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* http://etc.usf.edu/lit2go/ -бесценный ресурс с огромным количеством аудиокниг, предоставляемый одним из центров онлайн обучения Флориды.
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* thoughtaudio.com – книги, которые потрясли мир, те, которые заставляют думать.
* free-books.org – там есть следующие аудиокниги: Джейн Эйер, Приключения Тома Сойера, Сказки Андерсона, рассказы Джека Лондона и др.
* literalsystems.org – еще один сайт аудиокниг, где добровольцы читают и выкладывают книги
Канал пользователя byzmusic - Πολυχρόνιο ΟἰκουμενικοQ |
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Канал пользователя byzmusic - Πολυχρόνιο Οἰκουμενικοῦ Πατριάρχου κ.κ. Βαρθολομαίου
♰ + CHRISTIAN ORTHODOX + ♰ - Канал пользователя FaolchuDubh7 - Избранное |
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Канал пользователя FaolchuDubh7 - Избранное
Jerusalem of Gold - Yerushalayim shel Zahav -Ofra Haza- with English Lyrics
yaellavie | 07.03.2010 | 207 понравилось, 4 не понравилось
"Jerusalem of Gold" (Hebrew: ירושלים של זהב, Yerushalayim Shel Zahav) is a popular Israeli song written by Naomi Shemer in 1967. The original song described the Jewish people's 2000-year longing to return to Jerusalem; Shemer added a final verse after the Six-Day War to celebrate Jerusalem's unification under Israeli control.
At that time, the Old City was under Jordanian rule; Jews had been barred from entering, and many holy sites had been desecrated. Only three weeks after the song was published, the Six-Day War broke out. The song was the battle cry and morale booster of the Israeli troops. Shemer even sang it for them before the war and festival, making them among the first in the world to hear it. On 7 June, the Israel Defense Forces captured the eastern part of Jerusalem and the Old City from the Jordanians. When Shemer heard the paratroopers singing "Jerusalem of Gold" at the Western Wall, she wrote a final verse, reversing the phrases of lamentation found in the second verse. The line about shofars sounding from the Temple Mount is a reference to an event that actually took place on 7 June.
This beautiful version is from the late OFRA HAZA.
Путешествия и события
Jerusalem of Gold Yerushalayim shel Zahav Ofra Haza
-Ofra Haza-
Ее звали Офра Хаза…http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/paul_v_lashkevich/post153639986/
Избранное - http://www.youtube.com/user/FaolchuDubh7#p/f
Добавленные видео: http://www.youtube.com/user/FaolchuDubh7#p/u
(всего 3 видео - доступно ознакомиться)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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из них http://www.youtube.com/user/BallahBallahuAkbar
Europe in 2029
Далеесмотрите: Канал пользователя whiteMedia4
They died for us !
Odpad přírody ( queer pride )
( Odpali od Christianstva ???????????????)
((( Ne odpal prirodi?
Truth about Islam.(sex with an animal. :D :D )??????
They died for us !
They died for us !
От: whiteMedia4 | 16.10.2010 | Просмотров: 6429
We have a right to fight. Tolerance, hummanism and antiracism is killing us. Protection of our land against black immigrants is not a racism and xenophobia, it's an honour. ( for czechs: http://www.white-media.info/ )
Kolonizace Británie aneb Levičáci odhalují své plány
whiteMedia7 | 06.12.2009 | 95 понравилось, 15 не понравилось
http://www.white-media.info/ Bílá evropská civilizace je v mnohem větším nebezpečí, než kdykoliv v historii. Málokdo si toto nebezpečí uvědomuje díky lžím v médiích i filmech.
Když se do vaší ulice nebo obce přistěhuje několik početných muslimských nebo černošských rodin, už tam nebude možné v klidu žít. Poroste kriminalita, napadání bílých, hluk .. Jsou schopni znásilnít dívku za to, že nechodí oblečená dle muslimských zvyků. Nesmíme to k nám pustit.
