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: 26.07.2004
: 509
: 1162
: 1726


, 04 2007 . 16:41 +
. , . - . . - . ? . . , , . . . : -, - ! - , ! ( ?) . . . - ... . .

: [1] []
Kusya-podkuyusya   , 04 2007 . 21:44 ()
_   , 05 2007 . 02:22 ()
Kusya23, ? "". . , - " "?
Kusya-podkuyusya   , 05 2007 . 08:50 ()
, :

, :
" "". ?"
Three witches watch three swatch watches. Which witch watches which swatch watch?

, :
" - "". - ""?"
Three switched witches watch three Swatch watch switches. Which switched witch watches which Swatch watch switch?

, :
" -, , "". -, , ""?"
Three swiss witch-bitches, which wished to be switched swiss witch-bitches, watch three swiss Swatch watch switches. Which swiss witch-bitch, which wishes to be a switched swiss witch-bitch, wishes to watch which swiss Swatch watch switch?"
_   , 05 2007 . 11:53 ()
, .
: [1] []


: ( )
