- !!!! |
- Sit On My Face |
Sit On My Face
Every Sperm is Sacred {Monty Python's Meaning of Life} |
Every Sperm is Sacred {Monty Python's Meaning of Life}
Exequian, : 18.03.2006
This is a musical number from the second act of Monty Python's "The Meaning of Life". Please keep in mind the Catholic who is singing the lead does not believe in contraception... and neither do his many, many children, who are singing the backup. And yes, that IS a Chinese dragon in the background of the finale. How it got there... don't ask, don't tell.
Monty Python Every Sperm Is Sacred Meaning Of Life
our biology teacher made us watch this in class when we were learning about human reproduction... hahah it was hilarious
xMissEileen 2 . 83
I looked into it and there were no actual real Priests or Nuns in that sketch, so all the children were quite safe and well looked after.
JesusSuckedGayPenis 1 51
Fresatura Pietà Michelangelo Scultura in marmo bianco di Carrara fresatura con robot 6 assi sculture |
Fantiscritti, : 15.10.2008
TOR ART is a contemporary art studio that provides facilities for sculpture, design and architecture.
The company merges traditional handcrafted carving tecniques with the most advanced technology, from 3D laser scanning to computer assisted carving robots.
With our services you can create sculptures directly from your file or from client-furnished models or maquettes.
With our non-invasive technologies we can reproduce works such as restoration or renovation as well as historical elements that can be copied in their most refined details.
Our team consents the creation from model to final production in various materials such as diverse granites, marbles and stones.
sculture marmo bianco carrara statuario robot marble statue design scanner laser 3d quarry location cave di torart tor art fantiscritti michelangelo scultura specializzati in Scultura Calchi Modelli Lavorazione Marmo pietre granito onice carving sculpture onyx limestone granite travertine cava and quarries.
+++ The attack to the Pity of Michelangelo +++ |
Michelangelo's Pieta by Victoria Taylor-Gore
vtg60, : 17.06.2009
This is a video I made about Michelangelo's Pieta for my online Art Appreciation course...a little better that a PowerPoint:)
Music - The Lamentation of David (arr. A. L'Estrange) byAntony Pitts
And - Moses And Marco Polo Suite Journey by Yo-Yo Ma
Sources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piet%C3%A0_(Michelangelo)
And A World of Art by Henry M. Sayre, 5th Edition
My website: http://www.victoriataylorgore.com
art appreciation Michelangelo Pieta marble sculpture
The attack to the Pity of Michelangelo
darsham, : 06.02.2007
and the restauration. Paulus VI, 1972.
chiesa church iglesia papa papam pope pietà michelangelo pity vatican vaticano roma rome
Many many thanks!!!!
Paul V. Lashkevich
PavloLashkevych2009 11 .
This is gut wrenching and heart breaking to watch
mandscat 4 .
I have been blessed to visit Rome and have viewed this magnificent sculpture. The sad result of this luantics action is that it is now behind bullet proof glass, and as emotionally beautiful it is, you are separated from it physically.
tonyrader 9 .
Many many thanks and God bless you for sharing this presentation on the Pieta's repair and restoration after the 1972 damage. May I know how to acquire a copy?
achirose2002 2 .
...try with some p2p program but you have to download or the whole video about the Paulus VI or the video about the basilica...
darsham 2 .
mi ricordo perfettamente:avevo solo 5 anni,per molto tempo i media non si occuparono d'altro.Rimasi sconvolto dalla percezione dell'insensatezza del male contro la bellezza del Genio,ossia della parte migliore dell'Umanità.Ricordo che piangevo:i miei familiari credevano che il motivo fosse per il simbolo religioso profanato...io in realtà ero sconvolto per la Devastazione dell'Arte, che spesso precede,le Guerre ce lo insegnano,l'annientamento della Bellezza dell'Umanità...
manangel1992 2 . 2
where i could finde the entire video?
cokain23 2 .
Wow, I know the man him self! Lazlo Touth,"I am Jesus" he said as he hammered away at the Pieta,
This man was apprehended on psychological grounds as being delusional, whilst it was actually in protest, protest as in Christianity abusing psychology to gain wealth and power while totally deviating from Jesus' teachings. The exploitation of Jesus. The manipulation of the Delusional mass. Please note that he never hit Jesus, only the mother mary,The mother portraying the church.
ehtep 2 .
are you sure? How are we to know that you know Toth? I know all that about the symbol of Mary being the church but that still doesn't explain why he was proclaiming to being the Messiah himself. I also heard he was shouting "Ive risen from the dead" which still doesn't make him seem less insane to me
Nixel85 2 .
I agree with you, he is insane and he has a big EGO too, the last I knew of him he was into new age spirtualism, chakra healing, and he spoke of Extra terestria life on Andromeda, Pladis,etc. He appealed to me with his in sane point of views. PS You dont have to believe me that i know Toth Lazlo...
ehtep 2 .
fair enough
Nixel85 2 .
Well,.. It is always said that the step between extatic vision and simple franzy is way too brief,... God, deliver us from that! (Nice restoration process as shown in the vid,.. thnx for posting it,...)
fromheretoglory 2 .
He shouldn't have lashed out at such a deeply beautiful piece of art...what a shame
Klewt 9 .
the man who attacked la pietá is clearly a son of a bitch.
extremduke 2 .
Can you complete it, please? it was a very big tragedy!but this documentary es SPLENDID AND VERY INTERESTIN!
laperrillamoki 3 .
A tragedy!
pandemonio81 4 . 4
it's a splendid documentary, but it's not complete!
merceB 4 .
Fresatura Pietà Michelangelo Scultura in marmo bianco di Carrara fresatura con robot 6 assi sculture