Общественные акции
nacionaliste imigranti nacionalisté británie londýn národní cikan cikán cikani multikulti multikulturní cikáni
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Было «святая простота», стало «структурированная святая простота»! |
Мир стал чрезмерно сложным, а жизнь стремительной и скоротечной. При неимоверной насыщенности событиями, человек в конце жизни, едва ли может вспомнить, что он сделал праведного и благородного. Большинство, даже и не задумываются о своей святости и непорочности, так и уходят в вечность с пустыми руками. Кое-кто пытается найти себе оправдание, в виде накопившейся мудрости и опыта, кто-то убаюкивает себя еще более сложными философскими схемами и запутанными богословскими выводами. Но, когда человек предстает перед солнцем Правды и Истины, вся эта шелуха слетает с души и остается человек голым и неприкрытым. А ведь, только святость облекает человека в дары и раскрывает добродетели. И если началом всего является крещение и открытие Божей Любови, то дальше, прямой обязанностью христианина является поддержание своей жизни в святости! Необходимо избавляться от всего, что не дает ему достичь и удержать это состояние. Это тяжело, но это самая большая жертва, которую человек может принести Богу, - это избавиться от свой самости и эго! Сердце нужно освободить от всего, что не является любовью!
У каждого свой путь, разные подходы и методы, кто восходит быстрее, кто медленнее! Но всех истинных последователей, которые взбираются на вершину объединяет одно – неприятие греха, неприятие фарисейства которое ему потакает и оправдывает наши грехи, немощи и человеческие слабость! Христианин должен быть святым иначе – это не христианин! Тут не может быть поблажек и компромиссов! Ибо написано: «будьте святы, потому что Я свят». 1 Пет. 1, 15-16. Также сказано, что без святости никто не увидит Господа. (Евр. 12, 14). "Ибо призвал нас Бог не к нечистоте, но к святости" (1 Фес. 4, 7). Другое дело, что есть разные уровни чистоты, разные искусы и испытания. От молитвы и святости одного подвижника небо сияет заревом святости, а святость у других может быть омрачена недостатком мудрости и другими изъянами человека. Даже святой может оступиться, но святой сразу покается и будет просить Бога как можно быстрее принять его покаяние или сразу же испить чашу возмездия за грех! Как только он осознан, он требует исправления, иначе, грех порождает грех и т.д., глубина падения и отступления от Творца может быть настолько ужасная, что любое очистительное наказание (эпитимия) можно воспринять как благо!
Как же жить современному человеку? Ведь, запутаться и оступиться очень просто, и порой ВСЁ упростить, жить спокойной и мирной жизнь в бушующей море, порой просто невозможно. Просто советовать: «Стяжай дух мире и вокруг тебя спасутся многие…»! А как выполнить такой совет, поэтому, большинство ответят: "А ты попробуй так действовать в таких условиях как у меня?!!!" Созданы такие жесткие условия, что казалось бы выжить просто невозможно! Но для этого и дана мудрость, чтобы найти такие методы, которые помогут не просто выжить, действовать эффективно и в святости!
Одним из самых действенных методов, является структуризация всех процессов в жизни.
Объясню на простом примере: любой директор имеет несколько заместителей, этих заместителей не может быть много (обычно, не больше 3-5) иначе можно запутаться, далее этим заместителям подчинены другие руководители низшего звена и т.д. Строго подчиненная иерархическая схема, в которой каждое звено четко знает перечень своих задач и подчинена вышестоящим, причем и вышестоящий, не перепрыгивает сверху на несколько звеньев вниз! Так и в жизни, обстоятельства расшатывают человека он хватает за все подряд, высшее, низшее, пытаясь успеть кругом и везде, в итоге, вся система жизненных ориентиров сбивает и человек дезориентируется, и у него сбивают жизненные ориентиры, а новые не позволяют действовать в заданном направлении! Поэтому, важно верно структуризировать (т.е. упрастить) все жизненные процессы наподобие вышеприведенной схемы и знать что делаешь, и четко понимать в какой части этой схемы ты находишься, концентрироваться на поставленной задаче и добиваться результата в заданном месте схеме! Постепенно, человек развивается и выполнение некоторой части этой структуированной схемы он может передать другим под их отчет и ответственность!
Царство небесное в котором будут едины овцы и пастух очень близко! Но в этот мире, даже Иисус имел 12 учеников, лишь одному из них полностью передал его учение, и лишь троим он им явил Свою Божественную славу и преображение, когда он на горе Фаворской взял с собой трех любимых учеников – Петра, Иакова и Иоанна. Значит, пока устройство Церкви, большинства общественных институтов и внутреннего устройства человека тоже подчинено иерархичности (читай структурированности)!
