++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++___Фото из дневника "Владимир Гринчув"___++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Голубь,- "птица счастья" христиан,- символ Святого Духа. Как напоминание о том, что "Дух Божий дышит там, где хочет", фото голубя проявлялось во многих поисковых запросах, связанных с моей деятельностью в Интернете. Думаю, Вы тоже испытываете воодушевление от увиденного. Пусть же Дух Святой дышит в наших душах и помогает мне в создании дневника Paul_V_Lashkevich в содружестве с Вами. Всё, что существует вокруг нас по каким -то причинам, - угодно Богу. Потому обращаю особое внимание на явления, приятные душе и доступные моему пониманию, чтобы всесторонне развивать моё естество. Того же ищу во взаимных отношениях на страницах Интернет. Имею намерение промолчать или сказать "нет" чуждой и враждебной мне информации. Молюсь, если не хватает сил противодействовать злу. Терплю то, что не уменьшает моей веры в Бога и любви к окружающим. Мир воспринимаю целостно на моём уровне развития. Хочу не пропустить момента и возрадоваться, когда любой человек на моих глазах делает угодный Богу выбор и становится совершеннее, - крепче связанным с Богом и в большей мере полезным людям.
Люблю новое и стараюсь не забывать старого. Информация для меня не самоцель. В жизни мой идеал - Христианское сознание; исповедую Веру Православных Христиан.
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"Обожествлят и мистифицировать "неведомое" не стоит, но и пренебрегая "неведомым" - ничего нового не познать. П. В. Л."
С уважением к Читателю. Павел В. Лашкевич. Киев. 16 Сентября 2012 года (19 Мая 2010 года).
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Живите долго - не бойтесь - будьте счастливы - помните о смерти |
Смерть футболистов
От: Sahib56 | Дата создания: 22.11.2009
Марк-Вивьен Фоэ,Миклош Фехер,Антонио Пуэрта и Роберт Энке-ВЕЧНАЯ ПАМЯТЬ!!!
Sahib56, достойно сотворили память, благодарю.
ВЕЧНАЯ ПАМЯТЬ почившим!!!
Не верно во всём видеть случайную безпричинность и тем более несправедливость всех высших сил или даже Бога - это поверхностный подход. Люди, не перегружайтесь, берегите себя и окружающих - почившие неожиданно для нас напоминание для ответственногй жизни. А сколько людей ушло не заметно по аналогичным и по другим причинам? Им тоже Вечная Память!!!!
Павел В.Л.
PavloLashkevych2009 8 мин. назад
Невежество, аморальность и неинформированность не приводят к добру.
Смерть на Футболе (!) (?)
(некоторые комментарии)
Это Абдулпрахман Нассер Аль-Шаеби, отличный игрок своей команды, который за всю историю своей игры забил очень много голов. С большого разбега получил ногой по голове, в шее сомкнуло мышцы и от рефлексов и ужасной боли начал прыгать и выделывать ужасающие вещи ( причем уже без сознания). Но его удалось спасти. А еще говорят, что перед началом игры в интервью он сказал "Я забью гол и даже Великий Аллах мне не помешает". Вот Аллах это услышал и наказал его...
Adella1da 3 мес. назад
почему на такие клипы всегда вставляют Коран
alikhan1408 3 мес. назад
Постсоветский синдром: Донбасс и Крым хотят в союз с Россией и Беларусью |
Постсоветский синдром: Донбасс и Крым хотят в союз с Россией и Беларусью
Постсоветский синдром: Донбасс и Крым хотят в союз с Россией и Беларусью
Фото: sannews.com.ua
Восток и юг Украины за союз «братских славянских народов»
07 марта 11 (13:25)
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Согласно опросу социологического центра «Социс», жители восточных и южных областей, а также Крыма хотят видеть Украину в союзе «братских славянских народов» - Беларусь-Россия-Украина.
«Прежде всего следует отметить, что украинское сообщество категорически против федерализма и передачи России «исконно русских земель» Востока и Крыма. Пресловутый постсоветский синдром «братских славянских народов» выводит на первое место позицию «вступление в состав союза «Беларусь-Россия-Украина» с рейтингом 37%», - говорит доктор экономики и социологии, профессор Юрий Саенко, передает Зеркало недели.
«Этим «синдромом» больше всех охвачен Крым - там за союз высказывается 60% опрошенных, а дальше эта «эпидемия» постепенно утихает: Восток - 50%, Юг - 48, Север - 32, Центр - 27, Киев - 25, Запад - 6%», - комментирует опрос эксперт и отмечает, что женщины немного «союзнее»: за «братство» высказываются 39% женщин и 35% мужчин.
