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Поиск сообщений в hati


Статистика LiveInternet.ru: показано количество хитов и посетителей
Создан: 29.05.2006
Записей: 91
Комментариев: 194
Написано: 361

Дневник hati

pysto tak pysto..i kak karystou pokrilos grystu vse legko i prosto i mi s tobou- teper vse yasno i stalo vse legko i ne opasno OOOO - to4ka tebe poet tvoya lasto4ka... tihe ti tihe- ya slihy diheh davau 4to-bi nikto nas ne yslihal ti nikogda mne ni4ego ne portih ti otvernylsia- no ya slihy smotrih OOOO to4ka - tebe poet tvoya lasto4ka... no znaeh - beusia lamausia - no ne pygausia KOGDA YA SNOVA PRIDY NA SVOE MESTO kaysia- kaysia... no ne nedeusia 4TO YA NE STANY OPIAT TVOEU NEVESTOU  (465x699, 265Kb)

just for you - A

Понедельник, 02 Июня 2008 г. 17:00 + в цитатник
Is whear something more important, than you? just blooms...
Is whear something, that I can lovin more? its me...
Is whear something more necessary than you? Again you...
Is whear something more tender, than you? just words...

Somewhere between new rendezvous and forgetting old wounds,
Lexa meet him... WHO IS HE? How he looks like? All this didnt play
any matter, couse he was just man, but with smile upon his face.
So, he look like bear-cub in cap, and with big nose... and sweet smile.
He was just a man, which one time told her - "Hello", then she came to one
friend - T, for asking abaut work.

- T, will you give her work?
- Yes... why not?
- But she looks unnormal...
- Are you ok, man?..
Something about with spoke T and 'sweet smile' man, after she went...

"Hello, my friend, hello..."
Second day. evening.
Lexa moved to new work in the best (as she think) hotel in Turkay,
in small room, witch she share with deferent women.
B - mini - clab shef meet her near to hotel, he was very kind and busy person.
Also very frendly - long time later, she'll coll him - angel...
Then, somehow, deferent person - 'sweet smile' start help her to learn hotel
and life in... but what is his name?
- What is your name?
- hm, let's go for hotel form.
- Ok, this way... - hotel had many deferents passages, whear very
easy to lost your way.
She took her dress, nothing to say... - "yellow and black color... very good... fr...
just keep silient"
All her live she hate yellow color!
"Doesn't metter! just forget it dear!" - she told to herself .
- "hear's my room" - man show by right-hand door, witch belong to one room,
"straight the holl will be yours" - it was very difficult to losts...
"not interesting..."
- "YGY"
- "In half in hower, I'll play music in disco. Would you like to come?" -
and he give her smile... He smile a lot - and it suited him!
"Hm,but what is his name?"
- OK" - she return smile.
- Well, you have half an hour...
- Ok" - Lexa wanted to be nice for every body - specialy in 1-st day.
After 15 min, she knock in his door. Strange, but every time and everywhear
people, near to Lexa - made her waiting: this one "hm, What is his name?"
like 30 min standed near to mirror...
"interesting, what he trying to find in his reflection?"
"Then women look to her self in mirror, she looking for some bad details:
- oh, I become fat! oh, skin not so... oh, eyes looks rad... bla-bla-bla...
then man look to him self - he prefer see just good things:
- I'm handsome, mayby little bit... no, no I'm good!
And lost some weight, also become yanger))) I'm good-looking man!"

I cant be sure, maybe in head of this man was something else... Anyway,
he looks self-satisfied. For her mind, just smile ander the cap deserve attention!
- By the way, I didn't catch - WHAT IS YOUR NAME?
- My normal name Lexa, but dont coll me with it!
- So, how I shoold coll you?
- My friends coll me Basta!
It was right time to ask again his name, but she was afraid looks... fanny?
stupid? unpalite?
Disco was boring - no body give her attention,
so after half an hour she decided came back to her room...

3-th day (29.12.06)
- Lesen, can I put my sim-card to your telephone. I need to coll?!"
- why you... why... what is it? you...!"
She told to many things by telefon, but most for show)))
If you know what somebody can lesen what you toking by telefon,
its funny to made like small show...
later 'public' told: - you need new telefon!
- Yes, but I...
- Who knows, maybe in your birthday some bady will dive you present!"
Lexa didnt answer - it was very uncomfortable situation... and strange!
But, near to this person, it was very easy to forget about all...
This man made her feelvery... I don't know! Some of her close friends gave her
the same feelings. It was strange and nice to find this kind of human. Friendly?
- You know, T asked me to keep away from you!
- What you meen?" - sometime its funny, to play as stupid girl.
- Hm, he's married, but also..." - it was not so important, cause she
already lern - He like her!.. - "Its kind of jealousy"
- Of, T is my old friend - so he just worry about me!
But why he told you this? Rezon?
- He knows me well, and he sow, the way I loked at you!
- Ah!" - hears "reall game" started! Its made you really fresh, then
you and your abonent telling try. Really nice game...
- But, anyway, I'm not looking for girl-friend... now I just stak hear,
but later, I'll go to...
- That's a pity! - she was so upsed)))

Morrning start from prepearing staf for mini-clab -
for lazy person it was... just deferent!
After busy morrning, man asked her, if she wont to made disk, with song,
witch she going to sing. Then she bring her lop-top to his room, and
switched on it - on her desk top was foto of Aydin - her ex-big love.
And man told her:
- Sometime, you can lost everything, just couse of some detail!"
She tryed to keep serious face, but smile really was ready to come. "He is jealous"
SAUND-CHEAK - its her reall love! Only music and stage... Nothing else.
By the way, she lern his name - A - very strange! really strange!
He left his autograph on disk with music.
Women and man had kind of tradition: every day, befor dinner Lexa came
to his room, and then they go together for eating.
This day, she came to his room, as usual. 1-st, wile he dreass up, girl cheek her
email, aslo downloaded very special song, by Selena - "I could fool in love"
still now, she sing it... meyby, its the best song from her program... maybe!

Hard to explane WHY WOMEN START TO FLIRT with
somebody, who even not in her tipe: Standed behaind mirror, in his
cramped room, girl unbutton her jeans and start to adjusting her t-shirt.
Also, little bit bending her bady - but all was decent!
Anyway, he didnt looked. "hm... hm... hm... interesting!"

