


 - e-mail



....... .


( : 1) __


: 21.11.2012
: 1983
: 53
: 2382


( , )

, 12 2014 . 00:30 +
the_swan ( , )


- – besides the house
- – among us
- – between the houses
- – by the window
- – at the door
- – round the table
- – far from the house
- – beyond the river
- – in front of our office
- – opposite my house
- – behind me
- – adove my head
- – over the table
- – under the bed
- – below the ground
- – in the school
- – inside the house
- – outside the house
- – on the table
- – on the wall


... — I’d like an appointment for 10 (ten) a.m. tomorrow.
. — I’ m very seasick.
, . — Can you get a doctor, please?
. — Would you please call an ambulance?
, . — Please take me to the hospital.
. — It’s urgent.
? — Do I have to stay in the hospital?
? — Do you think it will be prolonged?
? — How did that happen?
. — I tripped on the stairs.
? — Do you think it is serious?
? — Is it contagious?
- ? — Can you give me something to stop the pain?
? — Do I need an operation?
, . — My blood type is A positive.
? — What’s my temperature?
? — How long must I rest?
? — How long will it take to recover?
? — How long will the treatment take?
? — Can I continue my trip?
, . — Would you inform my family, please?
? — How often do I take this medicine?
- ? — can I have something for a cough?
. — I would like to have a tooth filled.
? — Is it necessary to pull it out?


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