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Глубокий труд и советы по борьбе с прокрастинацией

Четверг, 08 Июня 2017 г. 01:32 + в цитатник

Здесь в Окленде я тренируюсь не отвлекаться. Я уже писал о том, как RescueTime + BeeMinder категоризуют время, проведённое перед экраном и позволяют настроить ограничения (цели). С их помощью мне удалось свести фейсбучное время до «меньше 20 минут в день» и нарастить продуктивное время до четырёх часов в день. Это работает, всё путём, но технологии не стоят на месте и многомиллиардные корпорации не зря просиживают штаны. Играя на особенностях устройства человеческих мозгов, разработчики, условно говоря, фейсбучегов, постоянно находят новые способы привлечения внимания. Чаще всего «привлечение» означает «отвлечение»: прерывается какое-то долгоиграющее дело, потом приходится долго восстанавливать фокус. Современные технологии социальных сетей и всевозможных оповещений в борьбе за наше с вами внимание (attention) тренируют наши с вами мозги импульсивно переключаться, не концентрироваться, не фокусироваться. Для большинства из моих уважаемых интернет-читателей этот пост уже слишком длинный.

В мире написано множество книг о том, что в человеческой истории и современной техногенной экономике самые сливки снимают те, кто способен на «deep work»: тех, кто способен, не отвлекаясь, день за днём копать в одном направлении. Способность сфокусироваться, возможно, не уникальный навык человека разумного. Наверняка, обезьяна, высунув язык может за три часа разломать кокос камнем. Однако, тридцать лет заниматься методичным изучением более сложного кокоса — обезьяна не способна. Большинство научных и культурных достижений человечества были получены в результате «deep work».

Определение этого термина довольно простое:

«Глубокая работа» (deep work) — это такое дело, которое ты делаешь регулярно и получаешь удовольствие не только от процесса, но прежде всего от прогресса.

Лучшим примером послужит кинорежиссёр Вуди Аллен. Как известно, он пишет сценарии, продюсирует и снимает фильмы, нередко со своим участием. Деду больше восьмидесяти лет. С 1965 года он снял или поучаствовал в создании 64 четырёх кинолент. Почти каждый каждый год выходит новый фильм. Вуди, очевидно, любит это дело. Зачем так много, зачем так часто? Как он описывает процесс, мол, затем, что когда свежее кино выходит в свет и подвергается критике, режиссёр уже по уши занят новым фильмом, который занимает всё его время, и точно будет лучше. Это «deep work»: Вуди нравится процесс, но больше прочего — важен прогресс, и последнее есть то, что движет вперёд. Так рождается неплохое, а порой даже шедевральное кино.

Со школьной и университетской скамей я усвоил, что в любом предмете можно разобраться, если постараться и сфокусироваться. Это работает на уровне математических задачек олимпиадного уровня. Это работает и в обычных делах: я верю, что могу покрасить потолок, если нужно, могу сделать своими руками стул, починить машину. Я могу собраться с силами, придумать себе проект и, к примеру, склеить стул — и он будет скорее всего лучше, чем из Ikea. Чтобы такой труд можно было назвать «глубоким», необходимо, чтобы одноразовый проект получил, скажем так, протяжённость во времени: чтобы, в процессе создания одного стула, я уже видел его изъяны и планировал следующий, и как только первый стул-проект закончен, тотчас переключался на создание следующего, и так далее.

Звучит, как описание обычного, с пещерных времён известного ремесленничества, однако, я убеждён, процесс одинаков для любых профессий: и для программистов, и для писателей, и музыкантов, и физиков, и лириков.

Есть есть внутренняя уверенность, что вот это всё — жизнь в смысле — неспроста, и должна быть, если не цель, то какой-то результат, то просто необходимо находить время для «deep work». Как с этим справляюсь я.

Место для работы

Раньше, когда быт был проще, когда флетмейтился с дружбанами и работал с девяти до пяти, в любой момент можно было закрыть дверь, надеть наушники и заняться своими делами. С семьёй и ребёнком так просто не выходит. Вот уже несколько лет я снимаю офис в центре Окленда в основном для того, чтобы иметь возможность сконцентрироваться.

Минимум хлама на рабочем компьютере

Переезд с Windows на Mac помог перестать заботиться об антивирусах и постоянных апдейтах. Вместо большой рабочей станции с USB-хабом, несколькими мониторами, эргономичной клавиатуры и Wacom планшетом — вот уже больше пяти лет у меня MacBook Pro. Всё никак не соберусь обновить список установленных программ.

Меньше выбора

Есть неплохое исследование о том, как мозги устают от количества принятых решений. Представьте, что за день вы можете сделать выбор 100 раз, и всё. При этом не важно, какого рода этот выбор: цвет футболки с утра или количество лет на процессе в суде (вы теперь судья). Учёные доказали, что мем «я не хочу ничего решать, я хочу на ручки» правдив и довольно точно описывает состояние усталости в конце рабочего дня, когда мешки вроде не таскал, а думать (принимать решения) не хочется.

Поэтому я купил тридцать пар чёрных одинаковых носков, двадцать одинаковых тёмносиних футболок, пять серых худи и несколько комплектов рубашек и штанов с J.Crew, которые выглядят ОК в любых комбинациях.

Поэтому я доволен Apple: мне не нужно выбирать из тысяч моделей ноутбуков и смартфонов, просто надо дождаться пока начнут тормозить старые гаджеты и купить новое, что там у них доступно в текущей линейке.

Меньше отвлекушек

Стоит ли упоминать, что кроме самых важных (звонки и смс), все оповещения отключены. Инстаграм, WhatsApp, Facebook, почта — все эти штуки теперь ждут своей порции внимания в зависимости от того, когда у хозяина есть к ним интерес и есть на них время.

Дайджесты и отложенные письма

Тим Феррисс советует все домашние дела собирать вместе и делать в один присест в специально отведённое время в течение недели. Тот же принцип применим к электронной почте, например. Не знаю, как вы, а я не нанимался, простите, заниматься сортировкой почты. Unroll.me помогает собирать все не самые важные сообщения в один дайджест. Это же может делать с помощью Zapier.com, но там платить придётся со временем.

Polymail — почтовый клиент, который умеет откладывать письма на завтра (на следующую неделю, на следующий месяц). Так получается, что мой ящик либо всегда пуст, либо показывает лишь то, что нужно сделать сегодня. Бесплатный месяц для Polymail Pro с этим купоном: 3E2JEN, кстати.

Тренировка внимания

Я уже упоминал в начале поста RescueTime. Напоследок поделюсь одним из лучших решений за последнее время. Настроил локальные DNS-записи так, чтобы при попытке открыть новостные сайты, а также reddit, ЖЖ и прочий мусор, браузер шёл в никуда, в localhost. Импульсивные попытки перестать трудиться и заняться чтением бесполезной хуйни пресекаются только так. Всё, что нужно сделать — отредактировать файл ‘hosts’.

