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- - the beauty of holiness |
the beauty of holiness
All Saints says + The Divine Sense of Humor (Part 1&2) - Archbishop Fulton Sheen |
SAINTS SPEAK: St. Louis Marie de Montfort (Holy Repentance)
The Divine Sense of Humor (Part 1) - Archbishop Fulton Sheen
The Divine Sense of Humor (Part 2) - Archbishop Fulton Sheen
: Oh Rome eternal |
Oh Rome eternal
ChristainPatriot01 1 8
This is the Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property - TFP not the Heralds of the Gospel.
TFP was founded by Prof. Plinio Correa de Oliveira in Brazil to defend the Chirch against progressive leftist infiltration; a lay anti-communist organization faithful to the Vatican.
After his death a group of TFP dissidents founded Heralds of the Gospel who are in fact progressive and are constituted as a religious order by Pontifical Decree. Only TFP uses the original symbols.
mrmktg1 7 . 3
Vatican Anthem
We Want God - Hymn by St. Louis de Montfort
TheAmericanTFP | 12/11/2008 | : 15, 0
The American Society for the Defense of Tradition Family National Conference 2008
This is the hymn sung at the processional of the Mass in the Latin Rite celebrated ending the 2008 National Conference. The Holy Mass was celebrated in St. Mary's in York, PA.
This hymn was written by St. Louis de Montfort.
We Want God, Oh men, ungrateful
The Supreme Father, The Redeemer
The Foolish Laugh at the Faith
In Vain They Rise Against the Lord
Bless, Oh Virgin, the Proclaiming of Our Faith
We Want God, Who is our King
We Want God, Our Father
We Want God, Who is our King
We Want God, Our Father
Vatican anthem ( a tribute to the swiss guards)
The Bells of Hinckley by Louis Vierne |
The Bells of Hinckley by Louis Vierne
eameece | 30/04/2009 | : 30, 6
Les Cloches de Hinckley (The Bells of Hinckley) by Louis Vierne (1870-1937), written in 1927, the finale from the final Suite #4 of Pieces of Fantasy, which Vierne wrote for his successful American tour. This piece is scenic and mystical, reminding me of church bell sounds ringing out over the European landscape, awakening God's presence among the people as they go about their day. Performed in about 1987 by Olivier Latry, organist at Notre Dame, where Vierne himself was organist from 1900 until his death at the organ bench while practicing for a concert in 1937. According to a poster on the Magle organ music forum, it was not St. Peter's but St. Mary's church in Hinckley whose bells inspired this piece, while Vierne was on concert tour there. St. Peter's was the only church in Hinckley I could find on the web when I made this video. Later however I found this website:
and at the bottom is the story about Vierne. Interestingly, there was also an organist there who died on the organ bench (Good Friday 1932) .
Please visit my Vierne website at
See my list of organ favorites with links
The Magle forum is at