

, 18 2015 . 19:14 +


- -
. Yes
. No
. Please
. Thanks
. Thank you
( ). Good afternoon
Good morning
Good evening
( ) Excuse me
I'm sorry
-? Do you speak English? ?
-? Do you speak Russian? ?
, -. Unfortunately, I don't speak German
I don't understand
...? Where is…? …?
...? Where are…? …?
! Help! !
. Call the police
. Call for a doctor
. I'm lost
! I'm lost
Good afternoon
Good evening
Good night
. Bye
. Good bye
. Good bye
Good luck
. Good luck
My name is
() . I come from Russia
This is Mister ()
This is Missis ()
? How are you? ?
. ? How do you do? ?
-? Do you speak English? ?
-? Do you speak Russian? ?
. I Understand
. I don't understand
- -? Is there anybody speaking Russian
? Could you speak slowly? ?
? What did you said? ?
, . Repeat, please ,
, . Write it, please ,
…? Could you give me…? …?
…? Could you give us...? …?
…? Could you show me…? …?
…? Could you tell me…? …?
…? Could you help me…? …?
, ! Help me, please ,
I would like…
We would like…
, … Give me..., please …,
, … Give me this, please (),
Show me…, please …,
. Passport control
. Here are my passport and custom declaration
. Here is my luggage
. It is a private visit
. It is a business trip
. It is a turistic visit
. I travel with a group
, . Excuse me, I don't understand ,
. I need an interpreter
. Call for the head of the group
. I will be met
. Custom
. I have nothing to declare
. these are my personal items ()
. This is a present ()
. these are the presents ()
? where is the nearest exchange point or a bank? ?
? Do you exchange these travellers cheques? () ?
? What is a current rate? ?
I would like to exchange dollars for euro
100 ? How many could I receive from 100 dollars? ?
. I need fine money
(). Registration desk
? Do you have a room
? Single room
? Double room
. I want to order a room
. with bathroom
. with shower
. not expensive
. For one night
. For a week
? How does it cost a night per a man
. I pay in cash
. I need an iron
. Something wrong with light
- . Something wrong with shower
- . What's wrong with telephone? ?
, , 8 . Wake me up, please at 8 o'clock ,
, , . Order a taxi, please for 10 o'clock ,
I'm seeking
My hotel
Touristic office
- Street phone
Post office
? Where is the nearest police office
Where is the nearest….? … ?
Metro station
Bus stop
Petrol station
? Where can I take a taxi? ?
, Call a taxi, please ,
…? What does it cost to go to? ?
, ! This address , please () ,
.. Drive me…
. Drive me to the airport
. Drive me to the station
... Drive me to the hotel
. Drive me to a good hotel
. Drive to a cheap hotel  
. Drive me to the city center
. I need come back
, . Stop here, please ,
? What does it cost? ?
? Could you wait for me, please? , ?
I need arrive to
…? What is the price of the ticket to…? … ?
. I need a ticket to Hamburg.
. I need return ticket to Hamburg
. I need two tickets to Hamburg
. I need a weekend ticket
/ First/second class Ը/
? Where should I change the train? ?
, …? Excuse me does this train go to…? , () …?
? It this place free? () ?
? Does the train come on time? ?
. I'm watching
, . Show me this, please ().
() … I would like…
, . Give me this, please ().
? What does it cost? ?
. I take it
, . Write the price, please ,
. It is too Expensive
? Could I fit this? ()?
? Where is a fitting-room? -?
44. I have fourty-four size
… . I need a size of…
. It is small for me
. It is large for me
. It fits me
, ()? Do you have something larger? ?
. The fine is not correct
No vacancies
/ Open/ Closed /
/ Male/ Female /
(-) VAT return (tax-free) -- (-)
/ Free/booked /
Don't touch
Private estate
Old city

" ":
1 - , ........
2 - -
19 - : 10
20 - 170 ,
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22 - ,
23 - . .
40 - 1 ?
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