Флешка Большая коллекция инструментальной музыки (трек лист) ч1 |
Ventura_Hotel california ChopinValse No
kenny g - forever in love
R.Clayderman_Woman in love ChopinValse No
candy dulfer & dave stewart - lilly was here
F.Poursel_Concerto pour voix Strauss IIVenskie vechera george zamfir - lonely shepherd
F.Pappeti_La decadance MozartAlla Turca
jean-michel jarre - oxygene II
Aimable_El bimbo BeethovenFur Elise kenny g - havana
F.Duval_Ballade pour Adeline ChopinFantasie-Impromptu Op vanessa mae - storm E.Morricone
F.Pourcel_Emmanuelle ChopinEtude in C minor ennio morricone - chi mai
P.Mauriat_Love is blue OginskyPolonaise in A minor fausto papetti - reality
R.King_Hava nagila GriboedovValse No kenny g - going home rd Force - You Know My Heart
Andre Popp - Emmanuelle
Anthony Ventura Orchestra - San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your
Armik - Barcelona Armik - Serenata
Armik - Treasures
Aschera - Flowers Birthay
Bert Kaempfert - Blueberry Hill
Blonker - Fantasia
Blonker - Indigo
Bruno Bertone Sound Orchester-Der Clou
Caravelli - Comme Toi
Chet Atkins & Tommy Emmanuel - Borsalino
Chet Atkins & Tommy Emmanuel - News from the Outback
Chet Atkins - Sails
Chris Spheeris & Anthony Mazzella - Brio
Chris Spheeris - Aria
Eduardo Sanchez, Corben Cassavette & Joe Carran-Walk Of Life
Grover Washington Jr- Winelight
John Barry - Out of Africa
Carl OrffO, Fortuna (Carmina Burana)
S.Preux_Amour fusion GriboedovValse No paul mauriat - el bimo
S.Blue_Orfeo negro -LiadovMusikalna tabakerka acker bilk - feelings
S.Nicolas_When i need you -TchaikovskyNocturne in C-charp minor fausto papetti - theme from paradise
S.Preux_Apres demain -TchaikovskyNata-valse shadows - africa _R.Claudermann
SKY_Toccata TchaikovskyOsenna pesna blonker - here, here & everywere
D.Salevaro_Beatiful rose Rimsky-KorsakovPolot shmela alan parsons - secret garden
BeethowenSonata No - Adagio sostenuto francisco garsia - still got the blues
Pete tex_Lonely
BeethowenSonata No - Presto agitato paul mauria - love is blue M.Legran
D.Salero_Theme for a dream
SchumannKinderszenen - About foreign lands and peoples
fausto papetti - smoke gets in your eyes
L.Belmondo_Ave Maria
SchumannKinderszenen - Catch me if you can
blonker - anak Kenny G
Armik - Malaga
B-Tribe - Intro
B-Tribe - Overture (Concierto de Aranjuez)
Black Magic Woman
Blonker - Amazonas
Bruno Bertone Sound Orchester-Everything I Do
Bruno Bertone Sound Orchester-Mull Of Kyntire
Caravelli - Comme Toi
Dana Dragomir - I En Kloster Tradgard (In A Monastery Garden)
Fausto Papetti-Samba Pa Ti Govi- Your Lingering Touch Govi - Espresso
Guillermo Sanchez - Anywhere Is
James Last - Take me Home Country Roads
Jeff Beck - A Day in the House
Johannes Linstead - Heat In The Torremolinos
Karunesh - Endless Skies
Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra-Fernando
Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra-Its A Sin
Ottmar Liebert + Luna Negra - La Luna (L) G.Verdi - O patria mia, mai piu ti revedro
A.Hassan orc_Arabian nights SchumannKinderszenen - Dreaming chet atkins - michelle
SchubertImpromptu No Fact & Fiction_Melody dAmour francis goya - concerto daranjues
G.Sviridov SchubertImpromptu No
brian mcknight - color of the night
TchaikovskyValse Sentimentale G.Ventura_Soli mark knopfler - the road
TchaikovskyPiano Concerto No - Allegro non troppo
alan parsons - lucifer
GriegPiano Concerto - Allegro molto moderato F.Pourcel_The no colour time of the days francis goya - romance de amour
P.Mauriat_Line belle historie TchaikovskyThe Nutcracker - Marche santana - samba pa ti
TchaikovskyThe Nutcracker - Danse de la Fee-Dragee
E.Simoni_House of the rising sun jean-michel jarre - calipso I
Kenny G
TchaikovskyThe Nutcracker - Tarantella
Pete Tex_Bella Luna ricki king - air
TchaikovskyThe Nutcracker - Intermezzo Accademia_Electric love
ennio morricone - a fistful of dollars
Vanessa May
Blonker - Castles in the Air
Bruno Bertone Sound Orchester - Song For Sandy
Bruno Bertone Sound Orchester-Night Fever
Caravelli - Mamy Blue
Eduardo Sanchez, Corben Cassavette & Joe Carran-Wonderwall
Fausto Papetti - Alexandra
Francis Goya - Always In My Heart
Govi - Embrace
Harold Faltermeyer - Axel F
Johannes Linstead - La Cabanita En La Playa
Johannes Linstead - Mezza Luna
Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra-Good Day Sunshine
Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra-Michelle
Nostardamus - I Orevers Kiss
Nova Menco - Gypsy Wedding
NovaMenco - Tigris Palace
Pete Tex - Holiday Express
Ritisoyo - Baila Negra
Rondo Veneziano - Carrousel
Saint Preux - Love In Duty Free
Вальс - allegro (The Sleeping Beauty, op)
TchaikovskyThe Nutcracker - Trepak A.Popp_Love est bleu julee cruise - twin peaks theme
TchaikovskyThe Nutcracker - Danse chinoise
A.S& F.A._Moonlight sonata ventures - vibrations
TchaikovskyThe Nutcracker - Andante maestoso P.Mauriat_Oumparera rondo veneziano - armonie
BrahmsWaltz No
F.Goya_Twinkin twilight
london symphonic orchestra - i just called to say i love
F.Papetti BrahmsWaltz No
royal philarmonic orchestra - yesterday
S.Preux_On the wings of time
BrahmsWaltz No R.Clayderman_Diva richard clyderman - moon river
ChopinPiano Concerto No- Maestoso G.Ventura_Lultima neve di Primavera space - magic fly
Kenny G
ChopinPiano Concerto No- Larghetto A.Ventrura_Ti amo fausto papetti - emmanuelle
MozartPiano Concerto No - Rondo F.Pappetti_Glochi proibilti paul mauriat - minuetto
BachPiano Concerto No - Allegro ennio morricone - le vent, le cri
R.Clayderman_Voyage venise
Bruno Bertone Sound Orchester-No More Lonely Nights
Chris Spheeris - Magaya
David Young - Piano
Gil Ventura - Love Story
Gustavo Montesano - Tango Serenata
James Last-Secret Love
Johannes Linstead and Nicholas Gunn - Santo Domingo
Moorea - Gypsy King
Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra-Billie Jean
Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra-Felicita
Nicholas Gunn - Rosarita Sunset Nostardamus - Yean Ie Ie
Nova Menco - When the Dead Come Alive
Ottmar Liebert - When Im With U-Everything I Ever Needed
Paul Mauriat - Forever and ever
Romantische Welterfolge - Africa
Saint Preux - Priere A Samara, Le Musicien
Saint Preux - Prologue
