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Benefits of having a happy sex life

Пятница, 08 Апреля 2022 г. 17:30 + в цитатник

Benefits of having a happy sex life

Sexual satisfaction has been linked to multiple health benefits. The type of sex With Jaipur Escorts Service you have may affect the benefits you get. Here are just some of the benefits:

  • Working on your sex life can increase feelings of desire and improve libido.
  • Sex releases feel-good hormones like endorphins, helping to alleviate stress.
  • Happy sex life can deepen your feelings of intimacy with your partner.
  • People who enjoy sex with their partners experience increased happiness and more satisfaction with life.
  • Sex is a form of exercise and can improve cardiovascular health.
  • Vaginal sex increases the flow of blood to the vagina, reducing vaginal atrophy.
  • Vaginal sex can also help strengthen vaginal muscles, reducing pelvic floor dysfunction.
  • Frequent ejaculation may help prevent prostate cancer.


A happy sex life takes communication and work. Sexual satisfaction is one way to increase the overall enjoyment of life. It also helps couples stay connected emotionally.

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If you’ve lost interest and stopped having sex

Пятница, 08 Апреля 2022 г. 17:30 + в цитатник

If you’ve lost interest and stopped having sex

There are so many reasons why this can happen. Perhaps it’s a time of increased stress or loss, and you need a period to reset. For some, this can be a time to discover the world and have fun in new ways. Or a period of being honest with yourself.

It’s okay if you previously felt sexual desire with Jaipur Escort, made efforts to meet your sexual needs, and now you’ve lost interest. That can happen. You don’t always need to know why your interests have changed.

Not wanting to have sex is not a bad thing, unless it’s affecting your mental or physical health. If other people judge or make assumptions based on your choices, ignore them. Keep trusting yourself. Your sex (or non-sex) life is nobody’s business.

If you’re interested in figuring it out, remain open, curious, and nonjudgmental. You may discover more if you ask yourself kind questions about why you lost interest in sex in the first place.

If you’re feeling bad about your loss of interest, don’t try to numb the emotional pain. Instead, focus on letting yourself feel whatever arises. Work on compassionately discovering what might have changed that led to the loss of interest.

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Physical touch as a love language

Пятница, 08 Апреля 2022 г. 17:30 + в цитатник

Physical touch as a love language

Physical touch is the third love language. Let’s be clear that this is appropriate, consensual physical touch, which looks different depending on the situation and the type of relationship you have with the person.

For people whose love language is physical touch, expressing and receiving love through physical contact is important. Touch is the way they connect and feel connected with others.

Physical contact might be your love language if:

  • You feel lonely or disconnected when you don’t get physical affection from your partner(s).
  • You feel especially loved when a partner randomly kisses you or holds you.
  • You consider yourself a “touchy-feely” person and enjoy PDA.

The way you can and should touch others comes down to the relationship you share. Expressing affection through physical touch can happen through small physical gestures, like a hug or snuggling. If appropriate, it can also involve more intimate contact like kissing, and yes, sexual activities.

Here are some examples of expressing love through physical touch:

  • Kissing a partner hello and goodbye.
  • Being generous with your affection, including in public.
  • Spending some time cuddling in bed before and after sleep.
  • Prioritizing sex with Jaipur Escorts, even if you have to schedule it.
  • Using touch when comforting them, such as placing your hand on theirs or holding them.

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Why Sex Is So Good for Your Relationship

Пятница, 08 Апреля 2022 г. 17:29 + в цитатник

Why Sex Is So Good for Your Relationship

We associate good relationships with sexuality, assuming quite naturally that happy couples have sex more often than their miserable counterparts. But have you ever considered just what it is about sex with Raipur Escorts Service that makes it so beneficial to a couple’s relationship?

A new and extremely well-conducted investigation by Anik Debrot and her colleagues points to the surprising role not of the sex itself, but of the affection that accompanies sexuality between partners. Over a series of four separate studies, Debrot and her fellow researchers were able to pinpoint the way that everyday kissing, hugging, and touch between partners contribute uniquely to relationship satisfaction and overall well-being.

Let’s break this sex-happiness equation down for a moment before looking at the details of the study: The researchers began with the well-established finding that individuals experience higher levels of well-being when they have an active and satisfying sex life with Raipur Escort Service. As they noted, the results of previous research demonstrated that “the size of the difference in well-being for people having sex once a week, compared with those having sex less than once a month, was greater than the size of the difference in well-being for those making US$75,000 compared with US$25,000 a year.”

