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10 Do's and Don'ts to Avoid SEO Mistakes

Четверг, 18 Марта 2010 г. 18:52 + в цитатник
Article printed from SEO-News: http://www.seo-news.com
HTML version available at: http://www.seo-news.com/archives.html
10 Do's and Don'ts to Avoid SEO Mistakes
By Debbie A. Everson (c) 2010

With so much misinformation out there, along with a lack of
knowledge about how SEO works, you could end up getting
your website banned from the search engines. Learn how to
avoid common mistakes with these 10 simple do's and don'ts.

10. Don't Use Flash for SEO.

Flash websites are very eye-catching, but search engines
cannot read or index this type of content. If it is
impossible to avoid a Flash-centric website and you need
search engines to index it, you will have to offer an html
version too. Search engines don't like Flash sites for a
reason - a spider can't read Flash content and therefore
can't index it.

9. Don't Use too Much JavaScript.

Searchbots are not designed to read and understand
JavaScript code. If a website contains a few lines of text
in the JavaScript code, chances are that searchbots will
ignore the entire block of code along with the text. This
is true in the case of JavaScript menus. Try to keep the
use of JavaScript to a minimum. Alternatively, create an
external JavaScript file if it is unavoidable.

8. Do Implement a Robots.txt File.

The primary purpose for using a robots.txt file is to gain
complete control over the data indexed by the searchbots.
Implement a Robots.txt file only when you want to prevent
unwanted web pages from being indexed. A robots.txt file is
always placed in the root folder of the website where the
searchbots can access it easily.

7. Do Target the Correct Keywords.

Targeting the wrong keywords is a common mistake many
optimizers make and even worse - veteran SEO professionals
do it. Marketers select keywords that they think are
explanatory of their website, but the average searcher does
not think in those same keyword terms. Picking the right
keywords can increase or decrease traffic to your SEO
campaign. A first-class keyword suggestion aid, for example
the Google search-based keyword tool
will help you find keywords that are appropriate for your

6. Do Include Long Tail Keywords.

With a million websites competing for short tail keywords,
it can take more than 6 months to rank in the top 20 for a
competitive keyword. In this case, long tail keywords come
in handy. Long tail keywords are more specific and can
contain the name of a specific product, brand or city.
Ranking for long tail keywords is comparatively easier and
the rate of conversion is better than that of short tail
keywords. Do include keywords in the title tags.

5. Do Maintain a Uniform URL Structure.

If your website is dynamic, then you need to modify the URL
structure of the web pages. This maintains uniformity and
helps searchbots to understand which page it is indexing.
It is very easy to maintain the URL structure in dynamic
websites. Blogging platforms like Wordpress provide an
option for permalinks. Customized dynamic websites can use
URL rewrite in the .htaccess file for the same.

4. Don't Link to Low Quality Websites.

Link building is a very crucial aspect of search engine
optimization. Search engines consider the number of incoming
links to a website as an indication of their popularity and
give them priority rankings. Many beginners fail to realize
that it is links from authoritative and quality websites
that are important and they mistakenly link to low quality
websites for higher rankings. This tactic can cause the
credibility of the website to go down with search engines
and in some cases, the website may get banned.

3. Do Perform Competitive Intelligence.

Before starting your search engine optimization program,
visit the competing websites in the top results. Research
these types of questions:

A. How many websites are competing for the same keyword?

B. How old are the websites in top search engine results

C. How many back links do the top ranking websites

D. What type of social media is used by the competing

2. Do Take Advantage of Google Analytics.

2009 was the year when web analytics gained momentum.
Google Analytics (http://www.google.com/webmasters/)
came up with advanced metrics and intelligence report
features which revolutionized free analytics tools.
Companies realized the benefits of using web analytics
tools to extract their relevant data. Implement Google
Analytics to analyze data and build a 2010 plan to
increase traffic and rates of conversion.

1. Do Create Fresh Content.

Search engines are famous for penalizing a website for
publishing duplicate content. With plagiarism on the rise
and availability of content checking tools such as
Copyscape, marketers have become more cautious. Yahoo is
considered to be among the harshest of all the search
engines with regard to this penalty. Add fresh content to
your website to help build visitor interest and
credibility with the search engines.

These 10 simple do's and don'ts can help you to avoid
making potentially dangerous SEO mistakes and ensure your
site is indexed and boost rankings.
Debbie A. Everson is the CEO of SearchMar.com, experienced
SEO Consultants and Search Engine Optimization Agency to
over 2,000 small businesses. Learn about search engine
optimization, paid search advertising, social media, and
email marketing. Read my SEO Blog at
http://blog.searchmar.com for hints and tips. Follow me on
Twitter @searchmar. Call 1.866.885.6263 to speak to one of
our SEO Consultants. Visit http://www.searchmar.com .

Copyright © 2010 Jayde Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

SEO-News is a registered service mark of Jayde Online, Inc.

Marketing Coaching: Understanding the Basics of Page Rank

Четверг, 11 Марта 2010 г. 22:33 + в цитатник
Article printed from SEO-News: http://www.seo-news.com
HTML version available at: http://www.seo-news.com/archives.html
Marketing Coaching: Understanding the Basics of Page Rank
By Paul Marshall (c) 2010 Strategic Web Marketing Net

You've just built your website and you want to show up on the
search engines. You start reading about SEO and one of the first
things that jumps out at you is something called "Google
PageRank." You know about the big dog of the search engines, but
what is PageRank and why is it important in what you're trying
to do?

Any good marketing coach can explain that easily. If your site is
placing high in free (organic) search results, you're getting
free advertising. Notice the word "free." That's always a good
thing. Building a strong PageRank (PR) by getting good quality
links coming in to your site takes time, but it isn't going to
eat a hole in your pocketbook.

