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( : 2) _ _
( : 3) __ _ _


: 05.09.2006
: 63701



vim, Emacs

, 13 2018 . 14:17 +
- Death/Symbolic
, -- vim, emacs. vim emacs, :
" - , , vi- 21- . , - : , IDE; , , , , . , , , ."

( - " "), .. , vim emacs. , , , vim-, vim-multiple-cursors vim-swoop ( , , ).


OTR- jabber.el

, 20 2018 . 16:11 +
- Primordial/The Coffin Ships
, jabber- jabber.el emacs- . PGP, OTR. , , -- emacs-jabber-otr (, python-potr (py27-potr FreeBSD, ), ). , elisp-, load-path -- , :
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/emacs-jabber-otr/")
jabber-otr.el ( , .emacs ). , , , OTR-, -- , . , . , . , , . . 8-)



, 25 2017 . 21:48 +
- Budgie/Parents
. vim-: "In the five years since this question was asked, there have been over a million other developers who got stuck in Vim and couldnt escape without a bit of help. Indeed, the difficulty of quitting the Vim editor is a common joke among developers."

: "It looks like developers in Ukraine, Turkey and Indonesia are getting stuck in Vim quite a bit: it makes up a larger portion of their Vim questions than in any other country. In contrast, in China, Korea and Japan the fraction going to this question is one-tenth as much." , , : , , emacs-. 8-)


, 19 2016 . 12:05 +
- Rammstein/Stirb Nicht Vor Mir
( 4 ) emacs- -- 25.1. , . . ( ), -. Vim, , (, -- 8.0), - " ": , , /, , org-mode, , LaTeX. , .

>>>>>> ?
>>>>> , ,
>>>> , , !
>>> - .
>> ? - ...
> . , , , .

, , . 8-)


, 12 2015 . 09:18 +
- /
" - vim emacs. ..." 8-)


, 03 2015 . 16:47 +
- /
Firefox -- 36.0, , . , , , , , . . -- .. "" (, browser? ...) "" "/usr/local/bin/firefox -new-tab %s", . EmacsWiki, "Changed again! In firefox/iceweasel 36 -remote is gone entirely" browse-url-firefox. : .emacs custom-set-variables, browse-url-firefox browse-url-browser-function.
. 8-)
, ,


emacs org-mode

, 13 2012 . 22:04 +
, .
org-mode + Emacs org-mode:
Org-mode - plain-text :
" org-mode , TODO-, . , org-mode ..." 8-)



, 15 2011 . 23:18 +
- / (2004)/
, , Tron? , , - emacs'... 8-)
trongfxbr08 (700x395, 86Kb)


, 09 2011 . 12:47 +



, 11 2011 . 21:13 +
- / (2000)/
, , , . 8-) , , - Space Cadet -.
 (480x621, 127Kb)


, 09 2010 . 20:02 +


, 09 2008 . 15:55 +


 : [1]