In that day, work seems to boring - she needed "celebration mood"
at around 14.00 he came for say "Hello", important 2 things:
1 in her mp3 playing song "I could foll in love" - so it was kind of
signal... Most of song, witch she like - belong to some people or sityation.
2 - she understand, that she little bit excited near to him...
"Hm, very interesting!"
By the way - hears song:

I could lose my heart tonight
If you don't turn and walk away
'Cause the way I feel I might
Lose control and let you stay

'Cause I could take in my arms
And never let go
1-I could fall in love with you
I could fall in love with you

I can only wonder how
Touching you would make me feel
But if I take that chance right now
Tomorrow will you want me still

So I should keep this to myself
And never let you know

And I know its my right,
And I guess I should try
To do, that I should do
Cause I fall in love this you…

Sinse this moment, she find somebody for whum she'll dreass up, make up
and try to looks pretty! For sure not for guests)))
Also she singed... unfothently it was just a few song, but still. Good day!
By the way - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Woke up with out headache - good, yesterday she dreank a lot! But that day
looks sheet! Oh, yes - 1-st of January, and she start work at 9.00 - thankless job!
"Oh, my god, when evening came? I wont sleep, eat, drink - many things,
but not work!"
Before, as usual, she came to his room, and again kind of game - some
flirting, a few smile, and of course bending as cat... later he'll tell her -
"you move like cat. cat wolking woman..."

Then she sat in the armchair, man suddenly (mayby not so))) tern her
- and his fase become close, asked:
- Have you got lip-stik?
- Yes, why?' - it was strange question...
- You'll need it!" - and he kissed her.
In dinner time, she tryed to show, that nothing happend, but THAT KISS!!!
Something change... Lexa had boyfriend, and... ok, she flirt with A,
but it was just game. "Really?"
"Of, I didn't meen, but..."
"What exactly you didn't meen?" - her inside voice sometime was so
obtrusive... - "He kissed you - yes! But you ansver!"
"hm, not exactly! And I have boyfriend, so..."
'Ha, you don't love your boy! You don't trast him anymore, and...'
"Yes, you! And you like this man! I know! YOU LIKE HIM"
"Leave me alone!" -

Next day started from small shit - her girl-neighbor went, but forget to leave key
from room. Ower hero helped to prinses came in to her castle)))
Also near to him, Lexa was trying to understand that exactly happend yesterday,
and asked her self, if she wont something else... "But how about my boyfriend?"
"Just shaat up, and lesen to your feelings!"

Then she came to his room again, she waited for new kiss, but A
deside helped to her conscience:
- If you had boyfriend, why you let me to kiss you?" - he asked this, as public
prosecutor. "Yes, why? What u'll ansver?"
- Why? You can ask your self... why? - this one better, then silence!
- Meyby, cause you haven't got boyfriend!" - That's it!!! Better if he think
like this - I didn't told - YES, or NO...

If Lexa really wont something, but some how it's going very slow, she
think - that better if she help to prosses!
... how start this kiss, I cant say exactly, but somehow she understend,
that man moving in... Ok, it was the time to stop!
- If you don't know how to play, don't start the game!" - told representative
of primitive sex.
This evening they eat separately! Lexa was with some guests, but man
find one ryssian ... for flirting. "Forget! he just angry at you!" "RRR-RRR-RRR"

Then she met her boy, Lexa told him everything, that she think about
- All man are ...!!!

"Tomorrow will be my birthday, but how it will be? Will I celebrate it?"
Lexa and her Russian friends had like tradition: normaly she bern 04.01.83
at around 23.40 - 23.55 - actually she decide what at 23.41... and girl with her
close friends start celebrate it at 23.41 of 03.01 from bottle of champagne...
For Lexa all traditions are very important, and she really afraid to lost
some of them...
Betraying her pride, Lexa knoked to his door. She theat that maybe he'll
not let her to came in, or meyby he'll... She just tryed to imagine how it can be.
That he can tell her, or do...
Reality was not so far from fantasyes: A opened his door, looked at her,
and, without telling 'come in', went to bathroom. She get in - it was like
crime against her PRIDE - anyway, it was to late for give up!
Later, man made one bad kind jok: Girl remind him about her birthbay...
They wolking in some hotels halls, scalls and elevator... lift stoped, she went out,
and he told her: - "Made guest-contakt. its your birthday! Enjoy your time!"
and lift with smiling bad person went...
Its really difficult to explane, but Lexa hate speaking with guest... specially
in her birthday!
"Drian!" - told girl to herself, - "oh, don't cry... just don't cry!"
But she's strong women! Ok, she wont to cry - and YES, she can do it,
but later she will collect herself! She is strong!

Later, he will tell her:
- one day will came, and u'll be mine!
- Lesen, I like you, but near to you, I feel myself like easy girl! I like you
but I don't believe you!
This conversation happend, then A and B wolking from... they
were in good mood! Unfothently, they decide to spoke about her birthday:
- ower hotel is full of footbool players - so it's seems like you will have
your birthday present! Or, if you wont, you can wait for us...

After birthday, girl leave this work. Unfothently, or fortunately she didn't
find A before she left...

"I don't need a lot. I need, you by my side.
Just hold me, and tell, that you love me!
Just coll me, then you'll think about me...
I need your hends...
I need, sound of your voice near to me, all time..."

Did she think about him, then she leave work? YES, she is, but not so much!
In this time, she founded new work - and all her time was full with music.
Music is the only things, witch made her really happy... by the way, in this time,
she decide to brook up with her boyfriend. So, not enough time for deferent
thought. If you have somebody, who really love you - is it easy to leave him?
Ok, now your love had finished, but befor you also loved him! Difficult!

At the end of January, on her way to Irish pub,whear she worked, Lexa sow
T in one restorant. Then he invite her to join, she sow A also. In
5 minit later, girl told them, that she need to go, and she came just for say
them - "Hello". T told:
- "If you need some help or anything, coll me!"
- Yes, but unfothently I lost all nambers from my telefon. So can you tell in again?"
T gave her his namber, and A made the same...

Then her work finaly finished, she wright him mesege:
- It aws really nice to see you again! In my life just a few people with
whom I really like to speak, as with you.
he unsvered:
"I also happy to see u again! I missed smal of your smoth skin.
One day I'll cool you, and take you..."

"Of, how he can write things like this? What he think about me? And, the most
important - What I think about it?"