Is it the sex itself or something about sexual activity that is so good for our happiness? You might argue that happier people are more likely to have sex more often, because they’re in a good relationship and are satisfied with it. The good Sex Service in Raipur, then, would simply follow the good relationship dynamics. It’s also possible that people who are more positive in general are more likely to get involved in a close relationship which, in turn, benefits their well-being. Such a cyclical process would imply that the happy just get happier.

The authors believed that the key ingredient in the sex-happiness relationship is positive emotion. As they note, however, it’s extremely difficult to examine this possibility through the typical questionnaire method, which is subject to memory bias, or in the lab, where the situation is artificial. Instead, the fourth, and most telling, of their studies used a daily diary method. The researchers gave the participants smartphones to use for recording their responses, all of which were collected over two weeks when the participants periodically received signals from the phone to complete the assessment. The participants were 58 heterosexual couples averaging 25 years of age and in a relationship, on average, for four years.

A previous study in the series, analyzing daily diary reports from a larger and somewhat more diverse sample (working parents), showed that people rated their positive emotions higher when they indicated they had had sex in the previous 24 hours. The impact of sex on happiness was accounted for, in large part, by increases in affection linked to prior sexual activity. For this smartphone-based study, which asked only about sexual activity and affectionate moments, participants simply answered whether they’d had sex since the last report, and whether they’d engaged in a “moment of love and affection” with their partner.


Physical Benefits of Increased Sex

Пятница, 08 Апреля 2022 г. 17:29 + в цитатник

Physical Benefits of Increased Sex

It's fairly intuitive to understand how sex improves emotional health, but there are several physical benefits from Raipur Escort Service as well. Some of these include:


  • Better physical fitness: Sex is a form of exercise. According to the American Heart Association, sexual activity is equivalent to moderate physical activities, like brisk walking or climbing two flights of stairs.7 The motion of sex can tighten and tone abdominal and pelvic muscles. For women, improved muscle tone improves bladder control.
  • Enhanced brain function: Preliminary studies on rats found that more frequent intercourse was correlated with better cognitive function and the growth of new brain cells. Similar benefits have since been observed in human studies. A 2018 study of over 6,000 adults linked frequent sex with better memory performance in adults ages 50 and older.8
  • Improved immune function: Being more sexually active has positive effects on immune function.9 Regular sex may even lower your likelihood of getting a cold or the flu.
  • Lower pain levels: The endorphins from sex promote more than just a sense of well-being and calm. Sex endorphins also appear to reduce migraine and back pain.
  • May promote weight loss: Having sex for 30 minutes burns an average of 200 calories.10 The rewarding brain chemicals released during sex can subdue food cravings and support weight loss.
  • Positive cardiac effects: Sexual activity (but not masturbation) has been linked with lower systolic blood pressure.11 Elevated blood pressure increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. Sexual activity helps dilate blood vessels, increasing the delivery of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body while reducing blood pressure.
  • Additional physical benefits: Being more sexually active boosts libido and increases vaginal lubrication. Frequent intercourse is associated with lighter menstrual periods and less painful period cramps. In addition, an improved sense of smell, healthier teeth, better digestion, and glowing skin may be related to the release of DHEA by the body after sex.


How to Relieve Stress With Sex

Пятница, 08 Апреля 2022 г. 17:29 + в цитатник

How to Relieve Stress With Sex

Stress and sex are linked in several ways. Most of us instinctively know this and feel it unmistakably when a particularly stressful week or two zaps our sex drive—or when we successfully use sex with Raipur Escort to relieve stress. And scientific evidence supports these instincts.

Sex As a Mood Booster

Sex can serve as a positive distraction, taking your mind off stressful thoughts. This, in turn, can improve mood both in the moment and beyond. For example, a study of married couples found that having sex was associated with a positive mood at work on the following day.


However, it also showed that work-family strain and conflict reduced the likelihood of sex.5 This may be something to be aware of if you are experiencing frequent work-life conflict.


Sex As a Workout

Depending on your level of enthusiasm, you can burn a lot of calories during sex, and gain the stress management benefits of exercise as well. Research into the energy expenditure of sexual activity suggests it is moderate in intensity and burns about 150 to 200 calories per hour.7 That's comparable to walking, swimming laps, and downhill skiing,8


Sex for Better Sleep

Research shows that sexual activity promotes better sleep—specifically, having sex may help you fall asleep faster, and the quality of your sleep may be better too. Once again, hormones may play a role. Increased oxytocin and prolactin (which can surge after orgasm) and decreased cortisol are all associated with both sexual activity and improved sleep.

