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Создан: 31.10.2007
Написано: 236

Jeffreestar's journal...

Суббота, 03 Ноября 2007 г. 21:00 + в цитатник
ne-vedu все записи автора

October 20, 2007


Everything is going so perfect.. the last 6 months have proved to be more then amazing career wise.

I'm currently the NUMBER ONE artist in Hot Topic, meaning sales.. my t-shirts are the must bought items and my hoodie is almost sold out in every store across America!That only means, so much more! The JSTAR poster comes out in a months or so, and my whole merch line for MY online store will be out by the end of this month.. it's in production so I can't wait for everyone to see it!

Next month I'll be touring in the UK (first time playing these cities) so it's gonna be amazing! I have a full live band AND some special guests so come out and have a dance party with us. I can't wait to shop in Camden and go to the flagship Vivienne Westwood store and buy all the new bags and jewerly, it's SO hot!!

THIS WEEK... I went to so many parties but the best was the Sidekick LX launch party.. Lil' Jon was 5 foot 1 and I asked him if I could lick his diamond teeth. PS. go and get the LX, its the best and I'm in loveee with it. Kanye performed and I fell in love all over again with him.

Working on new music finally.. new EP out in the first few months of 2008.. release date to be annouced asap!

much love +lipstick


NEW MERCH IN HOT TOPIC!: click photo to start shopping!


(click photo to shop.. new merch coming soon!!!
Posted on 10/20/2007 5:44 PM Comments (52)

October 6, 2007


So this has been my THIRD trip to Toronto, Canada this year...

Sooo much fun, CiRca was probably the best club I've EVER been to.. I love this city so much. I'm at the airport right now.. sad. The security waved the metal detector wand over my body and the guy said "mmm nice" (so fucking disgusting.. ugh)

ANYWAY... I'll be making an appearance on TLC's LA INK this TUESDAY!!!
I won't be getting tattooed (second season I will) but I give my close friend KAT some advice because she's been going through a hard time. I'd rather show myself as a REAL person then get tattooed like everyone else, because she means a lot to me.. so CHECK IT OUT.

Everything is going good.. new music is coming verrrry soon. You're gonna rip off your clothes when you hear it! It's WORTH the WAIT!!!

PS. London tour is cominggggg up so check my page for the dates that aren't osld out yet!!!

ANDDDDD NEW HOODIE IS coming in Hot Topic this week!!! It's the best design yet :D


Posted on 10/06/2007 4:26 PM Comments (37)

September 19, 2007

2 NEW DESIGNS IN HOT TOPIC!! and website!

YOU CAN SEE AND BUY THE NEW JSTAR SHIRTS now AND the stores have them too of course!!!



Posted on 09/19/2007 3:20 PM Comments (28)

August 25, 2007


3 days ago I almost died in Fresno at Warped Tour.. details don't matter because everyone LOVES drama and gossip but it wasn't "death" in the sense where something is wrong with me now..
I just had to be taken to the ER and be put under. It wasn't bad except I had to miss Sacramento so sorry to everyone who came up.. I'll be back playing a show there soon.

YESTERDAY was the San Diego date and it was beyond amazing.
Hanna turned 19 so we had Sprinkle cupcakes and sang to her.
Sara Boone and I made a guy show us his penis.
I kissed somone on Fuse TV and all these straight guys got mad..
My signing took 3 hours because so many amazing people came out..
We started selling the new JSTAR Ice Cream shirt! Will be online soooon.

Today is the last day.. I'm really sad.

Photos will come.. after the heart break.

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Posted on 08/25/2007 9:49 AM Comments (68)

August 20, 2007


Dear California, can you stop being so fucking hot out, I'm dying.

Ugh seriously.. so I'm back home for a few days before Warped Tour cali dates.. gotta get my hair done.. get new tattoos.. shop 9 more times.. got to se Davey for a day while he was in town.. Tom from Myspace hung out for a second, it was fun. Pink cupcakes and movies ASAP because I miss that.
Kat just tattooed a portrait of myself on my arm when I was 8 years old.. it's the cutest thing ever!
Memories.. polo shirts and brown-blonde hair.. school boy.. haha so funny

How are all of YOU? Life sucks but thank god for mascara and pink lipstick. Thank god for the fact that dumb people are here to entertain us all. Thank god for smiles and awkward moments.

Tomorrow I'm shooting a scene for LA INK, so be on the look out for me this season. and I'll be on season 2 as well, getting more tattoos~!

Fresno warped tour is coming up.. then the rest of cali. See you all there.

ps. check out the two new music videos I'm in.. posted in the video section


Posted on 08/20/2007 2:56 PM Comments (16)

July 31, 2007


I've been writing lyrics all day AND let's just say I'm SOOOO excited to record new music in August!!!! I'm seriously excited about music again because right now EVERYONE sounds the fucking same.. LOOKS the fucking same.. and I'm TIRED of it all to be honest. How many times can we have a cute singer with black scene hair wearing tight pants singing about love?