Next 4 days, they sended many sms to each other, with flirting, but it was not
enough for her - Lexa doesn't like to wait anything... really...
"and why I mast wait?"
Also in this time, girl had some serious problem with her persanality -
kind of depression. Maybe, like meny deferent people Lexa feel herself very spesial!
And in this time, things, witch were around, looks not enough good for her! ...
At the final, she decide to send him very sad sms. She feled her self bad,
so sms was also sad.

After it, A asked her, if she need to speak? If Yes, they can meet.
Unfathently he came with B... "Hmm, why?" For sure she didn't expect,
that he'll came with friend... "RRR-rrr-RRR"
- You can telling everything near to B - he's my good friend, and I share with him
many things...
"Hm, is he serious? He really think - I'll open my mind near to B? nice...
stupid man!"
Anyway, girl told half of problem - just one thing, but thing, witch really hert her
a lot! A answer, that SHE IS TOO GOOD, FOR THIS F... PLASE - man just
reassert her thought - but it mades them moor powerful!
All time, while they spok, Lexa and "her friend" siting very close to each other -
and it was so natural, so right! Lexa really needed this man by her side!
Man with the 'sweetest smile', man near to whom she was herself!
- Oh, you heve the same small, as I remember... I miss it!
I missed your smoth skin!
B in this moment sited opposite and smiled, but his thought was far!
Maybe near to his wife? But it's story not about him... Anyway, to herself -
she will coll him - Angel! Cause, its difficult to explane - but B was angel...
Lexa was really happy near to A, and I guess not only she... she feel him as part
of her soul... After this dinner, she had enough energy for continue battle,
witch she started befor. THANK YOU A!
FELINGS - whu is that man for her? Friend? Yes. She trast him, as good friend!
Man? Hm, some felings looks like she like gim as man.
Try? He's man, whom she like as man, but afraid to lost cause of stupid felings,
as friend! Of... hard!
'Friends... yes?'

Some next days also some sms, and then he disappeared! As soon as she had
pride, girl decide to delit his namber, cause its hearts if nobody ansver to
your sms...
PRIDE - is dangerous sometime. Lexa had too much pride, but sometime she
order her - "keep silence!" Specially in begining girl let her itch win near to pride.
But then Pride understand - her time is came, situation change! It's hard,
but its work better!
"If he didn't ansver, he doesn't wont to ansver to my sms, so I'll not wright it
But she missed him...

Days were very busy with problem of her ex-boyfriend and some others things.
Spesialy she stady new songs!
After 2 weeks, she receive:
"Sorry for late ansver. I was... How r u cat?"
CAT... meybe it was the most important thing in his sms... In time, then they
were in the same work, he telling her many time, that she move, looks,
bend like cat - and it was the bigest complement!
All her live, girl wonted to be close to this whisker animal.

Lexa ansvered him after 2 days - she cooled, but he didn't replay.
And again her Pride remind about herself...
Later, he cooled her also:
- Did you cooled me? How r u?
Its very stupid to asking this kind of questions by telefon. Because, you
mast ansver just - "Nice, Fine" even if you are not so good! Also, to tell the try
then we ask it - do we care - 'HOW R U?' I don't think so... Lexa doesn't like
to ansver or ask this! "For what?"
- I'm fine! Tomorrow I go hom!" - ok, also you can spend next 30second for telling
deferent 'bla-bla-bla' - but final will be the same! So why we mast waste time for
nothing? A was shoked little bit:
- A... Do you wont to see me?
- SUre...
-Ok, I'll recol you little bit later.
- I'm waiting...
She was in her way hom, then he colled her again:
- you still want to see me?
- yes" -
"Hm, he's not sure... nice. Is he worry?"
-I'll be in 30minut.
"30 min - its meen good shower!!! Yes! I have time for it"
But then she went from bathroom, her telefon show like 5 missed colls.
She recoled him:
- Whear r u?' - his voice was very angry.
- at hom... and you?
- at hotel! I were near to your work, but its closed!
- yes, I finished 40 min ago. And I were in shower, I didn't lesen telefon.
- Do you wont to see me?
- for sure!
- in 5 min I'll come" - finily his voice become soft...
In 5 minut she waited for him near to rood, but he didn't sow her, and just
pass up. Sure, after 10 seconds A recoll with angry voice:
- Whear are you?
- Hiiiiiii, you pass up me, hmmm...
A get out from car, and wonted to kiss her in Turkish tradition, but she theat
that he will... - so it was strange situation. A gave her something:
- Its your late birthday present, but your neckless unfothently..." - both of them
felled them self not comfotble - they was afraid and shy - or just girl?
- Thank you..." - they tryed to catch all reaction from each other...

Later they came to hotel, whear she meet him behor.
Then they came to his room:
- sorry I didn't clean it for long time..." -
"Hm, who care? " All was like befor, like she never leave this plase, like she still
working hear, like soon they will go to diner, but befor it she mast play with him
a little...
- You know, I really wish you came to this work again, I..." - she knows all
that he wonted to say...
- Anfothently this work is not for me" - her smile was sad...
A tryed to play with rule they use bofor, but he forget, that in this new level -
old rule dont work! Lexa was not sure, she was afraid, but she sow, that he
- lesen, I need to change this close - its not so comfoteble. Can you give me
"Interesting why I asked him about t-short? Why i wont feel myself hear
comfoteble, like at hom? Why I wash my hairs and remove all my make up?
It can be as appointment, but I so... so domestic? like home pet..."
Lexa feel herself comfotble. She wonted to purr, as contented cat!
She haven't got any reson to show him, that she's beautiful - he sow it!
He knew it already... She was just herself: funny, crazy, open, try...
They spoke to much: about her, about him, her life, his life, about everything...
She was sure, that he understand her, couse she understand him! Befor she
feel her self like this just with really close friends... now also with him!
So who is he? Friend or?
She never trast man, never! Just to friends!
But she start trast him as friend, and also she look at him as at man,
so what is it?