ЗЫ: приведенная схема, хотя и простая, но имеет нюансы и подводные камни, только опыт и мудрость дает возможность ею воспользоваться. Имеющий мудрость, да уразумеет!
Как нам вернуть рай. Шемшук В.А (Аудиокнига) |
Bristol - Abbey (Protestant Church) - Psalm 148: "O Praise The Lord of Heaven" - Here I am, Lord |
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Bristol - Abbey (Protestant Church) - Psalm 148: "O Praise The Lord of Heaven"
choralcathedral1 | 14.08.2009 | 16 понравилось, 0 не понравилось
Bristol Cathedral began life as a Norman abbey church, became an Anglican Cathedral after the Dissolution in 1539, and was almost entirely rebuilt in the neo-Gothic style in the late 19th century.
Bristol Cathedral began as Abbey in 1140. The chapterhouse, still standing, dates from 1165.
The Norman abbey church was rebuilt from 1298 onwards, but the new church was still incomplete at the Dissolution of the Monasteries in 1539 when its nave was demolished.
In 1542 the church was made the cathedral of a new Diocese of Bristol and was dedicated to the Holy and Undivided Trinity.
The nave was eventually built during the 19th century and the building was completed by two towers at the west end in 1888.
Names: Cathedral Church of the Holy and Undivided Trinity in Bristol; Bristol Cathedral
Type of site: Cathedral
Faith: Christian Faith (Anglican Church)
Status: Active
Dates: 1140; 1888
Architecture: Norman and neo-Gothic
Location: College Green, Bristol, England BS1 5TJ
Bus: 8 or 9
Phone: 01179/264 879
Website: http://www.bristol-cathedral.co.uk/
Sunday: 7.40am Morning Prayer; 8.00am Holy Communion; 10.00am Cathedral Eucharist; 3.30pm Choral Evensong. Weekdays: Morning Prayer at 8.30am; Eucharist at 12.30pm; Evensong at 5.15pm (Saturdays at 3.30pm)
Bristol Anglican Episcopal Cathedral Church of England Elizabeth II Psalm 148 Praise The Lord Heaven Reformed Protestant Evangelical Jesus Christ God Choral Pipe Organ Orgel órgão Organo westminster abbey
Комментарии пользователя, загрузившего видео (choralcathedral1)
The Destruction of...........дума о традиции и о справедливости
Here I am, Lord
York - Protestant Cathedral: "Psalm VIII" - Anglican Choir
choralcathedral1 | 09.08.2009 | 28 понравилось, 0 не понравилось
York Minster Anglican Church is a Gothic Cathedral in York, England and is one of the largest of its kind in Northern Europe alongside Cologne Cathedral. The Minster is the seat of the bishop of York, the second-highest office of the Church of England, and is cathedral for the Diocese of York; it is run by a Dean and Chapter under the Dean of York. The formal title of York Minster is The Cathedral and Metropolitan Church of St Peter in York.
The English Reformation led to the first Anglican archbishop, the looting of much of the cathedral's treasures, and the loss of much of the church lands. Under Elizabeth I there was a concerted effort to remove all traces of the Roman Catholic Church from the cathedral; there was much destruction of tombs, windows, and altars. In the English Civil War the city was besieged and fell to the forces of Cromwell in 1644, but Thomas Fairfax prevented any further damage to the cathedral.
Location: York
Full Name: Cathedral and Metropolitan Church of St Peter
County: North Yorkshire
Country: England
Denomination: Church of England
Province: York
Diocese: York
Diocese created: 314
Bishop: John Sentamu
Dean Very Revd Keith Jones
Psalm VIII Evangelical Anglican Church Choir Your Minster England Cathedral Baptist Bible book Jesus Christ choir choral churches congregation Episcopal holy hymn hymnal hymnbook Lutheran Methodist Igreja Luterana Metodista Batista Presbiteriana Presbyterian piano pipe organ orgel orge organo prayer worship service culto protestante protestant songs gospel eglesia
Все комментарии (20)
glorious! beautiful! exquisite! Thank you so much.
lollyclan 6 дн. назад
Этот комментарий был помечен как спам показать
naymelful 2 мес. назад
Thanks so much for posting. Happy new year!
naymelful 2 мес. назад
Every two years or so since 1991 we go to England ..and in our usually 3 day stays in York,on each of those trips,we would enter this church,1 or two times a day...As we usually do in all the towns we visit on our month long trips.. .A few years ago we were faced with a newly implemented large entrance fee.....even at evensong,what a shame to not be able to afford this part of Christianity...
merseybeat1963 2 мес. назад
@FlyerRan They were!
