Сады Ватикана |
В мире существует государство, половину территории которого занимают сады. Если вы теряетесь в догадках, то ответ весьма прост – это Ватикан. Будучи самым маленьким государством, он имеет территорию 44 га, половина из которых занимают сады и даже лес на два гектара.
Исихия - Господи Возвах / Isihia - Lord I Called Thee |
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Исихия - Господи Возвах / Isihia - Lord I Called Thee
Загружено пользователем NikeBG, дата: 01.12.2007
A slideshow video, presenting the second track Gospodi Vozvah (Lord, I called Thee) from Isihia's 2001 "Isihia" album. The magic of their music is indeed worth sharing with the whole world!
Isihia (Bulgarian: Исихия, "hesychia", coming from the Greek word "ἡσυχία" and meaning "stillness, rest, quiet, silence") is a Bulgarian music band founded in 2000, the style of which unites elements of Bulgarian folklore and Hesychast Christian chant of the 14th century to create an atmosphere of Balkan spiritual mysticism. Many of the group's songs cover topics of the medieval history of Bulgaria, mostly the period of the Ottoman invasion of the Balkans and the attempts on its repulsion and the early Ottoman rule of Bulgaria, i.e. the 14th-15th century, but also other moments of hardship such as the tragic Battle of Klyuch of 1014.
P.S. All pictures are from Bulgaria and are taken from the gallery of Slovar:
Isihia Gospodi Vozvah Lord Called Thee magical Bulgarian music Исихия Господи Возвах
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"Time of violence" - время насилия."Время Расставания" (Време Razdelno) Антон Дончев. |
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The MAGIC of Bulgarian Voices & music - " Rofinka " & "Time of violence" movie
The MAGIC of Bulgarian Voices & music - " Rofinka " & "Time of violence" movie
Time of Violence Vreme Razdelno II 15/15
Загружено пользователем zarni000, дата: 04.10.2009
Based on eyewitness written accounts. In the 17th century, a Bulgarian Christian region is selected by the Ottoman rulers to serve as an example of conversion to Islam. A Janissary who was kidnapped from the village as a boy now serving the Ottoman sultan is sent to force the reluctant inhabitants to convert. The Bulgarian christians have to chose between physical annihilation and losing their spiritual identity. Ultimately torture, violence, and rebellion break out. Based on real events and the novel "Time of Parting" (Vreme Razdelno) by Anton Donchev.
The novel is based on two individual eyewitness written accounts - by the priest Aligorko and the Venetian. The resulting text is a translation of the original French and Old Bulgarian (Old Church Slavonic) texts. All names, characters and events appear in the original manuscripts.
Фильмы и анимация
Bulgaria Medieval Ottoman turks Roussi Chanev Iossif Surchadjiev
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Загружено пользователем bulgad, дата: 30.09.2009
In the 17th century, a Bulgarian Christian region is selected by the Ottoman rulers to serve as an example of conversion to Islam. A Janissary who was kidnapped from the village as a boy is sent to force the reluctant inhabitants to convert. The Turkish governor seeks a peaceful solution, but ultimately torture, violence, and rebellion break out. 1668. The jihad is in its heat in the Southeastern Europe. A corps of janissaries is commissioned to the Rhodope Mountains under the command of Karaibrahim. At the time, he was, as all the janissaries were, kidnapped from his Bulgarian family, raised as a Muslim, trained to be a ferocious warrior and convert infidels to Islam in a most brutal way. His cruelty stuns even local Ottoman ruler. He stops at nothing but the resistance of some of the locals is invincible. The struggle is half a success, there are many converts, the death toll is heavy, but all the Bulgarian keep their language and traditions on.
For five (5) centuries the Bulgarian land were tread by invaders' feet.Under TURK'S slavery
Thousands and thousands of innocent people -Bulgarians- is dead. 5 000 people of the 6-7 000 population of Batak had been slaughtered in the massacre- for one day . England, France, Europe ...evrybody knows ...but Only look on.