На мобильных полно приложений-блокираторов. У меня установлены эти два (и удалены все браузеры кроме Safari):

Для тех, кто немного понимает технически (в Facebook подсказали). Лень выдумывать, что именно блокировать? Вот есть список из десятков тысяч доменов: с учётом порно, говноновостей и всяких других опций. Cейчас буду пробовать.

Дополнение. Бесплатное приложение Gas Mask может собирать комбинации локальных и удалённых списоков ‘hosts’. Например, я сделал на базе списка выше такую структуру:

Посмотрим, как это сработает.


Глубокий труд и советы по борьбе с прокрастинацией

Четверг, 08 Июня 2017 г. 01:32 + в цитатник

Здесь в Окленде я тренируюсь не отвлекаться. Я уже писал о том, как RescueTime + BeeMinder категоризуют время, проведённое перед экраном и позволяют настроить ограничения (цели). С их помощью мне удалось свести фейсбучное время до «меньше 20 минут в день» и нарастить продуктивное время до четырёх часов в день. Это работает, всё путём, но технологии не стоят на месте и многомиллиардные корпорации не зря просиживают штаны. Играя на особенностях устройства человеческих мозгов, разработчики, условно говоря, фейсбучегов, постоянно находят новые способы привлечения внимания. Чаще всего «привлечение» означает «отвлечение»: прерывается какое-то долгоиграющее дело, потом приходится долго восстанавливать фокус. Современные технологии социальных сетей и всевозможных оповещений в борьбе за наше с вами внимание (attention) тренируют наши с вами мозги импульсивно переключаться, не концентрироваться, не фокусироваться. Для большинства из моих уважаемых интернет-читателей этот пост уже слишком длинный.

В мире написано множество книг о том, что в человеческой истории и современной техногенной экономике самые сливки снимают те, кто способен на «deep work»: тех, кто способен, не отвлекаясь, день за днём копать в одном направлении. Способность сфокусироваться, возможно, не уникальный навык человека разумного. Наверняка, обезьяна, высунув язык может за три часа разломать кокос камнем. Однако, тридцать лет заниматься методичным изучением более сложного кокоса — обезьяна не способна. Большинство научных и культурных достижений человечества были получены в результате «deep work».

Определение этого термина довольно простое:

«Глубокая работа» (deep work) — это такое дело, которое ты делаешь регулярно и получаешь удовольствие не только от процесса, но прежде всего от прогресса.

Лучшим примером послужит кинорежиссёр Вуди Аллен. Как известно, он пишет сценарии, продюсирует и снимает фильмы, нередко со своим участием. Деду больше восьмидесяти лет. С 1965 года он снял или поучаствовал в создании 64 четырёх кинолент. Почти каждый каждый год выходит новый фильм. Вуди, очевидно, любит это дело. Зачем так много, зачем так часто? Как он описывает процесс, мол, затем, что когда свежее кино выходит в свет и подвергается критике, режиссёр уже по уши занят новым фильмом, который занимает всё его время, и точно будет лучше. Это «deep work»: Вуди нравится процесс, но больше прочего — важен прогресс, и последнее есть то, что движет вперёд. Так рождается неплохое, а порой даже шедевральное кино.

Со школьной и университетской скамей я усвоил, что в любом предмете можно разобраться, если постараться и сфокусироваться. Это работает на уровне математических задачек олимпиадного уровня. Это работает и в обычных делах: я верю, что могу покрасить потолок, если нужно, могу сделать своими руками стул, починить машину. Я могу собраться с силами, придумать себе проект и, к примеру, склеить стул — и он будет скорее всего лучше, чем из Ikea. Чтобы такой труд можно было назвать «глубоким», необходимо, чтобы одноразовый проект получил, скажем так, протяжённость во времени: чтобы, в процессе создания одного стула, я уже видел его изъяны и планировал следующий, и как только первый стул-проект закончен, тотчас переключался на создание следующего, и так далее.

Звучит, как описание обычного, с пещерных времён известного ремесленничества, однако, я убеждён, процесс одинаков для любых профессий: и для программистов, и для писателей, и музыкантов, и физиков, и лириков.

Есть есть внутренняя уверенность, что вот это всё — жизнь в смысле — неспроста, и должна быть, если не цель, то какой-то результат, то просто необходимо находить время для «deep work». Как с этим справляюсь я.

Место для работы

Раньше, когда быт был проще, когда флетмейтился с дружбанами и работал с девяти до пяти, в любой момент можно было закрыть дверь, надеть наушники и заняться своими делами. С семьёй и ребёнком так просто не выходит. Вот уже несколько лет я снимаю офис в центре Окленда в основном для того, чтобы иметь возможность сконцентрироваться.

Минимум хлама на рабочем компьютере

Переезд с Windows на Mac помог перестать заботиться об антивирусах и постоянных апдейтах. Вместо большой рабочей станции с USB-хабом, несколькими мониторами, эргономичной клавиатуры и Wacom планшетом — вот уже больше пяти лет у меня MacBook Pro. Всё никак не соберусь обновить список установленных программ.

Меньше выбора

Есть неплохое исследование о том, как мозги устают от количества принятых решений. Представьте, что за день вы можете сделать выбор 100 раз, и всё. При этом не важно, какого рода этот выбор: цвет футболки с утра или количество лет на процессе в суде (вы теперь судья). Учёные доказали, что мем «я не хочу ничего решать, я хочу на ручки» правдив и довольно точно описывает состояние усталости в конце рабочего дня, когда мешки вроде не таскал, а думать (принимать решения) не хочется.

Поэтому я купил тридцать пар чёрных одинаковых носков, двадцать одинаковых тёмносиних футболок, пять серых худи и несколько комплектов рубашек и штанов с J.Crew, которые выглядят ОК в любых комбинациях.

Поэтому я доволен Apple: мне не нужно выбирать из тысяч моделей ноутбуков и смартфонов, просто надо дождаться пока начнут тормозить старые гаджеты и купить новое, что там у них доступно в текущей линейке.

Меньше отвлекушек

Стоит ли упоминать, что кроме самых важных (звонки и смс), все оповещения отключены. Инстаграм, WhatsApp, Facebook, почта — все эти штуки теперь ждут своей порции внимания в зависимости от того, когда у хозяина есть к ним интерес и есть на них время.

Дайджесты и отложенные письма

Тим Феррисс советует все домашние дела собирать вместе и делать в один присест в специально отведённое время в течение недели. Тот же принцип применим к электронной почте, например. Не знаю, как вы, а я не нанимался, простите, заниматься сортировкой почты. Unroll.me помогает собирать все не самые важные сообщения в один дайджест. Это же может делать с помощью Zapier.com, но там платить придётся со временем.

Polymail — почтовый клиент, который умеет откладывать письма на завтра (на следующую неделю, на следующий месяц). Так получается, что мой ящик либо всегда пуст, либо показывает лишь то, что нужно сделать сегодня. Бесплатный месяц для Polymail Pro с этим купоном: 3E2JEN, кстати.

Тренировка внимания

Я уже упоминал в начале поста RescueTime. Напоследок поделюсь одним из лучших решений за последнее время. Настроил локальные DNS-записи так, чтобы при попытке открыть новостные сайты, а также reddit, ЖЖ и прочий мусор, браузер шёл в никуда, в localhost. Импульсивные попытки перестать трудиться и заняться чтением бесполезной хуйни пресекаются только так. Всё, что нужно сделать — отредактировать файл ‘hosts’.

