetBIOS- . , - - . , . , DSL-.

(Logical Disk Manager) - . ;
(Upload Manager) . . ;

(Print Spooler) , . ( ), - ;

(Remote Access Connection Manager) - , , . - .
, DSL-.

(Remote Desktop Help Session Manager) - , - . 3.4 .

DDE (Network DDE DSDM) - . ( ). ;

(Security Accounts Manager) - . IIS Admin (IIS Admin). (gpedit.msc), . , , , . , . IIS Admin , ;

HID- (Human Interface Device Access Enables) - ;

(Event Log) , . . . . C "" , .

(Performance Logs and Alerts) - . , . - ;

DCOM. ( SP2 ), ;

(Protected Storage) , , , , . , , WWW, FTP, NNTP, POP3 Internet Explorer Outlook Express. . ;

Windows (Windows Management Instrumentation) - . Windows- . ;

(Uninterruptible Power Supply) (UPS). , , - ;

(Distributed Link Tracking Client) - NTFS-, . Windows 2000. . NTFS - ;

(Distributed Transaction Coordinator) - , , , . , (MS SQL Server, ), .. . , , , , . Message Queuing. . .NET .

(RPC) (Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator) - RPC. , , 1.2 . , .

(Routing and Remote Access) - . , ( ) . , , , , ;

NetBIOS TCP/IP (TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper) - NetBIOS TCP/IP (NetBT) NetBIOS- . SMB (Server Message Block), , .. Microsoft. , .. Microsoft, . , , , ;

- (Smart Card Helper) - -, (PnP). , ;

. -. - , , .

(Computer Browser) . , . , ();

(Alerter) - . . , . ;

(Shell Hardware Detection) g "". , ;

(Task Scheduler) . ;

NT LM (NT LM Security Support Provider) - , (RPC) , . NT, . . Message Queuing Telnet .

HTTP SSL (SP2) - , HTTPS. , ;

(Workstation) - . , , , ;

WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions) - . , WMI ;

(Server) , . (). c , . ;

(ClipBook) - . , . 1.3 .

- (Portable media serial number, SP2 " ") -, . Microsoft . ;

(Net Logon) - . , , . , .

(Network Connections) (Network and Dial-Up Connections), . , , . , (2 ) .

COM+ (COM+ Event System) - COM. Windows (COM), WMI. . ;

COM+ (COM+ System Application) - COM+. , COM - ;

- IMAPI (IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service) - IMAPI (Image Mastering Applications Programming Interface). -, - . CD (, WinOnCD), CD-RW-, ;

(Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service) - . , . , MMC ;

(System Restore Service) . - , ;

Windows (Windows Time) - . . , , , ;

(WIA) (Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)) - . . ;

(Indexing Service) - . "" . 500 2 , , . , . "", .

(SP2) - ;

SSDP (SSDP Discovery service) , UPnP ( Plug and Play) . - UPnP-, . ( ) ;

(Error Reporting Service) , . ;

DDE (Network DDE) - (DDE) , .
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:35 +
cj_angel (best_soft) , , ! !


1. Windows XP 4.7 OSzone.net. :

2. IZone, Upgrade, , , Services.msc, XP.

.. .

, :
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:34 +
cj_angel (best_soft) , !

, Windows XP , .
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:28 +
cj_angel (best_soft) (Fax Service) - . , -, - , .
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:27 +
cj_angel (best_soft) (Internet Connection Sharing) - . , , . , , ;
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:27 +
cj_angel (best_soft) (Utility Manager) - . " " . , , Shift, ;
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:24 +
cj_angel (best_soft) Machine Debug Manager - Visual Studio. ;
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:24 +
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:23 +
cj_angel (best_soft) (Security Center) - , SP2. Windows, . . .
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:22 +
cj_angel (best_soft) (Background Intelligent Transfer Service) - HTTP/1.1. , , . ;
(SP2) - Microsoft, -. . - , .
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:22 +
cj_angel (best_soft) (Application Management) - , , , . . Windows XP Home Edition , http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;Q328213?SD=EE
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:21 +
cj_angel (best_soft) PnP- (Universal Plug and Play Device Host) PnP- . UPnP- . , ;
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:21 +
cj_angel (best_soft) (Remote Registry) - . - ? . , ;
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:20 +
cj_angel (best_soft) (RPC) (Remote Procedure Call (RPC)) RPC. !
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:20 +
cj_angel (best_soft) (System Event Notification) - , , Windows, . , , , . ;
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:19 +
cj_angel (best_soft) (Volume Shadow Copy) , . . ;
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:18 +
cj_angel (best_soft) (Themes) . XP Windows, . ;
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:18 +
cj_angel (best_soft) (Telephony) Telephony API (TAPI) , IP- , , . , . ;
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:17 +
cj_angel (best_soft) (Removable Storage) - , , ZIP- MO-, .. , . ( ..) CD-ROM, DVD-ROM .., .
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:17 +
cj_angel (best_soft) (Help and Support) . , , .
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:16 +
cj_angel (best_soft) (Fast User Switching Compatibility) , . ? ;
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:16 +
cj_angel (best_soft) - (Smart Card) - -, . , . - - ;
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:15 +
cj_angel (best_soft) (Terminal Service) . , ( ), (Switch User), . , . , , ;
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:15 +
cj_angel (best_soft) (Cryptographic Service) : , Windows; , ; , . , Windows. , . Windows , Service Pack DirectX 9.0. Windows Media Player .NET . 1.9 . ;
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:14 +
cj_angel (best_soft) IPSEC (IPSEC Policy Agent, IPSEC Services) IP- ISAKMP/Oakley (IKE) IP-. , Windows 2000. ;
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:13 +
cj_angel (best_soft) (Application Layer Gateway Service) , PnP . , ; (Application Layer Gateway, ALG) (, IP-) . FTP (File Transfer Protocol) , Windows. ALG FTP FTP NAT , NAT 21 . 1.5 Mb .
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:13 +
cj_angel (best_soft) (Messenger) , , . Windows Messenger. , .. . popup-. , . , - ;
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:12 +
cj_angel (best_soft) (NLA) (Network Location Awareness (NLA)) . . ;
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:12 +
cj_angel (best_soft) DDE (Network DDE) - (DDE) , . . (ClipBook), . 1.5 Mb .
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:11 +
cj_angel (best_soft) (Error Reporting Service) , . ;
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:11 +
cj_angel (best_soft) SSDP (SSDP Discovery service) , UPnP ( Plug and Play) . - UPnP-, . ( ) ;
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:10 +
cj_angel (best_soft) (SP2) - ;
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:10 +
cj_angel (best_soft) (Indexing Service) - . "" . 500 2 , , . , . "", .
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:08 +
cj_angel (best_soft) (WIA) (Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)) - . . ;
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:08 +
cj_angel (best_soft) Windows (Windows Time) - . . , , , ;
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:07 +
cj_angel (best_soft) (System Restore Service) . - , ;
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:07 +
cj_angel (best_soft) (Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service) - . , . , MMC ;
Microsoft Windows



, 30 2007 . 21:06 +
cj_angel (best_soft) - IMAPI (IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service) - IMAPI (Image Mastering Applications Programming Interface). -, - . CD (, WinOnCD), CD-RW-, ;
Microsoft Windows

 : [4] 3 2 1