"Vreme razdelno" - "Time of Violence ": Bulgaria: 288 мин.1988 y
Anton Donchev novel "Vreme razdelno"
prod.:Ludmil Staikov
song:Ianka Rupkina - Keranka, composer : Robert Jelmer .. composer In the 17th century, a Bulgarian Christian region is selected by the Ottoman rulers to serve as an example of conversion to Islam. A Janissary who was kidnapped from the village as a boy is sent to force the reluctant inhabitants to convert. The Turkish governor seeks a peaceful solution, but ultimately torture, violence, and rebellion break out. Written by Peter Reiher
1668. The jihad is in its heat in the Southeastern Europe. A corps of janissaries is commissioned to the Rhodope Mountains under the command of Karaibrahim. At the time, he was, as all the janissaries were, kidnapped from his Bulgarian family, raised as a Muslim, trained to be a ferocious warrior and convert infidels to Islam in a most brutal way. His cruelty stuns even local Ottoman ruler. He stops at nothing but the resistance of some of the locals is invincible. The struggle is half a success, there are many converts, the death toll is heavy, but all the Bulgarian keep their language and traditions on. Written by Georgi Djulgerov
More than 40 years Hollywood wanted to film Anton Donchev's novel Time of Violence, which was translated in 28 languages, with 3 million copies. His novel became popular worldide quite unexpectedly. Year and a half after the novel release it reached Petar Uvaliev who lived in London. The British publisher Peter Owen gave the novel for translation in English and Uvaliev translated 150 pages in Italian. The famous director and Sophia Loren's husband Carlo Ponti, decided that he wanted to film Time of Violence. The brilliant Laurence Olivier said on a radio interview that he wished to play Karaibrahim. Anthony Quinn wished to play Manol. A contract was signed. Anton Donchev was appointed as a writer together with Ennio De Concini, who would later create the serial The Octopus. Unfortunately, the Bulgarian Communist Party Central Committee said no. Two years later, in 1968, Dino De Laurentiis arrived in Sofia asking to film the novel. But he, as well as some American directors later, met with a refusal. The Italians want to film six serial film, the Russians prepare Sergei Bondarchuk for leading role, but the luck turns back on them all. Over the years many directors wanted in vain to film the novel, such as David Lean, the director of Doctor Zhivago, and Sergio Leone, the master of Italian western, and even Oliver Stone. The Ludmil Staikov's Bulgarian version comes to life years later and there is no single Bulgarian who is not familiar with it. I remember the film première in Haskovo in 1987. The hall was full, there were even people sitting on the stairs. After the end of the film on the faces of the people there was only one thing left shock, as if they could not believe that such things ware possible... and were part of our history. Outside policemen were waiting, probably thinking that there would be riots, may be because it was a town with both Christian and Muslim population... and one of the main themes in the film was about forcing Bulgarians to turn into Muslim religion during the rule of the Ottoman Empire. But nothing like this happened. Everybody was so surprised from the film and so focused on themselves. Magnificent film, magnificent book. I can only imagine what would Oliver Stone have done with this novel. I shudder at the thought. REMEMBER 3 March (GENOCIDE - Bulgaria - 500 years under TURK'S slavery)
Bulgaria gold treasure GRAMMY God Eurovision music video estate Mystery slavery folklore world song winner dead divine Voyager property macedonia The Power of the Human Voice beauty cool Japanese Sakura golden spray Absolutely fantastic vreme razdelno REMEMBER March (GENOCIDE 500 years under TURK'S slavery)
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мома в зандани, джина стоѣва |
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мома в зандани, джина стоѣва
Загружено пользователем toofunkyniki, дата: 01.12.2010
по-здрав от бѫлгария с една убава македонска бѫлгарска пѣсна - мома в зандани, пѣе - джина стоѣва
one macedonian bulgarian song - moma v zandani (~ a lass in chains), performed by djina stoeva
moma zandani djina stoeva мома в зандани джина стоѣва macedonian bulgarian folklore македонска бѫлгарска българска бугарска
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The MAGIC Of Bulgarian Voices & music - Gospodi Pomiloi (Lord, Have Mercy) Angelite |
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The MAGIC Of Bulgarian Voices & music - Gospodi Pomiloi (Lord, Have Mercy) Angelite
Загружено пользователем bulgad, дата: 11.06.2011
Angelite - The Bulgarian choir is among the most .renowned ensembles in the categories of "worldmusic" and "folklore." The women's choir has performed practically everywhere: on the Red Square in Moscow, at the award ceremony of the Nobel Peace Prize in Stockholm and at the Vatican. The cryptic, mysterious, perhaps even somewhat mystical quality that characterises the choir's sound arises primarily from the singers' preference for a second voice which is maintained a slight interval to the leading melody. This results in a kind of nearly-dissonant friction as well as a great radiant power, as of an unfolded colour spectrum: The singers' voices fan out into a colourfully glowing sound palette that plays with overtone resonance. As a result, "Angelite" offers something that goes far beyond common folk music: It is the artful and skilful enhancement of traditional elements to form a style which - despite its a great affinity with the folklore of Bulgaria - can be considered a category of its own. On the one hand it possesses an "authentic" sound, i.e. preserves the heritage; on the other hand it has advanced into the sphere of art music.
choir Bulgaria gold treasure GRAMMY divine God Eurovision music video estate Mystery beauty folklore world song winner cool Japanese Sakura golden spray Absolutely fantastic angelite The Power of the Human Voice best women's Bulgarian Voices amazing awards gospel
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Holy Places of the BULGARIA - Magic Lives Here -The MAGIC Of Bulgarian Voices & music |
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Holy Places of the BULGARIA - Magic Lives Here -The MAGIC Of Bulgarian Voices & music
Дмитрий Алексеевич - реально просветленный! |
Дмитровский собор во Владимире |
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Дмитровский собор во Владимире
Загружено пользователем ragadab, дата: 10.01.2008
Отрывок из фильма "Тайна Велесовой книги"
Дмитровский собор Владимир двоеверие храм Велес Даждьбог Гамаюн
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Все комментарии (4)
Вот бы так и теперь православные с родноверами не враждовали бы, а русскую землю объединяли бы... Бог - то один и тот же. Зачем же русские люди враждуют?