Shahin & Sepehr- Return To Jakarta
VA - Lambada
No Moonlight (Adagio/Presto) BachPiano Concerto No- Largo francis goya - zobras dance S.Preutex_Andante pour voix
MozartConcert Rondo J.Last_Paintings kenny g - silhouette
MozartPiano Concerto No - Andante santana - moonflower P.Moria
Pete tex_Herbswinnd ChopinPolonaise No james last - my way
R.Clayderman_Mariage dAmore ChopinWaltz No blonker - sleep walk S.Nicolai
A.S& F.A._Last night ChopinWaltz No
fausto papetti - sleepy shores
G.Mainville & orc_Love story ChopinMazurka No ocarina - implora E.Morricone
Fde Lago_Malaika ChopinMazurka No ocarina - moonlight reggae F.Papetti
E.Kaelvert_Nostalgie ChopinNocturne No zodiak - zodiak
R.Clayderman_Les jours heureux ChopinEtude in E major kenny g - songbird F.Goya
- Summer of years
Anthony Ventura Orchestra - Greensleeves-Love Me Tender
B-Tribe - Intro Sueno Del Cielo
Govi -My Precious
Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra - We Are The World
Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra-Bad
Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra-Strawberry Fields
Nicholas Gunn -Call of the Wild
No means Yes - Amarilli
Nostradamus - The Whisper Of An Angel
Nova Menco - Mediterranean Breeze
Ottmar Liebert - Duende del Amor (Day)
Rick Wakeman - Jack Frost
Royal Phiharmonic Orchestra - Eye Of The Tiger
Runrig - Heading to Acadia
S.E.N.S- Love
Tony Andeson - Candle in the wind
VA - do youknow
VA - How deep is your love
Wind of Change
Arthur Rubinstein - Melodie in F
Mauriat_From Souvenirs ti Souvinirs
ChopinEtude in A-flat major antony ventura - tornero
R.King_Primavera ChopinEtude in F minor vanessa mae - (i) can, can (you)
A.Hassan_Arabian affair # ChopinEtude in G-flat major shadows - take my breath away
A.Ventura_Per lucia ChopinNocturne in F major vanessa mae - contradanza F.Papetti
R.King_Tum Balalaika
ChopinNocturne in F-sharp major vangelis - alpha
G.Nourris_La chanson dOrhee ChopinScherzo No omega - finale
R.Clayderman_A comme amour BeethovenSonata No- Grave govi - tears of joy
Kenny G
S.Preux_From the cities
BeethovenSonata No- Adagio cantabile antony ventura - la paloma
O.Libert_Barselona nights BeethovenSonata No- Rondo Allegro henry manciny - pink panter
R.Coniff_Kiss of fire
BeethovenSonata No - Allegro assai
eric simoni - pop corn
David Arkenstone - Sunplash
A band called O Within reach
Alex Bollard & LSO - Dancing In The Dark
Alex Bollard & LSO - Hey Jude
Alex Bollard & LSO - Roxanne
Amethystium - Shadowlands
Armik - Black Orpheus (Manha De Carnaval)
Armik - Gypsy Romance
Armik - Spring Passion
Aschera - Journey Of Love
Billy McLaughlin - Clockshop
Blonker - Travelling
Bruno Bertone Sound Orchester - Living Next Door To Alice
Bruno Bertone Sound Orchester-Floating
Bruno Bertone Sound Orchester-When A Man Loves A Woman
Chet Atkins - Arkansaw Traveller
Chris Spheeris - Dancing With the Muse
Craig Chaquico - Dreamcatcher
Cusco Flying Condor
Nicholas Gunn - Breathe
Joseph Haydn Nun schwanden vor dem heiligen StrahleVerzweiflung, Wut und
Schrecken (The Creation)
P.Mauriat_Reveinse je Taime BeethovenSonata No - Andante con moto paul mauriat - brasilia carnaval
Kenny G_Lets go
BeethovenSonata No - Allegro ma non troppo
paul mauriat - toccata
F.Duval_Tears ChopinBallade No alan parsons - pipeline
H.Arland_Peite fleur ChopinBallade No
ennio morricone - the sicilian clan
Rusty Cruthcer_Machu picchu impresion BachFantasia and Fugue in A minor kenny g - my heart will go on
R.Clayderman_Litalienne BachLargo from Sonata No francis goya - romeo & juliet
E.Simoni_Einsame hirte ChopinMazurka in F minor blonker - morning breeze G.Zampfir
A.S& F.A_Verde luna ChopinMazurka in C-sharp minor george gershvin - summertime
O.Libert_August moon ChopinMazurka in D-flat major francisco garcia - besame mucho
R.Lefervre_Hotel California ChopinMazurka in C-sharp minor chet atkins - ave maria
Anthony Ventura Orchestra - Vaya con Dios-House of the Rising Sun
Anthony Ventura Orchestra Quantanamera-Charly
Armik - Road To Hana
Blonker - White Disaster
Bruno Bertone Sound Orchester-Kiss And Say Goodbye
Caravelli - Las marionetas (Les marionnettes)
Chris Spheeris - Voices of Faith
Dagda - Mise Liom Fein
David Arkenstone - Cast Da Nets
Delerium - Metaphor
Eduardo Sanchez, Corben Cassavette & Joe Carran-The Road To Hell
Fausto Papetti - Prendila Cosi
Gandalf - Brightened Night
Gil Ventura - Days of Wine and Roses
Jeff Beck - Savoy
Johannes Linstead - Evening Embrace Johannes Linstead - La Serpiente
Johannes Linstead - The Temple At Delphi
Kurt Hummel - December
Saint-Preux - Hip-Hop Concerto
Gefangenenchor aus Nabucco
J.Last_Country train ChopinMazurka in F minor francis goya - if you leave me now
ChopinMazurka in B-flat minor G.Ventura_Coimba pan dana - the good, the bad N.De Angelis
ChopinMazurka in B major F.Papetti_Einsame hirte gino morinello - wicked game
C Atkins
LisztShum lesa
H.Alahard_Marhenballade jean-michel jarre - oxygene IV
LisztChromatic Etude francis goya & luca - memory R.Clayderman_Concero pour une jeune
ChopinPolonaise No
N.Portelli_Rosen bluhn wieder schon rippingtons - big sky P.Mauriat
SchumannVecherom S.Blue_Musica E
secret service -aux deux magotos
Kenny G
LisztHungarian Rhapsody No B.Sartius_Java du Luis jean-michel jarre - orient express
LisztHungarian Rhapsody No R.Cadermack_Bei mir bist du shon vanessa mae - classical gas M.Greger
Schubert - LisztSerenada Gino Morello orchestra_Ghost rainbow - showman
Chris Spheeris - Allegria
Craig Chaquico - Return Of The Eagle
Fausto Papetti-Believe
Fausto Papetti-Hymn A Lamour
Fausto Papetti-Tema Del Film Piccolo Budha
Govi- Dolphin Escort Govi - Savanna Rains
Incendio - Duelo a la Muerte
James Last-I Know Why (And So Do You)
Jeff Beck - Declan
Jesse Cook - Alone
Johannes Linstead and Nicholas Gunn - Magic City little wonders
Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra-Its Propably Me
Mythos - Alpha
Nicholas Gunn - La Morada en el Templo Antiguo
Saint-Preux - The Piano Beneath The Sea
Shahin & Sepehr - East , West Highway
Tommy Emmanuel - Antonellas Birthday
Tommy Emmanuel - No More Goodbyes
Peer Gynt SuiteOp
F.Pourcel_Ne me quitte pas
royal philarmonic orchestra - strangers in the night
