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CD "Rapture" 62 ."
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Yossi Azulay - Tfilat Haderech - August 7th 2010 - יוסי אזולאי - תפילת הדרך |
Yossi Azulay - Tfilat Haderech - August 7th 2010 - יוסי אזולאי - תפילת הדרך
Yossi Azulay *** Avinu Malkenu *** Padre nuestro, Rey nuestro***אבינו מלכנו*
SEFARADeISRAEL, : 03.05.2011
Yossi Azulai grabó este tema en su primer disco de los dos titulados " Prayers" en 2008.
"Avinu Malkenu" son las primeras palabras y el nombre de una parte solemne de la liturgia judía tradicional que se recita especialmente durante los días penitenciales que van del año nuevo judío al día de la expiación o Yom Kippur, como continuación al importante rito de la Amidá.
.Padre nuestro, Rey nuestro
agrácianos y respóndenos.
Padre nuestro, Rey nuestro
agrácianos y respóndenos
porque no tenemos acciones (para pedir a cambio de ellas)
haz con nosotros
haz con nosotros
haz con nosotros caridad y bondad
y sálvanos
porque no tenemos acciones (para pedir a cambio de ellas)
haz con nosotros
haz con nosotros
haz con nosotros caridad y bondad
y sálvanos
Avinu malkeinu sh'ma kolenu
Avinu malkeinu chatanu l'faneycha
Avinu malkeinu chamol aleynu
V'al olaleynu v'tapenu
Avinu malkeinu
Kaleh dever v'cherev v'raav mealeynu
Avinu malkeinu kalehchol tsar
Umastin mealeynu
Avinu malkeinu
Avinu malkeinu
Kotvenu b'sefer chayim tovim
Avinu malkeinu chadesh aleynu
Chadesh a leynu shanah tovah
Sh'ma kolenu
Sh'ma kolenu
Sh'ma kolenu
Avinu malkeinu
Avinu malkeinu
Chadesh a leynu
Shanah tovah
Avinu malkeinu
Sh'ma kolenu
Sh'ma kolenu
Sh'ma kolenu
Sh'ma kolenu
Avinu malkenu padre nuestro rey Yossi Azulay אבינו מלכנו
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Yossi Azulay - Rachem |
Gad Elbaz - Mi sheberah |
Gad Elbaz - Mi sheberah
Levinberg123, : 02.09.2009
a prayer
mishebrerah gad albaz
Mi Sheberakh: May the One Who Blessed
The traditional Jewish prayer for the sick
By Rabbi Simkha Y. Weintraub
Reprinted with permission of the National Center for Jewish Healing, a program of the Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services.
One of the central Jewish prayers for those who are ill or recovering from illness or accidents is the Mi Sheberakh, whose name is taken from its first two Hebrew words. With a holistic view of humankind, it prays for physical cure as well as spiritual healing, asking for blessing, compassion, restoration, and strength, within the community of others facing illness as well as all Jews, all human beings.
Traditionally, the Mi Sheberakh is said in synagogue when the Torah is read. If the patient herself/himself cannot be at services, a close relative or friend might be called up to the Torah for an honor, and the one leading services will offer this prayer, filling in the name of the one who is ill and her/his parents.
Increasingly, the Mi Sheberakh has moved into other settings and other junctures. Chaplains, doctors, nurses, and social workers are now joining patients and those close to them in saying the Mi Sheberakh at various junctures--before and after surgery, during treatments, upon admission or discharge, on the anniversary of diagnosis, and more. We present it to you here, in English translation and in transliteration from the Hebrew, as a resource for you as you confront the challenges of illness.
Please note: The transliterated text below presents the prayer with correct pronouns for male and female patients. The word before the slash is for males, the one after for females.
The prayer in English translation
May the One who blessed our ancestors --
Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
Matriarchs Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah --
bless and heal the one who is ill:
________________ son/daughter of ________________ .
May the Holy Blessed One
overflow with compassion upon him/her,
to restore him/her,
to heal him/her,
to strengthen him/her,
to enliven him/her.
The One will send him/her, speedily,
a complete healing --
healing of the soul and healing of the body --
along with all the ill,
among the people of Israel and all humankind,
without delay,
and let us all say: Amen!
The prayer in Hebrew transliteration
Mi Sheberakh
Avoteinu: Avraham, Yitzhak, v'Yaakov,
v'Imoteinu: Sarah, Rivka, Rachel v'Leah,
Hu yivarekh virapei
et haholeh/haholah _____________ ben/bat ______________
HaKadosh Barukh Hu
yimalei rahamim alav/aleha,
V'yishlah lo/lah bim-hera
r'fuah shlemah,
r'fu-at hanefesh u-r'fu-at hagoof,
b'tokh sh'ar holei Yisrael vholei yoshvei tevel,
hashta ba'agalah u-vizman kariv,
v'no-mar, Amen!
Rabbi Simkha Y. Weintraub, CSW, is the Rabbinic Director of the National Center for Jewish Healing and the New York Jewish Healing Center.
אבישי רוזן אלפי ילדים - Avishai Rosen Alfei Yeladim
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