На мобильных полно приложений-блокираторов. У меня установлены эти два (и удалены все браузеры кроме Safari):

Для тех, кто немного понимает технически (в Facebook подсказали). Лень выдумывать, что именно блокировать? Вот есть список из десятков тысяч доменов: с учётом порно, говноновостей и всяких других опций. Cейчас буду пробовать.

Дополнение. Бесплатное приложение Gas Mask может собирать комбинации локальных и удалённых списоков ‘hosts’. Например, я сделал на базе списка выше такую структуру:

Посмотрим, как это сработает.


Как заряжать электомобиль дома

Пятница, 21 Апреля 2017 г. 06:53 + в цитатник

Здесь в Окленде, среди читателей этого блога, я знаю, есть как минимум пять владельцев электрических машин.

Мы в Electrolease сделали не так давно зарядки, для которых нет нужды менять розетки на 15A (с усиленной третьей ножкой разьём). И не нужны никакие электрики (в Новой Зеландии нельзя вмешиваться в проводку своего дома, этим должен заниматься сертифицированный специалист. Кто-то должен нести ответственность в случае чего. Вопросы страхования прежде всего.) и переходники можно не покупать.

Теперь заправлять заряжать свою электрическую машину можно дома, просто в гараже.

  • Максимальный ток: 8A.
  • Время полной зарядки: 8-12 часов.

Пришёл с работы, бросил на зарядку, и никаких тебе вонючих заправок.

Разработано в Новой Зеландии, произведено в Китае. Сертифицировано для региона AU/NZ. Устройство не водонепроницаемое, но водоустойчивое (брызги ОК, окунать работающий девайс в бассейн — не ОК).

Купить зарядки удобнее всего на нашем электромобильном сайте Electrolease.nz

P.S.: Тут я вкратце описал процесс как заряжать электрическую машину дома.


Как заряжать электомобиль дома

Пятница, 21 Апреля 2017 г. 06:53 + в цитатник

Здесь в Окленде, среди читателей этого блога, я знаю, есть как минимум пять владельцев электрических машин.

Мы в Electrolease сделали не так давно зарядки, для которых нет нужды менять розетки на 15A (с усиленной третьей ножкой разьём). И не нужны никакие электрики (в Новой Зеландии нельзя вмешиваться в проводку своего дома, этим должен заниматься сертифицированный специалист. Кто-то должен нести ответственность в случае чего. Вопросы страхования прежде всего.) и переходники можно не покупать.

Теперь заправлять заряжать свою электрическую машину можно дома, просто в гараже.

  • Максимальный ток: 8A.
  • Время полной зарядки: 8-12 часов.

Пришёл с работы, бросил на зарядку, и никаких тебе вонючих заправок.

Разработано в Новой Зеландии, произведено в Китае. Сертифицировано для региона AU/NZ. Устройство не водонепроницаемое, но водоустойчивое (брызги ОК, окунать работающий девайс в бассейн — не ОК).

Купить зарядки удобнее всего на нашем электромобильном сайте Electrolease.nz

P.S.: Тут я вкратце описал процесс как заряжать электрическую машину дома.


Циклон Кука в Новой Зеландии. Чрезвычайное положение, чего уж там.

Четверг, 13 Апреля 2017 г. 02:55 + в цитатник

Циклон Кука

Здесь в Окленде со дня на день ожидают приход циклона Кука (Cyclon Cook). Таких сильных не было с 1968 года, почти пятьдесят лет. Обещают порывы ветра около 140 километров в час, полуторамесячную норму осадков и серьёзные последствия для Коромандел и Вайхики, острова, рядом с Оклендлм, где в ближайшие выходные запланирован джазовый фестиваль с кучей народу. Жаль, придётся пропустить.

Гражданская оборона на этот раз очень, очень, очень-очень серьёзно предупреждает и рекомендует изменить праздничные (Пасха с пятницы по понедельник) планы. Сидите, мол, дома, сушите сухари, проверяйте запасы воды, сухих носков и свечек.

Не знаю, будет ли это интересно или полезно кому извне Новой Зеландии, перечислю здесь ресурсы, которые посещаю, если торнадо, цунами, землетрясение или циклон случаются.

Будем надеяться, всё будет хорошо и наши домики не унесёт в страну к Гудвину, и страховые компании не разорятся.

В этом посте на Facebook я постараюсь скидывать актуальные ссылки по ходу развития событий.

Почувствовать разницу можно уже сейчас.

Вот так водопад Радужный (Rainbow), что рядом с Kerikeri, выглядит обычно:

Обычный водопад Kerikeri

А так он выглядит сейчас, и это ещё не пришёл даже циклон, лишь подступает:
Как выглядит водопад сейчас, незадолго до прихода циклона Кука

То ли ещё будет. Вот, как выглядит карта ветров в прогнозе погоды на WindTV:


Циклон Кука в Новой Зеландии. Чрезвычайное положение, чего уж там.

Четверг, 13 Апреля 2017 г. 02:55 + в цитатник

Циклон Кука

Здесь в Окленде со дня на день ожидают приход циклона Кука (Cyclon Cook). Таких сильных не было с 1968 года, почти пятьдесят лет. Обещают порывы ветра около 140 километров в час, полуторамесячную норму осадков и серьёзные последствия для Коромандел и Вайхики, острова, рядом с Оклендлм, где в ближайшие выходные запланирован джазовый фестиваль с кучей народу. Жаль, придётся пропустить.

Гражданская оборона на этот раз очень, очень, очень-очень серьёзно предупреждает и рекомендует изменить праздничные (Пасха с пятницы по понедельник) планы. Сидите, мол, дома, сушите сухари, проверяйте запасы воды, сухих носков и свечек.

Не знаю, будет ли это интересно или полезно кому извне Новой Зеландии, перечислю здесь ресурсы, которые посещаю, если торнадо, цунами, землетрясение или циклон случаются.

Будем надеяться, всё будет хорошо и наши домики не унесёт в страну к Гудвину, и страховые компании не разорятся.

В этом посте на Facebook я постараюсь скидывать актуальные ссылки по ходу развития событий.

Почувствовать разницу можно уже сейчас.