P.Weekers LisztSolovey frank duval - theme R.Clayderman_Ne me Quette pas
SkriabinEtude in C-sharp minor G.Ventura_Pensami
james last - rodrigos guitar concerto
N.Rota_Theme from Romeo & Juliet shadows - sailing Armik
RavelIgra vodi R.King_La corrida
richard clayderman - we are the world
SchumanBunte Blatter - Prelude blonker - sidewalk cafe
Acoustic Alchemy
SchumanRomance No J.Last_Yosaku
richard clayderman - carless whisper
Diego Modena
SchumanRomance No O.Liebert_the night
santana - i love you much to much
Paul Mauriat
SeixasMenuet in F minor F.Pourcel_Fluty max greger - alla figaro
Acoustic Alchemy
Мария Гринберг - СейшасТокката фа минор
SeixasToccata in F minor R.Clayderman_StLouis blues richard clayderman - dolannes melodie
Chet Atkins - La Golondrina
Gino Marinello Orchestra - Without Your Love
Govi - Magellans Beat
Govi - Nettie Gem
James Last & Richard Clayderman - Wind Beneath My Wings
Kamal - Ripples
Karunesh - Calling Wisdom
Munich Symphonic Sound Orche - Everything I Do, I Do It For
Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra-And I Love Her
Nacho Sotomayor - Sometimes
Ottmar Liebert - Reaching Out U
Pepe Solera - Green Leeves
Ray Hamiton Orchestra-Take My Breath Away Rondo Veneziano - Campiello In Festa
Rondo Veneziano - Musica...Fantasia
Santana - Aqua Marine
Tommy Emmanuel - Gameshow Rag-Cannonball Rag
VA - Mandy
Viktor - Полуночный танец благородного принца
BeethovenMarch in D major J.Ventura_Apassionatamente weekers - el condor pasa
Jean Michel Jarre
R.Lefevre_Delta Queens BrahmsValse No
rippingtons - black diamonds
The Shadows
BrahmsValse No Aimble_A moun la gil ventura - soli The Gino Marinello Orch
BrahmsValse No G.Zamfir_Ete DAmour nino rota - goodfather
Francis Goya BrahmsValse No james last - sacrifice R.Clayderman_Lamour exite
F Goya & D Luca
BrahmsValse No A.S& F.A._It signo rondo veneziano - bettina Helmut Zacharias
BrahmsHungarian Dance No
P.Mauriat_Le Lecon partticuliere space - just blue Richard Clauderman BrahmsHungarian Dance No ocarina - song of ocarina
S Preux_LAmar tendress
BrahmsHungarian Dance No A.Ventura_Tornero shadows - lady in red Fausto Papetti
Strauss IDari Veni B.Sarius_Kustennebel
symphonic rock orchestra - the phantom of the opera rd Force
Anthony Ventura Orchestra - Crying in the Chapel
Armik -Cafe Siena
Behzad - Guitar Twilight
Mehdi - Eternal Bliss
Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra-Let It Be
Paul Mauriat -Manha Do Carnaval
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - Every Breath You Take
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - Good Vibrations
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - Hooked on Mendelssohn
Saint-Preux - Free Yourself
Stefan Nicolai - Song For Guy Steve McDonald - Eastlander
Strunz & Farah - Tierra Verde
Symphonic Rock Orchestra - Siciliano ( Bach )
Tommy Emmanuel-Mountain Of Truth
Tony Andeson - Woman in Love
Vamos a La Playa
Viktor - Only You
Wise Hand - People
Wolf Hoffmann (Accept) - Habanera
Lucia Di LammermoorArdon gli iIncensi - Gaetano Donizetti
- Feathers
Francis Goya - Be
Gunter Noris und sein Orchester - Ciao, Ciao Bambina (Come Prima) Volare
Nicholas Gunn - Crossroads
Ocarina - Admitting
Paul Mauriat - Hello
Raymond Lefevre - Mammy Blue
Ritisoyo - Encuentros
Romantische Welterfolge - Exodus
Rondo Veneziano - Note Veneziane
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - Wicked Game
Steve Stevens - Cinecitta
Terra Cotta - Lovers Kiss
The Shadows - Kon-Tiki
Tilo Matelli-Amarillo
VA - One Moment In Time
Vanessa Mae - Red Hot
Viktor - Toccata
Willie Royal And Wolfgang Lobo Fink - El Payo
Strauss IIKrestyanskaya polka
Fur Elise
Nicholas Gunn - Oasis R.Clayderman_Angelica divina vangelis - metallic rain Govi
james last - ballade for adeline Frank Duval
blonker - castles in the air
Kenny G
giorgio moroder - flash dance rondo veneziano - musica..fantasia nino rota romeo & juliet paul mauria - alouette richard clyderman - love story james last - night in white satin james last - carless whisper - Another Answer Come
- Valley of Healing Waters
Alex Bollard & LSO - Happy Together
Anthony Ventura Orchestra - If I Were a Carpenter-Maria Elena
Armik - Laceros
Armik - Romancero
Armik - Sangria
Armik - Timeless
Armik - Toledo
B-Tribe - Que Mala Vida
B-Tribe - Sometimes
Bruno Bertone Sound Orchester-Hello
Bruno Bertone Sound Orchester-Killing Me Softly
Buckethead - Whitewash
Caravelli - What Now My Love
Craig Chaquico - Seattle Child
Cusco - The Hunt
DJ Dado - X-Files
Ennio.Morricone - Poem of a woman
Franck Pourcel - I Me Mine Танец Маленьких Лебедей saint preux - amours meteores shadows - moonlight shadow ocarina - ocarina II santana - europa space - air force
jean-michel jarre - magnetic fields II
mark snow - the x-files vangelis - chariots of fire
damian luca - unchaned melody antony ventura - schiwago Alex Bollard & LSO - Samba Pa Ti
B-Tribe - La Guitarra
B-Tribe - Suave Suave
Behzad Aghabeigi - Amazon Rain
Bruno Bertone Sound Orchester-Fly Away
Caravelli - Chariots of fire
Caravelli - LAmour en Heritage
Caravelli - Poor People Of Paris
Chet Atkins - Black Mountain Rag
Delerium - Incantation
Fillip Chapman - Paradise
Gandalf - Rhythm of the Tides
Gil Ventura - Solamente Una Ve
Golden Accordion - Costa De Luz
James Last-Plaisir DArmour
Jean Segurel - Bouree de baptistou
Johannes Linstead - Mi Angel
Johannes Linstead and Nicholas Gunn - Island Song
Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra-The Fool On The Hill Вальс
michelle grand - parapluies de scherbourg alan parsons - mammagamma erol garner - when a man loves a woman jan hammer - crocketts theme the intimate orchestra - sadeness santana - love is you Blonker - Fantasia
Blonker - Taurus
Cantara - Shephards Song
Chris Spheeris - Andalu
FGoya - Mona Lisa
G.E.N.E- Beauty of Swamp
Gil Ventura - Medley- Corcovado,The Girl From Ipanema
Gil Ventura - Pink Panther
Grover Washington - In the name of Love
James Last-How Do I Live
James Last-Oye Mi Canto
James Last-Time To Say Goodbye
Joe Carran, Eduardo Sanchez, Corben Casssavette-So far Away
Johannes Linstead - Rio
John Barry You only live twice
Karunesh - Evening Reflections
Lara & Reyes - Exotico
Mehdi - Odyssey
Neal Schon - Night Spirit
Nova Menco - Sahara