BORING. It's so fucking trite, cant anyone write anything NEW and amazing? Heart break is so safe and I'm sure the record labels are whispering "do this & do that".. but have a fucking soul. Having a hit single and being forgotten in 6 months seems to be what's happening.. so please believe my new shit won't be boring and SAFE. I'm an ARTIST, not some shitty guy in a band that pretends they've had a rough life.

All my new music is WAY more advanced then my last EP.. I didn't even know what I was doing. I made a few songs for fun and went with it.. it WORKED and I'm glad everyones been so supportive but I'm not gonna make the SAME songs again. I'm changing it up.. hotter beats, amazing lyrics. Don't expect anything less from THE QUEEN B. =) My new song "Cupcakes & Violence" will be the anthem to everyone that isn't PERFECT. Kind of like my song "Plastic Surgery Slumber Party" but sexier and darker.

Just wanted to update you all and I hope the heat isn't killing everyone.. umbrellas and hiding in the shade. WARPED TOUR in a few days!!! Hope I see all your beautiful faces.


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Posted on 07/31/2007 4:20 PM Comments (58)


This year a lot of everyone's favorite bands are coming out with new CD's finally..
I'm talking about the Warped Tour type bands.. the bands who mostly all sound the same but they have had really good music in the past. What THE FUCK has happened to them all?? I don't want to make this a big dramatic shit talking fest so I won't say names (because a lot of these bands are my friends) but it seems that this "scene" is ending soon. Which is think is NEEDED... because how many times can we hear the same half-scream with a shitty guitar over and over? How many times can you have scene hair over your face and pretend you're hot shit? It's just getting old. Music seems really stale right now. This year, I've noticed these bands are releasing new CD's.. and the singles are horrible. And as an artist, I always notice CD covers and artwork because I think it's important to have a whole package as a band.. REALLY bad covers too. Why? Does everyone just throw things together without thinking? Art is important but maybe not to these one trick pony bands? Whatever.. maybe I should shut my mouth and let them all suck but I just don't like to see people making bad choices.

I'm exciting to create new music that ISN'T like everyone else. How did Timbaland, Justin Timberlake & Madonna last so long? They're constantly re-inventing themselves with new sounds and trying new things. New looks. New everything. That's how I feel about myself.. I've been recording this whole month and working on new tracks.. & it's made me really excited about music again! I can't wait for everyone to hear it. I can't wait to do new photo shoots for my album art work. It's so exciting and I'm doing this for ME. I don't create new music so I think everyone will like it. It's amazing when all my fans love it, but at the end of the day I create art because I WANT to. Because art is my life. And I'm glad I have the chance to share it all with YOU.

Off to the studio...

love + lipstick

Posted on 07/31/2007 1:11 PM Comments (60)

July 22, 2007


Hanna and I saw 2 movies today,
head banged in her car,
listened to Tegan & Sara's new song on repeat,
bought the same ringtone,
eat ice cream 3 times and Pinkberry once

I hit a parked car and drove off because I was listening to really loud Lil Jon songs and didn't hear it until my friend in the car told me 5 minutes later. We laughed.

Warped Tour is coming up.. if I dont die in the heat, it will be fun.
New tattos last week.. pictures soon

"Wonky" is our favorite new word because we said so.
We found drugs under Hanna's bed from a party. We cant stop laughing.

Midnight is funny. 5 minutes to midnight.
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Posted on 07/22/2007 12:11 AM Comments (34)

July 15, 2007


It's 2AM...

this month is already half over and I felt like I just woke up... been sooo busy.
but I love it.. I hate being bored.

all day today I shot scenes in the new AIDEN video for their new single "One Love"
it comes out soon and I have some hot parts in it.. so watch out for that. loveee them.

& as you may know since KROQ announced it.. I just shot the new 40 page catalog for Tarina Tarantino's new jewelery line "Toyko Hardcore" and its AMAZING... Davey and I worked hard on this.. it's kind of a big deal and I cant wait for everyone to see it.

it's time for bed.. it's time for more work. warped tour in august.. check my page for the dates and I'll see you all soon



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Posted on 07/15/2007 1:43 AM Comments (23)

July 7, 2007

MEET & GREETS AT WARPED! details inside..


I will be doing AUTOGRAPH SIGNINGS @ 2PM at the GIRLZ GARAGE merch tent on the following dates:

Aug 3 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Aug 4 - New York, New York
Aug 5 - Englishtown, New Jersey
Aug 10 -Buffalo, New York
Aug 22 - Fresno, California
Aug 23 - Sacramento, California
Aug 24 - San Diego, California
Aug 25 - Los Angeles, California

JSTAR merch will be for sale all day & at 2PM I'll be autographing 1 item per person and taking pictures with everyone =)

Photo Hosted at Buzznet

Sadly I can't come to any other dates because I'm recording my new single, guest appearing in some new music videos and doing photoshoots for my new 3 song EP which hopefully will be out in September! (This new EP will be sold IN STORES, on iTunes and everywhere else!) Also I'm touring the UK in November so check my page for updates and ticket info sooon!