You want to work on raising your site's PR to get "authority"
with the search engines. A site with "authority" gets better
visibility in search results. Really understanding the algorithm
behind your site's PR will likely have you reaching for a bottle
of aspirin. In the beginning, just concentrate on understanding
the basics and how they relate to your efforts to promote your

How Is PR Defined?

Google says PR is all about the "uniquely democratic nature of
the web" and "using its vast link structure as an indicator of
an individual page's value." Basically, a link from one page to
another is a vote for that page. However, not all votes in this
democracy are equal. Some votes come from higher-quality pages
and are weighed more heavily. (Other factors in determining PR
include the relevance of search phrases on a page and actual
traffic to the page.)

How Is PageRank Expressed?

PR values are expressed on a scale of 0 to 10. Sites from 0 to 2
are probably pretty new to the Web and have few incoming links.
Sites that have made it to PR3 to PR5 are fairly well
established; PR6 and above are really popular and have a lot of
high-quality links. There are very few sites that make it to the
PR7 to PR10 range.

The ones that are ranked that high are usually owned by big
corporations or major media outlets like the Wall Street Journal
(PR8). Improving your site's PR by getting relevant,
high-quality, incoming links is one of the most affordable SEO
methods at your disposal. Rather than trying to get to a specific
number, just concentrate on improving your number.

Is My Site's Homepage The Only Page With PR?

No, each page in your site will be assigned a PR, something that
is emphasized in marketing coaching as a valuable tool. You can
use relevant interlinking to distribute PR throughout all your

Huh? Well, just hang on to that thought for a minute. For right
now, just understand the concept that some pages in your site may
earn a higher PR than others, and that you can use that to your

PageRank Passes From One Page To Another

Here's how it works. A page with a high PR passes some of its
value to a low PR page over a link. You can use this to promote
your site in a couple of ways. When your site's pages are
interlinked in a relevant way, PR gets distributed more evenly
throughout the site. Also, you can "court" relevant sites that
belong to other people through your link-building campaign. This
is really how your site starts to gain "authority."

Start By Building Your Index Page's PR

Generally, marketing coaches will tell you to begin by working on
your home page's PR. This can be time-consuming, and not just
because you'll be building relationships with other site owners.
You have to do your time in what's popularly called the Google
"sandbox." This just means that new sites like yours probably
won't get any PR at all for the first few months you're on the

How Do I Check My PR?

There are a number of free, online tools for checking PR
including PRChecker (http://prchecker.org/) and SearchStatus
(http://www.quirk.biz/searchstatus/). At PRChecker you type in a
page's URL to see its PR. SearchStatus is a FireFox extension
that shows a site's PR at the bottom of your browser. (It also
shows your site's Alexa rating, another method to measure online
"importance.") You can also install the Google Toolbar
(http://toolbar.google.com) for Firefox or Internet Explorer and
enable the PageRank function.

Is Building My PR All I Need To Do?

A marketing coach will tell you that having a strong PR is only
one part of your SEO campaign. For instance, say you're looking
around for a site to link to yours. You find one with a high PR,
but it's a site that sells links. Move on. Their high PR number
doesn't do you any good because a link from that site to yours
will have a lower quality and will pass less authority to you.

Understanding the basics of PageRank is essential in putting
together a high-quality link-building campaign for your site, but
don't get fixated on the PR number and ignore other important
facts. Just gain a basic understanding of what PR is and how it
functions and use that to your advantage in building a reputation
of authority for your site.
Marketing online since 2004, Paul Marshall can help you market
on a realistic budget. You can learn about his professional
Internet Marketing Coaching and Consulting Services on his home
page: http://strategicwebmarketing.net/ He also offers
Affordable SEO services (and d-i-y Coaching), which you can
learn about here: http://strategicwebmarketing.net/seo.html Get
to know Paul, just visit Strategic Web Marketing.net today!

Copyright © 2010 Jayde Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

SEO-News is a registered service mark of Jayde Online, Inc.


Нужен сайт!

Четверг, 11 Марта 2010 г. 18:43 + в цитатник
Именно благодаря бирже статей Адвего я узнал, что есть такое понятие, как вебмастер. Вебмастер - это звучит гордо, и я решил, что мне просто жизненно необходимо создать свой сайт. По-хорошему надо было бы купить себе доменное имя и оплатить хостинг, но на тот момент никаких более-менее вразумительных идей по поводу предназначения будущего сайта не было, поэтому я решил начать с бесплатного пути создания веб-страничек на Ucoz. Дизайном и разработкой сайтов занимаются профессиональные веб-студии. Кстати, рейтинг веб студий здесь не последнее дело.
Так появился мой первый пробный "сайт" - KerchInfoCenter .


А зачем???

Четверг, 11 Марта 2010 г. 14:11 + в цитатник
В один прекрасный момент я понял, что Интернет - это то место, где люди не только ищут нужную информацию, развлекаются и общаются, а еще и огромное поле для работы и получения доходов.
Просто стало интересно каким образом хитрые ребята с помощь компьютера, подключенного к интернету, умудряются зарабатывать большие деньги?!?
Ну очень стало интересно!
Так я стал серфить в бескрайних просторах Сети. Одним из первых направлений, которое мне попалось на пути, был копирайтинг, то есть написание различных текстов и комментариев за деньги. Об этом далее.


Дневник KerchInfoCenter

Среда, 10 Марта 2010 г. 23:55 + в цитатник
Блог о заработке в интернете или первые шаги начинающего вебмастера

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