Guidelines for safer sex

Пятница, 08 Апреля 2022 г. 17:28 + в цитатник

Guidelines for safer sex

Limit your sexual activity to only one partner who is having sex with Raipur Escorts only with you to reduce exposure to disease-causing organisms. Follow these guidelines, which may provide for safer sex:

  • Think twice before beginning sexual relations with a new partner. First, discuss past partners, history of STIs, and drug use.
  • Use condoms every time you have sex. Choose a male condom made of latex or polyurethane--not natural materials. Only use polyurethane if you are allergic to latex. Female condoms are made of polyurethane.
  • Although studies say that nonoxynol-9 spermicide kills HIV in lab testing, it has not been determined whether spermicides, used alone or with condoms, provide protection against HIV. Some data show that nonoxynol-9 may increase the risk of HIV transmission, However, the CDC recommends that latex condoms, with or without spermicides, should be used to help prevent sexual transmission of HIV.
  • For oral sex, help protect your mouth by having your partner use a condom (male or female).
  • Avoid drinking alcohol or using drugs as this increases the chance that you will participate in high-risk sex.
  • Women should not douche after intercourse--it does not protect against STIs. And, it could spread an infection farther into the reproductive tract and can wash away spermicidal protection.
  • Have regular Pap tests, pelvic exams, and periodic tests for STIs.
  • Be aware of your partner's body. Look for signs of a sore, blister, rash, or discharge.
  • Check your body frequently for signs of a sore, blister, rash, or discharge.
  • Consider sexual activities other than vaginal, oral, or anal sex. These are techniques that do not involve the exchange of body fluids or contact between mucous membranes.


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Воскресенье, 03 Апреля 2022 г. 11:25 + в цитатник


Do People Generally Prefer Longer Sex?

Воскресенье, 03 Апреля 2022 г. 11:23 + в цитатник

Do People Generally Prefer Longer Sex?

When it comes to sex, what’s “normal” is a whole lot less important than what feels good. Normal has almost no bearing in the bedroom. If you come from doing 27 jumping jacks, amazing! Do 27 jumping jacks! The best way to have sex is to do what you and your partner enjoy! In fact, in terms of premature ejaculation, the actual medical diagnosis requires that the person be bothered by how long sex Jaipur Escort Service is lasting for them. (That might include being bothered if their partner is bothered). Urologists who study this agree that if you and your partner are happy with how long sex is lasting — no matter how long that is — then you don’t have a problem! Although, if you’re curious, the best study we have placed the average erection during sex lasting 5.4 minutes, and in another study, it took heterosexual women in long-term relationships an average of 13.41 minutes to orgasm — foreplay is your friend! But all of this is rather irrelevant to you.

I completely understand your inclination to try to figure out what other people are doing, especially because you two are each others’ only partners. If there’s one thing humans love to do, it’s comparing ourselves to others sexually. And at least 99 times out of 100, we lack the information, so we make up a narrative. We convince ourselves that mythical people out there are having better, hotter, easier, spicier, and more sex all the time without putting in any effort. We fill in the gaps in our knowledge about other people’s sex lives with completely imagined scenarios, usually based on our insecurities. I want to make it so clear that you are not alone in doing this. Pretty much all of us have, at one time or another, worried that we’re somehow not doing sex correctly, and rarely is it based on any feedback we’re getting from a partner. It’s so much more often based on vague ideas we have about other people. It turns out, that staying in our sex lanes is rather difficult.

Sincerely, you can take this worry off your plate. Free yourself to think about Harry Styles and baby elephants not knowing how to use their trunks well and how to get the stain out of your favourite sweatshirt. That said, there is one overarching theme to your letter, and while I don’t ever want to tell someone that they should worry about something, you might want to think about it a bit. It seems like you and your partner aren’t doing a whole lot of communicating when it comes to sex. Maybe other areas of your life, too, but specifically it seems that you aren’t talking about sex, otherwise you would have an answer to your question already because you would have asked your husband “Hey, do you want sex to last longer?” or even just “How is our sex life for you? Is there anything you would change?”


You also say you “think” your husband is satisfied with your sex life, which means you two aren’t talking about that, which is very fundamental. Additionally, it seems like you don’t trust that he would bring this up if he were unsatisfied, which suggests to me that you’re both used to not talking about sex. This is all OK! It’s totally fine to not immediately and naturally fall into really great sex conversations! Especially with your first partner, even if he is a long-term partner and your spouse and the father of your children. Most of us are pretty mediocre at talking about sex for a lot of reasons. It can be awkward, it can be emotional, it takes a lot of practice to get comfortable discussing, and we’ve been told not to talk about it for most of our lives. You’ve probably talked about cucumbers with more people than you’ve talked about sex! You both probably haven’t had much opportunity to get good at chatting about sex with one another. And certainly, your relationship can stay that way and survive. Many, many, many couples don’t communicate about sex and have long, loving relationships. But I strongly urge you to strive for more!

