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Статистика LiveInternet.ru: показано количество хитов и посетителей
Создан: 11.06.2008
Записей: 100
Комментариев: 3
Написано: 102

Marketing automation tools

Среда, 17 Сентября 2008 г. 09:30 + в цитатник

Marketing automation tools are an important element in marketing for businesses. Many marketing automation tools are computer based and some Internet based so that the marketing team can reach a lot more consumers than ever before.

There are different types of software that can be useful to market automation. Before picking automation software, it is good to know what the company's marketing needs are. Some common needs for businesses and marketing are: forecasting future needs, business process standards, market leadership, and core functionality and features..

Marketing automation tools are designed to increase revenues and implement a more consistent marketing campaign for the business to promote its product or service. The right automation tool can make this happen for any company, but if the wrong automation tool is chosen, the company can suffer from losing any potential revenue they might have earned..

Some things to consider when choosing an automation tool is database design, integration of analytics and reporting, email campaigns, and multi-channel support. Database design is important when you are trying to fit a new marketing campaign into the look of an old database. Sometimes the databases must be redesigned in order to do this.

A serious marketing team will want to have integration of analytics and reporting to get the most from their automation tools, and email campaigns are important in this technologically advanced age. Multi-channel support is also an important tool for marketers because it gives them access to support through different means to better serves the consumers..

The use of marketing automation tools has created a new school of marketing strategies. Where once, marketing consisted mainly of face to face contact with consumers, today lies an entirely new world of Internet marketing. Marketing automation tools allow for a greater number of personal contacts in association with a businesses products and services..

Marketing : Marketing automation tools

Investment funds

Вторник, 16 Сентября 2008 г. 15:32 + в цитатник

Money invested for a return of profit are called investment funds. These funds can be invested in different ways such as assets, venture, speculation and pay, bear, yield.

An asset is an item that is either useful or holds material value, as owned by a company or individual. In accounting assets take the form of entries on the balance sheet which demonstrate app properties and claims against other entities that are applied to cover the company or individualРўs business.

Assets include property rights, stock, inventories, and cash. When a company or person goes bankrupt, the assets owned can be used to settle debts..

A risky investment that could yield great profits is called a venture. Engaging in the risky business transaction hoping for fast or big profits is called speculation.

Pay, bear, yield investments are accounts that bring in money.

There are so many different ways to invest your money that it is wise to enlist the help of a financial advisor. The investment advisor gives advice of where your money would be best invested in order to bring you the highest return within your risk tolerance. Your risk tolerance is an amount you can lose and still be able to continue on with your life or business as usual.

In addition to risk tolerance, the decision of long term investing or short term investing will be addressed. Again, the goals and risk tolerance are assessed to come up with the right investments. Usually the long term investment is more aggressive and risky. For a safer investment you will look at short term investments..

Investment funds can be procured from a variety of sources including banks, personal monies and other outside investors. It is important to note that the higher the end yield promised, the higher the beginning investment in many cases. Not all investment opportunities are high yield but may lend to a longer yield term with smaller gains leading to a larger end profit..

Investment : Investment funds

Electronic commerce software

Вторник, 16 Сентября 2008 г. 12:30 + в цитатник

Electronic commerce software is the software program that the various businesses employ to enable their websites to handle the purchasing of products and different methods of payment. These programs can be complex or simple, but they all handle digital money or create invoices for checks or money orders in the sale of a product.

These programs can be purchased or be created for an individual business..

Electronic commerce software has several functions. The primary function is to handle to currency from the customer to the company in the form of digital payment. This payment can be from a debit or credit card or a digital check.

Either method is easy to transfer funds quickly and safely from the customer to the business. Some of these electronic commerce software programs allow for one to use his or her Paypal.com account. These programs can also handle the addition of the products, calculations of the price, the taxes and the shipping and handling fees.

This is all made into one clear amount due for the customer..

The electronic commerce software system that is used by the company can be complex or simple. There are software programs that enable coupons to be registered, discounts for frequency of use, and saved consumer information. These programs tend to be very complex and therefore more expensive to purchase and maintain.

There are software programs that simply add up the costs of the products and charge the customer said amount, on the other hand. These systems tend to be easier to use and therefore more efficient than the more complex systems..

Electronic commerce software provides a company with statistics and sales data in order to track all information regarding the sales made through the eCommerce or electronic commerce site. This information can be used for shipping and sales reporting.

Commerce : Electronic commerce software

Job interview techniques

Вторник, 16 Сентября 2008 г. 05:30 + в цитатник

Most people are nervous when they are interviewing for a new job. There are several things one can do to prepare for this nerve wracking process. Simply being prepared will decrease the stress associated with the interview and help you make a better impression. Becoming proficient using the following job interview techniques will help you prepare for a job interview..

Preparation is the most important job interview technique. This process begins well before you meet the interviewer face to face. Having a properly formatted resume, all of your personal and financial information (in case you are hired on the spot) and turning off your cell phone before the interview are three of the most common areas of stumble.

Once you are ready for the job interview, the in interview techniques can begin..

The first job interview technique you must master is how you present yourself. You must make a favorable impression that goes beyond your credentials. Your future employer can read and was impressed enough by those credentials to give you the interview in the first place.

Go in to the interview with a positive attitude and a passion for the company. Invest in an outfit that makes you look like the professional you want to be..

The second job interview technique you need to perfect is making a personal connection with the person interviewing you. Make eye contact and smile as if you are already friends. Attempt to mirror their behaviors from handshake to posture. You want to make them comfortable with you before they ever ask the first question so they will want to listen to you.