Waltz In F Sharp Minor, KK Ib, Valse Mйlancolique
Chris Spheeris - The Joy of This Longing
Coyote Caravan - Shahin & Sepehr Frank Chacksfield - Lime Light
Guillermo Sanchez - Orinoco flow
Gypsy King - Bosamba
James Last - Reflections
Joe Carran, Eduardo Sanchez, Corben Casssavet
Karunesh - Stargazing
Kurt Hummel - Waltz for Guitar and Sound
Lara And Reyes - Exotico
Larry Carlton - Smiles And Smiles To Go
Michael David - Sound of Silence
Mythos - Surrender
Neal Schon - Cool Breeze
Ocarina - La complainte de Jesse James
Paul Mauriat - Ebony and ivory
Paul Mauriat - If You Go Away
RLefevre - Hotel California
Sandra - I need love (enigmatique vers
VA - Angie
Armik - Rain
Karunesh - A Beautiful Day
Nostradamus - Dreamin A You
Orchester Tony Anderson - Fairy Tales
P.Fountain - Those Were The Days
Paul Mauriat - Sara
Ray Conniff & His Orchestra-Wagon Wheels (Chorus)
Ray Hamiton Orchestra-Beauty & The Beast
Ray Hamiton Orchestra-Please Forgive Me
Romantische Welterfolge-Conquest Of Paradise
Romantische Welterfolge-More Than I Can Say
Rondo Veneziano - Damsels
Rondo Veneziano - Eine Nacht in Venedig
Shahin & Sepehr - One Passion Dance
VA - Too much heaven
Viktor - Jackety Ex
Viktor - Вуаль Лауры
Willie and Lobo - Donde Vayo
Willie Royal And Wolfgang Lobo Fink - Pacifico
Петр Дранга - Латина Донна
Also Sprach Zarathustra
Al Di Meola - Biancas midnight lullaby
- Athens Memories
- First Daughter Of The Moon
- Overheard in a Dream
Amethystium - Gates Of Morpheus
Andre Popp - Tonight
Anthony Ventura Orchestra - Red Roses for a Blue Lady-Love Letters in the
Anthony Ventura Orchestra I Cant Stop Loving You
Apollo Featuring Tom Parker - Joy
Armik - Bolero Passion
Armik - Meet You In Heaven
B-Tribe - Hablame
B-Tribe - Sketches of StAntoni
Billy Vaughn - Without You
Blackmores Night Shadow of the Moon
Bruno Bertone - Living next door to alice
Bruno Bertone Sound Orchester-Melissa
Eduardo Sanchez, Corben Cassavette & Joe Carran - Wonderful Tonight
Eduardo Sanchez, Corben Cassavette & Joe Carran-Guitar Tango
Grover Washington Jr- Let It Flow (For Dr., J)
Nocturne II
- Stella Maris
- The Emerald Way
Armik - Moonrise
Armik - Rumba De Noche
Armik - Sunset In Paradise
Blonker - Cape Ladiko
Blonker - Journey to The Windward Islands
Blonker - Oslo Fjorden
Chris Spheeris & Anthony Mazzella - Forever..My Love
Craig Chaquico - We Rode The Wind
Eduardo Sanchez, Corben Cassavette & Joe Carran-Abrazame
Francis Goya - La Comparsa
Franck Pourcel - Penny Lane
GVentura - Soli
Gandalf - Brighter than a Star
Goya - My First Serenade
Grover Washington, Jr - Make me a Memory
Jesse Cook - Byzantium Underground
Karunesh - Mojave
Nini Rosso - Il silenzio
Mass No.in A flat major D- Quoniam tu solus sanctus
Alex de Grassi - Cumulus
Armik - Piazza San Marco
Bruno Bertone Sound Orchester-Atlantis
Bruno Bertone Sound Orchester-My Name Is Nobody
Chet Atkins & Tommy Emmanuel - Road to Gundaghi-Waltzing Matilda
Deep Forest - Martas Song
Eduardo Sanchez, Corben Cassavette & Joe Carran-Ti Amo
Govi - Mediterrano
Govi - Touch of Light
Guillermo Sanchez - Book of days
James Last-Close To You
Jeff Beck - Where Were You
John Doan - Wings Of The Morning
Martin Bottcher - High Noon
Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra-Springtime
Nostradamus - Amarilli
Ottmar Liebert + Luna Negra - Spring Rain
Ottmar Liebert - Barcelona nights
Ron Asprey- I Will Always Love You
Royal Phiharmonic Orchestra - Lost In France
Blonker - Dreaming
Cusco - Flying Condor
Fausto Papetti-Cera Una Volta America
G.E.N.E.-Melancholy of Sunset
Gheorghe Zamfir - Donna non vidi mai
Gino Marinello Orchestra - Too Much Heaven
Johannes Linstead - Kiss the Earth
Kurt Hummel - Xray
Nova Menco - Alligator Alley
Nova Menco - Emotions
Ocarina - Cantica
Oscar Lopez - Corrientes
Oscasr Lopez - Waiting For You
Rondo Veneziano - Donna Lucrezia
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - Lonly Boy
Saint Preux - LArchipel Du Souvenir
Saint Preux - Stop Souvenir
Stefan Nicolai - La Paloma
Sunshine Reggae
Ventures - Caravan
Nr.Duetto Va, ti consola, addio
Cusco - White Buffalo
Fausto Papetti - Candlelight Theme
Fausto Papetti-Il Dio Serpente
Govi - Sapphire Sky
Herb Alpert - The Song Begins
Johannes linstead - Mountain Mist
Lesiem - Times
Neal Schon - Zanzibar
Paul Mauriat - Try To Remember
Ray Conniff & His Orchestra-Im An Old Cowhand (Chorus)
Ray Hamilton Orchestra-At This Moment
Rondo Veneziano - Carme Veneziano
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Now Im here
Stefan Nicolai - La Playa
The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Shes Leaving Home
The Shadows - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
The Shadows - Wonderful Land
Tommy Emmanuel - Cowboys Dream
VA - Desafinado
Vinnie Moore - In Control
- Land of Forever
- Starwalkers
- Timeless (Track )
Anthony Ventura Orchestra - If I Only Had TimeSave the Last Dance for Me
Armik- Moorea
Aschera - Ilu Aschera B-Tribe - Hablando
B-Tribe - Las Salinas
B-Tribe - Love
Bert Kaempfert - Red Roses For A Blue Lady
Caravelli - Capri termino (Capri cest fini)
Caravelli - I Just Called to Say I Love You(Pour Te Dire Que Je TAime)
Celestial - The last gong before sailing
Craig Chaquico - Feelin Alright
Gheorghe Zamfir - Andante
Grant Geissman - Gypsies
James Last-Every Time You Go Away
Johannes Linstead - Adelita No Woman No Cry
Paul Mauriat - You Are My World
The Ride of the Valkyries
- The Dreaming Tree
Behzad - Romance on the Nile
Blonker - You And Me
Bruno Bertone - Follow you, follow me
Caravelli - San Francisco
Chris Spheeris - The New West
Cusco - Didgeridoo
David Arkenstone - Caribbean Dreams-Diamonds On The Water
Don Ross - Afraid to dance
Eduardo Sanchez, Corben Cassavette & Joe Carran-De Nina A Murjer
Fausto Papetti - Europa
Gheorghe Zamfir - Theme from Limelight
Govi - Disappearing into You
JLast-Moonlight Serenade
James Last-Singin In The Rain
Jeff Beck - Big Block
Jesse Cook - Turning
Jesse Cook - Vamos
Orchester Tony Anderson - Ballade Pour Adeline
Roedelius - Poetry
Deserto in terra sol - Gaetano Donizetti
Behzad - Secret of the Gypsy
Cusco - Tupac Amaru
Cusco - Virgin Island
Emile Prud homme - Laccordeoniste
Fausto Papetti-Sun Franck Pourcel - Help!
