

 - e-mail



: 06.02.2012
: 469
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, 22 2023 . 20:36 +

2010 , 2012 . Street Sense , .

6 () 2023 - (Thomas Coleman) . (E. Naughton) (Barrin Notice). 8:30 13:30, . : - , , , - .


( - ACLU). 2021 . , ( ) . , Street Sense . ...


Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov
Mail address: 216 Tulip Dr.,
Gaithersburg, Maryland, 20877

Wendor in Street Sense
Office Street Sense: 1317 G St NW, Washington, DC 20005

August 15-30, 2023

Board of Directors ACLU of DC
American Civil Liberties Union Washington Legislative Office
915 15th St NW, Washington, DC 20005


Street Sense 2012 . 8:30 13:30 .
IMG_1045 (700x393, 130Kb)
1. Street Sense . . 4 2021 .

6 () 2023 - (Thomas Coleman) . (E. Naughton) (Barrin Notice, . 2). 8:30 13:30, . , .

- , www.translate.google.com . www.translate.google.com .

369637831_6538101762964124_2198780969537852910_n (547x700, 58Kb)
2. Barring Notice ( ), - .

. 30 () 2023 13:20 - . . , : , . ( 3).

369629047_6538102396297394_274271918872300991_n (700x452, 62Kb)
3. - 30 2023 .


I have received complaints from Spring Vallet that their Staff feel uncomfortable havis their pictures taken.

Since many of them are underage and there is no reason to take their photo, I have asked that you refrain from photographing them.

Thomas Coleman
Dupont farmers Market Manager

tommy@ffm.org Katie@ffm.org Itugo@ffm.org
July 30, 2023


Spring Vallet , , .

, .


tommy@ffm.org Katie@ffm.org Itugo@ffm.org
30 2023

- (. 3). : Spring Vallet. , . . : . .

, . - 6 2023 .

6 13:20 - . . : , . . . - - . . , : , . . , . . , - - .

- . , : . . , . , - . , . - . . . . . .

- . Barring Notice ( , . 2). : ... : - ? . . Reason for Issuing Barring Notice ( ).

Continved targered harasement of workers of the Farmers market, unwonted photos of women and minors
( , .)



The below named person was found on the premises owned, occupied or managed by _Fresh Farm . This same person is hereby warned to stay off the property and grounds there of known as _________________ at (address) 20th/Q St NW and (if applicable, other property owned/occupied/manaed by same) 1500 Block of 20th St at ________________________ (address) _________________________ . There is no exception to this notice. Failure to heed this warnin shall result in the prosecution for Unlawful under D.C. Code 22-3302.

Name of Barred Individual (Last, First, Middle: __Ahmadjonov, Shuhratjon__


, , _Fresh Farm__. , , _________________ () __20th/Q St NW__ ( , , // ) __1500 Block of 20th St __ _____________________________ ( ) _________________________ . . 22-3302.

(, , : __, __

, :

Barring Notice is in effect for 5 years unless cancelled in writing. Sundays 8:30 am 1:30 pm
( 5 , . 8:30 13:30)

: . , .

: . : E. Naughton. 5033.

: , . - . E. Naughton , - .

: : ߔ. - Barring Notice ( ) .

: Barring Notice , . Barring Notice , .

. : . 6 2023 , - 30 2023 . , . .

. : ? , . . , . , . .

, : -, , , . -, 69 . -, .

, 30 6 . (). , .

: , , , . (Barring Notice), 5 . , .

: 25 2012 . , . . Street Sense. , , . - , .

: . , : , . . - , .

. 13 . . - , .

: 30 6 2023 ? . .

Street Sense 2021 . 2021 . - , . 19 2023 . . , , .

. 28 () 2023 Street Sense. (. 4).

SKANmurojRUS2 (510x700, 130Kb)
4. .

. $3.

, . . 29 () 30 ().

, - !

: ? .

2022 2023 4,4 . 3,9 . (Consumer Price Index, Washington-Arlington-Alexandria area May 2023 : MidAtlantic Information Office : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (bls.gov) )

. C $ 1.75. - $ 3.0. $ 4.0. 2023 $ 6.0.

Wallmart. , (99 H St NW Washington, DC. (202) 719-3720), . .

: , , $19 $24.

, (snitch) (informer) . , . , , . , , , . . , , . .

6 2023 .

- Spring Vallet 30 () 2023 , 6 2023 - - . (Barring Notice) .

: қ ( ). , , . , , , Street Sense .

. Street Sense 2012 , . 1964 , 59 . 1974 2004 . , , , . .

30 2023 , , 6 , .

: , , , , , , . (If Stopped for Photographing in Public | ACLU of DC (acludc.org) (www.acludc.org/en/know-your-rights/if-stopped-photographing-public ).

, (snitch) (informer) . . . . . - , . .

: - . . .

I. - , , , , . (wikisource.org)

. , , :
- - , .
- .
- .
- .
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- .

, , , , , . : - , . .

70 2024 . . . - . , . .

, Street Sense . .

P.S.1. , . . , . : havassh54@gmail.com , maqsadsh54@gmail.com , jiz54@mail.ru
: American Civil Liberties Union 2021 . : 245500830.

P.S.2. :

Scandal begins in Washington, DC. By Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov.
- ENGLISH | ENGLISH | _ : LiveInternet - - (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5838835/ . Headings () ENGLISH, , USA-AQSH, 2023 YILGI MAQOLALARIM. August 23, 2023);
- Facebook (www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002930964631 , 22 2023 ).

, , , , Street Sense


E-mail: havassh54@gmail.com

22 2023

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