You are only having sex with one person — one! You guys get to share this really beautiful, cool, hot, intimate thing with only each other. It’s a little secret club. There are a lot of parts of a romantic relationship that are not exclusive to your partner. Yes, you joke with them, but you also joke with friends. Yes, you share child care duties with them, but you also do with your child’s preschool teacher. Yes, you do family traditions with them, but you also do that with your children. But sex? That’s just you two! (Obviously, not all couples are monogamous, but from your letter, you seem to be). It seems, to me, like it would be very lovely — and hot — to get to talk about that. It doesn’t have to be deep, awkward conversations, although I super strongly recommend pushing through the discomfort and having those, too. It can just be you saying something like, “I find it so hot when you X” or “Would you ever be into me doing Y?” That counts as communication!

And when it comes to your specific question, there are multiple ways you can figure out if your husband wants sex to last longer without it seeming like you’re suggesting that he comes too quickly. You can say, as sex is beginning, “Do you want me to slow down?” or you can pose the question “Hot and fast or slow and romantic tonight?” Or you can ask him outright, out of the bedroom (or wherever you’re having your spicy moments), “Do you ever want us to slow down and have longer sex, or are you happy with the speed we’re going?” That makes it clear that you understand that you’re both setting the pace, rather than it being all about his orgasm, which it isn’t, by the way! I’m hoping that when you say your orgasms are “separate” you don’t mean that you go have them alone without him. I don’t think orgasms are the point of sex — they should all be pleasurable. But I hope you’re both as invested in you feeling good as you are in him feeling good.


Also Read:- https://vipmodel-escorts.com/



The Dating Game: When's the Right Time for Sex?

Воскресенье, 03 Апреля 2022 г. 11:22 + в цитатник

The Dating Game: When's the Right Time for Sex?

Whether you're new to the dating scene, a regular player, or jumping back into the game after a long hiatus, the same questions about dating rules apply: How soon do you lean over for that first kiss? Is it too early for a steamy make-out session? And last -- but by no means least -- how do you know when the time is right for sex with Gurugram Escort Service

"There's no formula that I've encountered," says 28-year-old Andrew Reymer, a single resident of Baltimore, Maryland. "It depends on how rapidly or slowly things progress."

Joan Allen, a relationship expert, finds that baby boomers are far more likely to wait to have sex than younger daters.

"Especially among older people who went through the sexual revolution, with maturity they realize there are emotional consequences for getting involved in a sexual relationship," says Allen, author of Celebrating Single and Getting Love Right: From Stalemate to Soulmate.

According to the singles whom Allen has encountered, boomers generally play by far different dating rules than young, 20-something daters.

"I spoke with a young man in his early to mid-20s who told me that if he didn't have sex Gurgaon Escort Service on the first or second night, he'd move on to the next person," she recalls.

While you can't apply a one-size-fits-all response to sexual dating rules regardless of age or experience, professionals who have studied the topic say it is a good idea to develop a set of prudent dating rules - before the big date.

Dating Rules: Why Wait?

By and large, Allen and other relationship experts endorse a cautious approach to the dating rules of sex.

"My advice is this: wait as long as you can," Allen says.

Her rationale for these dating rules may seem obvious, but many people tend to forget in the heat of the moment. "You might find that you don't even like the person," Allen tells WebMD.

Other experts agree that sex too-soon can lead to undesirable consequences.

Dating Rules: Talk First, Act Later

While not every dating scenario that involves sex leads to marriage or even a serious relationship, couples do owe it to themselves to talk about where they see their relationship going and how sex might change the relationship -- before they get in bed together.

Dating Rules: Talk It Over with Yourself First

Having an honest conversation with yourself about sex is just as important as discussing it with your partner, experts say.

"Every woman and man should know their boundaries before they start dating, and most of us don't," says Cheryl McClary, PhD, JD, professor of women's health at University of North Carolina-Asheville.

When McClary refers to boundaries, she's not talking just about the physical boundaries that come with sexual territory. She's also referring to emotional boundaries.


Also Read:- https://vipmodel-escorts.com/gurugram-escorts-service/



How Many Teens Are Having Sex These Days?

Воскресенье, 03 Апреля 2022 г. 11:22 + в цитатник

How Many Teens Are Having Sex These Days?

The percentage of teens in the U.S. who have had sex has ticked down since the 1980s, a new report finds.

