Дневник Cordey_Cotillo

0 10.08.2021
We still hold much
Was it wise to welcome Bishop Bena and his new flock to CTK? I don't know. I...
0 10.08.2021
He is recovering and good to see him laughing
Not much to cheer about today for fans of the New Orleans Saints football team. ...
0 10.08.2021
He however has a fierce desire to defend his territory
I'm paying $500 for John Riggins jerseys for my old man for Christmas becaus...
0 10.08.2021
When you walk into an office or show up at a first date
For many men, coats tend to be an afterthought; they are merely the covering for...
0 10.08.2021
Go to the post office and drop 300 letters in the mail
Go to the post office and drop 300 letters in the mail, he said. Days I get up t...


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Создан: 10.08.2021
Записей: 6
Комментариев: 0
Написано: 5

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