Опрос также выявил, что «синдром» уверенно и прямо пропорционально нарастает с возрастом респондентов: от 28% у молодых (18-29 лет) до 43% в 60-летних и старше. Кроме того, согласно результатам опроса, чем образованнее граждане, тем они более далеки от «братских» идей - если среди людей с начальным или неполным высшим образованием пораженных этим «синдромом» почти половина (48%), то среди граждан с высшим таких в полтора раза меньше (32%).
Новости по теме:
Черный список по пиратству: Украина в числе лидеров
Астрологи: Украину ждет большая катастрофа
Тысячи хасидов пакуют чемоданы в Украину
Украина задумалась об отмене зимнего времени
МВД уже готово выдать украинцам биометрические паспорта
Статьи по теме:
Почему украинцы терпят то, против чего восстают европейцы
ПАСЕ разобралась с геноцидом и Голодомором
Kone, Liptov, jazdenie 2010 |
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najkrajšie zábery koní |
najkrajšie zábery koní
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Академик Жданов Владимир Георгиевич. Русский крест. |
Академик Жданов Владимир Георгиевич. Русский крест.
Что такое "Русский крест" и как нас обманывают. Открытый геноцид!
Славянские_дети, http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/3063888/post154719450/
Конец Света 2012 - интересная статья в сообществе. |
Управление - технологии оружия - уничтожение природы и людей
Снежанна_Зима, в Вашем сообщении
на политической карте вижу встроенные пирамиды из линий, а на рельефной карте справа - две фигуры людей в непонятном спаринге.
вижу интересные ссылки. Ваши старания полезны.
Павел В.Л.
The Truth About the Middle East Revolutions ∞ David Icke |
The Truth About the Middle East Revolutions ∞ David Icke
От: rohbss | Дата создания: 02.03.2011
Investigate Haarp chemtrails fema coast to coast am gas oil price middle east 2012 conspiracy terror food crisis gold silver revolution inflation ron paul disaster riots protests jobs alex jones prison planet info wars nature real id card corporations wikileaks climate change police state meditation constitutional jesus christ justin bieber lady gaga ufo's aliens tea party mayan spirituality free tibet china tyranny terrorism consciousness world war 3 buddhism tao zen god truth justice knowledge wakening up wise slavery history freedom fluoride peace love history terrorism fluoridation science government occupation information deception paradigm matrix law america recession depression nwo truth vibrations the lion sleeps no more space ipad mac
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when was this interview?
LivingDead221 1 день назад
Интересный автор - Henry Makow Ph.D. |
Adolf Hitler -- Agent of Zionism and Freemasonry
March 3, 2011
A German Researcher Renounces Hitler as a Cabalist and Traitor
"Hitler's smear campaign was exclusively against Jews, but he had concealed the names of the Zionists who, with greatest brutality and disregard for the Jewish community, had planned the World Revolution and the foundation of the State of Israel. This is striking evidence that he worked together with the Zionists and that he was a first class liar, hypocrite and public traitor."
by Dieter Ruggeberg
(for henrymakow.com)
(This is Chapter 1 from the book "Secret Politics-3")
On January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of the German Reich. When he assumed power, he was surrounded by four paramount advisers and their financial sponsors.
Behind him was Henry Ford; beside him Hjalmar Schacht and Rabbi Leo Baeck, and ahead of him, Franz von Papen. An interesting picture appears when one takes a closer look at these four advisers.
1. Henry Ford (July 30, 1863 - April 7, 1947) was a Freemason of the Scottish Rite, 33rd degree. In 1919 Ford published a book called "The International Jew". In Germany, "Der International Jude" was soon printed many times. In official history books, Henry Ford is always presented as an anti-Semite. He was actually the contrary, namely a Zionist agent tasked bringing anti-Semitism to Germany and Middle Europe. By the exiling of Jews, he was to help create the state of Israel.
Edwin Black writes in "Nazi Nexus" (page 4) "..., Ford showed friendship to Jewish people - both the Jewish Eastern European immigrant factory workers who he treated with equality and his Jewish friends such as his next door neighbor, Rabbi Leo M. Franklin, who received a free custom-built automobile each year as a birthday present." 1.
According to Wikipedia, Rabbi Franklin was a member of the "Anti-Defamation League", which in turn is merely an underground organization of the B'nai B'rith Lodge and further of the High Degree Freemasonry.
According to "www.reformation.org": "What most people did not realize was that the Ford Motor Company was a subsidiary of the Rockefeller owned Standard Oil Company." 2.} In the book "Secrets of the Federal Reserve" by Eustace Mullins, I learned that the Rockefeller family was linked closely to the J.P. Morgan and Rothschild families, particularly with regard to the establishment of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913.