The latest estimates — which are based on data gathered from 2011 to 2015 — are that 42 per cent of girls and women ages 15 to 19 who have never been married have had sex with Raipur Escort Service, down from 51 per cent in 1988, according to the report. For guys who have never been married, 44 per cent have had sex, down from 60 per cent in 1988.

These trends follow another pattern that researchers have observed in previous studies: Teen birth rates are also on the decline, according to the report published today (June 22) by researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Indeed, the researchers found that the surveyed teens' views on pregnancy played a large role in their decisions about whether to have sex and their likelihood of using contraception.

In the report, the researchers analyzed data on more than 4,000 teens ages 15 to 19 who were interviewed for the National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG) from 2011 to 2015. The NSFG is a national survey of people ages 15 to 44 in the U.S. that involves in-person interviews conducted by survey researchers. 

The majority of teens in the survey said that when they had sex for the first time, it was with someone with whom they were in a relationship: 74 per cent of teenage girls and women said their first partner was a significant other, and 51 per cent of teenage boys and men said the same.

A very small percentage of teens — 2 per cent of teen girls and women and 7 per cent of teen boys and men — said that their first partner was a person that they had "just met," the report found.

Among the teens who hadn't had sex yet, the most common reason was that it was against their religion or morals. Other common reasons included not having found the right person and not wanting to get pregnant or to get someone pregnant.

The new report also looked at contraception use among teens.

The researchers found that 80 per cent of teens reported using contraception when they had sex for the first time. And among teenage girls and women who'd had sex more than once, a whopping 99 per cent reported that they had ever used some form of contraception when they had sex.

Teens cited condoms as the most common form of contraception they used during sex, with 97 per cent of girls and women and 95 per cent of boys and men saying that they had ever used condoms. Also, 60 per cent of teen girls and women reported having used the withdrawal method (the report did not give the percentage of boys and men who reported using this method), and 56 per cent of teen girls and women reported ever using birth control pills, according to the report. 

The researchers also found that a larger percentage of teen girls and women said they would be "very upset" if a pregnancy occurred compared with teen boys and men. Nearly two-thirds of teen girls and women said they would be very upset if they got pregnant, compared with 46 per cent of teen boys and men who said that they would feel the same if they got a girl pregnant.

Indeed, teenage girls and women who said that they would be very upset about pregnancy were also more likely to use contraception compared with those who said they would be pleased with a pregnancy, the researchers found.

And one in five teens who have never had sex cited not wanting a pregnancy as their primary reason for avoiding intercourse.


Also Read:- https://vipmodel-escorts.com/call-girls-in-raipur-chhattisgarh/




Love on Top! Take Charge in Bed This Aries Season

Воскресенье, 03 Апреля 2022 г. 11:21 + в цитатник

Love on Top! Take Charge in Bed This Aries Season

As far as the zodiac calendar is concerned, Aries is the start of the year — associated with all the sweet springtime feelings of rebirth, potential and new beginnings. It’s a time to take all the energy you earned during your dreamy Pisces season and get ready to turn it into action. As we continue our exploration of astrologically-inspired ways to beef up your sex life With Raipur Escort Service, we’re taking a look at how fiery, empowered and never lacking in the action department Aries vibes (symbolized by the Ram) can make a difference for you and your partner(s).

Per our usual disclaimer, you can find out about your horoscope and birth chart information (particularly when it comes to love and sex) by looking at your placements — Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars and Venus to start. We recommend doing a full reading with an astrologer at least once for the full experience and maximizing your star-powered knowledge. (And, at the time of writing, we also recommend practising smart, quarantine-friendly sex!)

When we talk about Aries, we often think of how intensely they move — headstrong and energetic.

“Aries energy can be stubborn and willful. It causes us to dig in our heels, stand our ground and refuse to be pushed around. Under the influence of an Aries planetary transit, we may butt our own metaphorical Ram’s horns against the same obstacle until we break it down—often with the sheer force of will,” per the Astro Twins. “Confident Aries energy helps us believe in ourselves and champion others. The essence of Aries energy shows up as encouraging, unstoppable, bold, devoted, heroic and caring. In its shadow form, Aries energy can make us prideful, self-centred, impulsive, bossy, reckless and competitive. This sign likes a challenge, but be careful not to become selfish or domineering under Aries’ influence.”

So, this Aries season, we’re talking about power-play, taking charge and, of course, embracing being on top!

This can be literal, as in positions where you take control of the sensations, or come out in the form of power play — dabble in role play, BDSM, impact play or busting out some restraints (with proper negotiation and etiquette, of course!). Consider how you ask for what you want and need and how you respond to your partner’s wants and needs. Think about how you can explore power together (who has it, when, where and how — and what excites you both about those situations) and all the ways it can make you feel good in the bedroom when you wield it.