- You know, then we meet and we kissed in Turk tradition, I feel you wonted
kiss me reall, I were..." - she didn't ansver - it was shame conversation... for her.
- Also, you know...
- I don't!)))
- I had feeling that we together for a long time, I KNOW YOU VERY WELL,
and we just meet, like I were somethear and you waited for me!" - it was very
nice words... she feel something near to this... and she feel fear!
- And its your- ' my reall name is... but I mast coll me...!!!
- And you - 'I don't wont see you anymore! Don't come to me again!
Don't knoc in my door! If you don't know how to play - don't start game!"
- Did I told you this?" - hm-m-m...)))
- Yes)))
- also, you told me - 'I like you, but I feel myself near to you, as streat
girl. Yes, I like you, but I don't trast you!"
It was past... She start to trast him! She start feel something else, near to that
she feel befor, about him.
- After you, I delite all girls from my computer!" - nice news!
Lexa show him her site and foto of her mam, dad, cat...
He came to close to her life...
- Look how stupid I am! I shawed, couse I theat we will kiss...

You know, I was planed to rent willa for live, and...
Something still was far from things, she was ready to belive!

Then they were in way to her hom, he start again:
- We can leave together, we..." - it was nice dream, and she really wonted to
live in it, but she was so afraid to belive in it. She was afraid to brok her heart...
- A, lesen, today I go to russia for 1 week, and all that you telling me sound
very nice, but you mast think - maybe - WE JUST FRIENDS! meybe You feel it
just now... you need to think! And in 1 week after you'll see all, ok?"
His face become little upsed, or meybe she create it in her mind?
oh, yes, She was ready to give all herself for this dream, but what if this dream
just empty words? Even, if he also belive it? some time people made mistake -
and Lexa doesn't wont become just mistake for this man...

Than A drave her to airport, he start to speak with her like:
- Yes, meybe I deside it to fast! yes, better stay just friends... bla-bla-bla" -
This kind of words can hurt, but girl knew - it's not from heart!
He just angry, upset... disappointed!
- yes, yes... you are right... aga- aga...))) "he mast think!"

- have you got lip-stik? you will need it!" - it was one of the best jok between them!
Then she came in Russia, and send him sms:
"Will you meet me from air-port? And yes - we are friends!"
He replay - "Yes! weare just friends! I see it clear!"
Funny! It become realy funny!
Lexa spend all her time in Russia, near to close friends - spesial with M!
M - is her the only close friend! They spoke about all, that happend in this time,
about A... but...
"How she can tell even to best friend, that she not sure? What she afraid?"
- M, you know... it can be 2 way: he can start love me, and one day - its become
too boring for me, so I will brake his heart!
or, He will break my!
so, that I should do?"

He came late!!!
Actually he just wake up too late! "man!"
- Are you already in air-port? I'll came now!"
He came after 30 min!
On the way to her hom, he again told her - that they just friends!
"Some people tells, that if you will tell something many time - at the end
you will start to belive it!"))) for sure, he belive himself)))
Near to her house, he just told her:
- ok, see you!
- Lesen, A - will I see you again?' - his face changed, but he didn't show emotion:
- ti chto dyrak? da?" - and went...

Next day was his birthday, so she send him sms with congratulations.
In one day next, she send new one:
"You forget me! I know now it's to much work. I feel myself so stupid, then
I wright you things like this, but it just me... sorry..."
He ansvered:
Dont be sad. swety thanks 4 contur. any way dont let the people
use you. of course u should to tell mee. my swety. I’m real miss u
and talk how u wish. Im with u. my cat

Next day:
“What u doing, baby? I fell not oky a bout you. are u oky?
if u want I can come to see you. tell me”
-"good idia!"
- Do you want me to come. now.
- YES! YES!YES! but what will do? whear we will go?
- Oky. I coming by car. place not importand near you. swety.
get some comfortable close. make easy touch. 10 minute be there
to front your apartmet.

They deside go to the beach. Did you ever sow sea in winter time, with
cold weather? Wind turn out big wave, witch crashed by shore?
Some stroll near to the sea, kises on the wind...
Lexa staed in his embrace, with her hends in his shoulder - and she feel like
energy caming in her body, like something very important coming in her
life... in this moment, she understand, that this man mast be in her live!
She never feel this thiling befor... he was the only man, who made her so
happy... And this moment she will remember all her live! In this moment,
she understand that love came in to her life...
- I had so many girls, but same of them I don't remember, even faces... with
some of them we spend long time together... but you deferent! I'll remember you!
I feel it...

"Doesn't matter what ever it takes!"
They were happy together... he was jealouse, she was stupid...
she din't wont to disturb him about her small problem... but, he wonted
to made her happy, unfothently he didn't know how...
Somehow, she understend, that all, that she was afraid off - is stupid! not strong!
near to this man - all fears run away...
Around her was many thing, witch was very important, but then he came to
her live, she forgot everything... JUST A!
Lexa understand that it's love, and she just enjoyed every day, every hour,
every minut, every second near to him...
They had also some problem, but it was not so important...
One day, she cryed, cause she was really afraid, that all they had, they can lost,
and A told her, what he need her! What she need just coll him, and he, as dog
will run to her... both of them were need love... and they had it!
I KNOW, THEY HAD, even if sometime they didn't belive it...
Also as normal friends, they spoke to much - they were friends! good friends!
They understand each other as themself!
But he was too jealous:
- All this man look at you! Wolk near to me - they mast know, you are with me!" -
she just smiled... near to him she was ready go even to border of eaeth! She was
incredible happy...
- how long we will stay hear?
- like 30 min.
- Ok, I'll wolk aroud little bit, ok?
- no!!!
- I'll stay close. just 5 min..." - yes, he was too jealous!

- I wont baby from you!
- baby? and how it will be?
- we will... I wont to be by your side...

"pure love is very dangerous.
love might give you wings,
but if you'll lost them - you'll lost hight
and you'll crash by asphalt... "

One day, she wait for him and in car playing song:
"I saw an angel of that I'm sure
She smiled at me on the subway"
lexa was enough stupid to ask - "Song, can you forecast my future?"
It was more then normal for her, girl ask cards, horoscopes, numbers, books
about 'what mast happend '- what bad time - it was song...
and James Blunt ansver her, in his song:
"But it's time to face the truth
I will never be with you "

One day, he just sat in his car and went...
They didn't know that thay see each other last time...
They kissed, and told each other "BYE", but they didn't know
- it will be last 'bye' and the end of their story...
She followed with her eyes his car, and waited then he'll came again...
and stupid wind played with lower part (skirt) of her dress... romantic.

