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Kyiv. Lavra Pecherskaya - Lavra Nebesnaya

Lavra Pecherskaya nebesnaya krasa.Foto Paul Lashkevich_ 05.Mar.2007_ 082.JPGLavra Pecherskaya.All Saints Bell.Foto Paul Lashkevich_14.June.2007_049.JPGLavra Pecherskaya.Lavra Nebesnaya Bell.Foto Paul Lashkevich_20.Sept.2008_DSC08039.JPG

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: 08.09.2009
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, 03 2011 . 00:02 +



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, 03 2011 . 23:25 +

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, 03 2011 . 23:09 +





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, 03 2011 . 22:39 +
elvirushka [ + !]


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, 03 2011 . 22:37 +

EA-18G Growler........ 

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, 03 2011 . 22:02 +
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AUDIO - & - VIDEO - & - FOTO
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, 03 2011 . 21:53 +
alexandre75 [ + !]

Rusinske piesne

Lemkos - Rusyns (sometimes spelled Rusins, or called Carpatho-Rusyns signifying their villages being in the Carpathian Mountains) are one of the many nationalities/ethnic groups of Slovakia, along with Slovaks, Hungarians, Germans, and Romanies (Gypsies). Rusyns are eastern Slavs, which means that their history, culture, and language are rooted in the medieval Kievan Rus' kingdom (Slovaks, by contrast, are western Slavs), although Slovaks and Rusyns have lived together on the same territory for nearly 1000 years (and share some cultural traits). Traditionally, almost all Rusyns belong to the Byzantine/Greek Catholic or Orthodox Christian churches. Rusyns have never had their own country, but their homeland today lies in 3 countries: Slovakia, Ukraine (the Transcarpathian Oblast, former Subcarpathian Rus/Ruthenia, part of Czecho-Slovakia from 1919 until 1939), and Poland (the Lemko Region, formerly part of Galicia). There are approximately 1.5 million Rusyns in Europe today, and about 120,000 of them are in Slovakia.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KFUdt62pNs&feature=related ,Lemko Wedding - 1928
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, 03 2011 . 20:47 +
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, 03 2011 . 20:45 +
walterianets [ + !]




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