Geratewart 2 г. назад
Очередня иудейская ложь. Даждьбог - не Даждьбог, а утка - не утка а ангел небесный. Да и слово псалмопевец - у евреев начинается с буквы Б. Интересно почему в молитве звучат слова ... даждьбог днесь... (не слишком ли явное написание и созвучие).
ArinaNova 2 г. назад
В поясе западного прясла северного фасада - фигуры Бориса и Глеба. В центральном тимпане каждого из трех фасадов (западного, южного и северного) - изображение царя Давида - псалмопевца - а не Даждь бога.
empire1488 2 г. назад
привет, а можно полную версию выложить.
Perednya 3 г. назад
Вячеслав Крашенинников «Венеция – город-музей» |
Научно-художественный географический сборник / 1985
На суше и на море
Вячеслав Крашенинников «Венеция – город-музей»
В северо-западной оконечности Адриатического моря, куда стекающие с Альп трудолюбивые реки сносят ил, тысячелетия назад образовалась обширная лагуна. С востока она отгорожена от моря Лидо—узкой полосой земной тверди.
С незапамятных времен в лагуне, на песчаных островах, жили рыбаки, добытчики соли. Лагуна изобиловала рыбой и дичью, но ее не назовешь щедрой матерью—обитатели ее добывали себе пропитание тяжелым трудом. Зато здесь было безопасно — песчаный заслон Лидо сдерживал пиратов, которыми кишело Адриатическое море, а добраться до островов с побережья, не зная здешних топей, было не так-то просто.
В лагуне искали укрытие венеты*, бежавшие с материка от гуннов в V веке и от германского племени—лангобардов в VI веке. На пустынных доселе островах беглецы строили жилища, церкви. Там возникли городские поселения—Градо, Гераклия, Маламокко. Остров Торчелло стал главным торговым центром лагуны—в 639 году его жители воздвигли собор Санта Мария Ассунта, старейший в лагуне, который сохранился до наших дней.
Старинные хроники говорят, что жители лагуны избирали из своей среды вождей. И Орсо Ипато был первым из них, кто принял титул дожа в 726 году. В 811 году резиденция дожа была перенесена на Риальто, самый большой остров в лагуне, который разделяла надвое извилистая протока. На Риальто начали переселяться патриции и богатые купцы, жившие доселе на острове Торчелло. С этой поры и пошел отсчет истории Венецианской республики.
Ранняя Венеция походила на деревянный корабль. Ее дворцы, дома, церкви и мосты были сработаны из дерева. Важным средством передвижения для знати были верховые кони, и даже у резиденции дожа всегда имелись коновязи. На обширных пустырях пасся скот, тянулись сады и огороды. Город часто страдал от огня. И с середины XII века, после страшного пожара, он начал застраиваться каменными домами и церквами.
Тело Христово - Corpus Christi - Fronleichnam 2011 - The Monastic Channel - 23.06.2011 |
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Priesterweihen am Dreifaltigkeitssonntag 2011 - The Monastic Channel - 19.06.2011
Все комментарии (4)
Nicht gleiche Antworten aber die gleichen Fragen,
nicht gleiche Wege aber das gleiche Ziel,
nicht gleiche Frömmigkeit aber den gleichen Herrn,
nicht alle gleich aber alle eins
sich gleichzeitig geliebt wissen
und liebend.
Viel Segen für Eure ganze Gemeinschaft.
20dragonfly201 3 дн. назад
My wish to the new priests:
May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human and enough hope to make you happy.
chapel361 3 дн. назад
Und wie auf Bestellung der Segen von "oben" die Strahlen der drei Fenster Front die sagen alles ist gut. Ihr macht wirklich einen guten Job!
erzengelmichael14 3 дн. назад
Congratulations to the church for it's new priests
eneboer 3 дн. назад
Fronleichnam 2011 - The Monastic Channel - 23.06.2011
Загружено пользователем OCist33, дата: 23.06.2011
нет описания
Heiligenkreuz OCist33 Fronleichnam Jesus Eucharistie KAtholische Kirche Catholic Church Zisterzienser Mönch Chant
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