2. Hjalmar Schacht (January 22. 1877 - June 3, 1970) was a Freemason of the Scottish Rite. He was connected to the English Scottish Rite Freemason Montagu Norman, and consequently to the Bank of England and the City of London. As Eustace Mullins wrote in "Secrets of the Federal Reserve", the Bank of England is under the control of the Rothschild family.
3. Rabbi Leo Baeck (May 23, 1873 - Nov. 2, 1956) was a Freemason of the Scottish Rite, 33rd degree and a promoter of the Zionists' plans. Gerd Schmalbrock wrote: "Dr. Leo Baeck was a Freemason of the 33rd degree, leader of the German conference of Rabbis and Großpraeses of the German district of the Jewish order B'nai B'rith. In order to expose the deeper wisdom of the National Socialists, he was assigned by Hitler to be President of the Reich's Deputation of the German Jews." 3.
4. Franz von Papen (29 October 1879 - 2 May 1969) was a Knight of the Holy Grave, one of the highest orders of the Vatican. He was assigned to lead the promotion of Hitler in such a way that during the distribution of the powers no disadvantage could occur for the Vatican.
Hitler himself was not only a member of the Thule Order but also a member of a Magic 99-Order. Details of the working methods of this order can be found in Franz Bardon's book "Frabato the Magician". After closer examination of this constellation it can be stated that Hitler was an agent of Zion, of the Vatican and of the Bank of England (City of London).
The most important supporting evidence is:
1. In 1925 the book "Mein Kampf" by Adolf Hitler was published. Throughout its entire seven hundred plus pages, Jews are condemned wholesale. He writes as if the average Jewish citizen had invented the Protocols of Zion and the World Revolution. This is idiotic because it is not about the Jewish people, rather about very specific Jews. Specifically it is about those in the secret societies who intended to shape the world, for instance Karl Marx (Scottish Rite, 33rd degree).
Where are their names? The supposedly greatest Jew hater of all times has nothing to say about Adolphe Cremieux, Theodor Herzl, Parvus-Helphant, Leo Trotzky, Kaganovich, the Warburgs, the Rothschilds, Trebitsch-Lincoln, Bernhard Baruch, Mandell House and Walter Rathenau, just to name a few. That is absolutely ridiculous.
These names simply had to be known to him because they had already been referred to by Ford in his book "The International Jew" and well known to anyone interested in politics. He openly stirs up hatred against Freemasonry which is supposed to serve the Jews, yet secretly he meets foreign High Degree Freemasons to prepare for the takeover of power. The name of the B'nai B'rith Lodge, pertaining to the centre of Freemasonry, is omitted altogether in his book.
That is conscious suppression of the truth and betrayal of both the German and the Jewish people! Hitler's smear campaign was exclusively against Jews, but he had concealed the names of the Zionists who, with greatest brutality and disregard for the Jewish community, had planned the World Revolution and the foundation of the State of Israel. This is striking evidence that he worked together with the Zionists and that he was a first class liar, hypocrite and public traitor.
2. On August 25, 1933, the Ha'avara-agreement between Hitler and the Zionists was concluded. On March 24, 1933 the Zionists declared war on Germany and five months later Hitler signed an agreement with them!
3. On September 10, 1933, a State-Church-agreement, the Reichskonkordat, was concluded between Hitler and the Vatican.
4. On May 3, 1940, the English army was beaten at Dunkirk by the German army. On Hitler's orders, the remaining 330,000 British soldiers are permitted to return to England, but had to promise to come back later and totally destroy Germany. The English army complied. An extremely unique case in man's history. Please refer at the chapter "Dunkirk and After" in Captain A.H.M. Ramsay's book "The Nameless War".
5. On January 18, 1941, Hitler received an offer of cooperation from the Zionist underground organization N.M.O
(National Military Organization, Irgun Tzwa'i Le'umi) Menachem Begin happened to belong to this group. Hitler accepted the offer and the visible result was the foundation of the Theresienstadt camp in the spring of 1941. H.G. Adler reports extensively on this in his book "Theresienstadt 1941 - 1945".
6. On January 20, 1942, the infamous Wannsee conference took place. Using this conference as their basis, the international press and many history books concluded that "complete extermination of the European Jews" had taken place. An investigation of the document however brings to light quite a different fact. It actually does not contain a single sentence about murdering Jews but merely a section indicating the fact that Hitler's SS (Schutzstaffel) had a plan to build a Jewish elite. Another typical case of truth distortion by the Allies against Germany.