Вот так водопад Радужный (Rainbow), что рядом с Kerikeri, выглядит обычно:

Обычный водопад Kerikeri

А так он выглядит сейчас, и это ещё не пришёл даже циклон, лишь подступает:
Как выглядит водопад сейчас, незадолго до прихода циклона Кука

То ли ещё будет. Вот, как выглядит карта ветров в прогнозе погоды на WindTV:


My VSCO Cam Photography

Вторник, 24 Января 2017 г. 05:30 + в цитатник

All of the above is taken with my iPhone 5 and post-processed in VSCO Cam app. More at kulesh.vsco.co

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My VSCO Cam Photography

Вторник, 24 Января 2017 г. 05:30 + в цитатник

All of the above is taken with my iPhone 5 and post-processed in VSCO Cam app. More at kulesh.vsco.co

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My VSCO Cam Photography

Вторник, 24 Января 2017 г. 05:30 + в цитатник

All of the above is taken with my iPhone 5 and post-processed in VSCO Cam app. More at kulesh.vsco.co

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The Dep River, Russia, 2008

Вторник, 24 Января 2017 г. 05:17 + в цитатник

Here on the Dep River I learned to swim, to fish and to assemble a kayak of the type Taimen. Almost every year my parents and I “conquered” that route which, in fact, was for women and children  “a zero one” according to the complexity rank. Now, in seven years, I still recognize the familiar bends, reaches, hills and cliffs. This is the place where, years ago, a stormy gust overturned my Dads kayak, and that is the the very spit where I competed with my brother in throwing cobblestones in the game “who can throw farthest”. Then we invented another game with the funny name “Plop-and-splosh” (in Russian it sounds like “bulk-and-plukh”). The stone, which was thrown at a certain angle to the water surface, would come into the water with a dull sound and without any splashes but a bit later  bubbles and bow waves would show up on the surface – this was a plop (in Russian “bulk”). We used to thow until our shoulders started to ache with tiredness.

At some place down the river people saw a pack of red dogs and Asiatic black bears. I remember it was really scary to fall asleep in the tent when there was barking of billy goats over the river, or when an hour earlier a female bear with bear cubs was coming nearer to us  on the leeward side but then got frightened and returned to taiga.

One day, near the mouth of the river, which was a favourite place of fishermen living at the hydro power, we tried to fish out at least one lenok out of a huge shoal of them in the shallow water  We spent half of the day trying to do it but failed because the fishes were as if contused, they did not take the bait and smoothly moved away to the depth when we, being excited and intrigued, tried to catch them by hand.

Once my classmate and I decided to take a short cut and found a channel which seemed to us quite passable. At the end of it there was an abatis and the water flowed under the obstruction. My knife was of great use in that situation, my Dad made it out of a cutting bit of a cutting machine. We had to cut  a couple of pine logs into pieces, we fiddled about for a lot of time and fimally dragged the kayak over.

In seven years I remember everything though the forest has become charred after a forest fire and  has overgrown with grass, the old hermit has left his house, and the gardens of the Old Believers have overgrown with young birch-trees.

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The Dep River, Russia, 2008

Вторник, 24 Января 2017 г. 05:17 + в цитатник

Here on the Dep River I learned to swim, to fish and to assemble a kayak of the type Taimen. Almost every year my parents and I “conquered” that route which, in fact, was for women and children  “a zero one” according to the complexity rank. Now, in seven years, I still recognize the familiar bends, reaches, hills and cliffs. This is the place where, years ago, a stormy gust overturned my Dads kayak, and that is the the very spit where I competed with my brother in throwing cobblestones in the game “who can throw farthest”. Then we invented another game with the funny name “Plop-and-splosh” (in Russian it sounds like “bulk-and-plukh”). The stone, which was thrown at a certain angle to the water surface, would come into the water with a dull sound and without any splashes but a bit later  bubbles and bow waves would show up on the surface – this was a plop (in Russian “bulk”). We used to thow until our shoulders started to ache with tiredness.

At some place down the river people saw a pack of red dogs and Asiatic black bears. I remember it was really scary to fall asleep in the tent when there was barking of billy goats over the river, or when an hour earlier a female bear with bear cubs was coming nearer to us  on the leeward side but then got frightened and returned to taiga.

One day, near the mouth of the river, which was a favourite place of fishermen living at the hydro power, we tried to fish out at least one lenok out of a huge shoal of them in the shallow water  We spent half of the day trying to do it but failed because the fishes were as if contused, they did not take the bait and smoothly moved away to the depth when we, being excited and intrigued, tried to catch them by hand.

Once my classmate and I decided to take a short cut and found a channel which seemed to us quite passable. At the end of it there was an abatis and the water flowed under the obstruction. My knife was of great use in that situation, my Dad made it out of a cutting bit of a cutting machine. We had to cut  a couple of pine logs into pieces, we fiddled about for a lot of time and fimally dragged the kayak over.

In seven years I remember everything though the forest has become charred after a forest fire and  has overgrown with grass, the old hermit has left his house, and the gardens of the Old Believers have overgrown with young birch-trees.

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The Dep River, Russia, 2008

Вторник, 24 Января 2017 г. 05:17 + в цитатник

Here on the Dep River I learned to swim, to fish and to assemble a kayak of the type Taimen. Almost every year my parents and I “conquered” that route which, in fact, was for women and children  “a zero one” according to the complexity rank. Now, in seven years, I still recognize the familiar bends, reaches, hills and cliffs. This is the place where, years ago, a stormy gust overturned my Dads kayak, and that is the the very spit where I competed with my brother in throwing cobblestones in the game “who can throw farthest”. Then we invented another game with the funny name “Plop-and-splosh” (in Russian it sounds like “bulk-and-plukh”). The stone, which was thrown at a certain angle to the water surface, would come into the water with a dull sound and without any splashes but a bit later  bubbles and bow waves would show up on the surface – this was a plop (in Russian “bulk”). We used to thow until our shoulders started to ache with tiredness.

At some place down the river people saw a pack of red dogs and Asiatic black bears. I remember it was really scary to fall asleep in the tent when there was barking of billy goats over the river, or when an hour earlier a female bear with bear cubs was coming nearer to us  on the leeward side but then got frightened and returned to taiga.

One day, near the mouth of the river, which was a favourite place of fishermen living at the hydro power, we tried to fish out at least one lenok out of a huge shoal of them in the shallow water  We spent half of the day trying to do it but failed because the fishes were as if contused, they did not take the bait and smoothly moved away to the depth when we, being excited and intrigued, tried to catch them by hand.

Once my classmate and I decided to take a short cut and found a channel which seemed to us quite passable. At the end of it there was an abatis and the water flowed under the obstruction. My knife was of great use in that situation, my Dad made it out of a cutting bit of a cutting machine. We had to cut  a couple of pine logs into pieces, we fiddled about for a lot of time and fimally dragged the kayak over.

In seven years I remember everything though the forest has become charred after a forest fire and  has overgrown with grass, the old hermit has left his house, and the gardens of the Old Believers have overgrown with young birch-trees.

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The Dep River, Russia, 2008

Вторник, 24 Января 2017 г. 05:17 + в цитатник

Here on the Dep River I learned to swim, to fish and to assemble a kayak of the type Taimen. Almost every year my parents and I “conquered” that route which, in fact, was for women and children  “a zero one” according to the complexity rank. Now, in seven years, I still recognize the familiar bends, reaches, hills and cliffs. This is the place where, years ago, a stormy gust overturned my Dads kayak, and that is the the very spit where I competed with my brother in throwing cobblestones in the game “who can throw farthest”. Then we invented another game with the funny name “Plop-and-splosh” (in Russian it sounds like “bulk-and-plukh”). The stone, which was thrown at a certain angle to the water surface, would come into the water with a dull sound and without any splashes but a bit later  bubbles and bow waves would show up on the surface – this was a plop (in Russian “bulk”). We used to thow until our shoulders started to ache with tiredness.

