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5channel , : 24.12.2011
, , . 75- ', . , ' , . .
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1. jewing them down - on - www.urbandictionary.com_ - |
Urban Dictionary is the dictionary you wrote. Define your world
6,316,458 definitions since 1999 Guaranteed Left
December 26 205 up, 145 down
When you creep your way into an intersection with the intention to turn left, yet there is no end to oncoming traffic in sight.
This way, when the light eventually turns red, you are guaranteed the quick left turn in the short delay between oncoming traffic stopping and the crossing traffic going.
"Traffic was really heavy and the green arrow had already disappeared, so rather than wait through a whole new light cycle, I made the guaranteed left."
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by Pilotguy44 share this Christmahanukwanzakah
December 25 2406 up, 1717 down
A holiday celebrating multicultural beliefs and traditions. A product of a politically correct work environment.
Happy Christmahanukwanzakah to all!
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by Abysmal share this christmas eve eve
December 23 3346 up, 3465 down
December 23rd, the day before Christmas eve.
In order to avoid the Christmas eve rush, everybody does their last minute Christmas shopping on Christmas eve eve, the result being that December 23rd is the busiest shopping day of the year.
I never realised the insanity of Christmas eve eve until I worked in retail.
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by Darth Ridley share this Holiday Eve
December 22 2272 up, 4517 down
The day before a company holiday when employees are inclined to do as little work as possible.
Bob: "Rick, can you get me the TPP report today?"
Rick: "No, not today. Today is Holiday Eve and I'm not trying to do a lot of work today. Maybe next week."
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by HK All Day share this classic as fuck
December 21 3040 up, 4606 down
Something that is extremely timeless and will never get old.
Duder 1: "Ha ha I can't believe he stepped on that burning bag full of dog shit."
Duder 2: "I know, that trick is classic as fuck."
Duder 1: "All right, let's go, we got 15 more houses to hit."
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by westfalia share this nowhere story
December 20 4174 up, 5128 down
A tale or recount of an event or events that doesn't ever reach a particular point or meaning.
Duder 1: "So the other day I went into Foot Locker and saw a girl working there so I thought it was Lady Foot Locker, but it turns out it wasn't."
Duder 2: "Wow dude, thanks for that nowhere story."
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by westfalia share this Computer
December 19 11102 up, 6545 down
a machine for downloading porn
"oh no, the computer broke, i ejaculated all over the keyboard"
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by anonymous share this « Previous 1
1. jewing them down 41 up, 20 down
To barter with someone until you get want you want for much less than it costs in the first place.
mainly found at flea markets or spanish markets.
A: "the pig costs $10" - : " $ 10"
B: "I'll give you $5." - " $ 5."
A: "$8"
B: "$7"
A: "$7.50"
B: "$6"
A: "Sold" - : ""
B Walks Away. - B .
B: "I got my pig. Yeeeeeeah. See son, that's called 'Jewing Them Down'"
_: « Yeeeeeeah , " Jewing ".."
15. Jewish 380 up, 915 down
A gay term used to describe something as "stupid" or "retarded"
_ , "" ""
Tom: "Wow, that sub today was so
: " ,
. "
Bob: "I know, she was hella jewish."
_: « , Hella".( )
16. Jewish 406 up, 1017 down
As of, or pertaining to stupidity.
_, , .
My phone has been so jewish latley (late) , it won't send texts.
_ - , .
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jewing me
Jewing Out
Jewing power
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Jewish Albatross
Jewish American Princess
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Jewish Bankroll
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: www.urbandictionary.com jewing them down |
Cozza & Cozze - |
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Cozza day- - - cozze-parlamento?
Picture - http://www.beppegrillo.it/2011/09/cozza_day_istru/index.html
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Cozza day - verso piazza navona
StaffGrillo , : 10.09.2011
10 settembre 350.000 firme cozza day monte citorio parlamento pulito roma
1. Cozza 22 up, 4 down
Italian expression used to describe a girl particularly ugly.
_ .
Use "cozze" if they are a herd.
Sorry mate, I can't go out with your sister, she's really a cozza.
_ "", .
, , .
cozza - (Ital.)
Oddio dovevi essere proprio ubriaco ieri sera,
hai ballato tutto il tempo con quella cozza terribile.
_, ,
ugly girl cesso nice italian cozza cozze coza coze
by quicksilv3r Apr 14, 2009 share this add a video
2. Cozza 3 up, 1 down
British English slang (In South / South East) for the police - similar to the term Rozza
hurry up mate the fucking cozza are coming
_ ,
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police cop cozza rozza cozze popo old bill pigs
by AndrewtheBold Apr 21, 2011 share this add a video
3. Cozza 18 up, 25 down
A name given to a fat jew called Matt.
there goes Cozza.
has fat
and looks like
got downs syndrome" (hes- )
"(HES- )
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cozza cohen cozza leh jewish fat down syndrome
by Magic Miaggi Oct 21, 2007 share this add a video
(1877‑1945). |
1877 . . (15 1878 (-) — 4 1945 (-))., , . . 1893–1896 , 1896 . . -. 1898 , , . . . - (1902–1903). 1904 « » . 1904 . . .
: (1877‑1945). |
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: 227-VI 01.06.2011 |
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