Later, thay will tell to ech other many bad things.
It was jealousy, stupidily, distrust, cowardice and meny deferent things...
And hear, and naw I don't wont put it...

"Ok, this time that song will be not finished..."

Many manth later, Lexa catch herself - what day by day, her love
becoming smaller, and smaller - and finaly - ona day, it's become
just point - little point, to remind about sea... wind... kisses... and
pages of her roman - page of her life...
How knows, maybe one day point will disappear...


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Его надо изгнать из моей жизни - так лучше! но, он глубоко - Я ВЫГРЫЗУ ЕГО ИЗ СВОЕЙ К

Суббота, 31 Мая 2008 г. 12:46 + в цитатник
ya eto yje pisala i 4yvstvovala... togda pro Sergeya...ehe ranhe pro Sashky...
teper ego imia A --- i snovo bolno!!!
syt v tom..4to esli ego nebydet v moeu jizni---to moya jizn perestanet 4to-li bo stoit... ya bydy pystou i bes4yvstvennou... a s nim vnytri menia rana..kotoraya krovoto4it..i pozvoliaet mne pet--kak ya ho4y...

 (513x400, 26Kb)


Суббота, 31 Мая 2008 г. 12:39 + в цитатник
Famely environment (situation) in childhood made a bit hard
for you to understand female - eternal dissonance with partner.
Consciousness and subconsciousness always in split. Behaviour
norms witch your consciousness let yourself use - stops your reall
self and energy.
Extravagance, idealism, musical talent, also you can be "rara avis".
Changing hauses, cantrys - also can live far from Famely, van be in deferent
cantry. Subjectivism, self-conceit.
Luck in public work. Publicity, after can be Fall. Instability in live.
Influence of one women (Mam, sister, wife)
Photographic memory. Good intuition, telepathy, suggestibility.
All information takeing by consciousness. Intellectual curiosity,
Feminity. Delicacy. Friendliness and complaisance. You deside
yourself, what is really important. Hate boredom and monotone.
Also make away from partner, whu trying to control your life.
Like to be alone. Also -- maybe you will live far from your child.
A lot of struggle in your life. Can be dangerous maim. And strong
enemy. Enterprise, bravery. Also luck in your crazy and bold
business. Big professional ambitions. Self-control. Self-discipline.
Fellings not so intensive, but effective. Diligence, accuracy,
thoroughness. Despise Bohemia.)))
Strength and courage. Able to be lucky in hard business.
Errors. Some time you think, what you Gad's chosen. (the chosen one).
Fellings from platonic love to painful sensuality. Flabbiness. Dont
wont be responsible, also submit to anyone. You wont to live in
"Dream lend".
Sensitiveness, you can feel emotional state of deferent people.
Oracular dreams.
If you wont to be satisfacted in work - you shoold work in
entertaiment aria.
Amenability, thoroughness. Conservatism. Aspiration for authority.
All time at work!!! Far from famely. Also then you'll be old - you'll
be stinginess(greedy person), and big posibility - you'll be alone.
Hate strange people, but can do many crazy, strange, bad things
Humen can fell about himself inferiority, lameness, uncertainty in
self-power, but masking it under bright outside manifestation,
witchis helping change live to better side. Also very easy can
change people and sisyation around himself, and in community.
Religious dogmatism. Negation to new form of philosophy.
Haughtiness and stubbornness about religious. Craving for greatest
affair unfothently - can close way to happyness.

это гороскоп для5.11.87 года между 22-23 - то есть 18-19 по гринвичу

Среда, 09 Апреля 2008 г. 21:06 + в цитатник
Скорпион. Лунный телец. восходящий знак Лев.

конфигурация - "парус". выплывает из любых сложных ситуаций. Возможность глубоко и полно раскрыть заложенные от природы способности.
Вдумчивость, научные иследования, точность, аккуратность, интелегентность, образованность, компетентность, усердие, прилежание, замкнутость, застенчивость.
Сильное влияние родителей, семьи. Семейные узы сильные и прочные. накопленный жизненный опыт окажется полезным в конце жизни. трудности с родителями и членами своей семьи. из-за родительского неблагополучного опыта, возникнут трудности и у вас с противоположным полом и может быть с детьми. укрепляйте свою нервную систему.
много жизненнойсилы и энергии. творческие способности. дипломатия. педагогика. находчивость, остроумие, хитрость. игра. любовь.
благоприятно для финансового положения. любовь к деньгам, драгоценностям, роскоши и внешнему блеску. ценные подарки.
надо помогать родителям. опасайтесь рискованных мероприятий.
четкость в изложении своих мыслей. организованные поездки, деловые. возможность получить наследство.
Обещаете больше, чем можете сделать. может быть мечтательность, рамантичность. Неумение хранить секреты. не умение логически доказать свою точку зрения.
Возможны нарушения обмена веществ вследствии стрессовых ситуаций, заболеванияорганов пищеварения.
Оригинальность мышления, беглость в письме и речи, усвоение иностранных языков.
Реалистическое восприятие людей, понимание в этом мире никто не соверщеннен.
Легкая быстрая восприимчивость, хорошая память, научный склад ума. мышление независимо, оригинально. Плодотворны контакты с неординарными людьми.
Сильня привязанность к партнеру.Страстность в любви. ревность. детей мало.
если сможете преодалеть болезненный опыт развода своих родителей, у вас будет счастливый домашний очаг. недвижимость. дети принесут счастье.
Большой энергетический потенциал, умеете проникать в суть вещей. может быть диктатор. Стремление предводительствовать, добиться признания. может быть катострофа от привышения полномочий, неумение подчиняться.
кожные заболевания.
недомогания из-за стресов.
партнер неординарная личность, отличающаяся чем-нибуть от всех. утонченный, добрый, без предрасутков и суеверий.
брак по любви. счастливая семейная жизнь.
сила и выдержка, умение выполнить тяжзелую работу. дисциплина.ю четкость,
точность в работе. спартанский образ жизни. неприступна.
творческие способности. интересс к религии. вдохновение. часто неожиданное счастье. (наследство) должность.
оптимизм, интуиция, озарение. Умение заметить и использовать шанс, упущенный другими. ненавидите всяческие ограничения. путешествия. в чужик краях неожиданные приключения может быть руководить каким-нибуть обществом.
смерть в окружении детей или с любимым.
тайные организации.
опасность растройства нервной системы от переутамления на слишком напряженной работе. популярность, титулы, награды в сотрудничестве с иностранцами.
трудности в карьере из-за эмоциональной нестабильности.
высокое социальное положение и материальное. авторитет. престиж. хорошая репутация.
честность, здравый смысл. организаторские и деловые способности. дальновидность. руководящие должности. карьера может быть в политике.
путешествия в молодые годы. поездки, камандировки.
ненадежные друзья.


