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The Monastic Channel - & Kung Fu Monks |
The Monastic Channel
The Cistercian Monks Of Stift Heiligenkreuz - EPK
Chanting monks - Chant - music for the soul
Kung Fu Monks
journeymanpictures | : V | : 08.02.2008 | 1646 , 103
May 2002
The Shaolin monks are famous worldwide for their Kung-fu. But there are now fears that their fame is corrupting their ancient Xen Buddhist traditions. ''They try to trick you and get as much money as possible''. says one German student. In every surrounding village there are schools and tourist traps cashing in on their celebrity.
Produced by ABC Australia
Distributed by Journeyman Pictures
monks documentary tradition budhism budhists kung fu china monastey shaolin journeyman pictures
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- Obama & - The Genocide Of Americans / The Freedom of Choice Act / Video - |
Obama & The Genocide Of Americans / The Freedom of Choice Act / Video
rosaryfilms | 25.09.2008 | 36 , 24
What if Obama Promised To Facilitate Killing 6 Million? What if Barack Obama proclaimed that, if he was elected, that during his first four years in office, that he would work very hard to pass legislation that would kill 6 million Jews, or kill 6 million homosexuals, or kill 6 million Blacks, or kill 6 million women, or kill 6 million senior citizens, or kill 6 million disabled people? Would you vote for him? To you, would there be more overriding important issues, like global warming, immigration, the economy, etc.? Would these others issues be more important to you than his promise to kill 6 million humans? And if you did vote for Obama -- and his promise to kill 6 million humans, would you not be a co-participant in the murder of 6 million humans? Or would you go ahead and vote for Obama anyway? The facts are, Barack Obama has promised to Planned Parenthood, that the first thing he would do as president, is to sign the freedom of choice act. This legislation would essentially remove all current restrictions on abortions, including the ban on partial-birth abortion. About 1.5 million unborn babies are killed each year in the United States through abortion. Over Obamas term, that would be 6 million unborn babies. Hence, Obama in reality has promised to promote and pass legislation that would allow the murder of about 6 million unborn American babies during his first term in office. And you who vote for him, would be responsible. Abortion is just another form of terrorism. Approximately 50 million human beings have been killed in the United States since Roe versus Wade permitted abortion throughout pregnancy. Children have been torn limb from limb by surgical forceps and killed with suction tubes not because of anything they did, but just because they existed. If abortion isnt a holocaust, we need to rewrite every dictionary. Periodically, protests arise when someone links the term holocaust to abortion. The National Director of the Anti-Defamation League, Abraham Foxman, finds former Governor Mike Huckabees reference to the holocaust of liberalized abortion to be offensive. He writes that the Holocaust was a unique tragedy in human history. With all due respect to Mr. Foxman and others who recoil at the use of the word holocaust to describe abortion, a clarification is in order. The term the Holocaust refers to the slaughter of six million Jews by Hitlers Germany. The proper noun attached to this horrific period, however, does not preempt the use of the word in its common meaning to describe the killing of a million Rwandans, over one million Armenians, or two million Cambodians; neither does it prevent its use in describing the killing of 50 million Americans. Abortion is a holocaust that has taken and continues to take more human lives than any holocaust in human history. We are deeply concerned at how easily so many people trivialize this slaughter of the unborn, especially since it hasnt yet stopped. All text and images from Fair Use.
state law limits abortion nationwide allowing abortion-on-demand nine months pregnancy reason restrictions legal work research educational successes invalidate major types pro-life laws upheld Supreme Court Supreme Court decades Roe versus Wade types laws Freedom Choice Act invalidate national ban partial-birth abortion Supreme Court upheld Gonzales versus Carhart The Hyde Amendment prohibits federal funding abortion laws states restrict state funding abortion Laws effect jurisdictions bar abortions government operated hospitals laws requiring parental notification consent Jill Stanek infants anti kill murder senator illinois senate legislation opposed ban vote voter bishop bishops catholic voting
Obama infanticide abortion abortions born live induced alive freedom of choice act infants BAIPA FOCA partial birth genocide holocaust planned parenthood pro-life pro life prolife anti-abortion Barack restrictions restrictive rights legal illegal election mccain presidential viability viable health Jill Stanek fetus restriction roe wade Supreme Court trimester mother pregnant pregnancy women women's woman's death law laws baby babies unborn pre-born botched failed attempt doublethink groupthink
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