Posted on 07/07/2007 6:25 PM Comments (31)

July 5, 2007

Warped Tour

So far I've done signings at Pomona, Ventura & Moutain View... but that won'e be the last.. I'm setting up more dates right now for August so once I know for sure, I'll add them to my page... can't wait to meet everyone around the US =)

I've had alot of fun.. it sucks when I can only see some of my friends because they're on tour and in town for one night.. but thats life being in a band so I'll get over it. (not really).. Ali & I went to Warped Tour together all 3 days and had the best time ever. Some how I didn't even get tan. Thanks to my umbrella and sunscreen.. I was worried my tattoos would get ruined but there not.. if anyone has any photos of us or me at Warped, attach them on here or send them to me.

4th of July was calm and relaxing.. Ali and I went to a BBQ where I eat all the cookies then fell asleep on the couch for an hour. Oops. Today I'm recording a new song called "Art Of Pretention" and I'm sooo excited.. new music, new direction. It's amazing. You'll hear it soon...

But I need to take a nap before I drive to the OC. Hope everyone is doing good. See you sooooon


Posted on 07/05/2007 9:41 AM Comments (34)

May 29, 2007


it seems like I've been on the search for REAL people to add into my fake LA lifestyle. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't wanna stab someone in the back or talk shit about all my friends because it seemed cool at the time.. You may think you know me from what you've "heard" or seen on the internet, but you can only know so much. Everyone judges and forms an opinion about me, about you, about anyone.. it's natural.. But just know you have NO idea what's underneath it all..

And I like that. Mystery is good.. So what's the point in saying this? I've been traveling alot lately.. playing shows from New Jersey to Alaska.. and I've met some AMAZING people along the way. It makes me sad to get close to someone for a week or even a night, and then have to get on a plane and fly 5000 miles away.. depression doesn't even begin to describe the feelings I've felt lately.. but in a good way. Last week I played a few Arizona shows and they were SO much fun.. here are some photos from my live show AND of some of the great friends I made. Raquel did my weave and made me look hotter than ever!

Trey & Aaron [pictured below] came out for the last song and covered the whole crowd in glitter and silly string.
It was kind of amazing.. they're my new favorite people.

Photo Hosted at Buzznet

Photo Hosted at Buzznet

Photo Hosted at Buzznet

How hot are these pictures?? And how hot are my friends? ;)
I had such a good time that I'm flying back in a few weeks to just hang out and party with these boys.. because LA doesn't carry real people. I have to go to other states to have fun, sad right? haha FUCK Hollywood.. it ruins so many people but I'm not stupid.

all live photography by: Tony Aguilera
all clothes by: Jared Gold

PS. ON A SIDE NOTE.. lately I just can't stop getting new tattoos!

Last month I got a portrait of JonBenet Ramsey on my arm.. and today I got Princess Diana on my thigh.. both done by the amazing KAT VON D! She's seriously the best and I love her as a person.. pictures coming soon!
I don't think I need to explain myself, but BEAUTY and TRAGIC MOMENTS in history really intrigue me so that's why I chose those beautiful people to be on my body forever.

And also, last week I got my hand tattooed.. my mother thinks it was a bad idea but it's not like I'm gonna be working at Walmart so who fucking cares right?
Just for the record, DO WHATEVER THE FUCK you want because you only live once and if I die tomorrow, I wanna die HAPPY. I don't wanna WISH I did something... I DO it every day. I'm ME and no one is gonna tell me I shouldn't do this or that.. & this goes for everyone. It doesn't matter if you're family or friends dont truely understand you. YOU have to be happy. Because who else matters in the end? And that's all I have to say..

love + lipstick,

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Posted on 05/29/2007 8:52 PM Comments (78)

May 20, 2007

dreaming in pink..

This endless cycle of: get on the airplane.. get off the airplane.. go to hotel.. sleep for an hour.. put on makeup.. sound check.. wait around for hours with new friends in every city.. play a show.. feel alive again for 30 minutes.. sweat your depression away under the hot lights.. go back to hotel.. say goodbye to people who you actually start to like but realize you'll probably see them in another life.. go back to hotel.. sleep in another new bed you'll never see again.. repeatrepeatrepeat

This isn't something I hate, this is exactly what I wanted. This is my life, this is reality.

Alaska is about to be another perfect memory. We leave tonight.. then I'll be in Hollywood for literally 7 hours while I drove to Redlands to get my hand tattooed.. then I drive back to the airport and get on a flight to New York City.. there's no time to sleep in this world. My world of constant meetings, appointments, concerts, parties and hours of being 40,000 feet in the air. I have a non-stop flight to the TOP of this game and it keeps getting better and better. I never thought that 2 years ago I would be sitting here with so much accomplished already. I never see anything as being finished. I'm never content because the next step in my head is "what's next.. how do I further this more.." I rarely have the time to sit back and see what I've done. I never think about how great I'm doing, I just plan the next step and hope it works. Knowing it WILL work because somehow I KNOW what's right. I always know the right move to make.