James Last-Medley- Cracklin Rosie Rose Garden
Mehdi - Flowers of Spring
Mehdi - Mediterranean Dream
Mehdi - The Dream
Michael Cretu - Send me a sign
Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra - Stayin Alive
Ocarina - Roses For Jiang Ling
Orchester Tony Anderson - Banks Of The Ohio
Ottmar Liebert- Women Walking
Ottmar Liebert - Danza Viva (My Heart Grows Wings)
Raymond Lefevre - Gloria
Royal Phiharmonic Orchestra - Simply The Best
Secret Garden - The Reel
The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra- Eleanor Rigby
Scene- Une autre partie de la plaine
Blonker - Seven Steps
GMoroder - Ivory Tower
Gino Marinello Orchestra - Girl
Johannes Linstead and Nicholas Gunn - Morning Star
Laurindo Almeida - Hey Jude
Ocarina - Les Oiseaux
Ocarina - Rose-Mary reggae
Orchester Tony Anderson - Dont It Make My Brown Eyes Blue
Ottmar Liebert- Santa Fe
Ray Hamilton Orchestra - Always
Ray Hamilton Orchestra - Ill Find My Way Home
Ray Hamiton Orchestra-Sacifice Secret Garden - When Darkness Falls soundso
Stefan Nicolai - Chanson Anonyme
The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - All You Need Is Love
The Shadows Midnight Cowboy
Ulrich Herkenhof - Music from Heaven
Various Artists-Walk Dont Run
In the Hall of the Mountain King (Peer Gynt, Op)
_Zen Breakfast
Anthony Ventura Orchestra - Jills Theme (Spiel Mir das Lied Vom Tod)
Bruno Bertone Sound Orchester-Air
Chris Spheeris & Anthony Mazzella - Confluence
Helly Kumpusch Und Orchester Ambros Seelos - California Sunset
Martin Bottcher - Moon River
Mehdi - Dance Of Angels
Mychael Danna - Deirdre of the Sorrows
Neal Schon - Send Me An Angel
Pandana - Imagination
Raymond Lefevre - Strlight Express
Ritisoyo - Satsaga
Rondo Veneziano - Giochi DAcqua
Stefan Nicolai - Elvira Madigan Tom Barabas - Epiphany
VA - Even The Nights Are Better
VA - The Hustle
VA - when youre gone
Various Artists - Landluft
Wde los Rios - La nave del olvido
Polonaise in A-flat, Op
- The Tower Of Minos
Alan Parsons- Hawkeye
Alex Bollard & LSO - Only The Lonely
Armik - Corcovado
Armik - Fairytale Moon
Behzad Aghabeigi - Rapture Of Massy
Blue Horizon - Blonker
Caravelli - Summer night city
Chet Atkins - Sometime Someplace
Clannad The fairy queen
Craig Chaquico - The Drifter
Eduardo Sanchez, Corben Cassavette & Joe Carran-Man Of Mystery
Gino Marinello Orchestra - Need Your Love So Bad
Goya - Argentina
Guillermo Sanchez - Evacuee
James Last & Richard Clayderman - Promise Me
Karunesh - Call Of The Tribes
Nicholas Gunn - Where the Buffalo Roam
Ottmar Liebert - Paint It Black
Venja - A dash of soul
Prelude in C major BWV
Aschera - You And Me
B-Tribe - Interlude
Bernd Steidl - Paganiana
Billy McLaughlin -
Blonker - Take Me To The Rainbow
Caravelli - La Zandunga
Craig Chaquico - Streetwise
Deep Forest - Boheme
Fausto Papetti-Manhattan Lights
Franck Pourcel - Here, There And Everywhere
Gil Ventura - Taxi Driver
Govi - Language of the Heart
Heart Still Beating - Ottmar Liebert
James Last - A Man And A Woman
James Last-Lili Marleen
Johannes Linstead and Nicholas Gunn - Costa De La Luz
Karunesh - Flowing With the Tea
Kenny G - Stranger on the Shore
Kurt Hummel - Third Coffee
Orchester Tony Anderson - Swanee River
B-Tribe - Zapateado
Blonker - September
Caravelli - E.T(Theme from the Film) Cherry Cherry Lady
Gandalf - Hearts in Celestial Unison
Gary Glitter - Rock And Roll Part
Gil Ventura - Bogota
Gil Ventura - Last Tango in Paris
Jeff Beck - Stand On It
Joss Baselli - Indifference
Karunesh - Windrider
Miles Davis Corcovado
Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds Mythos - Sirens
Nicolas De Angeles - Badinerie
Open Your Heart
Ottmar Liebert - Promise (Beyond the Mountains)
Ray Conniff & His Orchestra-I Cant Give You Anything But Love (Tony Bennett)
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - Bakerman
Tommy Emmanuel - Drivetime
BWV ; TeilCoro Jauchzet, frohlocket
Chet Atkins - Shes a Woman
Cusco - Pastorale
Gheorghe Zamfir - Summer of
Govi - Bittersweet
Govi - Walking on Clouds
Karma - Ganesha
Marty - Verde
Nirvana - Show Must Go On
Nostradamus - Blame It All On My Love
Ray Hamilton Orchestra-In The Air Tonight
Rolf Soja - The Edge of Love
Royal Phiharmonic Orchestra - Turn It On Again
Shahin & Sepehr - Skyline Drive
Stefan von Dobrzynsky - Blue Bayou
Thors - Wings of Love
Tommy Emmanuel - Lewis & Clark
V.S.O.P- With You Im Born Again
VA - I write the song
Vinnie Moore - Wile My Guitar Gently Weeps
Yvette Horner - Marche des accordeonistes Lyonnas
Andrew Phillips - African Storm
Wise Hand - Safi
Bruno Bertone - The good, the bad and the ugly
Govi - Gypsy Heaven
Grover Washington - Nature Boy
Mehdi - Eastern Sunset
Oscar Lopez - Thinking Of You (Pensando En Ti)
Paul Mauriat - Say Yes
Paul Mauriat - Waiting
Ray Hamilton Orchestra-On My Own
Rondo Veneziano - Pulcinella
Saint Preux - La passion
Shadows-Benno - San
The Shadows - The Rise and Fall of Flingel Bunt
VA - Ti amo
Vanessa-Mae - Solace
Viktor - Aria from Suite (D-dur) Vom selben stern
Wolf Hoffmann (Accept) - Prelude
Yvette Horner -Plaisir des bois
Zamfir - Traumerei
Ave Maria
- Soul Doors
Alex Bollard & LSO - Living Without You
Andre Popp - Ding-A-Dong
Anthony Ventura Orchestra - If You Could Read My Mind
Antonio De Lucena - Amapola
Armik - Besos de amor
Armik - Caliente
Armik - Laredo
Armik - Speechless
Blonker - Im a Capricorn
Blonker - When A Man Loves A Woman
Caravelli - La bohemia (La boheme)
Chet Atkins & Tommy Emmanuel - Dixie McGuire Gil Ventura - Isnt She Lovely
Grover Washington Jr- Make Love To You
Guillermo Sanchez - Shepherd moons
Incendio - Awakening
James Last - Bye Bye Blackbird
James Last-The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down
VA - Vayamos Companeros
Ad Nos, Ad Salutarem Undam
- Unopened Flower
Amethystium - Shibumi
Armik - Ritmos Flamenco
B-Tribe - Albatross
B-Tribe - Es Vedra
B-Tribe - Tribute to J.SBach
Bert Kaempfert - Fascination
Bruno Bertone Sound Orchester-Dreamland
Caravelli - Yesterday
Chris Spheeris - Shahzada
Corun , Thanksgiving
Fausto Papetti-Fly Me To The Moon
Franck Pourcel - Michelle
James Last-I Hear You Knocking
Jeff Johnson & Brian Dunning Cuchulainns Last Battle
Jesse Cook - Come What Way
Joss Baselli - Flambee montalbanaise
Karunesh - Heart To Heart
Mehdi - Flight of the Eagle
Viktor - Kapriz n
A Felicidade
Bandari - Good Morning Sunshine
Bruno Bertone Sound Orchester-Moulin D Automne
Cedric Saillard - Notre Premier Tango
Chet Atkins - Adelita
Chieli Minucci -- Mixomelodia
David Arkenstone - Dance In The Sun
Fausto Papetti-Laura Non Ce
Gil Ventura - Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Jesse Cook - Matisse the Cat
Johannes Linstead - Amazonico
Karunesh - Sahara Sunset
Karunesh - Secrets Of Life
Max Greger - Tango Fernando
Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra-Help
Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra-One Moment In Time
Nova Menco - Reckless Dance