For added Aries flare, embrace how you can make sex with Jaipur Call Girls more challenging, athletic and intoxicating — introduce games or competition into your foreplay or your encounters, make (and break) some rules or challenge one another intimately (again, minding pre-negotiated boundaries and incorporating safe words when needed). Even if you and your partner consider yourselves more on the vanilla side, you might be surprised to find that having you or your partner turn up the dial on that powerful energy can light a sensual fire under you both that’ll keep you satisfied throughout the rest of the year.


Also Read:- https://callgirljaipur.org/raipur-escorts-service.html



Love on Top! Take Charge in Bed This Aries Season

Воскресенье, 03 Апреля 2022 г. 09:30 + в цитатник

Love on Top! Take Charge in Bed This Aries Season

As far as the zodiac calendar is concerned, Aries is the start of the year — associated with all the sweet springtime feelings of rebirth, potential and new beginnings. It’s a time to take all the energy you earned during your dreamy Pisces season and get ready to turn it into action. As we continue our exploration of astrologically-inspired ways to beef up your sex life With Raipur Escort Service, we’re taking a look at how fiery, empowered and never lacking in the action department Aries vibes (symbolized by the Ram) can make a difference for you and your partner(s).

Per our usual disclaimer, you can find out about your horoscope and birth chart information (particularly when it comes to love and sex) by looking at your placements — Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars and Venus to start. We recommend doing a full reading with an astrologer at least once for the full experience and maximizing your star-powered knowledge. (And, at the time of writing, we also recommend practising smart, quarantine-friendly sex!)

When we talk about Aries, we often think of how intensely they move — headstrong and energetic.

“Aries energy can be stubborn and willful. It causes us to dig in our heels, stand our ground and refuse to be pushed around. Under the influence of an Aries planetary transit, we may butt our own metaphorical Ram’s horns against the same obstacle until we break it down—often with the sheer force of will,” per the Astro Twins. “Confident Aries energy helps us believe in ourselves and champion others. The essence of Aries energy shows up as encouraging, unstoppable, bold, devoted, heroic and caring. In its shadow form, Aries energy can make us prideful, self-centred, impulsive, bossy, reckless and competitive. This sign likes a challenge, but be careful not to become selfish or domineering under Aries’ influence.”

So, this Aries season, we’re talking about power-play, taking charge and, of course, embracing being on top!

This can be literal, as in positions where you take control of the sensations, or come out in the form of power play — dabble in role play, BDSM, impact play or busting out some restraints (with proper negotiation and etiquette, of course!). Consider how you ask for what you want and need and how you respond to your partner’s wants and needs. Think about how you can explore power together (who has it, when, where and how — and what excites you both about those situations) and all the ways it can make you feel good in the bedroom when you wield it.

For added Aries flare, embrace how you can make sex with Jaipur Call Girls more challenging, athletic and intoxicating — introduce games or competition into your foreplay or your encounters, make (and break) some rules or challenge one another intimately (again, minding pre-negotiated boundaries and incorporating safe words when needed). Even if you and your partner consider yourselves more on the vanilla side, you might be surprised to find that having you or your partner turn up the dial on that powerful energy can light a sensual fire under you both that’ll keep you satisfied throughout the rest of the year.


Also Read:- https://callgirljaipur.org/raipur-escorts-service.html



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Вторник, 15 Марта 2022 г. 17:13 + в цитатник























































































How to have safer sex

Вторник, 15 Марта 2022 г. 14:46 + в цитатник

How to have safer sex

Safer sex is a way to reduce your risk of STIs and pregnancy. Penis-in-vagina sex Jaipur Call Girl is the main type of sex that can lead to pregnancy. Pregnancy could also occur if semen reaches the vagina during other forms of sex. STIs can be shared during all forms of sex where bodies and body fluids come in contact.

The top ways to protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs):

1. Use barrier methods the correct way every time you have sex. Barrier methods should be used on body parts and toys for any vaginal, anal, or oral sex.

Barrier methods include:

  • External condoms (sometimes called “male” condoms)
  • Internal condoms (sometimes called “female” condoms)
  • Latex or nitrile gloves
  • Dental dams 

2. Use lots of condom-safe lubrication 

3. Change condoms before switching between oral, vaginal, or anal sex

4. Use a fresh condom or clean/sterilize sex toys when sharing

5. Test for all STIs frequently, and encourage your partner to do the same

Barrier methods significantly lower the risk of getting an STI. 