After I performed at Bamboozle a few weeks ago, more oppurtunities were brought my way.. It's funny how successful I was at this festivial because a lot of industry people were talking shit about me, saying how no one would care about someone "like YOU".. but I proved myself ONCE again that I'm the real deal. I don't care how much shit the haters wanna talk, you can NOT deny my fame factor and everything that I have accomplished. The numbers are there, the fans (you amazing people) are HERE and they can't say ANYTHING about that. It's all REAL, no matter how much makeup I wear. Because WHO CARES? It's funny how OTHER bands can dress up and be considered "real bands" but I get dissed by people who don't understand. And that's fine, because not EVERYONE is gonna understand what I'm doing. That's natural, kind of like looking in a mirror. Natural. The postive energy always outshines the bad. And just for the record, to ANYONE who was at Bamboole and my other shows.. thank you so much for supporting your favorite pink bitch.

Because of how amazing my show was, Hot Topic took notice and they've contacted my merch company.. so now JSTAR t-shirts will be in HOT TOPIC this summer! Brand new designs.. which I can't wait for you all to see! Things just keep getting better and I feel so good about life right now.. for once. So when they're in stores, I'll let everyone know. You can reques them NOW to the store managers and get the buzz going..

Right now I'm gona go enjoy the last hours of this amazing trip.. I wish I could stay here longer but my pik destiny is calling for yet another career move. Another step up the latter.. NY will literally be ONE day.. then I'm off to Arizona.. then Chicago.. then home for a few weeks.. I don't even remember what my bed feels like but I miss my Hello Kitty stuffed animals. I miss Pinkberry with extra strawberry topping. Soonsoonsoon

Posted on 05/20/2007 4:06 PM Comments (30)

May 17, 2007

It's nice to disappear sometimes...

Sometime's it's nice to disappear and get away from LA..

Right now I'm in Anchorage, Alaska.. a whole different world then dirty fake Hollywood. I'm breathing clean air, I'm not surrounded by tons of people.. I'm just relaxing and wishing this feeling could last forever. When the plane landed I had this goal to get my hair done because my roots were starting to get really bad.. I've been SOO busy lately with shows, photoshoots and meetings that I can't even take a few hours to take care of myself. Beauty is hard to up keep and I like making myself a human Barbie.. we all know that.

So I had my friends take me to the only good mall here (Elissa is sleeping aww) and luckily this cute girl with blue and blonde hair was working at this salon.. she recongized me and cancelled her next appointment to do my roots. Thank god. And they only had 2 bottles of the pink hair dye that I use left.. which was JUST enough to cover my whole head.. haha So now I feel better. But I also feel weird that in this beautiful state, I felt the need to bring vanity into my vacation. Nothing new for me.

Even though I'll be playing a few shows here (which I can't wait for, the kids here are so amazing!) I want to go hiking in the rain forest.. I did it last year and it was better then any MAC lipgloss or hot boy I could have. Nothing matters with waterfalls and wild animals all around you. I can't explain it.. Maybe being in a new place is appealing because LA gets so boring easy.. it never changes. Same faces. Same assholes. Same smog. Same cunts. Same everything. Andthenandthenandthen?

So sleepy.. flight layovers.. baggage missing for hours.. long car rides.. not enough food.. bright sun..

I'm gonna put on my Hello Kitty sleeping mask and nap..
sidenote: this time of year in Alaska, it never gets dark.. its 9PM here and its bright outside, so it tricks your brain into forgetting to sleep..

New York in 5 days.. then playing Arizona for a few days with Raquel.. then off to Chicago to visit Hey Chris & Lindsay..

I love my life.. even though being on airplanes for half of my life is fucking annoying, this is exactly what I want with my life.. all this hard work and I can finally be doing what I want.

I'm happy right now. Mark it on your calendar. Even I'm shocked..



Posted on 05/17/2007 8:33 PM Comments (41)

May 10, 2007

"The fairest one of all..." LA WEEKLY COVER STORY!

Jeffree Star
The fairest one of all..

Wednesday, May 9, 2007 - 12:00 pm

It’s 9 a.m. and I’ve rung the buzzer twice at Jeffree Star’s apartment in Valley Village. Did he forget I was coming, or is he fucking with me? I’m about to try his cell phone when the doorknob turns and the fuchsia-haired, rail-thin 21-year-old appears, rubbing the traces of last night’s mascara out of his eyes.

“Oh, I look like a troll doll,” he says, pulling at his hot-pink locks so they stand straight up on his head.

I try to be polite, but there is a slight tonsorial resemblance between Star’s morning hair and the electric-socket look of the ’60s doll, so I just smile awkwardly. On his couch is a nearly naked 20-something boy.

“Oh, don’t worry, there are always boys around,” he smiles. “You should see the guy in my bed.”

Photo Hosted at Buzznet

(Photo by Kevin Scanlon)

We sit at his dining-room table, and Star tells me how he went from misfit Orange County teen to reigning Queen of the Internet.

“I knew I was gay, since like fifth grade,” he begins. Star’s father died when he was young, leaving his mom, a model, to raise him alone. When she’d go to work, he would dig through her makeup and experiment.

“I finally convinced my mom to let me wear makeup to school in junior high,” he says. Star’s face has a white cast of last night’s remnant makeup, and barely visible are his signature pink eyebrows arched above the place where his real eyebrows have been shaved off. (In case you’re wondering, his bare morning face is just as pretty.) His arms peek out from a Hello Kitty T-shirt; they are thoroughly tatted.