At some place down the river people saw a pack of red dogs and Asiatic black bears. I remember it was really scary to fall asleep in the tent when there was barking of billy goats over the river, or when an hour earlier a female bear with bear cubs was coming nearer to us  on the leeward side but then got frightened and returned to taiga.

One day, near the mouth of the river, which was a favourite place of fishermen living at the hydro power, we tried to fish out at least one lenok out of a huge shoal of them in the shallow water  We spent half of the day trying to do it but failed because the fishes were as if contused, they did not take the bait and smoothly moved away to the depth when we, being excited and intrigued, tried to catch them by hand.

Once my classmate and I decided to take a short cut and found a channel which seemed to us quite passable. At the end of it there was an abatis and the water flowed under the obstruction. My knife was of great use in that situation, my Dad made it out of a cutting bit of a cutting machine. We had to cut  a couple of pine logs into pieces, we fiddled about for a lot of time and fimally dragged the kayak over.

In seven years I remember everything though the forest has become charred after a forest fire and  has overgrown with grass, the old hermit has left his house, and the gardens of the Old Believers have overgrown with young birch-trees.

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Four Beaches in the West

Вторник, 24 Января 2017 г. 05:15 + в цитатник

Summer is coming soon to Auckland. On these warm days one can not only wet feet in the ocean but dip into its cool water wholly. For those who are lazy the choice where to go and have rest for a couple of hours is traditionally not wide: Piha, Muriwai, Anawhata, Karekare. All of them are approximately at the same distance from the city, which is about forty-minute drive away from it. 


It is a favourite place of surfers. They say that waves there are good and, so to say, well-formed, not big but glassy. I understand nothing in waves. From the hill “The Lions Head” people in wet suits look like sunflower seeds in a kitchen sink. The sand is brownish-black, compact and very hot on hot days. One should be very cautious about swimming at Piha because of strong current and pits. Those especially ardent about surfing are daily caught several kilometers away from the coast by lifeguards. Needless to say that there is no time for lifeguards at Piha to be bored. Volunteers are constantly wanted to join the lifeguard team. Piha is a good place to dip into the water, to walk, to look at sunsets, and thats all.


The sand there is volcanic: black and fine like dust. People have to wash themselves very thoroughly after a trip to Muriwai. This beach is also a very popular place for those who like to hang about in the water for twenty minutes for a ten-second wave ride. In addition the beach is home for a gannet colony. Explanatory tables tell that the gannet colony is constantly growing. I cannot stop planning to calculate how much time it will take for the birds to conquer the whole country. Chinese-Maori people usually come to this rocky coast to fish. It is not safe to swim at Murewai, either. But one can easily drive a 4WD vehicle along the beach. The place is nothing special. But there we celebrated Christmas – an alien holiday of the nativity of Santa Claus and some saint. There were barbecue, music and dancing.


Drive along the road to Piha and take the right turn, and after you drive a few kilometers of dirt road and come down a track for about twenty minutes you will get to the Anawhata Beach. A dirty winding road and the necessity to walk make that beach a lot less busy place than other beaches. Near the entrance the table tells something like, “Dear guests, this beach is a live being, so please, let it live quitely”. The text is signed by some dopeheads living on the pitch of the hill. You will ask why I call them “dopeheads”? Because the place is just perfect for various psychotropic and not actually psychotropic experiments. I remember once we met there several guys who were under the influence of hallucinogenic mushrooms. They were happy to see a natural fire. Oh yes, it is prohibited to make a fire (open flame) in New Zealand. So if you want to bake potatoes in the embers of the fire you will have to get farther away from people, for example, to Anawhata.

It goes without saying that swimming is not safe at Anawhata. It is even more dangerous than at Piha.

Anawhata was the first beach I visited in New Zealand. Perhaps, that is why it has been my favourite beach. When I was there for the first time, I obviously could not take good photos yet. And when we got there at the last weekend, the battery in the camera has traitorously gone.


On the edge of the peninsula there is a beach with a nonmemorable name “Karekare”. Its character is a mixture of the beaches described above. Black-and-brown sand, huge sand areas, mountains with a lot of walking tracks. Here and there one can see beached jellyfish and algae. I think it is the best place if you want to make a holiday for your dog. Most of all I liked walking through the forest, it was a ten-minute walk from the car park to the beach.

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Four Beaches in the West

Вторник, 24 Января 2017 г. 05:15 + в цитатник

Summer is coming soon to Auckland. On these warm days one can not only wet feet in the ocean but dip into its cool water wholly. For those who are lazy the choice where to go and have rest for a couple of hours is traditionally not wide: Piha, Muriwai, Anawhata, Karekare. All of them are approximately at the same distance from the city, which is about forty-minute drive away from it. 


It is a favourite place of surfers. They say that waves there are good and, so to say, well-formed, not big but glassy. I understand nothing in waves. From the hill “The Lions Head” people in wet suits look like sunflower seeds in a kitchen sink. The sand is brownish-black, compact and very hot on hot days. One should be very cautious about swimming at Piha because of strong current and pits. Those especially ardent about surfing are daily caught several kilometers away from the coast by lifeguards. Needless to say that there is no time for lifeguards at Piha to be bored. Volunteers are constantly wanted to join the lifeguard team. Piha is a good place to dip into the water, to walk, to look at sunsets, and thats all.


The sand there is volcanic: black and fine like dust. People have to wash themselves very thoroughly after a trip to Muriwai. This beach is also a very popular place for those who like to hang about in the water for twenty minutes for a ten-second wave ride. In addition the beach is home for a gannet colony. Explanatory tables tell that the gannet colony is constantly growing. I cannot stop planning to calculate how much time it will take for the birds to conquer the whole country. Chinese-Maori people usually come to this rocky coast to fish. It is not safe to swim at Murewai, either. But one can easily drive a 4WD vehicle along the beach. The place is nothing special. But there we celebrated Christmas – an alien holiday of the nativity of Santa Claus and some saint. There were barbecue, music and dancing.


Drive along the road to Piha and take the right turn, and after you drive a few kilometers of dirt road and come down a track for about twenty minutes you will get to the Anawhata Beach. A dirty winding road and the necessity to walk make that beach a lot less busy place than other beaches. Near the entrance the table tells something like, “Dear guests, this beach is a live being, so please, let it live quitely”. The text is signed by some dopeheads living on the pitch of the hill. You will ask why I call them “dopeheads”? Because the place is just perfect for various psychotropic and not actually psychotropic experiments. I remember once we met there several guys who were under the influence of hallucinogenic mushrooms. They were happy to see a natural fire. Oh yes, it is prohibited to make a fire (open flame) in New Zealand. So if you want to bake potatoes in the embers of the fire you will have to get farther away from people, for example, to Anawhata.

It goes without saying that swimming is not safe at Anawhata. It is even more dangerous than at Piha.

Anawhata was the first beach I visited in New Zealand. Perhaps, that is why it has been my favourite beach. When I was there for the first time, I obviously could not take good photos yet. And when we got there at the last weekend, the battery in the camera has traitorously gone.