Lisnageeragh 3 мес. назад
The Church of England was not protestant dung the time of Henry VIII, reformist would be a better word. However, from Queeen Elizabeth I it became very much Protestant. Any Roman trappings were destroyed and the rift with Rome was set.
davidnash41 6 мес. назад
@davidnash41 I don't agree with your assessment. The period when the English Church steered furthest away from Rome was during the short reign of Edward VI after Henry VIII's death. Elizabeth I was very mistrustful of the protestant reformation in mainland Europe and steered a middle way for the Anglican Church, which largely abides to this day. Most Anglicans, would not call themselves protestant, in the way that Lutherans, Baptists and Methodists do.
foodie65 5 мес. назад
My understanding was there were three movements during the nineteenth century, the Evangelical (which sounds very Protestant), the Tractarian (Oxford) movement which seemed to have much more ornate services, and then the Broad Church seeking to combine them.
Then in the late 19th century another Anglican-Catholic movement started, and more recently in 1977 with a new splinter group.
ysbaddaden2003 5 мес. назад
@ysbaddaden2003 It's slightly more complicated than that but in summary all of those things are true. The structure of the Anglican church, with the 1662 prayer book, and Common Worship liturgies, and Bishops and Archbishops remian in place. Anglicans from the high and broad church and even many from traditional low church backgrounds find the evangelical movement "un-Anglican", and would not describe themselves as protestant.
foodie65 5 мес. назад
The Anglican Church Isn't Protestant .... Get It Right :P It's Catholic But Not In Communion With Rome And Also The Reformation Wasn't In Protestant Intention, To Be Honest You Should Change It To 'York - Anglican Cathedral: "Psalm VIII" - Anglican Choir'
coldlittle 6 мес. назад
@coldlittle The C of E ceased to have any claim to call itself Catholic the day it ordained women to the priesthood. Women priests are most definitely not Catholic practice.
patrickjs865 6 мес. назад
We do not use the term 'Protestant' in the Church of England. And the notes referring to York as a 'bishopric' is wrong - York is an 'Archbishopric' and the Archbishop of York is the 'Primate of England' (second to the Archbishop of Canterbury, who is 'Primate of All England'.
ds1868 6 мес. назад
This is the same tune that LCMS Lutherans use to sing the Te Deum. I love it!
speaks3703 7 мес. назад 2
@speaks3703 wonderful song even, very beautiful!
choralcathedral1 7 мес. назад
Small correction: the office is Archbishop, not bishop.
DVG922 11 мес. назад
Very nice!
The bass really comes through too.
York Minster has provided me with some of the most beautiful moments in life. The Evensong is extremely refreshing and whenever I'm in the city, I never fail to attend, even if it means waiting two hours for the next train home!
ramesses88 1 год назад
Total perfection from our very own York Minster.A perfect recording around Easter Time.The images are magnificent. Quite often I visit for Choral Evensong which is held in the Choir area.
lexscar1 1 год назад
This is magnificient, it is the best I have ever heard keep up the spirit. Hannington Sebuliba- Kampala Uganda
hsebuliba 1 год назад
@hsebuliba ,Ironically the Archbishop of York is Jon Sentanu from Kampala Arriving in England in the early 70s and has since been Bishop of Birmingham,before taking his present position.I can confirm his happiness and the good work he is doing...May God bless you and all in Uganda.....Peter
lexscar1 9 мес. назад
This is awesome. Thanks for uploading.
gbolagun 1 год назад
The Destruction of...........дума о традиции и о справедливости |
Дневник |
Athens Acropolis New Museum Destruction of St.George Greece
DestroyingHistoryGr | 09.05.2007 | 9 понравилось, 5 не понравилось
The catastrophy of St. George without a licence, but with Police Forces protecting the buldozas.