“I got this first one when I was 18,” he explains, pointing to his right arm. A sleeve of lipstick and razor blades, it reads: “Makeup massacre.” “But when you first get tattoos you don’t know about shitty artists and good ones.”

There’s a fresh tattoo on his left arm, an expertly rendered JonBenet Ramsey, complete with tiara. It cost $1,000 and was done by the famous Kat Von D, formerly of the reality TV show Miami Ink (she’s now started her own shop, LA Ink).

“I always knew I was different than everyone else,” he says, “and smarter. But in school the girls all wanted to be my friend, and the boys secretly wanted to mess around with me, so I didn’t get beat up for being weird.”

The first time Star dyed his hair pink, it was all anybody could talk about at school. It won him Best Hair in the yearbook. Back then, when other kids were playing sports, he was reading books he stole from Barnes & Noble and surfing a thing called the Internet.

“I was the first one to have high-speed Internet before all my friends,” he says. “My mom was always technologyhip. So I’d find these Web sites like Face the Jury, where you upload a picture and people rate you from one to 10. And then there are forums. I was always the No. 1 poster on the forums of Live Journal and Melodramatic.com, where people would be intrigued. I’d take crazy pictures. I was really good at having guys on the Internet buy me stuff. I would never send nude pictures or anything like that, but these guys would become obsessed with me.”

One guy sent him a thousand-dollar camera. He used it to take higher-quality images of himself. Star wants to show me a few he and photographer Heidi Calvert took back then, so we go to his pink bedroom where, as promised, there is indeed a tattooed-limbed boy wrapped in Hello Kitty sheets. The picture hanging above the vanity where Star’s makeup brushes live shows him as a blonde in fishnets and hooker heels, with slit wrists, blood smeared up his forearm, and a tissue spotted with blood in his other hand.

”Oh, and it was all real, girl,” he says, showing me the scars on his wrists. “[Heidi] wanted me to hold a gun in my mouth, and I was like, fuck that. I took a razor and slashed my wrists. So I got a weird cult following.”

Enter MySpace. Star got every one of his fans from a bunch of sites to join his MySpace page. “So instead of starting out with just one friend, I started out with 30,000,” he says. Star now has half a million friends and receives, on average, 50,000 comments every time he posts a new picture.

Star moved to L.A. after graduation and got a job working the MAC counter at the Beverly Center. Of course, he met tons of celebs, both through work and at clubs. “They just fell in love with me and wanted me to do their makeup,” he shrugs.

He also did side jobs, doing makeup for porn shoots and driving his prostitute roommate to her johns’ houses. He even had a brief gig as Kelly Osbourne’s personal makeup artist. But he always loved music, and went out as often as he could to see bands. One night, at a Peaches show, he met Peaches’ drummer, who suggested that Star make his own songs.

“I told her I didn’t know how, and a month later when she was finished recording an album, she brought me a few beats.”

That was enough to inspire him. He began writing “really crazy lyrics” to rap beats — he’s obsessed with hip-hop.

“I wrote a crazy rap song called ‘We Want Cunt,’” he says. ”Cunt was my nickname online — that was how I generated a lot of attention back in the day.”

He asked Tom on MySpace to convert his page to a music page, allowing him to keep all his friends. “[The song] really caught on, so I made another, and it became way bigger than I ever thought,” he says. “It’s not really great music like Madonna, but it kind of fits the whole package.”

He eventually got a manager who spotted him at the airport in full makeup and high heels. Now he has four songs on his MySpace page and, “as of yesterday,” he tells me, “I have over 22 million [song plays].”

We walk into Star’s command central, his roommate’s bedroom, where he manages all his traffic. On one computer screen, a little pop-up window is waiting for him, asking if he wants to add more friends to his My Space page. He clicks “accept,” and we watch as 20, 40, 90, 200 and counting, friends are added. All in one day?

“Oh, girl, I updated this at 5 a.m., so this is just from the last four or five hours.” On the other computer, we try to log on to MySpace, but the site is down.

“Oh, God! I’m gonna have a nervous breakdown,” says Star, frantically trying to reboot. “This is like my 9-to-5 job.” He finally lets it go with a sigh and shows me his Buzznet page, where you can watch his video blogs and see pictures from yesterday’s photo shoot, where he was made into a pink-haired Barbie Doll for jewelry designer Tarina Tarantino, who chose Star as her company spokesmodel (he was also chosen to represent fashion maven Jared Gold’s new line).

Star also has a deal through BandMerch.com, selling his T-shirts and panties to people all over the world, and he’s even scored a booking agent. His first gig was in Anchorage, Alaska, and now he plays all over the country.

“People in L.A. and New York, they’ve seen it all, and it’s not that fun. Places where they don’t have someone like me around, they go crazy.” Earlier this year, his song “Plastic Surgery Slumber Party” debuted at No. 1 on iTune’s dance charts,above Justin Timberlake, and this summer he’s touring with Cyndi Lauper.

With MySpace still down, we log on to his e-mail, and his inbox is flooded with fan mail.