6.They work by preventing each partner’s genitals and body fluids from coming into contact with the other partner’s body. 

7. When used correctly every single time, condoms can also prevent pregnancy about 98% of the time with perfect use and 87% of the time with typical use. 

8. You should always use a barrier method unless all partners have recently tested negative for an STI, and you are both sure that neither of you have had sex with Call Girl in Jaipur anyone else since the test. If you do not want to get pregnant you should use a condom everytime you have sex.


What if my partner doesn’t want to use a condom?

Protecting your health and feeling comfortable with all sexual activities is very important. Have open communication with your partner. If they pressure you to have unsafe sex, think about if they are a person you want to be with.

STIs and STDs: prevention, symptoms, and treatments

Every day, more than 1 million sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are acquired worldwide (9). But while STIs are extremely common, how much do you know about them? Did you know there are preventative steps you can take from contracting STIs? Did you know many STIs have no, or only mild symptoms? 

Knowing some basic information may change the way you take precautions about sex in your own life.


A beginner's guide to sex

Вторник, 15 Марта 2022 г. 14:45 + в цитатник

A beginner's guide to sex

Top things to know: 

  • Sex can mean different things for different people
  • Having sex is not just about having babies, it should also be fun for everyone involved
  • Consent means making sure everyone wants to participate, feels safe, and is enjoying the activity the whole time
  • Understanding you are and your partner’s anatomy will help you both experience pleasure during sex
  • STIs are common and nothing to be ashamed about. All STIs are treatable. Many are curable.

We wouldn’t be on this planet if it wasn’t for sex Gurugram Escort Service. Although sex is a part of the human lifecycle, many people still find it taboo to discuss. This can cause a lot of confusion and questions. 

It takes time to figure out what works for you and what your preferences are. That’s okay! Each of us is on our own timeline and the path to sexual pleasure looks different for everyone. 


What is sex? 

Sex is an activity that one, two, or more people participate in that causes them to feel aroused (sexually excited). It can involve touch, words, or both. It may involve touching genitals but does not always have to. Often when people talk about sex with Gurugram Escorts Service, they are talking about sexual intercourse or penetrative sex. Sexual activity should be enjoyable for everyone involved and each person should provide consent throughout the event.

This means that everyone should agree on what they are comfortable with at the beginning of the activity. If someone changes their mind or decides that they want to stop, it is very important that that person is able to say this and that it is respected. This ensures that it is a pleasurable experience for all involved. 


What are the different types of sex?

  • Vaginal sex 
    • Vaginal sex is when the penis rubs or enters the vagina or if two vaginas rub together.
  • Mouth to genital sex
    • Also called “oral sex.” The mouth is used to stimulate or pleasure the genitals. This can be done by licking, kissing, or sucking. 
  • Anal sex
    • The penis or sex toy is inserted into the anus (butt hole). Lubrication is very important because the anus does not create its own lubrication.
  • Erogenous touching
    • Hands or other body parts are used to cause a sexual feeling or sensation. This can be nipple stimulation, cuddling, kissing, or rubbing and caressing genitals or other parts of the body. 
  • Fingering or handjob 
    • Fingering is using fingers to stimulate the clitoris and/or putting fingers in the vagina or putting fingers in the anus, to cause sexual sensations. A hand job is using a hand to stimulate the penis. 
  • Masturbation
    • Touching your own body parts to cause sexual pleasure. This can be done alone or at the same time as someone else. Sex toys can be used during masturbation, including vibrators, dildos, anal toys, and more. 
  • Phone/video sex
    • Talking, flirting, and sharing images with someone online or through the phone to cause sexual arousal or excitement. 



Does sex provide Many health benefits?

Вторник, 15 Марта 2022 г. 14:45 + в цитатник

Does sex provide Many health benefits?

Sex may give a boost to certain aspects of people’s well-being and physical health, some research suggests. However, several studies on the subject are now outdated, and not all potential benefits apply to everyone.

Scientific research has highlighted several possible benefits besides procreation that come with sexual intercourse. These pluses include preserving heart health in some people, reducing blood pressure, and boosting immunity.

Sex Haridwar Escort Service can also improve mood, relationships, and mental well-being.

In this article, we look at the possible health benefits of sex and highlight relevant research, focusing on the physical rather than emotional aspects.

Helping heart health

Partnered sex appears to have some protective effect on cardiovascular health, especially in women.

A 2016 study looked at the potential health benefits of sexual activity with a regular partner.

This research found trusted Sources that sexually active women have a lower risk of cardiac events later in life.