Paul Mauriat - Liebestraum (Liszt) Saint Preux - Je Reviendrai
Polonaise (Farewell to Native Land)
Daniele de Santos - Mundo Nuevo
Elysia - Genesis
Gino Marinello Orchestra - I Have A Dream
Govi - Peaches n Cream
Govi - Yin Yang
Joss Baselli - Perles de crista
Kenny G - Dont Make Me Wait for Love
Lara & Reyes -Mi Ciudad (My City)
Mas Que Nada
Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra-Mamma Maria
Nicholas Gunn - Apasionado Uno (Passionate One)
Nicholas Gunn - New World
Paul Mauriat - Back To Pyramids
Paul Mauriat - Nikita
Ray Conniff & His Orchestra-Dancing In The Dark (Chorus)
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - A Whiter Shade Of Pale
The London Symphony Orchestra - I Want It All
The Shadows - Black Is Black
VA - Dont cry for me, Argentina
Childrens Corner Jimbos lullaby
- The Year
Al Di Meola - San Marc (Moderna)
Armik - Blue Paradise
Armik - Just A Dream
Blue Chip Orchestra - Ite
King Curtis & The Kingpins - Whole Lotta Love
Lara & Reyes - Ojos de Mar (Eyes of the Sea)
Mehdi - Memories
Pavlo - Latin Love
Raymond Lefevre - Memory cats
Rondo Veneziano - Preludio AllAmore
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - Wonderful Life
The Ray Hamilton Orchestra-This Used To Be My Playground
Tommy Emmanuel - The Diggers Waltz -
Tony Andeson - Sleep walk
VA - Like a Virgin
VA - Moonlight Shadow
VA - Time After Time
Various Artists - Dear Pa
Viktor - Amadeus N
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra no.- Risoluto
- Sarahs Rainbow
Anthony Ventura One Moment in Time
Armik - A a Day In Malaga
Armik - Dreaming Of You
B-Tribe - Matador De Sa Pena
Bert Kaempfert - Sweet Caroline
Blonker - Here, There And Everywhere
Blonker - Once In A Blue Moon
Bruno Bertone Sound Orchester-River Kwai March
Caravelli - CEst Bon Pour le Moral
Caravelli - Cowboy De Medianoche
Caravelli - Nuages
Craig Chaquico - Holding Back The Years
Francis Goya - Sound Of Silence
Franck Pourcel - Girl
Gheorghe Zamfir - Air
Gil Ventura - Stayin Alive
Jesse Cook - Hermanos
Trance.Atlantic.Air.Waves - L- (Love For Two)
The Swan(The Carnival of the Animals)
B-Tribe - !Fiesta Fatal! (Barcelona Tribe Megamix) (Theme from Belfast Child)
B-Tribe - You Wont See Me Cry (Theme from Vangelis Ill Find My Way Home)
Chet Atkins - Frankie And Johnny
DJ Dado - Desert Of Sadness
Eduardo Sanchez, Corben Cassavette & Joe Carran-Wasted Time
Eric Hansen - The Look Of Love
Franck Pourcel - Girl
Gandalf -When Blossoms Turn to Fruit
Gandalf - Bridge of Confidence
Govi- Beach Fire Dancers
Govi - Go Easy
Govi - Ruby Lips
Govi - Swaying Palms
Guillermo Sanchez - Floras secret
Kurt Hummel - Opus
Lara & Reyes -Katias Dance
Lesiem - Humilitas (Humanity)
Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra-A Whiter Shade Of Pale
PFarina - Volge Melody
Raymond Lefevre - Sunrise,sunseta Fiddler On The Roof
Полёт Шмеля
Bill Conti - Theme From Dynasty
Chet Atkins & Tommy Emmanuel - To B or not to B
FGoya - Dance Me To The End Love
Fausto Papetti - Anima E Core
Gandalf - Flowers Along the Way
Gandalf - In the Presence of Angels
Gil Ventura - CEra Una Volta Il West
Gino Marinello Orchestra - If
Govi - Sky High
Hilary Stagg - A New Beginning
Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra - How Will I Know
Nicholas Gunn - Emerald Spring
Nova Menco - Purple Meadows
Part - Time Lover
Paul Mauriat - Day After Day
Saint-Preux - Adagio
Shadows- I Will Return
Shahin & Sepehr - Dance Of The Veils
Strunz & Farah - Anochecer (Nightfall)
Tommy Emmanuel - Change for Good
Franck Pourcel - Hey Jude
Gino Marinello Orchestra - Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
Govi - Jacaranda
Govi - Rumba Tumba
Goya - Blame it on the Bossa Nova
Grover Washington Jr- Make Me A Memory (Sad Samba)
Gustavo Montesano - Andante Rumba
Jacques Arnould - Rumba Dancing
James Last-Stir it up
Joe Carran, Eduardo Sanchez, Corben Casssavette-Samba Pa Ti
Kenny G - Love Theme from Romeo and Juliet
Nicholas Gunn - Indigo Skies Ricky King - Yesterday
Shahin & Sepehr - Road To Shiraz Stanley Clarke - Lisa
Stefan Nicolai - Never On Sunday
Symphonic Rock Orchestra -Geschichten Aus Dem Wiener Wald ( Strauss )
The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Yesterday
The Shadows - Pinball Wizard-See Me, Feel Me
Tommy Emmanuel - the inner voice
Anthony Ventura Orchestra Hey Jude
Armik - Amor De Brazil
Because You Loved Me
Gil Ventura - Isla Mahue
Mark Knopfler & Chet Atkins - Tahitian Skies
Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra - Layla
Nicholas Gunn - Deep Water Island
Pavlo - Love You Forever
Ray Conniff & His Orchestra-Speak Low (Chorus)
Ray Hamiton Orchestra-It Hurts To Be In Love Rolf Soja - For a Thousand Years
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - Lady In Black
Stefan Nicolai - Per amor te
Strunz & Farah - Anaconda
VA - My Way
VA - Space Oddity
Various Artists-Midnight in Moscow
Willie and Lobo - Puerto Vallarta Squeeze
Петр Дранга - Чардаш
Casta Diva - Vincenzo - Norma
- Temple Of Apollo
- Traveler Winds
Anthony Ventura Orchestra - My Happiness-Only You
Antony Ventura - Soleado
Armik- Rossa Nova
B-Tribe - Reprise Spiritual! B-Tribe - Te Siento
Bertrand Hembert - Rose De Seville
Californian Dreamlight Orc - The Lonely Shepherd
Caravelli - Titere (Puppet on a string)
Chet Atkins & Tommy Emmanuel - Mr Guitar Craig Chaquico - Blue Universe
David Arkenstone - Moonlight Reflections
Edward Simone - New York, New York
Emile Prud homme - Le denicheur
Fausto Papetti-The Game
G.E.N.E.-Taste of Dawn Incendio - Tormenta
Ottmar Liebert- Lonely Hours
Vogel als Prophet
- Tanabata Moon
Armik - Gypsy Love
Behzad Aghabeigi - Your Tranquillity Matilda
Blonker - Dangerous Steps
Blonker - End Of The Day
Celestial - Cang, Ding
Craig Chaquico - Dreamcatcher
Ennio Morricone - Lultima Tromba
Fausto Papetti-Quando Tornera LEstate
Gil Ventura - If You Leave Me Now
Gino Marinello Orchestra - This Melody
Govi - Garden of Eden
Jesse Cook - Europa
Johannes Linstead - Agua Negra
Karunesh - Moonrise (A Beautiful Day Reprise)
Karunesh - Way of the Winding Valley
Kurt Hummel - Baros
Martin Tillman - Saris
Nova Menco - El Rio
Toccata and Fugue in D minor, BWV (excerpt)
Billy McLaughlin - Soulmates Billy Preston - Outa-Space Blonker - Melodie Intime
Blonker - Water Garden
Gil Ventura - Blue Spanish Eyes
Gil Ventura - Love In The Air
Gil Ventura - New York, New York
Gil Ventura - Vibration
Incendio - Isis
James Last & Richard Clayderman - Unchained Melody
Jean Robert Chapplet - Tournamente
Joe Satriani Slow down blues
Karunesh - Keeper Of Mystery
Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra - Im Not In Love
Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra-Dance With Wolves Nostradamus - The Children Of The Stars
Ottmar Liebert - Merengue de Alegrias (Candy My Soul)
Paco De Lucia - Rio Ancho
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - Another Brick In The Wall Willie & Lobo - Royal Reel
Romanza Andaluza OpNo.