“You know,” he says, “to be honest, the best part of this whole thing is getting e-mails from people who say I inspire them and help them in some way.”

Underneath all that makeup, Jeffree Star does have a heart — he just doesn’t want you to know it.
Posted on 05/10/2007 10:22 AM Comments (25)

April 26, 2007


(written by my amazing roomate Miss E)

I am a pacifist. Not because I have any major heartfelt opposition to violence but because, in all honesty, I am a total pussy. I do not like pain and because of certain things that happened in my childhood, I actually have very, very extreme panic attacks when confronted with in-the-flesh violence. This is not to say I haven't been in a handful of fights in my life but I avoid them when at all possible. I've learned that acting crazy and being all "BITCH I WILL SLIT YOUR THROAT AND SHIT DOWN YOUR NECK" works well because I look the part. I've gotten out of hundreds of fights this way.

But not last night.

We went to Moscow after Jeffree's rehearsal. I'm not entirely sure what possessed us to do such a thing. Possibly it was my joy over my totally awesome new hoodie. We got there around 12:15, after the list was closed. I ended up forgetting my wallet with my ID but the owner of the club walked me in so I didn't have to worry about it. Its not like I'm not there all the time. But I'm getting ahead of myself...

As we were walking up the street, some kid starts yelling "Jeffree! Jeffree!" This is very par for the course so we just kept walking. We saw Keith and Daniel and stepped between some parked cars to get to them. As I stepped off the sidewalk, something hit me and I tripped into the back of a car. Joel had to pull me upright. When I looked up, this horribly attired scene boy was grabbing Jeffree's arm and screaming "Jeffree! Jeffree!" despite being 6 inches away from him. Jeffree yanked out of his grip and said "don't touch me." This kid starts going off about how Jeffree is pretending to be a bitch and not know him. He keeps getting close and grabbing Jeffree, to the point where I have an arm out between the two and I'm warning the kid in my most growly voice to back the fuck up.

Since he won't leave us alone, we get to Keith as fast as we can. We're standing in the street talking to him when I hear "rustlerustleTHUD". When I look over to see what is going on, this kid is laying on the street. Apparently, he tried to air kick Jeffree, missed, and fell on his ass because he was so drunk. He jumped up and started grabbing at him and Jeffree shoved him away. A few more people got in between us and him and he still kept yelling and lunging at Jeffree. It was so ridiculous that Keith actually thought he was with us because who fucking acts like that except a friend that is joking around. We got our crew and got the hell inside.

Apparently, this kid tried to follow us inside and attacked Daniel and/or the bouncers. I'm not entirely sure as I didn't see it but I do know he got banned from Moscow.

Inside, we wandered and idled and people watched but for some reason none of the regulars were there and we bailed after an hour or so. As we were walking back to my car, someone stars yelling "FUCKING TRANNY! FUCKING FAGGOT!" The usual. We laugh about it to our friends from out of town and say "welcome to Hollywood" and get in the car. I start to back up but I see someone running towards the car and I stop so I don't hit anyone. The drunk scene boy from earlier slams into my driver's side window at top speed, hitting it over and over with first the flat of his hand then his fist and I'm afraid he is going to break it. "Get the fuck off my car!" I yell and he hits my window so hard it shakes. I roll it down quickly because I don't want him to break it, not thinking this will give him access to me. "Back the fuck off my car, dude! Go the fuck away!" I yell. He reached into my window and grabs my hair, yanking me into the doorframe and spitting at me. I get caught on my seatbelt but he gets my head out of the car a bit. I throw down my sidekick and shove his hands so he hits the car on the other side of us. He steps back and pulls open my door and I feel that familiar rising wave of panic starting to bubble up within me. But I know if I freeze up this kid is gonna hurt me badly because he's drunk and he's mad and he's crazy so I step out of the car because I don't want to be pinned. There is no way I can drive away because we can't back up without hitting this kid. Somehow, I manage to get the car in park and take my seatbelt off in all of this. He opens my door but I step out under my own power.

I'm a pacifist. I'm a pussy. I don't want to get in a fight. So I get out of the car with the same sort of tact that has gotten me out of a million fights before - the Angry Voice. "Get the fuck away from us!" I yell, thinking 'okay, so yeah this kid has already attacked me but maybe the angry voice and some jaw clenching will make him leave'. Its worked on dudes twice his size. I square my shoulders and point away from the car. Think mean, Miss E. Think mean!

