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Kyiv. Lavra Pecherskaya - Lavra Nebesnaya

Lavra Pecherskaya nebesnaya krasa.Foto Paul Lashkevich_ 05.Mar.2007_ 082.JPGLavra Pecherskaya.All Saints Bell.Foto Paul Lashkevich_14.June.2007_049.JPGLavra Pecherskaya.Lavra Nebesnaya Bell.Foto Paul Lashkevich_20.Sept.2008_DSC08039.JPG

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, 24 2011 . 17:34 +
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, 24 2011 . 16:33 +
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: - - deep thinking


, 24 2011 . 16:30 +

28 1918 . 46 , 46 8 – ’ ...


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, 24 2011 . 14:03 +

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Paul_V_Lashkevich: : "..........., ".

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AUDIO - & - VIDEO - & - FOTO
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, 24 2011 . 13:50 +
herodot_10 [ + !]

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, 24 2011 . 13:41 +
fototelegraf [ + !]

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. - Paul_V_Lashkevich

AUDIO - & - VIDEO - & - FOTO
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: - - deep thinking



, 24 2011 . 06:43 +
alexandre75 [ + !]


1945 , Auschwitz Buchenwald .. ,
/ ., . /
( . , coll. Musée de la Résistance nationale).
 (699x540, 106Kb)

. Buchenwald, , Gisors (Eure), 1945., ., . . , / Alfred Brauner/
( , coll. Centre de documentation juive contemporaine)
 (632x640, 117Kb)
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. - Paul_V_Lashkevich

AUDIO - & - VIDEO - & - FOTO
: - - deep thinking


Jo Wajsblat " "

, 24 2011 . 05:48 +
alexandre75 [ + !]

Jo Wajsblat " "

20 .. , ... , , , , ..
 (300x300, 14Kb)
, Joseph Wajsblat 2001 , , Gilles Lambert , , 15 ,
/ 1944 500-600 . 4, , 50 , , , ..
Jack Drr Herman /Zvi/ Goldberg , ... ( 10) ..
31 1929 Lodz . , ,

13. , 1944 , , , . , 1944 . 10
Auschwitz-Birkenau, .

16 . , Auschwitz-Birkenau , , , , ... 14 . /*

17 , > Iser Wajsblat 1941 , Kalya-Rachel 1943. /, , 10 , 1942, . ..
, ,

18, , , , ,

19 , . /**

1945 - , , , , . , , , /Aaron Hoter-Yishan . archiv Mapai/
. , Miklós Nyiszli , . 1 , / . /***/

/ * , . , , , - .
= , .

1944 , , .

/ ** , , , Shlomo Venezia 2007 , 1944 1945 / .., Meine Arbeit im Sonderkommando Auschwitz
Filip Müller , / ... [1979]. Müller, Filip 'Eyewitness Auschwitz - Three Years in the Gas Chambers

/*** The Grey Zone is a 2001 film directed by Tim Blake Nelson Miklós Nyiszli Auschwitz: A Doctor's Eyewitness Account,
\ The Grey Zone (2001)

. - Paul_V_Lashkevich
AUDIO - & - VIDEO - & - FOTO
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: - - deep thinking


Braca Teofilovic - Duni mi, duni, ladjane

, 23 2011 . 03:48 +

 Braca Teofilovic - Duni mi, duni, ladjane



Radukan90 | 18/04/2008 | : 46, 0

This is a wedding song among the Serbs of Kosovo. The girl calls to the fresh breeze to cool the summer heat. At the same time, she calls her beloved, her future husband, to come into her garden and seek her under the rose-tree they both know so well. There she sits embroidering gifts to give the wedding guests. Impatiently awaiting the moment when she will be joined in marriage to the man she loves, she summons him to her aid beneath the rose-tree so that, together, they may gather the tiny seed pearls which she has carelessly spilt upon the ground to decorate their gifts.The final line of the song: "A ja cu tebe ljubiti, ej, ljubiti" (And I shall kiss you, and kiss you again) shows that this was a mere pretext to get him there so that she can show him how much she loves him!

Duni mi, duni lađane, ej lađane,
Dođi mi, dođi dragane, ej dragane.

U moju bašču zelenu, ej zelenu,
Pod moju ružu rumenu, ej rumenu.

Sitan sam biser rasula, ej rasula,
Odi ga sa mnom kupiti,
A ja ću tebe ljubiti, ej ljubiti.


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AUDIO - & - VIDEO - & - FOTO
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: - - deep thinking


ȣ - ( Body of Christ )

, 23 2011 . 03:32 +

 ȣ - ( Body of Christ )


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AUDIO - & - VIDEO - & - FOTO
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: - - deep thinking

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