On the edge of the peninsula there is a beach with a nonmemorable name “Karekare”. Its character is a mixture of the beaches described above. Black-and-brown sand, huge sand areas, mountains with a lot of walking tracks. Here and there one can see beached jellyfish and algae. I think it is the best place if you want to make a holiday for your dog. Most of all I liked walking through the forest, it was a ten-minute walk from the car park to the beach.

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Four Beaches in the West

Вторник, 24 Января 2017 г. 05:15 + в цитатник

Summer is coming soon to Auckland. On these warm days one can not only wet feet in the ocean but dip into its cool water wholly. For those who are lazy the choice where to go and have rest for a couple of hours is traditionally not wide: Piha, Muriwai, Anawhata, Karekare. All of them are approximately at the same distance from the city, which is about forty-minute drive away from it. 


It is a favourite place of surfers. They say that waves there are good and, so to say, well-formed, not big but glassy. I understand nothing in waves. From the hill “The Lions Head” people in wet suits look like sunflower seeds in a kitchen sink. The sand is brownish-black, compact and very hot on hot days. One should be very cautious about swimming at Piha because of strong current and pits. Those especially ardent about surfing are daily caught several kilometers away from the coast by lifeguards. Needless to say that there is no time for lifeguards at Piha to be bored. Volunteers are constantly wanted to join the lifeguard team. Piha is a good place to dip into the water, to walk, to look at sunsets, and thats all.


The sand there is volcanic: black and fine like dust. People have to wash themselves very thoroughly after a trip to Muriwai. This beach is also a very popular place for those who like to hang about in the water for twenty minutes for a ten-second wave ride. In addition the beach is home for a gannet colony. Explanatory tables tell that the gannet colony is constantly growing. I cannot stop planning to calculate how much time it will take for the birds to conquer the whole country. Chinese-Maori people usually come to this rocky coast to fish. It is not safe to swim at Murewai, either. But one can easily drive a 4WD vehicle along the beach. The place is nothing special. But there we celebrated Christmas – an alien holiday of the nativity of Santa Claus and some saint. There were barbecue, music and dancing.


Drive along the road to Piha and take the right turn, and after you drive a few kilometers of dirt road and come down a track for about twenty minutes you will get to the Anawhata Beach. A dirty winding road and the necessity to walk make that beach a lot less busy place than other beaches. Near the entrance the table tells something like, “Dear guests, this beach is a live being, so please, let it live quitely”. The text is signed by some dopeheads living on the pitch of the hill. You will ask why I call them “dopeheads”? Because the place is just perfect for various psychotropic and not actually psychotropic experiments. I remember once we met there several guys who were under the influence of hallucinogenic mushrooms. They were happy to see a natural fire. Oh yes, it is prohibited to make a fire (open flame) in New Zealand. So if you want to bake potatoes in the embers of the fire you will have to get farther away from people, for example, to Anawhata.

It goes without saying that swimming is not safe at Anawhata. It is even more dangerous than at Piha.

Anawhata was the first beach I visited in New Zealand. Perhaps, that is why it has been my favourite beach. When I was there for the first time, I obviously could not take good photos yet. And when we got there at the last weekend, the battery in the camera has traitorously gone.


On the edge of the peninsula there is a beach with a nonmemorable name “Karekare”. Its character is a mixture of the beaches described above. Black-and-brown sand, huge sand areas, mountains with a lot of walking tracks. Here and there one can see beached jellyfish and algae. I think it is the best place if you want to make a holiday for your dog. Most of all I liked walking through the forest, it was a ten-minute walk from the car park to the beach.

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Four Beaches in the West

Вторник, 24 Января 2017 г. 05:15 + в цитатник

Summer is coming soon to Auckland. On these warm days one can not only wet feet in the ocean but dip into its cool water wholly. For those who are lazy the choice where to go and have rest for a couple of hours is traditionally not wide: Piha, Muriwai, Anawhata, Karekare. All of them are approximately at the same distance from the city, which is about forty-minute drive away from it. 


It is a favourite place of surfers. They say that waves there are good and, so to say, well-formed, not big but glassy. I understand nothing in waves. From the hill “The Lions Head” people in wet suits look like sunflower seeds in a kitchen sink. The sand is brownish-black, compact and very hot on hot days. One should be very cautious about swimming at Piha because of strong current and pits. Those especially ardent about surfing are daily caught several kilometers away from the coast by lifeguards. Needless to say that there is no time for lifeguards at Piha to be bored. Volunteers are constantly wanted to join the lifeguard team. Piha is a good place to dip into the water, to walk, to look at sunsets, and thats all.


The sand there is volcanic: black and fine like dust. People have to wash themselves very thoroughly after a trip to Muriwai. This beach is also a very popular place for those who like to hang about in the water for twenty minutes for a ten-second wave ride. In addition the beach is home for a gannet colony. Explanatory tables tell that the gannet colony is constantly growing. I cannot stop planning to calculate how much time it will take for the birds to conquer the whole country. Chinese-Maori people usually come to this rocky coast to fish. It is not safe to swim at Murewai, either. But one can easily drive a 4WD vehicle along the beach. The place is nothing special. But there we celebrated Christmas – an alien holiday of the nativity of Santa Claus and some saint. There were barbecue, music and dancing.


Drive along the road to Piha and take the right turn, and after you drive a few kilometers of dirt road and come down a track for about twenty minutes you will get to the Anawhata Beach. A dirty winding road and the necessity to walk make that beach a lot less busy place than other beaches. Near the entrance the table tells something like, “Dear guests, this beach is a live being, so please, let it live quitely”. The text is signed by some dopeheads living on the pitch of the hill. You will ask why I call them “dopeheads”? Because the place is just perfect for various psychotropic and not actually psychotropic experiments. I remember once we met there several guys who were under the influence of hallucinogenic mushrooms. They were happy to see a natural fire. Oh yes, it is prohibited to make a fire (open flame) in New Zealand. So if you want to bake potatoes in the embers of the fire you will have to get farther away from people, for example, to Anawhata.

It goes without saying that swimming is not safe at Anawhata. It is even more dangerous than at Piha.

Anawhata was the first beach I visited in New Zealand. Perhaps, that is why it has been my favourite beach. When I was there for the first time, I obviously could not take good photos yet. And when we got there at the last weekend, the battery in the camera has traitorously gone.


On the edge of the peninsula there is a beach with a nonmemorable name “Karekare”. Its character is a mixture of the beaches described above. Black-and-brown sand, huge sand areas, mountains with a lot of walking tracks. Here and there one can see beached jellyfish and algae. I think it is the best place if you want to make a holiday for your dog. Most of all I liked walking through the forest, it was a ten-minute walk from the car park to the beach.

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Sand Dune Surfing

Вторник, 24 Января 2017 г. 05:13 + в цитатник

There is nothing like that in Auckland but there are huge three-hundred-meter sand dunes in the very north. One can easily rent plastic boards with metallized bottom for almost no money and surf those dunes, like in snowboarding. It is, of course, tiresome to climb them. And it is a little scaring to stand at the very top and look down, but other than that it is an absolutely childlike joy.