Yeah, no. The kid hits me in the face. I do not like being hit in the face. It hurts and it messes up my make up and it took me a fucking hour to figure out how to put on fake lashes without Jeffree's help. I turn to the side and bend over so he can't get my face again, putting my arms up. I'm not fighting yet because I can't. My limbs are heavy and I feel like you're in those horrid dreams where you're running from a monster but you're moving through molasses. Everything is seizing up around me and my vision is going black. (I told you, I have a really, really extreme panic reaction to fighting. Like, bad news bears.) But I'm thinking to myself that I have to do something to defend myself because he just hit me on the back of my neck now and it's pushing me towards the ground and I see Jeffree getting out of the car to defend me but if I just totally freeze up, I'm gonna get hurt bad. So I hit him in the stomach, more of a shove than a punch. He grabs the banana clip in my hair and pulls. It yanks for a second then the clip comes loose and he stumbles, surprised. I'm turning to get up and I use the force of my spin to sock him in the shoulder. Great, now he's coming at me again and my fist hurts. Lovely. He jumps on me and his fingers touch my neck, trying to squeeze. His nails scrabble against my skin and my vision whites out. I was once choked and beaten as a kid (have I yet mentioned the childhood trauma and the panic disorder?). I lash out instinctively and I think I got him in the face. Even though my eyes were open, I couldn't see anything. My vision had whited out completely. I hit something but it may have been Jeffree, who had run around the car to pull this kid off me. His hands tighten around my throat for a second then he's away and Jeffree is shoving him back, yelling something at him to try and make him leave.

But, like my Angry Voice, it has no effect and this kid goes after Jeffree now. My vision gets all crystal clean and slow-mo and I watch this kid try to kick my roommate. He has Jeffree by arm and I remember thinking that I hope he didn't scratch his new tattoo. I also remember being impressed by Jeffree's ability to balance on his stilettos with some drunken psychopath yanking on his arm.

The door to my backseat fairly explodes and our friend Billy leaps out of the car. Before Jeffree can do much more than pull the kid off me, Billy has the guy around the waist. His speed knocks them both a few steps away from Jeffree and I. The kid is like freaking out at this point a hits Billy and they scrap a little. Billy manages to get the kid by his arms and get behind him, pinning him so he can't fight. He's kicking and yelling but it's sort of useless at this point. And I'm thinking "yay, fight over."

It bears noting that this kid attacked us repeatedly and we only defended ourselves and each other. When Jeffree pulled him off me, he didn't hit him, just pulled him away until the kid hit him first. When Billy yanked him off Jeffree, he didn't use fists until after the kid had hit him a few times. As soon as Billy had him pinned, Jeffree backed down and checked on me. None of us went after him nor did we ever tag team him. We weren't trying to hurt him, merely get him to stop hurting us. This was probably a good thing because if Jeffree or Billy actually cut loose, we'd probably be in jail.

So, as I was saying, Billy is holding this kid pinned so he can't keep fighting. He's still trying to kick and bite and thrash but Billy is a strong dude. But this kid has a friend who was down at the other end of the parking lot and he has been running down towards us. He jumps on Billy's back and hits him in the back of the head. Billy let's the drunk kid go to defend himself and the drunk kid turns with this like Mortal Kombat yell and attacks him. So now Billy is scrapping with two dudes.

Jeffree and I look at each other. "Hold mah grill, girl," he says and I want to start laughing because its the most absurd thing that could happen in this situation. He gives me his grill, his purse, and his shoe. The crazy drunk kid breaks away from Billy and brandishes a fist with brass knuckles. He runs at Jeffree, who still has one shoe in his hand, in the middle of giving it to me. The kid's swings and misses then his arms close around Jeffree's waist and slam them both into the car beside us. Jeffree bonks him over the head with a heel. The kid bites Jeffree's stomach and Jeffree hits him again and gets him off. Not liking being whacked with a blunt object, he lunged at me again. Cute, right? Go after the girl with her hands full of shit who really can't defend herself. So he goes for me and I swing and hit him with Jeffree's brand new Tarina purse. Way to ruin our accessories, man. I know I should drop everything but I'm holding Jeffree's phone and I don't want to break it. This is all I can think - if I drop the phone, its going to explode all over the ground and little springs and gears are going to go rolling everywhere and he's gonna be really mad at me. I skitter backwards but this kid has me trapped against the car and I have nowhere to go. I'm watching his fist with the shiny brass knuckles and I'm thinking 'don't drop the phone. Don't drop the phone. Don't drop the phone.' He swings and I block him with Jeffree's purse. His fist hits the car beside my head and dents it. There is a white scrape in the paint and I'm still thinking 'don't drop the phone.' His fist slides along the car and grazes into my hip and I whack him with the purse again. I hop to the side as he grabs around my waist. I can hear his teeth snap shut with a click, feel his lips touch me shirt as he tries to bite my side. I bop him over the head with the hand that is holding the phone and Jeffree's grills. They dig into my hand and I nearly drop the phone I've been so focused on this entire time. He tightens his arms and slams me into the car again so I hit him on the head with the phone once more. His arms loosen but so does my grip on the phone and I'm screaming in my head 'don't drop it, don't drop it, don't drop it!' I can't think about the kid attached to my waist. I can only think about the stupid cell phone.