However, the study also concluded that high levels of sexual activity might increase the risk of cardiovascular events in men. This conclusion contradicts most earlier research, and further studies are necessary to verify this risk.

Males and females with heart problems should ask a doctor about how much sex is safe for them. They should also be specific about the regularity and intensity with which they have sex, as this may affect the potential strain on the heart.

Reducing blood pressure

The same 2016 study also measured blood pressure as one of the markers of heart health. The researchers found that older women who expressed satisfaction with their sex lives were less likely to have high blood pressure.

However, the study authors did not find the same results in older men.

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), high blood pressure can affect both libido and a man’s ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Medication for high blood pressure can also reduce libidoTrusted Source and cause erectile dysfunction.

While this does not confirm a benefit, it may show a link between blood pressure and sexual health.

Many people with high blood pressure, or hypertension, have safety concerns when it comes to sexual intercourse.

While it is always important to speak with a doctor, it is usually safe for people with high blood pressure to have sex.

If hypertension medication is causing sexual difficulties, a person can talk to their doctor who may be able to prescribe a different medication or dosage to relieve the adverse effects.

Boosting the immune system

Some early research found that regular sex increased the effectiveness of the immune system.

Researchers found that people who had frequent sex Haridwar Escorts Service, which they defined as one to two times per week, had more immunoglobin A (IgA) in their system than others. IgA is an antibody that lives in the mucosal tissue, such as the salivary glands, nose, and vaginal tissue.

However, it is important to recognize that this study appeared in 2004, and researchers have not repeated it since. A new study might yield different results.

A more recent study looked at a small group of women to see if there were differences between the immune activity of those who were sexually active and those who are not.

The study examined their immune system’s ability to kill different infectious pathogens at various points in the menstrual cycle.

While the results suggest that there might be some differences between the groups, the authors say more research is necessary before drawing any conclusions.

Reducing prostate cancer risk

An early study, again from 2004, found that a high frequency of ejaculation may reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

The study investigated almost 30,000 makes trusted Sources, looking at how often they ejaculated at different points in their life.

They concluded that those who ejaculated more than 21 times per month had a lower risk of prostate cancer than men who only ejaculated 4–7 times per month.

In 2016, the researchers extended this study for an additional 10 years trusted Source to continue their research on the participants’ risk for developing prostate cancer.

This follow-up confirmed the initial findings. The males who ejaculated most frequently had a lower risk for prostate cancer than those who ejaculated less often.



5 Surprising Health Benefits of Sex

Вторник, 15 Марта 2022 г. 14:44 + в цитатник

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Sex

Sex not only feels good. It can also be good for you. Here’s what a healthy sex life can do for you.


1- Helps Keep Your Immune System Humming

“Sexually active people take fewer sick days,” says Yvonne K. Fulbright, PhD a sexual health expert.

People who have sex with Raipur Escort Service have higher levels of what defends their body against germs, viruses, and other intruders. Researchers at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania found that college students who had sex once or twice a week had higher levels of a certain antibody compared to students who had sex less often.

You should still do all the other things that make your immune system happy, such as:

  • Eat right.
  • Stay active.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Keep up with your vaccinations.
  • Use a condom if you don’t know both of your STD statuses.

2- Boosts Your Libido

Longing for more lively sex life? “Having sex will make sex better and will improve your libido,” says Lauren Streicher, MD. She is an assistant clinical professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago.

For women, having sex ups vaginal lubrication, blood flow, and elasticity, she says, all of which make sex feel better and help you crave more of it.


3-Improves Women's Bladder Control

A strong pelvic floor is important for avoiding incontinence, something that will affect about 30% of women at some point in their lives.

Good sex Raipur Escorts Service is like a workout for your pelvic floor muscles. When you have an orgasm, it causes contractions in those muscles, which strengthens them.


4- Counts as Exercise

“Sex is a really great form of exercise,” Pinzone says. It won’t replace the treadmill, but it counts for something.

Sex uses about five calories per minute, four more calories than watching TV. It gives you a one-two punch: It bumps up your heart rate and uses various muscles.

So get busy! You may even want to clear your schedule to make time for it on a regular basis. “Like with exercise, consistency helps maximize the benefits,” Pinzone says.


5- Lowers Heart Attack Risk

Good sex life is good for your heart. Besides being a great way to raise your heart rate, sex helps keep your estrogen and testosterone levels in balance.

“When either one of those is low you begin to get lots of problems, like osteoporosis and even heart disease,” Pinzone says.

Having sex more often may help. During one study, men who had sex at least twice a week were half as likely to die of heart disease as men who had sex rarely.


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Среда, 09 Марта 2022 г. 08:36 + в цитатник

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