The church was out of the range of the illegal building New Museum of Acropolis and not in front of the etrance. The unique ancient pentagon building of the philosophical schools was divide in coloured zones of importance for easier catastrophy.
The church had on a marble the names (one side) of the brotherkilling civil war at 1944 and it was thrown.
After the buldozas destroyed the church the policeman body guard of the private president of the museum he was filmed the house of the people that they were watching the facts.
It was 5 November 2002 and when the dust of St.George falls down, a storm sinked Athens (Moshato, Faliro) with catastrophies. This shame day, a storm sinked the excavation and the antiquities at Dion (Pieria) were the president of the private museum is also director.
Новости и политика
Athens Acropolis New Museum Parthenon Greece Culture AcropolisofAthens Costas Varatsos Bernard Tschumi Arc
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versomusic | 08.11.2007 | 16 понравилось, 3 не понравилось
(see also the greek version)
More at: http://areopagitou17.blogspot.com
The building at 17 Dionysiou Areopagitou, below the Acropolis, ranks according to architecture historians among the most significant early 20th century monuments, and is the most beautiful Art Deco specimen in Athens. Its façade is decorated with mosaics, sculptures and grey and pink marble. It was designed in 1930 by the famous greek architect Vassilis Kouremenos (1875 -- 1957).
The building was listed as protected by the ministry of physical planning in 1978, along with another eight on the same street, and as a Work of Art by the culture ministry in 1988.
After fierce debate and a hung vote which was resolved by the chairman's double vote, it was recommended that the building at 17 Dion. Areopagitou be de-listed as a Work of Art, so that it may also be de-listed as protected, together with its neighbour, and be demolished. The reason: the buildings partly block the view between the New Acropolis Museum and the Acropolis.
Demolishing the two listed buildings would mutilate the architectural continuum of Dionysiou Areopagitou, which helps make this walkway one of the most interesting and beautiful in Europe. It would also vanquish an important piece of our modern urban history. Ironically, this is for the benefit of a museum site, whose mission should be to preserve and transmit memory, not to destroy it.
Новости и политика
Acropolis Parthenon Athens Greece New Museum Areopagitou Destroy History Art Deco Building Architecture Listed Monument
Комментарии пользователя, загрузившего видео (versomusic)
Demolishing the listed building would mutilate the architectural continuum of D. Areopagitou, which helps make this walkway one of the most interesting and beautiful in Europe. It would also vanquish an important piece of our modern urban history. Ironically, this is for the benefit of a museum site, whose mission should be to preserve and transmit memory, not to destroy it.
versomusic 3 г. назад
The Destruction of St. George Lithuanian Church - Shenandoah, PA
popalis | 01.03.2010 | 7 понравилось, 1 не понравилось
The Lithuanian Parish in Shenandoah was established in 1872, the cornerstone of the present church was laid in 1891.
Photographs by Dave Perez, Charles Vascavage & Bruce Popalis. Video by Andrew Popalis. Music by Kevin Macleod.
Новости и политика
St. George Shenandoah PA church catholic Lithuanian
Комментарии пользователя, загрузившего видео (popalis)
What happened to the bell towers? Did they just blacken over the years, or were they burned out or what?
promagnum 7 мес. назад
The black on the bell towers was a netting to hold the granite blocks in place and prevent them from falling.
popalis 7 мес. назад
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Все комментарии (20)
Are you so short of land over there ? don't you want anything for the next generation to enjoy. Why not use the building for something else? libery, gum, apartments, gallery, theatre, education centre ,restaurant/bar/dance club, even use it as a supermarket. Thats whot thay do in England.
askinlad 3 ч. назад
So very painful to watch...the photography is stunning.
jpengen 4 дн. назад
What happened to those 2 beautiful Angels that sat gracefully atop Saint George's Church above the front entrance??
dannyzad17 1 месяц назад
This video brings tears to my eyes. To see such a gorgeous house of God destroyed....ugh............. Does anyone know what became of its beautiful interior furnishings, windows, bells, and instruments?? I'd really appreciate knowing that... I'd love to also know more about Saint George's. please let me know
dannyzad17 4 мес. назад
What ever became of the beautiful windows, furnishings and other great peices of this church??
dannyzad17 4 мес. назад
OUTRAGEOUS! What about Our Lady of The Angels Cathrdal in LA ? That church is hideous and a clear example of the "Spirit of Vatican II".
