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Kyiv. Lavra Pecherskaya - Lavra Nebesnaya

Lavra Pecherskaya nebesnaya krasa.Foto Paul Lashkevich_ 05.Mar.2007_ 082.JPGLavra Pecherskaya.All Saints Bell.Foto Paul Lashkevich_14.June.2007_049.JPGLavra Pecherskaya.Lavra Nebesnaya Bell.Foto Paul Lashkevich_20.Sept.2008_DSC08039.JPG

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: 08.09.2009
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The Queen as a Mechanic (1945) [Full Resolution] - The Queen Commander

, 23 2012 . 22:54 +

The Queen as a Mechanic (1945) [Full Resolution]


WarArchives, : 30.08.2011

The Queen as a Mechanic (1945) [Full Resolution]. "Princess Mechanic - Princess Elizabeth Does Her Bit To Aid The War Effort". Princess Elizabeth (later Queen Elizabeth II) 2nd Subaltern is seen taking a driving course. Her parents, King George VI, Queen Elizabeth (later Queen Mother) and her sister Princess Margaret come to visit Elizabeth and admire her handywork.

Check out the WarArchives on YouTube.

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Film ID:1151.09

Princess Elizabeth Queen II Mechanic Aid War Effort Army Ambulance ww2 wwii Car King George VI Mother Driver Seat Margaret Territorial Service Officers WWII World Hospital Royalty Royal Family General Uniform 40's Second British Pathe Film Archive Original Vintage Footage Newsreel Movie Video Documentary Clip News History Historical


reelsarency, : 23.03.2011 Her Majesty sitting for a portrait by Andrew Festing at Buckingham Palace in the early 1990s. From BBC documentary "Elizabeth R" (1992) : : queen elizabeth ii buckingham palace royal family andrew festing painting picture rolf harris london artist commission private secretary kenneth scott clothes garter robes helen mirren opening monarchy monarch changing guard art academy sandhurst : YouTube

MadMonarchist, : 25.06.2011 Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Commander-in-Chief of the British and Commonwealth armed forces. There is no finer sight than a British monarch in a red coat, on a horse surrounded by his/her soldiers. It is beautiful to behold. God Save the Queen! : : Queen Elizabeth II UK Great Britain Commonwealth military army trooping the colour trooping royalty monarchy parade redcoats : YouTube

Erunestian, : 28.04.2011 A beautiful rendition of the national anthem of the United Kingdom sung at the Royal Maundy Service at Westminster, in 2011. On this occasion Her Majesty The Queen also celebrated her 85th birthday. God Save the Queen! BBC MMXI : : national anthem queen Elizabeth United Kingdom England Great Britain British birthday royal maundy Westminster Abbey Choir : YouTube
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AUDIO - & - VIDEO - & - FOTO
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- 22 1919

, 23 2012 . 21:36 +

- 22 1919

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+++ RadianskaUkraina, : 22.12.2011 20 . 10 - . . - , , - . 1918 - , . ϳ . : , , , . 22 1919 . ' - (). : : : YouTube

tymoshenkoua, : 19.01.2011 ˳ "" , . 19.01.2011 http://www.tymoshenko.ua/uk/article/yulia_tymoshenko_19_1 : : Julia Tymoshenko Yuliya Tymoshenko Yulia Timoshenko : YouTube

MichelPritula, : 08.01.2010 , , , . , . , ", . : : : YouTube

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