Jeffree grabs the kid by the shoulder and practically throws him away from me like we're in the WWE. He gets between me and the kid and very calmly stands there. I watch him tuck an errant piece of hair behind his ear like this is no big deal and its hilarious to me. The Drunk Kid runs back at us, swinging and screaming "KILL YOOOOOOU!!!" Bonk! goes Jeffree's shoe on his head. Thankfully, this kid is drunk enough that he is trying to grapple and bite instead of punch because those brass knuckles were no joke. He grabs the back of Jeffree's shirt and they're spinning around in this circle, the kid gnawing on his tshirt and Jeffree hitting him over the head with his shoe. "Don't hurt him," I yell and Jeffree actually pauses and gives me a disparaging look, nonplussed that his shirt was now covered in drool and stretched out by this kid tugging on it. How he keeps his poise in such situations, I'll never know. He's not even really trying to fight this kid, just keep him away from me since I'm trapped. They continue to spin, Jeffree bonking him over the head in a bored manner as this kid kept biting and clawing at his sides. I don't think he was really taking this seriously since he never once bothered to punch the kid just whack him like you would a dog that is being naughty.

All of a sudden, Billy grabs the kid and tosses him away from us. His friend has backed up and is yelling "what the fuck man, what the fuck!" Billy puts his fists up and steps between us and them, not attacking but looking menacing. "Leave us the fuck alone. Get the fuck away from our car and leave us the fuck alone," he spits. Does crazy drunk kid lunge for him again? You bet. But his friend grabs him and Jeffree takes Billy's arm before he can really hurt someone. "Get in the car," he says calmly. So we all pile in to the car and I back out and we leave. The kid breaks away from his friend and hits the trunk of my car with his fist but I'm out of the box of cars at this point and he is behind me not beside me so I can actually just get the fuck out of there. Jeffree and Billy are opening their doors to go back and beat the hell out of him but I just speed up so they can't get out of the car.

The best part is that all of this happened in full view of the cops, who didn't do anything. They didn't even stop me when I left.

We check to make sure each one of us is okay. Billy somehow managed to take his plugs out while he was fighting and tuck them in his pocket. He has a big scratch on his back like he'd been having rough sex. Jeffree checks his makeup in his compact like some crazy dude with brass knuckles didn't just try to cause us grevious bodily harm. He sprays perfume on himself and then on me and grins at me. "Did you have fun, angel?" he says and winks at me.

I just start laughing because, really, did this actually just happen? Like, really? Jeffree grins at me and we turn up the radio en route to Swingers. Jeffree puts his shoes back on and helps me clip up my hair again. Billy laments that the kids stretched out his shirt. I giggle as the last of the panic attack rolls away. Apparently, that really did just happen.

And best of all, I didn't drop the phone.

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Posted on 04/26/2007 7:51 PM Comments (82)

April 23, 2007


(written by my roomate MISS E about our trip this weekend)

So we left for SF 28 hours ago. I'm currently sitting in the front seat of our rented and dented land yacht, feeling the A/C chill the damp spots in the only pair of jeans I brought. Fuck you, precipitation.

Ok, I just turned my side of the dual climate control up to 74. Jeffree cooed at me since that's what his is set at. We are total faggots, in case you might be wondering. I'm still amazed we can live together and jaunt off in tiny confined spaces with each other for long hours and only rarely feel compelled to stab each other to death with our phone chargers.

We galloped up here in record time, being that I drive like I'm running from the law at all times. Chalk it up to watching Worlds Wildest Police Videos every time I have lunch.

Oh god, 2 hours from home. I can't begin to explain to you how much I hate any place that isn't LA. When you have somewhere that feels like home, even when it hurts the worst, every other place is just aggravating and irritating. But that is why I tour - to go other places and come back to LA and fall back in love with her. Seeing other places reminds me of what I might otherwise take for granted. My city, my genie, my granter of wishes.

I'll say it again - I love LA.

And I fucking HATE San Francisco. Hate it. Hate. HATE. Goddamn hippies. Cartman ain't got nuthin on me, boo.

Before we even left, we got lunch at a little jewish deli in our neighborhood. The husband and wife that owned it were hilarious. They asked us if we'd ever been to the Bunny Ranch (google it) and gave Jeffree his new name - Jeffree Star aka 47. We about died laughing. Aside from me puking, it was a good note to leave on.

About 150 miles from SF, J* had a horrid realization. We'd remembered the limited edition merch, the tennis shoes for driving, the heels for the show, the back up tracks in multiple formats. But we forgot one thing in our rush - Jeffree's makeup.

After banging our heads against the dashboard, we got into problem solving mode. I went fast enough that we made it to Berkeley in four and a half hours. (Don't drive like me. Seriously.) We checked in to the hotel then ran to 4th street. We found the MAC store there and explained our dilemma to the girls working there. Luckily for us, they were really, really nice and let us use their demo make up so j* could get ready. So he did his makeup is about 25 minutes, which is 20 less than his most rushed time.

When we got outside, it was starting to rain. We hurried to the Gilman for load in and set up all the merch that had been drop shipped there. We left Michael there, who had nicely offered to do merch for us. I took Johnny and Jeffree back to the hotel to get ready and get the limited edition merch we'd shoved into my suitcase. In the hour we were gone, Michael was mobbed and was very harried by the time we came back. We sorted out his cash so he had enough fives to make change as the kids ran over to get pictures.

I had to keep moving Jeffree around the club just because so many kids crowded around that it became impossible to move. We couldn't get the kids that had already gotten a picture out to get new ones in because everyone pressed in from all directions. Every time this happened, I had to grab poor Jeffree and drag him some
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