CSTCFL 4 мес. назад
Soooooooooo sad..........my father's family was instumental in the founding of this church. Their name is on one of the bells.....what I would give for a brick, stone, piece of wood. Were there any artifacts saved? Where are the bells ? Beautiful, heartbreaking video. Thank you, Mary Strolis schulz
marrycee 5 мес. назад
Thank you for the beautiful video on St. George. We were recently in Shenandoah visiting our great aunt and she told us the church had been closed, then burned and taken down. We went over to the church - very sad white fence around the lot. Can't the diocese at least put up a memorial! This is no way to treat the first Lithuanian parish in the US. We have been trying to reaching my husband's Lithuanian roots and can't access the St George records. What was date of fire and demolition?
1212caburke 6 мес. назад
@popalis Ok thanks.
promagnum 7 мес. назад
The black on the bell towers was a netting to hold the granite blocks in place and prevent them from falling.
popalis 7 мес. назад
What happened to the bell towers? Did they just blacken over the years, or were they burned out or what?
promagnum 7 мес. назад
This is such a disgrace....when I think that us Lithuanians in Paris (France) are looking for a church to accomodate our growing congregation and can't find one.
Iggy3d 8 мес. назад
These "bishops", "archbishops", "cardinals", and "popes" have no authority, for they accept the heresies and apostasy of the Second Vatican Council (and even worse beliefs). They are outside the Church founded by Jesus Christ. Those who are outside the Church cannot lead the Church.
Ciriaco323 9 мес. назад
When the infiltrators took over the Church and implemented the apostasy known as the Second Vatican Council, nobody rose up. When they took away the Mass and replaced it with the N. O. "mass", nobody rose up. Now these and other infiltrators are going after any tradition left for the people (traditional looking churches, etc), who is there to rise up?
Ciriaco323 9 мес. назад
What a disgrace that such a beautiful church be destroyed due to the apathy of the archdiocese. Bishops need to be held accountable for their lack of leadership and their lack of orthodoxy.
Nothwithstanding 9 мес. назад 2
architekturos gaila, institucija tai nx.
VarykGerai 9 мес. назад
...Why destroy a wonderful church? Destroying art operas, smashing the organ...
etbuk 10 мес. назад 2
very professional jobvery sad and beautifuli
1stward462 11 мес. назад
Great job making this video.
TheChampionInMe 11 мес. назад
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Destruction of church
kozacek5 | 03.05.2008 | 1 понравилось, 0 не понравилось
God is powerful...
Кино и ТВ
church destruction pwned owned crash kill death god
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Kosovo Church Desecration
Serbian Kosovo & Metohia - 150 Orthodox Monasteries and Churches Before & After Being Destroyed
Kosovo Church Desecration
GreekWithBigDick | 26.05.2009 | 11 понравилось, 1 не понравилось
Albanian UCK soldiers Desecrate upon Orthodox Church in Kosovo. Such terrorists are supported by international community due to USA propaganda in favor of them. Shame and disgust...
Kosovo Serbia Albania USA Greece Turkey Republica Srpska Radovan Karadjic Arkan Milosevic Mladic UCK KLA EU crimes Haradinaj Carla del ponte UK Belgrade Pristina Tirane Wahington
this is not Albanian. They are not even speaking Albanian! It's serbian propanganda to the west
RealAlbo4life 1 месяц назад
these are not albanian.
stop lying gayreek..hzahah
ManKaleshi 2 мес. назад
so why people mad when now burning quran?
yasm2002 5 мес. назад
fuck muslim
nour201085 11 мес. назад 4
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tagdapu1 6 мес. назад
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bosna501 11 мес. назад
fuck all radical islamists fuck you all for this and go to hell
GeorgianGamer 1 год назад 3
lol this video is not in Kosovo is in Bosnia - Hercegovina this languuage is not in albanian
albanian are tolerant :)
PS; this video is 100% serb and greek propaganda fuck the M O N G O L nation
AIGLE2TETE 11 мес. назад
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Here a another video serbs said
the Mosque must burn.
watch?v=9bddLC4aCmM&feature=re lated
The Name of the video:
dzamija zapali je
bosna501 1 год назад
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Here one more Fact this is a serbian song this stupid serb fasist sing about destroying Mosques.
