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    Mirrors of Grotesque
Mirrors of Grotesque
21:25 04.12.2010
: 22
    Memoire d'Ardente
Memoire d'Ardente
21:08 23.06.2010
: 13
03:04 18.05.2010
: 21


: 18.02.2005
: 804
: 8595
: 17551


Last and only (part two)

, 08 2005 . 23:51 +

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Last and only (part one)

Albino_1024x768.jpg (250x189, 26Kb)

I tore my eyes off to tranquil
Then darkness came into my wounds
Reviving eyes which couldnt see
Remaking sooth in faint lunes
There, in the dust of unborn sun
In pale blood of unborn moon
Ive built asylum for my heart
Evolved philosophy from tune
Regenerated vision bleakly
Watched over people who walked sickly
In airs of sunshine in their head
False light which made them more than dead
The coldness of their blindly craving
Murdered in fraud of mindless raping
They lived in life I lied to them
They lied to me, all did the same
But differently they learned deceit
And different lies told me to meet
Thus we together belied world
And every lie was kind of spot
From many of the sun has grown
And winds of open earth have blown
In different lies remaking world
So many children have been brought (up)
Which most of knew some of things
Their parents spread on falsehood wing
Others looked differently ahead
Some saw leaves fall, sun descend
Some felt the merriness, some joy
Some tried to make, some to destroy
And every single kept his lie
His inner sense of what is life
In reborn look I was their king
The God of Truth and Trickery

: [1] []
Surulainen   , 09 2005 . 01:03 ()
-... - ... ** ...
Villard_L_Cord   , 11 2005 . 22:27 ()
Surulainen   , 12 2005 . 00:34 ()
, .
Villard_L_Cord   , 12 2005 . 16:53 ()
: [1] []


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