Суббота, 06 Октября 2007 г. 22:24 + в цитатник
Nice Work if You Can Get It
Nice Work if You Can Get It
The man who only lives for making money
Lives a life that isn’t necessarily sunny
Likewise the man who works for fame
There’s no guarantee that time won’t erase his name

The fact is, the only work that really brings enjoyment
Is the kind that is for girl and boy meant
Fall in love and you won’t regret it
That’s the best work of all, if you can get it

Holding hands at midnight
’neath a starry sky
Nice work if you can get it
And you can get it if you try

Strolling with the one girl
Sighing sigh after sigh
Nice work if you can get it
And you can get it if you try

Just imagine someone
Waiting at the cottage door
Where two hearts become one
Who could ask for anything more?

Loving one who loves you
And then taking that vow
It’s nice work if you can get it
And if you get it, won’t you tell me how?


Just imagine someone
Waiting at the cottage door
Where two hearts become one
Who could ask for anything more?

Loving one who loves you
And then taking that vow
Nice work if you can get it
And if you get it, won’t you tell me how?

Let’s Face The Music & Dance
There may be trouble ahead
But while there’s music and moonlight (moonlight and music) and love and romance
Let’s face the music and dance

Before the fiddlers have fled
Before they ask us to pay the bill, and while we still have that chance
Let’s face the music and dance

Soon, we’ll be without the moon
Humming a different tune - and then...

There may be teardrops to shed
So (but) while there’s music and moonlight (moonlight and music) and love and romance
(let’s face the music and dance, dance)
(let’s face the music - let’s here that music)
Let’s face the music and dance

I Let a Song Go Out of My Heart
I let a song go out of my heart
It was the sweetest melody
I know I lost heaven ’cause you were the song

Since you and I have drifted apart
Life doesn’t mean a thing to me
Please come back, sweet music, I know I was wrong

Am I too late to make amends?
You know that we were meant to be more than just friends, just friends

I let a song go out of my heart
Believe me, darlin’, when I say
I won’t know sweet music until you return some day

I let a song go out of my heart
Believe me, darlin’, when I say
I won’t know sweet music until you return some day

How Deep is The Ocean
How can I tell you what is in my heart?
How can I measure each and every part?
How can I tell you how much I love you?
How can I measure just how much I do?

How much do I love you?
I’ll tell you no lie
How deep is the ocean?
How high is the sky?

How many times a day do I think of you?
How many roses are sprinkled with dew?

How far would I travel
To be where you are?
How far is the journey
From here to a star?

And if I ever lost you
How much would I cry?
How deep is the ocean?
How high is the sky?

Puttin’ on The Ritz
Have you seen the well-to-do
Up and down park avenue
On that famous thoroughfare
With their noses in the air

High hats and narrow collars
White spats and lots of dollars
Spending every dime
For a wonderful time

Now, if you’re blue
And you don’t know where to go to
Why don’t you go where fashion sits
Puttin’ on the ritz
Different types who wear a daycoat
Pants with stripes and cutaway coat
Perfect fits
Puttin’ on the ritz

Dressed up like a million dollar trooper
Trying hard to look like gary cooper

Come, let’s mix where rockefellers
Walk with sticks or umberellas
In their mitts
Puttin’ on the ritz

------ short instrumental break ------

Tips his hat just like an english chappie
To a lady with a wealthy pappy
Very snappy

You’ll declare it’s simply topping
To be there and hear them swapping
Smart tidbits
Puttin’ on the ritz


Суббота, 06 Октября 2007 г. 22:17 + в цитатник
Ella Fitzgerald - My Funny Valentine lyrics

Behold the way our fine feathered friend,
His virtue doth parade
Thou knowest not, my dim-witted friend
The picture thou hast made
Thy vacant brow, and thy tousled hair
Conceal thy good intent
Thou noble upright truthful sincere,
And slightly dopey gent

Youre my funny valentine,
Sweet comic valentine,
You make me smile with my heart.
Your looks are laughable, un-photographable,
Yet, you're my favorite work of art.

Is your figure less than greek?
Is your mouth a little weak?
When you open it to speak, are you smart?
But, don't change a hair for me.
Not if you care for me.
Stay little valentine, stay!
Each day is valentines day

Is your figure less than greek?
Is your mouth a little weak?
When you open it to speak, are you smart?
But, don't change a hair for me.
Not if you care for me.
Stay little valentine, stay!
Each day is valentines day

Ella Fitzgerald - Misty lyrics

Look at me, I'm as helpless as a kitten up a tree;
And I feel like I'm clingin' to a cloud,
I can' t understand
I get misty, just holding your hand.
Walk my way,
And a thousand violins begin to play,
Or it might be the sound of your hello,
That music I hear,
I get misty, the moment you're near.
Can't you see that you're leading me on?
And it's just what I want you to do,
Don't you notice how hopelessly I'm lost
That's why I'm following you.
On my own,
When I wander through this wonderland alone,
Never knowing my right foot from my left
My hat from my glove
I'm too misty, and too much in love.
Too misty,
And too much In love.....

Ella Fitzgerald - Makin' Whoopee lyrics

Another bride Another June
Another sunny honeymoon
another season, another reason
for makin' whoopee

Alot of shoes, alot of rice
the groom is nervous he answers twice
its so killin that he's so willin'
To make whoopee

Picture a little love nest
down where the roses cling
picture the same sweet love nest
Think what a year can bring

He's washing dishes and baby clothes
He's so ambitious he even sews
but don't forget folks thats what you get folks
for makin' whoopee

Another year or maybe less
whats this I hear? Well you can't confess
She fells neglected and he's suspected
of makin' whoopee

She sits alone most every night
He doesn't phone her he doesn't write
he says he's busy but she say's "is he?"
He's makin' whoopee

He doesnt make much money
only five thousand per
some judge who thinks he's funny
says you'll pay six to her

he says now judge suppose i fail
the judge says budge right into jail
you better keep her i think it's cheaper
then makin' whoopee

you better keep her
i know it's cheaper than makin' whoopee

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Ella Fitzgerald - Lullaby Of Birdland lyrics

Oh, lullaby of birdland that's what I
Always hear, when you sigh,
Never in my wordland could there be ways to reveal
In a phrase how I feel.