Chet Atkins - Glow Worm
Daniela de Santos - Sevenlight
Gil Ventura - Solamente Una Vez
Goya - ...IF
James Last-Brazil
Kurt Hummel Lou Ann
Love Is All Around
Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra-Spain
Neal Schon - Breaking Waves
Nicholas Gunn - Breathe
Nova Menco - Silent Kiss
Paul Mauriat - El Bimbo
Rondo Veneziano - Perle D Oriente
Royal Phiharmonic Orchestra - Dont Let The Sun Go Down On Me
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - House Of The Rising Sun
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra We Are The Champions
Saint Preux - Andante pour voix
Saint Preux - Apres Demain
Secret Garden - Silence Speaks
Yvette Horner - Payotte
Habanera (Carmen)
Blonker - Sleepwalk
Cool Blue - Changing Colours
Dao Dezi - Ti eliz iza
David Arkenstone - Caribbean Dreams -- Birds Of Paradise
Gino Marinello Orchestra - This Guys In Love With You
Nicholas Gunn - Crossroads
Nova Menco - Back to San Francisco
Nova Menco - Mood for Love
Ottmar Liebert- Passing Storm
Ottmar Liebert - Barcelona Nights
Paul Mauriat - Only Love
Raymond Lefevre - Quatre Saisons Pour Un Amourla Revolution Francaise
The Nice-America
Thomas Kagermann - Louise
Tommy Emmanuel - And So It Goes
Tommy Emmanuel - Reggies Groove
VA - You Can Get It
Viktor - Besame Mucho
Viktor - The House of The Rising Sun
Willie and Lobo - Lorena Triste
Adagio in G minor, arrGiazotto
- Secret Shores
Alex Bollard & LSO - Monday Monday
Alex Bollard & LSO - Yesterday
Amethystium - Innocence
Amethystium - Reverie
Anthony Ventura - Lilli Marleen
Armik - O Barquinho
Armik - Piazza Di Spagna
Armik - Romantic Escape
Armik - Rumba Nuevo
Aschera - On The Run
Behzad Aghabeigi - Fire Within
Billy McLaughlin - The Best of My Love
Blonker - Amazonas
Blonker - Womans Reason
Chet Atkins & Tommy Emmanuel - Saltwater
Gil Ventura - Un BurghesePicollo Picollo
Gustavo Montesano - Buleria Adagio
Karunesh - Flowing With the Tea
Ottmar Liebert- To the Night
Agua de Beber
B-Tribe - Sunset in StCarlos
Blonker - Time To Remeber
Blonker - Womans Reason
Blossoms From India - Ginkgo Garden
Bruno Bertone Sound Orchester-I Just Called To Say I Love You
Bruno Bertone Sound Orchester-It s A Long Road
Bruno Bertone Sound Orchester-Midnight In Moscow
Carlos Villalobos - Duende
Chris Spheeris - The Oasis
David Young - We Never Said Goodbye
Franck Pourcel - Dont Let Me Down
Gil Ventura - Gonna Fly Now(Rocky)
Govi - Into The Night
James Last - El Rancho Grande
James Last-Youre So Vain
Karunesh - The Peace Within
Michel Legrand - Vaya Con Dios
Paul Mauriat - Quoi
Петр Дранга - Сейра
Alex Bollard & LSO - My Way
Caravelli - La Bamba
Cathedral Bells (Homenaje a Ruby) - Ruben Romero
Franck Pourcel - El Padrino II
Franck Pourcel - Eleanor Rigby
G.E.N.E - The Flight Of The Clouds Gandalf - Pilgrims Road
Gil Ventura - The Shadow Of Your Smile
Gino Marinello Orchestra - Am I Losing You Forever
Govi - Looking into Your Eyes
Govi - Passionfruit
Govi - Wings of Love
Incendio - El Celta
Johannes Linstead and Nicholas Gunn - Encanto
Kurt Hummel - Lucca
Lisa Lynne - Bandoras Box
Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra-Something
Nostardamus - Stars And Stone
Paul Mauriat - Venus Venus
Vanessa Mae - Pasha
Carmen (Prelude)
B-Tribe - Sa Trincha
Goya - Emmanuelle
Jeff Beck - A Day in the House
Jesse Cook - Worlds Away
Karunesh - Follow Your Heart
Karunesh - Like A Cloud
Kenny G - Dont Make Me Wait For Love Kurt Hummel Mermaid
Lara & Reyes - Waltz for John & Paco
Mehdi - Forever In My Heart Neal Schon - Deep Forest Neverending Story
Nova Menco - Constantinople
Ocarina - Simple merlene
Ray Hamilton Orchestra-Still Got The Blues For You
Ray Hamiton Orchestra-Always
Ray Hamiton Orchestra-For Your Eyes Only
Shahin & Sepehr - Ojai Valley
The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra olv LouisClark - Mull Of Kintyre
Tommy Emmanuel - Hellos & Goodbyes
Вальс Цветов (Щелкунчик)
Amethystium - Arcus
Andre Kostelanetz - I will wait for you
El Chicano - Viva Tirado-Part
Francis Goya - Hello Again
Jesse Cook - Cancion Triste
Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra-Classical Gas
MUSE - Innocent Voices
Nicholas Gunn - Horseshoe Mesa
Nova Menco - Remebering Marta
Oscar Lopez - Gypsy Soul
Ottmar Liebert + Luna Negra - Underworld Ray Hamiton Orchestra-Ebony & Ivory
Romantische Welterfolge-Chariots Of Fire Rondo Veneziano - DOmbres et de Lumiиres
Roy Martin Philharmonic Orchestra - Der Kleine Prinz Royal Phiharmonic Orchestra - Take My Breath Away
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - Moonlight Shadow
VA - Fragile
Vinnie Moore - Saved By The Miracle
Willie Royal And Wolfgang Lobo Fink - Junkytano
LEnamouree - Reynaldo Hahn
Anthony Ventura - Hotel California
Armik - Andalucia La Luna
Armik - Guitar Passion
Armik - Mi Guitarra
Armik - Solo Para Ti
Armik - With You In Rio
Aschera - Waveland
Azyl Negro - Isadora
B-Tribe - Ahoy Ahoy
B-Tribe - She Moves Through the Fair
Behzad - Luna Y Sol
Blonker - Windmills
Carlten & Orchester - Reality
Chet Atkins - Londonderry Air
Dagda - Karina
Eddie Calvert-Zambezi
Guillermo Sanchez - Only If
Guillermo Sanchez Only time
Lesiem - Prudentia (Weisheit)
Ottmar Liebert- Surrender II
Марш Черномора (Руслан и Людмила
B-tribe - Sin Alegria
Bette Davis Eyes
Blonker - Blue Carousel
Bruno Bertone Sound Orchester - Slip SlidinAway
Bruno Bertone Sound Orchester-Too Much Heaven
Chris Spheeris - Paul Voudouris - Enchantment
Eduardo Sanchez, Corben Cassavette & Joe Carran-Cavatina
Eduardo Sanchez, Corben Cassavette & Joe Carran-Hotel California
Franck Pourcel - Let It Be
Gil Ventura - Just The Way You Are
Gino Marinello Orchestra - Your Song
Guillermo Sanchez - Wild Child
In Credo - Siesta Del Sol
Jacques Loussier - Siciliano In G Minor
Jean Segurel - Les Frances dAuvergne
Jesse Cook - Waiting for tide
Joe Carran, Eduardo Sanchez, Corben Casssavette-Tequila Sunrise
Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra-With A Little Help From My Friends
Pepe Solera -Romanze DAmore
Ritisoyo - Wankara
Nacht und Traume D
Bruno Bertone Sound Orchester-Wind Beneath My Wings
Chet Atkins - Mister Sandman
Chris Spheeris - As Above
Chris Spheeris - Island of 0Temples
Dear MrPresident
Ennio Morricone - Due Simpatici Zozzone
Fausto Papetti - Brazilian Tapestry
Giovanni Marradi - With You
Govi -Gypsy Heart
Gunter Noris and his Big Band, Strings $ Chorus - Mack the Knife
James Last-Music Of The Night
Joe Carran, Eduardo Sanchez, Corben Casssavet-Lete Indien
Johannes Linstead - Djunga
Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra-Danielle
Ortiga - Ilumbarada
Percy Faith - The Theme from A Summer Place
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra When A Man Loves A Woman
Sacred Spirits - Yeha-Noha
The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra olv Louis Clark - She Loves You
Thomas Kagermann - Brinolo
No Chorus Kommt, ihr Tochter, helft mir klagen Caravelli - La Llorona
Franck Pourcel - Serenata a la Luz de La Luna
Goya - Two Guitars
Joss Baselli - Bourrasque
Lara & Reyes -Exotico
Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra - Thats What Friends Are For
Nicholas Gunn - Dance of Light
Ocarina - Bananas Mambo
Ode To A Frend - Shahin & Sepehr
Ottmar Liebert - Dancing Under the Moon
Papetti - Saint Louis Blues
Paul Mauriat - Dolls And Dream ()
Romantische Welterfolge - Silent Moon
Royal Phiharmonic Orchestra - We Dont Need Another Hero
Shahin & Sepehr -Silent Prayer
The Shadows - Stardust
Thors - Country Lane
Tom Barabas - Adagio
Tommy Emmanuel - The Sweetest Love
Viktor - RomanceBeethoven
Caprice No in A minor op
Al Di Meola - San Marco (Vecchio)
Armik - Mar De Suenos
Armik - Swept Away
Behzad - Endless Passion
Clannad Theme from Harrys Game
Diego Modena - Zamba
Franck Pourcel - Sentimientos
Hugo Strasser - La Domenica
Michael David - One more night
Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra - We Are The Champions
Nicholas Gunn - Entering Twin Falls
Ray Conniff & His Orchestra-Singing The Blues (Guy Mitchell)
Ray Hamilton Orchestra-Cherish
The Gino Marinello Orchestra - Sentimental Alto
Tommy Emmanuel-The Sweetest Love
VA - The way we were
VA - Velvet Silk
Vanessa Mae - Classical Gas (Reggae-Version)
Viktor - Lolita
Viktor - Recuerdos de la Alhambra
Nottee Piscatore
- Elysian Fields
- Summers End
Alex Bollard & LSO - Peace
Alex Bollard & LSO - Whatever You Want
Armik - Mystical Breezes
Boots Randolph - Stormy Weather
Caravelli - LAmee Des Poetes
Craig Chaquico - Blue Universe
Eduardo Sanchez, Corben Cassavette & Joe Carran-Oye Como Va
Ennio Morricone - Il Pinguino
Fausto Papetti - Angel
Franck Pourcel - Yesterday Govi - Summer Breeze
Guillermo Sanchez - Ebudae
Helmut Zacharias - Que Sera Sera
Jeff Beck - Guitar Shop
Jesse Cook - Mario Takes a Walk
John Doan - Winters Eve
Nicholas Gunn - Endless Flight
Pata Pata
Symphony No., IIIMenuetto Allegretto - Trio
B-Tribe - Ultima Cancion
Behzad Aghabeigi - Desiring You
Bert Kaempfert - Stardust
Bruno Bertone Sound Orchester-When You re In Love With A Beautiful Woman
Chet Atkins & Tommy Emmanuel - Smokey Mountain Lulaby
Christopher Franke - Mental Images
Corun - March Of The Settlers
Fausto Papetti-Love Story Dance Remix Govi & Karunesh - Spring in the East
Goya - Where Are You My Love
Hugo Strasser - Quantanamera James Last-Killing Me Softly
Jesse Cook - Breathing Below Surface
Karunesh-Call of the Unknown
Kenny G - The Look of Love
Kurt Hummel - Childrens Circle
La Esperanza - La punta
Los Incas - Abra La Puerta (Ouvrez Le Porte!)