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Sand Dune Surfing

Вторник, 24 Января 2017 г. 05:13 + в цитатник

There is nothing like that in Auckland but there are huge three-hundred-meter sand dunes in the very north. One can easily rent plastic boards with metallized bottom for almost no money and surf those dunes, like in snowboarding. It is, of course, tiresome to climb them. And it is a little scaring to stand at the very top and look down, but other than that it is an absolutely childlike joy.

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Sand Dune Surfing

Вторник, 24 Января 2017 г. 05:13 + в цитатник

There is nothing like that in Auckland but there are huge three-hundred-meter sand dunes in the very north. One can easily rent plastic boards with metallized bottom for almost no money and surf those dunes, like in snowboarding. It is, of course, tiresome to climb them. And it is a little scaring to stand at the very top and look down, but other than that it is an absolutely childlike joy.

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Cantonese Capital

Вторник, 24 Января 2017 г. 05:09 + в цитатник

It is warm in crowded Guangzhou. People do not understand my Chinese but my English, I guess, is much better. Guangzhou ranks as the third largest city in China and is located in comfortable proximity to Hong Kong with its overblown economy. Guangzhou is considered to be one of the most comfortable places to live for expats. As in two other cases with metropolitan areas of Beijing and Shanghai, there is no exact information about its population. The estimates of the population for Guangzhou are different and vary from 6 to 20 million people. I can assert one thing that there is an awful crowd in the city.

We arrived in Guangzhou with a sleeper at night. Then it turned out that the taxi-driver wandered out of the way and made circles in the city center trying to find the hotel. At 4.30 at night he asked tradesmen the way. I remember that I was thinking then about the way people worked and how much they got tired at work.

In the morning I was “on the expedition” in search of a subway station. I had to walk about twenty minutes to get to the nearest one. My path lay across “proletarian” districts where I felt the smell of simple meal being cooked, and where children played table tennis – there were two bricks and a stick-crosspiece instead of the net on their table. But the subway turned to be one of the best I had ever seen. The subway cars were warm and quiet. People could easily talk and at that their ligaments were not on the stretch. I guess it was the most advantageous way to travel about the city which was scattered along the river banks. By the way, as for the river, in the evening I found a cheap way to get to our hostel – I got there by a ferry. It really was the cheapest and the quickest way to get to the city center from out YHA hostel.

The Riverside district in Guangzhou is famous for its multiple cafes with tasty food and a variety of drinks, where one can easily overeat and overdrink. When it gets dark, old and young gather there to taste fish delicacies. There are lobsters swimming in a basin, spitted squids and octopuses on braziers. I will digress from my story and tell about street vendors who sell some “nonsense” on sticks. I do not know what the reason is but the sellers are Tajiks or some national minorities looking like Tajiks. City waifs and small-fry pickpockets are usually of the same “suit”. It is a rather strange observation if you take into consideration the fact that each nine out of ten Chinese belong to the ethnic group “Han People” (consonant with “khan”, especially in Russian (homonyms)  a title borne by medieval Chinese emperors and Mongol and Turkic rulers: usually added to a name).

Here is a funny fact for lovers of homonyms. In China there are about ten million people that represent the nation Hui – “a dick” in Russian.

Well, I am to return to the posts subject. I spent more than a week in  Guangzhou. After all that time I visited the largest amusement park in Asia where I tried a roller coaster after which my legs were sinking under me; I also took the night cruise on the Pearl River under the sparkling lights of skyscrapers and many-colored trees. I ate exotic food in a cozy small restaurant on Shamian Island and climbed White Cloud Mountain to look at the misty city landscape; I had coffee in Starbucks and got Vietnamese visa.

In contrast to monstrous Hong Kong, that metal anthill made of glass, concrete, cars and running people, Guangzhou is more humane. I will tell you the rest of the story in my photos.

In subway and in other public transport there is a public service advertisement on the zombie-box. It calls to wash hands before eating, not to litter, not to speak on the phone loudly, switch off annoying ringtones, give away corrupt officials, and, as you can see in the picture, be careful with eating mushrooms, something like a phrase from a Russian fairy tale, “Do not sit down on the stub, do not eat a doughnut! (an unknown mushroom!)”

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Cantonese Capital

Вторник, 24 Января 2017 г. 05:09 + в цитатник

It is warm in crowded Guangzhou. People do not understand my Chinese but my English, I guess, is much better. Guangzhou ranks as the third largest city in China and is located in comfortable proximity to Hong Kong with its overblown economy. Guangzhou is considered to be one of the most comfortable places to live for expats. As in two other cases with metropolitan areas of Beijing and Shanghai, there is no exact information about its population. The estimates of the population for Guangzhou are different and vary from 6 to 20 million people. I can assert one thing that there is an awful crowd in the city.

We arrived in Guangzhou with a sleeper at night. Then it turned out that the taxi-driver wandered out of the way and made circles in the city center trying to find the hotel. At 4.30 at night he asked tradesmen the way. I remember that I was thinking then about the way people worked and how much they got tired at work.

In the morning I was “on the expedition” in search of a subway station. I had to walk about twenty minutes to get to the nearest one. My path lay across “proletarian” districts where I felt the smell of simple meal being cooked, and where children played table tennis – there were two bricks and a stick-crosspiece instead of the net on their table. But the subway turned to be one of the best I had ever seen. The subway cars were warm and quiet. People could easily talk and at that their ligaments were not on the stretch. I guess it was the most advantageous way to travel about the city which was scattered along the river banks. By the way, as for the river, in the evening I found a cheap way to get to our hostel – I got there by a ferry. It really was the cheapest and the quickest way to get to the city center from out YHA hostel.

The Riverside district in Guangzhou is famous for its multiple cafes with tasty food and a variety of drinks, where one can easily overeat and overdrink. When it gets dark, old and young gather there to taste fish delicacies. There are lobsters swimming in a basin, spitted squids and octopuses on braziers. I will digress from my story and tell about street vendors who sell some “nonsense” on sticks. I do not know what the reason is but the sellers are Tajiks or some national minorities looking like Tajiks. City waifs and small-fry pickpockets are usually of the same “suit”. It is a rather strange observation if you take into consideration the fact that each nine out of ten Chinese belong to the ethnic group “Han People” (consonant with “khan”, especially in Russian (homonyms)  a title borne by medieval Chinese emperors and Mongol and Turkic rulers: usually added to a name).

Here is a funny fact for lovers of homonyms. In China there are about ten million people that represent the nation Hui – “a dick” in Russian.

Well, I am to return to the posts subject. I spent more than a week in  Guangzhou. After all that time I visited the largest amusement park in Asia where I tried a roller coaster after which my legs were sinking under me; I also took the night cruise on the Pearl River under the sparkling lights of skyscrapers and many-colored trees. I ate exotic food in a cozy small restaurant on Shamian Island and climbed White Cloud Mountain to look at the misty city landscape; I had coffee in Starbucks and got Vietnamese visa.

In contrast to monstrous Hong Kong, that metal anthill made of glass, concrete, cars and running people, Guangzhou is more humane. I will tell you the rest of the story in my photos.