Thats the name of this video:
Momcilo - Dzamije lete
bosna501 1 год назад
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The War in Bosnia is end but serbian terror is not stoped.
Here a video from 2001 in Banja Luka on this day will beginn rebuilding the destroyed mosque and after 6 years of freedom serbs terroriesied on this day singing cetnik fasism genocid songs but look here:
Here a video who said that serbs must pay for all destroyed mosques in City Banja Luka only in this City are destroyed 16 Mosques.
bosna501 1 год назад
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Here a proove of serbian barbar agression on neighbourgs and religions
they have systematly destroyed all religious objects.
Look this video:
Destroyed and damaged mosques in Bosnia during 1992-1995
bosna501 1 год назад
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Serbs have destroyed all bosnian mosques and katolik chruches
here i show you a video direkt from war in
5:10 Min the bosnian soldier said We do not interfere with the church, but the mosque, we are building new.
This is the reality of bosnianwar we bosnians fight for freedom and the serbs fight because they hate all what is not serb they will greatserbia and accept not other people but the bosnians have fucked the serbs without weapons
bosna501 1 год назад
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Serbs destroyed 614 Mosques, 218 mesjias and 500 other muslim objekts
and the serbs destroyed hounderts of catolik churches.
bosna501 1 год назад
-- This is not church in Kosovo this is church in Bosnia and Hercegovina after USA intervention 1995 ,,,
USA rot in HELL ...
aviomaster 1 год назад
hahahah 100% propaganda this is not in kosovo is in bosnia
fuck you re malaka idiot people
AIGLE2TETE 1 год назад
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Bourimiri 11 мес. назад
Turkalbanians will pay for all these crimes they have committed...
In a few years, they won't have the favour of Americans...
Then there will be no mercy...
superouaou 1 год назад
small dicks trained by small brains albanians love the yankees without slobo slaughter you all!! your blasphemie is normal for animals its not a surprise !!all the world knows that you are not a human race but a mix of camels and pigs
Kerasounta 1 год назад
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Bourimiri 1 год назад
lol kjo video nnouk eshte ne kosovo eshte bere ne bosnie lol car rrenash pfffff ede ti bourimiri keto degjon tia shife gliuhen nouk eshte ne shqip pa pa pa c'far propagande oh c'far idiotash se jane !!!!
AIGLE2TETE 1 год назад
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AIGLE2TETE 11 мес. назад
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AIGLE2TETE 11 мес. назад
This church is older than America they do not have respect for anything American and Albanian terrorist!
Ic3BoXxX 1 год назад 2
ooh you gay grekk shit, those people in this video are not Albanian, the are not talking
Albanian either, so get a life. p.s. stop exporting HIV gaypeople
StreetKingNr1 1 год назад
And what are them if not albanians? Come on u are hilarious. Admitt it, u are barbarians and complexed against christianity.
As for gay Greece, How u feel that a ''Gay state'' (as u think we are) rule you, rule ur economy and holds epir? Kinda Fucked up hey?
GreekWithBigDick 1 год назад
Johnny Hallyday Pardon
Спасибо НАТО - War - help children in Kosovo
Espoirs au KOSOVO - недовольных не видно
на чужбину - Ελληνική Μετανάστευση-Greek Immigration - на чужбине |
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Ελληνική Μετανάστευση-Greek Immigration
Ее звали Офра Хаза… |
Свет угасшей звезды
…Тель-Авив, Израиль, 23 февраля 2000 года, около восьми вечера. Замдиректора клиники «Шеба» вышел к напряженно ожидавшей у входа толпе людей. «К нашему всеобщему сожалению я должен сообщить о смерти Офры Хазы…» Более ста человек одновременно издали горестный стон, кто-то начал рыдать… Почти две недели, в течение которых не только весь Израиль, но и тысячи поклонников певицы в других странах, каждое утро просыпались с мыслью: «Как себя чувствует Офра?», завершились трагедией. Талантливая певица с уникальным голосом, любимица всех фэнов этно-музыки по всей планете, оставила этот мир. Ей было всего сорок два года…