Have you ever heard two turtle doves
Bill and coo when they love?
That's the kind of magic music we get from our lips
When we kiss

And there's a weepy old willow
He really knows how to cry
That's how I'd cry in my pillow
If you could tell me and just say goodbye

Lullaby of birdland whisper low
Kiss me sweet, and we'll go
Flying high in birdland, high in the sky up above
All because we're in love

Lullaby, Lullaby

Have you ever heard two turtle doves
Bill and coo when they love?
That's the kind of magic music we make get from our lips
When we kiss

And there's a weepy old willow
He really knows how to cry
That's how I'd cry in my pillow
If you could tell me and just say goodbye

Lullaby of birdland whisper low
Kiss me sweet, and we'll go
Flying high in birdland, high in the sky up above
All because we're in love

Song lyrics | Lullaby Of Birdland lyrics

similar lyrics:
· Get Happy lyrics
by Ella Fitzgerald

· Day In - Day Out lyrics
by Ella Fitzgerald

· My Funny Valentine lyrics
by Ella Fitzgerald

· Bli-Blip lyrics
by Ella Fitzgerald

· By Strauss lyrics
by Ella Fitzgerald

· Laura lyrics
by Ella Fitzgerald

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Ella Fitzgerald - Lullaby Of Birdland lyrics

Oh, lullaby of birdland that's what I
Always hear, when you sigh,
Never in my wordland could there be ways to reveal
In a phrase how I feel.

Have you ever heard two turtle doves
Bill and coo when they love?
That's the kind of magic music we get from our lips
When we kiss

And there's a weepy old willow
He really knows how to cry
That's how I'd cry in my pillow
If you could tell me and just say goodbye

Lullaby of birdland whisper low
Kiss me sweet, and we'll go
Flying high in birdland, high in the sky up above
All because we're in love

Lullaby, Lullaby

Have you ever heard two turtle doves
Bill and coo when they love?
That's the kind of magic music we make get from our lips
When we kiss

And there's a weepy old willow
He really knows how to cry
That's how I'd cry in my pillow
If you could tell me and just say goodbye

Lullaby of birdland whisper low
Kiss me sweet, and we'll go
Flying high in birdland, high in the sky up above
All because we're in love

got Ive you

Суббота, 06 Октября 2007 г. 22:12 + в цитатник
Ive got you under my skin.
Ive got you deep in the heart of me.
So deep in my heart that you're really a part of me.
Ive got you under my skin.
Id tried so not to give in.
I said to myself: this affair never will go so well.
But why should I try to resist when, baby, I know so well
Ive got you under my skin?

Id sacrifice anything come what might
For the sake of havin you near
In spite of a warnin voice that comes in the night
And repeats, repeats in my ear:
Don't you know, little fool, you never can win?
Use your mentality, wake up to reality.
But each time that I do just the thought of you
Makes me stop before I begin
Cause Ive got you under my skin.

(musical interlude)

I would sacrifice anything come what might
For the sake of havin you near
In spite of the warning voice that comes in the night
And repeats - how it yells in my ear:
Don't you know, little fool, you never can win?
Why not use your mentality - step up, wake up to reality?
But each time I do just the thought of you
Makes me stop just before I begin
Cause Ive got you under my skin.
Yes, Ive got you under my skin.


Суббота, 06 Октября 2007 г. 22:10 + в цитатник
Everytime we say goodbye, I die a little,
Everytime we say goodbye, I wonder why a little,
Why the Gods above me, who must be in the know.
Think so little of me, they allow you to go.
When you're near, there's such an air of spring about it,
I can hear a lark somewhere, begin to sing about it,
There's no love song finer, but how strange the change from major to
Everytime we say goodbye.

When you're near, there's such an air of spring about it,
I can hear a lark somewhere, begin to sing about it,
There's no love song finer, but how strange the change from major to
Everytime we say goodbye.


Суббота, 06 Октября 2007 г. 22:08 + в цитатник
Get in touch with that sundown fellow
As he tiptoes across the sand
He's got a million kinds of stardust
Pick your fav'rite brand, and

Dream, when you're feeling blue
Dream, that's the thing to do
Just watch the smoke rings rise in the air
You'll find your share of memories there

So dream when the day is through
Dream, and they might come true
Things never are as bad as they seem
So dream, dream, dream


Dream when the day is through
Dream, and they might come true
Things never are as bad as they seem
So dream, dream, dream
So dream, dream, dream

anything goes

Суббота, 06 Октября 2007 г. 22:05 + в цитатник
Times have changed
And we've often rewound the clock
Since the Puritans got a shock
When they landed on Plymouth Rock.
But today, any shock they should try to stand,
'Stead of landing on Plymouth Rock,
Plymouth Rock would land on them.

In olden days a glimpse of stocking
Was looked on as something shocking
Now, heaven knows, anything goes

Good authors too who once knew better words
Now only use four letter words writing
Anything goes

The world has gone mad today
And good's bad today
And black's white today
And day's night today
When most guys today that women prize today
Are just silly gigolos

And though I'm
Not a great romancer
I know what I'm bound to answer
When you propose, anything goes

Song lyrics | Anything Goes lyrics
similar lyrics:
· Canto Popular De La Vida Y Muerte lyrics
by Ella Fitzgerald

· Stella By Starlight lyrics
by Ella Fitzgerald

· Let's Call The Whole Thing Off lyrics
by Ella Fitzgerald

· Fascinating Rhythm lyrics
by Ella Fitzgerald

· Lullaby Of Birdland lyrics
by Ella Fitzgerald

· Begin The Beguine lyrics
by Ella Fitzgerald

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Ella Fitzgerald - Anything Goes lyrics

Times have changed
And we've often rewound the clock
Since the Puritans got a shock
When they landed on Plymouth Rock.
But today, any shock they should try to stand,
'Stead of landing on Plymouth Rock,
Plymouth Rock would land on them.