1945: Adolf Hitler escapes to South America. Any historical researcher who does not take into consideration membership in secret societies of the power the elite, i.e. bank managers, politicians and heads of the big companies, is not at all able to discover much more than fifty per cent of the entire truth.
Or like Christ said: "There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and there is nothing secret that will not become known and come to light." (Luke 8/17). I became particularly encouraged to study this line of thinking by the book "Adolf Hitler - Founder of Israel" by Hennecke Kardel.
This is a chapter from the book "Secret Politics-3".
Information about the edition of "Secret Politics-1 - Countdown for World Domination" can be found under the link
H.G. Adler: "Theresienstadt 1941-1945", Verlag J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Tübingen 1955
Franz Bardon: "Frabato" (Wuppertal 1979) [English: Frabato the Magician]
1.} Edwin Black: "Nazi Nexus", Washington 2009, page 4
Karlheinz Deschner: "Mit Gott und dem Führer" (Köln 1988)
2} www.reformation.org/henry-ford-pdf.html
Adolf Hitler: "Mein Kampf", München 1927
H. Kardel: "Adolf Hitler - Begründer Israels" (Genf 1974) [English: Adolf Hitler - Founder of Israel]
Aron Monus: Les Secrets de L'Empire Nietzschéen (Hodmezovasarhely 1992)(deutsch: Verschwörung: Das Reich von Nietzsche)
Eurstace Mullins: "Secrets of the Federal Reserve" (New York 1952) [Deutsch: Die Bankierverschwörung, 1987)
Captain A.H.M. Ramsay: "The Nameless War", 1952
D. Rüggeberg: "Geheimpolitik - Der Fahrplan zur Weltherrschaft" (Wuppertal 1990) [English: Countdown to World Domination]
D. Rüggeberg: "Geheimpolitik-2 - Logen-Politik" (Wuppertal 1994)
3.} Gerd Schmalbrock (IKC-Presse, Gladbeck, "Ihr Programm", Nr. 83 v. 19. Nov. 1979)."
Wuppertal, 26 November 2010
Dieter Rüggeberg
Comments for "Adolf Hitler -- Agent of Zionism and Freemasonry"
Dick said (March 3, 2011):
Mr. Ruggeberg presents a bit of a mixed bag with this one. Despite a number of interesting details, history is presented as an
agglomeration of personalities, where (for example) Henry Ford's motivations for supporting fascism are assumed to be related to freemasonry and Zionism, rather than the obvious economic reasons.
I take great exception to the condemnation of Walter Rathenau, who in Mr. Ruggeberg's view escaped the scorn of Hitler. Rathenau (the
foreign minister before Hitler's seizure of power) was a powerful German nationalist and vocal opponent of Zionism and socialism, who
argued for Jews to assimilate into German culture, and for workers to participate in capitalism, rather than reject it. He negotiated
the Treaty of Rappollo (1922) with the Soviet Union, which established joint industrial and infrastructure projects – for this
he was/is condemned as a jewish commie collaborator. In fact, he should be celebrated as an opponent of the British imperial strategy to divide and conquer Germany and Russia. Remember that before WW1, these nations enjoyed strong bonds with each other and with the United States. What was the result of Rathenau's efforts?
He was assassinated by proto-Nazis. The event was mourned in his time and celebrated by the Nazis.
Mr. Ruggeberg steps on the right path when connecting Hjalmar Schacht to Montagu Norman, and falls back into the comforts of anti-zionism by saying "the Bank of England is under the control of the Rothschild family."
The question should not be "did Hitler hate the right Jews?" but, "what interests did Ford Motors, Standard Oil, JP Morgan Chase, et all have in promoting both Nazism and Zionism?" The answers to this question don't require one to examine the masonic regalia on human footnotes like Franz von Papen.
I disagree with your defense of Rathenau. As you know, he said "300 men all known to each other control Europe." He was one of them. His pact with the Soviet Communists is consistent with the Judeo-Masonic agenda.
I question the statement that the Rockefellers owned/controlled the Ford Motor Co but Ford's capitulation to the "Jews" and his later sup[port of Hitler is definitely a story that remains to be told. I like Ford and like to think he was a dupe rather than a conscious agent of the Zionists. Most Freemasons are dupes.
Now, Heterosexuals are in the Closet
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
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Массаж для муджахида
От: Muslim707Forever | Дата создания: 29.06.2010
Птичка делает массаж головы, амиру Карамахинского сектора вилаята Дагестан, Джаватову Джамалуддину. Видео снято незадолго до его шахады, у него болела голова, после массажа боль прошла, по воле Аллаха. 26 июня 2010 года Джамалуддин стал иншаАллах шахидом
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