Nicholas Gunn - The Grand Circle
Ricky King - Le reve
Hungarian Dance Noin F sharp minor
Bert Kaempfert - Wake Up And Live
Blonker - Shadow & Light
Dagda - Shadow Of Atlantis
Dance of life
David Arkenstone - The Blue Waves
Govi - Moonlit Shadows
James Last-Song Sung Blue
Karunesh - Longing for the Unknown
Kevin Kern - We All Fall In Love Sometimes
Lesiem - Prudentia (Prudence)
Marius Goldhammer - Lex B
Mehdi - True Love Story
Neal Schon - Big Moon
Nicholas Gunn - Natures Cry
Nostardamus - Know Sin
Ottmar Liebert- After the Rain
Paul Mauriat - Begin The Beguine
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - Suspicious Minds
Saint Preux - Allegretto pour cuivre
Tommy Emmanuel - how many sleeps
Arabesque No. in E-minor
Franck Pourcel - The Call Of The Far - Away Hills
G.E.N.E.-Life is a Melody Gheorghe Zamfir - Largo
Gil Ventura - As Time Goes By
Govi - Baile Del Corazon
Haug - New World
Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra - Never Gonna Give You Up
Nova Menco - Journey
Ocarina - Song of Baby Jane
Ritisoyo - Trilla
Romantische Welterfolge-Sara
Rondo Veneziano - Estasi Veneziana
Rondo Veneziano - Floralis
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - Ruby Tuesday
Saint Preux - Amour Fusion
Secret Garden - Hymn To Hope
The Rainbow Orchestra - Hello
The Shadows - Walk, Dont Run
Tommy Emmanuel - Footprints
Tommy Emmanuel - red velvet cake
Кармен Сюита - Торреро
Armik - Fire within
Carlten & Orchester - On The Beach
Gil Ventura - Fiesta Grande
Gil Ventura - I Just Called to Say I Love You
Govi - Heartstrings
Johannes Linstead - La Cabanita En La Playa
Orchestra Golden Nightingale - El Condor Pasa (The House Of The Rising Sun)
Rondo Veneziano - Note Veneziane
Secret Garden - Chaconne
Shahin & Sepehr - Jakarta
The Ray Hamilton Orchestra-A Groovy Kind Of Love
Tommy Emmanuel - Keep It Simple
Tony Andeson - Kiss and say goodbye
Tony Andeson Billy Jean
VA - Your inviting eyes
Viktor - Choral (cantata №)
Viktor - Lallybye For Antuanetta
Wolf Hoffmann (Accept) - Bolero
Yvette Horner -Caminito
Zamfir - People
Karunesh - The Commune
Remember Now
Alex Bollard & LSO - Mama Dont Know
Alex de Grassi-
Andromeda - Waterfall Magic
Blonker - African Kalimba
Blonker - Homeland
Blonker - La Valetta
Bruno Bertone Sound Orchester-Forse
Caravelli - A Paris
Caravelli - Gimme
Delerium - Flowers Become Screens
Fausto Papetti-My Way
Franck Pourcel - The Long And Winding Road
Gilles Servat & Ronnie Drew - The Foggy Dew
Govi - Medallion
Just The Way You Are
Kurt Hummel Cursive Reflection
Nostradamus - In Principio Erat Verbum
Shahin & Sepehr - Cante Kian
Из-за острова
Alex Bollard & LSO - When A Man Loves A Woman
Alex de Grassi-Overland B-Tribe - La Unica Excusa...
B-Tribe - Sensual
Blonker - Let It Be Me
Bruno Bertone Sound Orchester-Last Call
CaravelliTheme From -Love Story-
Deep Forest - Soul Elevator
Eduardo Sanchez, Corben Cassavette & Joe Carran-Time To Say Goodbye (Con Te
Francis Goya - Song Song Blue
Frank Duval- Main Theme III
Giacomo Bondi - Julia (Instrumental Version)
Gunter Noris and his Orchestra - Summertime (Blues)
Herb Alpert - Manhattan Melody
Johannes Linstead and Nicholas Gunn - Ocaso
Mehdi -Dusk To Dawn
Mehdi - Bridge To Paradise
Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra - Here, There And Everywhere
Ocarina - Flying officer
The Shadows God Only Knows
No Choral O Mensch, bewein dein Sunde gross
Bruno Bertone Sound Orchester - La Cucaracha
Caravelli - Cielito Lindo
Chet Atkins - Malaguena
Festival - Ottamar Liebert
Gandalf - Colors of a New Dawn
Gheorghe Zamfir - Dont cry for me, Argentina
Govi - Just for You
Incendio - Black Opal
James Last-MedleyThe Pushbike Song - What Have They Done To My Song Ma
Jesse Cook - Closer To Madness (Live)
Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra-The Long & Winding Road
Nicholas Gunn - Sunrise in Hayden Valley
Nicholas Gunn - Viaje Sagrado
Ocarina - Moonlight reggae
R.Lefevre - Tombe la neige Ray Conniff - Besame Mucho
Royal Phiharmonic Orchestra - Live And Let Die
Stefan Nicolai - Everytime You Go
Tommy Emmanuel - Fields of Gold
Петр Дранга - Танго Теста
Allegro molto (Symphony No in G minor, K)
Govi -Andalusian Night
Govi - Simplicity Of The Heart
James Last-Blue Tango
Johannes Linstead - Sangre Del Toro Lennart Axelsson - Unchained melody
Morricone - The Tomb Monument (alternate)
Nicholas Gunn - Forever
Ocarina - Ocarina Burning
Ray Conniff & His Orchestra-s Wonderful (Chorus)
Raymond Lefevre - Modinha
Ricky King If You Could Read My Mind
Ritisoyo - El Condor Pasa
Royal Phiharmonic Orchestra - Time After Time
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra What A Feeling
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