In subway and in other public transport there is a public service advertisement on the zombie-box. It calls to wash hands before eating, not to litter, not to speak on the phone loudly, switch off annoying ringtones, give away corrupt officials, and, as you can see in the picture, be careful with eating mushrooms, something like a phrase from a Russian fairy tale, “Do not sit down on the stub, do not eat a doughnut! (an unknown mushroom!)”

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Cantonese Capital

Вторник, 24 Января 2017 г. 05:09 + в цитатник

It is warm in crowded Guangzhou. People do not understand my Chinese but my English, I guess, is much better. Guangzhou ranks as the third largest city in China and is located in comfortable proximity to Hong Kong with its overblown economy. Guangzhou is considered to be one of the most comfortable places to live for expats. As in two other cases with metropolitan areas of Beijing and Shanghai, there is no exact information about its population. The estimates of the population for Guangzhou are different and vary from 6 to 20 million people. I can assert one thing that there is an awful crowd in the city.

We arrived in Guangzhou with a sleeper at night. Then it turned out that the taxi-driver wandered out of the way and made circles in the city center trying to find the hotel. At 4.30 at night he asked tradesmen the way. I remember that I was thinking then about the way people worked and how much they got tired at work.

In the morning I was “on the expedition” in search of a subway station. I had to walk about twenty minutes to get to the nearest one. My path lay across “proletarian” districts where I felt the smell of simple meal being cooked, and where children played table tennis – there were two bricks and a stick-crosspiece instead of the net on their table. But the subway turned to be one of the best I had ever seen. The subway cars were warm and quiet. People could easily talk and at that their ligaments were not on the stretch. I guess it was the most advantageous way to travel about the city which was scattered along the river banks. By the way, as for the river, in the evening I found a cheap way to get to our hostel – I got there by a ferry. It really was the cheapest and the quickest way to get to the city center from out YHA hostel.

The Riverside district in Guangzhou is famous for its multiple cafes with tasty food and a variety of drinks, where one can easily overeat and overdrink. When it gets dark, old and young gather there to taste fish delicacies. There are lobsters swimming in a basin, spitted squids and octopuses on braziers. I will digress from my story and tell about street vendors who sell some “nonsense” on sticks. I do not know what the reason is but the sellers are Tajiks or some national minorities looking like Tajiks. City waifs and small-fry pickpockets are usually of the same “suit”. It is a rather strange observation if you take into consideration the fact that each nine out of ten Chinese belong to the ethnic group “Han People” (consonant with “khan”, especially in Russian (homonyms)  a title borne by medieval Chinese emperors and Mongol and Turkic rulers: usually added to a name).

Here is a funny fact for lovers of homonyms. In China there are about ten million people that represent the nation Hui – “a dick” in Russian.

Well, I am to return to the posts subject. I spent more than a week in  Guangzhou. After all that time I visited the largest amusement park in Asia where I tried a roller coaster after which my legs were sinking under me; I also took the night cruise on the Pearl River under the sparkling lights of skyscrapers and many-colored trees. I ate exotic food in a cozy small restaurant on Shamian Island and climbed White Cloud Mountain to look at the misty city landscape; I had coffee in Starbucks and got Vietnamese visa.

In contrast to monstrous Hong Kong, that metal anthill made of glass, concrete, cars and running people, Guangzhou is more humane. I will tell you the rest of the story in my photos.

In subway and in other public transport there is a public service advertisement on the zombie-box. It calls to wash hands before eating, not to litter, not to speak on the phone loudly, switch off annoying ringtones, give away corrupt officials, and, as you can see in the picture, be careful with eating mushrooms, something like a phrase from a Russian fairy tale, “Do not sit down on the stub, do not eat a doughnut! (an unknown mushroom!)”

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Cantonese Capital

Вторник, 24 Января 2017 г. 05:09 + в цитатник

It is warm in crowded Guangzhou. People do not understand my Chinese but my English, I guess, is much better. Guangzhou ranks as the third largest city in China and is located in comfortable proximity to Hong Kong with its overblown economy. Guangzhou is considered to be one of the most comfortable places to live for expats. As in two other cases with metropolitan areas of Beijing and Shanghai, there is no exact information about its population. The estimates of the population for Guangzhou are different and vary from 6 to 20 million people. I can assert one thing that there is an awful crowd in the city.

We arrived in Guangzhou with a sleeper at night. Then it turned out that the taxi-driver wandered out of the way and made circles in the city center trying to find the hotel. At 4.30 at night he asked tradesmen the way. I remember that I was thinking then about the way people worked and how much they got tired at work.

In the morning I was “on the expedition” in search of a subway station. I had to walk about twenty minutes to get to the nearest one. My path lay across “proletarian” districts where I felt the smell of simple meal being cooked, and where children played table tennis – there were two bricks and a stick-crosspiece instead of the net on their table. But the subway turned to be one of the best I had ever seen. The subway cars were warm and quiet. People could easily talk and at that their ligaments were not on the stretch. I guess it was the most advantageous way to travel about the city which was scattered along the river banks. By the way, as for the river, in the evening I found a cheap way to get to our hostel – I got there by a ferry. It really was the cheapest and the quickest way to get to the city center from out YHA hostel.

The Riverside district in Guangzhou is famous for its multiple cafes with tasty food and a variety of drinks, where one can easily overeat and overdrink. When it gets dark, old and young gather there to taste fish delicacies. There are lobsters swimming in a basin, spitted squids and octopuses on braziers. I will digress from my story and tell about street vendors who sell some “nonsense” on sticks. I do not know what the reason is but the sellers are Tajiks or some national minorities looking like Tajiks. City waifs and small-fry pickpockets are usually of the same “suit”. It is a rather strange observation if you take into consideration the fact that each nine out of ten Chinese belong to the ethnic group “Han People” (consonant with “khan”, especially in Russian (homonyms)  a title borne by medieval Chinese emperors and Mongol and Turkic rulers: usually added to a name).

Here is a funny fact for lovers of homonyms. In China there are about ten million people that represent the nation Hui – “a dick” in Russian.

Well, I am to return to the posts subject. I spent more than a week in  Guangzhou. After all that time I visited the largest amusement park in Asia where I tried a roller coaster after which my legs were sinking under me; I also took the night cruise on the Pearl River under the sparkling lights of skyscrapers and many-colored trees. I ate exotic food in a cozy small restaurant on Shamian Island and climbed White Cloud Mountain to look at the misty city landscape; I had coffee in Starbucks and got Vietnamese visa.

In contrast to monstrous Hong Kong, that metal anthill made of glass, concrete, cars and running people, Guangzhou is more humane. I will tell you the rest of the story in my photos.

In subway and in other public transport there is a public service advertisement on the zombie-box. It calls to wash hands before eating, not to litter, not to speak on the phone loudly, switch off annoying ringtones, give away corrupt officials, and, as you can see in the picture, be careful with eating mushrooms, something like a phrase from a Russian fairy tale, “Do not sit down on the stub, do not eat a doughnut! (an unknown mushroom!)”

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