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Создан: 16.05.2010
Написано: 6

GISELE Bundchen is a breastfeeding fan! © ScopeFeatures

Среда, 19 Мая 2010 г. 03:21 + в цитатник

The supermodel took to her blog recently to declare breastfeeding an “act of love and affection”.
The Brazilian supermodel gave birth to son Benjamin, her first child with husband Tom Brady, into the world in December.
“Breastfeeding is essential for the newborn and creates a bond between mother and her child,” she said.
“It’s a unique moment when the body changes to nurture . . . Breastfeeding, mainly the first days, poses some challenges, but the reward is sublime . . . . It would be great if all the mothers could experience the breastfeeding.
“I’ve always believed that to be a mom is the greatest responsibility a woman could have in her life.
“I’ve noticed a lot of meaningful changes in my life taking place together with a huge transformation of my priorities.
“The most important thing to me is to be the best mom ever to my children. I want to love them, to communicate with them, to be patient and teach them all I know. I have no doubt that becoming a mom has been the most rewarding experience in my life. I can say for a fact that I know unconditional love.”
" I also want to have more children, " admitted the supermodel.
“I want to have lots of children,” she said. “It doesn’t matter if my body changes. It is the most marvelous thing. For example, they sometimes say that your breasts begin to sag, but I couldn’t care less.”
Since Benjamin was born Gisele admits her priorities have changed and although she is still focused on her fashion career, raising her son is her main concern.
“I’m not quitting the catwalk nor giving up my career as a model,” she said. “I’m simply going to slow down because I want to spend more time with my son.
“Benjamin is the loveliest thing. He’s incredible. The love feel for him is indescribable. All I want in life is to be a good mother. I want to teach him good values, which is the most important thing a mother can give to her child.”

PICTURES SHOW: Gisele looks like she is back to her stunning best in these pictures ( promos ) for HOPE lingerie.


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Среда, 19 Мая 2010 г. 02:50 + в цитатник

KYLIE MINOGUE is either being very modest or she has been conning us for years.
The Aussie singer has revealed that camera tricks have been used to help accentuate her famous behind.
Talking about her butt, Kylie admitted: "I really don't know what all the fuss is about.
"It's all smoke and mirrors. I get a lot of help to look like that in my videos."
Kylie had vowed to put her rear away for good five years ago.
But it has made an acclaimed comeback from retirement in her latest video, for new single All The Lovers.
You know what, I don't care if Kylie has had a bit of trickery to help her out.
She's still got a backside that every man has enjoyed looking at over the years.
Pictures show: You've Got hand It to Kylie.........
The Australian songstress reveals her bottom and appears to get more than a helping hand from her followers in these scenes from the video for her new single All The Lovers.
Rear We Go........We back in time 10 years to the year 2000 and Kylie's pert bottom is revealed in the video for her single Spinning Around.



Naomi Watts as Marilyn Monroe © ScopeFeatures

Среда, 19 Мая 2010 г. 02:31 + в цитатник

Naomi Watts is to take the iconic role of Marilyn Monroe in the film of best-selling book Blonde.

Joyce Carol Oates's fictionalised retelling of the screen legend's life caused controversy when it was published in 2000 as it did not shy away from imagining Monroe's sex life and experience of the film industry's infamous 'casting couch' approach.
Details of the new biopic were unveiled at the Cannes Film Festival this week, and filming is due to start next January. It will be directed by Andrew Dominik, director of The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.


Центр Помпиду-Метц (Centre Pompidou-Metz) © IMS

Воскресенье, 16 Мая 2010 г. 07:34 + в цитатник

Национальный центр искусств имени Жоржа Помпиду

Metz, FRANCE - MAY 14: The Centre Pompidou Metz has just opened in east of France. Famous french parisian museum Pompidou, or Beaubourg center, open a new museum.



100% Exclusive - Rebecca Romijn works hard to maintain her post-motherhood body.

Воскресенье, 16 Мая 2010 г. 06:59 + в цитатник

Rebecca and husband Jerry O'connell were spotted in Calabasas getting their fitness on with their precious twins Charlie and Dolly in tow. Rebecca pushed the twins in their stroller up a 1/2 mile long incline in the Santa Monica Mountains while Jerry walked their dog. Looks like Rebecca isn't going to let motherhood keep her from sporting a rockin bod! Rebecca and Jerry are huge fans of nature. They live off a dirt road in a rustic part of the Santa Monica mountains and can be seen often going on nature hikes and enjoying the outdoors with their twin girls. March 8, 2010.


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Воскресенье, 16 Мая 2010 г. 06:53 + в цитатник
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