In olden days a glimpse of stocking
Was looked on as something shocking
Now, heaven knows, anything goes

Good authors too who once knew better words
Now only use four letter words writing
Anything goes

The world has gone mad today
And good's bad today
And black's white today
And day's night today
When most guys today that women prize today
Are just silly gigolos

And though I'm
Not a great romancer
I know what I'm bound to answer
When you propose, anything goes


Суббота, 06 Октября 2007 г. 22:02 + в цитатник
After one whole quart of brandy
Like a daisy, I'm awake
With no Bromo-Seltzer handy
I don't even shake

Men are not a new sensation
I've done pretty well I think
But this half-pint imitation
Put me on the blink

I'm wild again, beguiled again
A simpering, whimpering child again
Bewitched, bothered and bewildered - am I

Couldn't sleep and wouldn't sleep
When love came and told me, I shouldn't sleep
Bewitched, bothered and bewildered - am I

Lost my heart, but what of it
He is cold I agree
He can laugh, but I love it
Although the laugh's on me

I'll sing to him, each spring to him
And long, for the day when I'll cling to him
Bewitched, bothered and bewildered - am I

He's a fool and don't I know it
But a fool can have his charms
I'm in love and don't I show it
Like a babe in arms

Love's the same old sad sensation
Lately I've not slept a wink
Since this half-pint imitation
Put me on the blink

I've sinned a lot, I'm mean a lot
But I'm like sweet seventeen a lot
Bewitched, bothered and bewildered - am I

I'll sing to him, each spring to him
And worship the trousers that cling to him
Bewitched, bothered and bewildered - am I

When he talks, he is seeking
Words to get, off his chest
Horizontally speaking, he's at his very best

Vexed again, perplexed again
Thank God, I can be oversexed again
Bewitched, bothered and bewildered - am I

Wise at last, my eyes at last,
Are cutting you down to your size at last
Bewitched, bothered and bewildered - no more

Burned a lot, but learned a lot
And now you are broke, so you earned a lot
Bewitched, bothered and bewildered - no more

Couldn't eat, was dispeptic
Life was so hard to bear
Now my heart's antiseptic
Since you moved out of there

Romance, finis. Your chance, finis.
Those ants that invaded my pants, finis.
Bewitched, bothered and bewildered - no more

может я того времени и романа даст мне ответ в этом времени? и романе?

Суббота, 08 Сентября 2007 г. 21:59 + в цитатник

Среда, 31 Мая 2006 г. 19:39 (ссылка)редактировать
В колонках играет - мама моя родная... Елена Ваенга

Эти маленькие дождинки на моем лице… избитая фраза.

Мне надо вылечится!
Можно просто попытаться все забыть, но я не пойду этим путем – это не поможет! Уже пробовала.
Значит, надо высказать все – чтоб более не было воспоминаний.

Дебри февраля: уже как-то все было не так, потом он меня просто выгнал, но билетов не было – пришлось унижено ждать, когда пройдет 3 дня. Для моей гордости, это было серьезным испытанием: мне говорили – ‘закрой дверь!’ ‘Открой дверь’ и ‘когда ты там уезжаешь?’ Ладно, позднее он извинился, но это было сильно…
Прошло время – он влюбился в кого-то… со мной советовался – садист!
Все равно, они расстались… и дело не в том, что сейчас у него очеред – ные!
Я не ревную, у нас странные отношения… просто, просто… то, что было лопнуло!
Я сама не понимаю, что это за наваждение!
Ну, почему он имея десятки женщин, все равно, лез в мою жизнь? Зачем?
МЫ много раз обещали себе более не общаться, но продолжали… теперь все!
Я не верю, не понимаю… черт! Черт! ЧЕРТ!

Собственно, а чего я хочу?

Если я хочу, чтобы он исчез из моей жизни, то почему скучаю?

Если я хочу, быть вместе с ним - то смогу ли я смирится, что он не спасобен принадлежать одному человеку?

ЧЕГО Я ХОЧУ? - задан вопрос, но вот ответ не спешит... подождем

в крови... это я!

Четверг, 01 Июня 2006 г. 04:56 (ссылка)редактировать
В колонках играет - sensa tu
Настроение сейчас - странное

coll me, I'm feeling so lonly - I need to hear your woise...

Я долго пыталась понять, почему меня так накрывает.
Ведь, до этого я любила и по настоящему - но то было не так! сейчас, мне бывшие возлюбленные стали родными, но... не то! не то! Я Сержа не люблю - это, что-то другое - что-то большее, что я понимаю под словом "Любовь"

Страсть? без сомнения, она тут присутствует... но, я знаю, что такое страсть... AydIn разбудил во мне ее - то было наваждением, но вполне осязаеммым! Животная страсть, мне надо было дотрагиватся - чувствовать - осязать, нюхать,.. короче, здесь другое...

Такое ощущение, что он в моенй голове - и он понимает и выжидает все мои действия... он в моей крови... во мне... я могу выкинуть мысли о нем, но он просто в моей голове... Я чувствую его, и знаю, что и как будет дальше, но я не готова к такому - это тяжело! ЭТО ПОЛНОЕ ПОДЧИНЕНИЕ ЧЕЛОВЕКУ, а я не готова... нет, не готова!
Его надо изгнать из моей жизни - так лучше! но, он глубоко - Я ВЫГРЫЗУ ЕГО ИЗ СВОЕЙ КРОВИ, МЫСЛЕЙ И ЖИЗНИ...

похоже на бред? да, похоже... но я так чувствую

кое что сходится, но КАК В ЭТОМ РАЗОБРАТСЯ? ведь, СЕРЖ до сих пор приченяет боль - собственно, это сущьность скорпиона... но что делать сейчас?


кое кто напомнил - некогда любимую песню

Понедельник, 27 Августа 2007 г. 01:17 + в цитатник

я не треханутая - просто это меня прикалывает

Воскресенье, 19 Августа 2007 г. 00:30 + в цитатник

мне не очень

Воскресенье, 12 Августа 2007 г. 01:07 + в цитатник
я запуталась... атаман, осман, айден - еще? много ...
но чего я хочу?


но всме именно так - не перевернуто - а недоделано

kill me or I'm too denger for myself
 (699x523, 163Kb)


Понедельник, 28 Мая 2007 г. 12:58 + в цитатник
pristyp samolubovaniya zamy4il
 (522x698, 148Kb)


Понедельник, 28 Мая 2007 г. 12:56 + в цитатник
ny kak?
 (522x698, 156Kb)

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