Once those questions begin be sure to give sincere answers..

At the end of the interview it is important to review the important points you want your future employer to remember. First, remind them why you are the person they should hire by reiterating your best two attributes. Finally, let them know you want the job!

Human resources : Job interview techniques

Money market

Понедельник, 15 Сентября 2008 г. 23:33 + в цитатник

The money market is the global financial market that is used for short-term borrowing and lending. This market provides short-term liquid assets for the global financial system. In finance, the money market only deals with various short-term transactions of assets.

The money market is the place in the economy where short-term obligations are bought and sold. Short-term obligations are things such as treasury bills, banker's acceptances, and commercial paper..

The parties that make up the money market are financial institutions and dealers in money. These dealers are the ones who want to borrow or lend money and credit. The participants in the money market borrow and lend for short periods of time. The period of time can be anywhere up to thirteen months and still be considered short-term.

Money market trades are made in short term financial instruments. Financial instruments are often referred to as paper. This market contrasts the capital market because the capital market deals in long-term funding that is supplied by equity and bonds..

The core of the money market is the banks that borrow and lend to each other. They use commercial paper and repurchase agreements to lend and borrow. Finance companies also fund themselves through the money market by issuing large amounts of asset-backed commercial paper to themselves which is secured by the pledge of eligible assets.

Eligible assets include auto loans, mortgage loans, mortgage backed securities and credit card receivables, among others. Most large corporations issue commercial paper on their own credit..

Other common money markets are certificates of deposit, treasury bills, money market mutual funds, municipal notes and federal agency short term securities. A money market manager is a trained professional who specializes in the short term transactions and natures of money market accounts.

Money : Money market


Воскресенье, 14 Сентября 2008 г. 17:32 + в цитатник

Высокоурожайный и высококачественный столовый сорт. Созревает в третьей декаде сентября. Начинает плодоносить на второй-третий год, в полное плодоношение вступает на четвертый-пятый год.

Кусты сильнорослые. Урожайность при нагрузке 25 зелеными побегами 5—6 кг с куста. Масса грозди 350 г. Сахаристость ягод 16,7%, кислотность 6,6 г/л. Может быть использован для приготовления компотов и маринадов. Транспортабельность и лежкость высокие. Чувствителен к морозам. Сравнительно устойчив к грибным заболеваниям..

Грозди крупные, рыхлые. Ягоды крупные, чаще продолговато-овальные, зеленовато-белые, к полной зрелости желтеют и приобретают бронзовый оттенок на солнечной стороне. Мякоть плотная, мясистая, хрустящая, с приятным ароматом.

Сад и огород : Карабурну

Information technology consulting

Воскресенье, 14 Сентября 2008 г. 02:31 + в цитатник

Information technology can be a very useful tool in improving many aspects of a company. It can analyze how well marketing is working for the company, it can determine whether the company is operating within the targeted rate for quality and time management. Sometimes, companies do not know how to fully make use of information technology or they ignore this domain and pay the prices later.

In either case, information technology consulting is required as a result of this inaction..

Information technology consulting consists of a company hiring an outside source that specializes in information technology. The company will then provide this consultant with all of the information linked to their company's financial state, and its goals.

Using this information, the consultant will then proceed to identify the main problems in the company's production, distribution, and sales domains. Thus, information technology consulting relies mainly on programs that can calculate large masses of numbers such as Excel and Minitab and other similar programs..

After the consultant has identified these problems, he/she will then move on to propose theoretically possible solutions to these problems. During this presentation, the board of the company will be able to make clearer decisions to improve various aspects of the company, and the consultant will advise whether these decisions would be beneficial or destructive for the company.

To conclude, information technology consulting can be a very useful tool in providing companies with an extra edge over the competition. For a relatively low price, information technology consulting provides information that allows members of the board of the company to make better financial decisions in the goal of improving the organization..

Information technology consulting has grown by leaps and bounds over the last few years. The larger the technology burdens of a business, the more in need information technology consultations will become.

Information technology : Information technology consulting

Money factoring

Суббота, 13 Сентября 2008 г. 01:31 + в цитатник

Money factoring, also known as accounts receivable financing (in Europe), is a financial transaction where a business decides to sell its accounts receivable (also known as invoices) at a discount. Factoring is a different entity from a bank loan in three ways. The first way is that the emphasis is not on the firmРўs credit worthiness, but rather on the value of the firmРўs receivables.

Second, factoring is not considered a loan. Factoring is the purchase of an asset. Lastly, a bank loan is an exchange between two separate parties while factoring is a transaction between three different parties..

The three parties involved in the transaction are the seller, debtor, and the factor. The seller is the part that is owed a certain amount of money, usually for works performed or good sold. The second party, the debtor, is the one who owes money to the first party, the seller. To correct the situation and create a balance, the debtor will sell on or more of its invoices at a discount to the third part, the factor.

The factor is a specialized financial organization. It buys the invoices and the debtor obtains cash to pay the factor the full value of the invoice..

At the heart of money factoring is the accounts receivable department of a business. If a business invoices a customer, there is normally a waiting period between the receipt of the invoice by the customer and the receipt of payment by business. Money factoring allows the business to be paid nearly immediately while a third party handles the accounts receivable portion of the bill..

The reason that this works is because for a company to sell invoices at a discount, it is more profitable for them to use funds that support their sales growth. Sellers will make more money from investing in their own growth than from supporting a customerРўs business by extending credit to them.

Money : Money factoring


Пятница, 12 Сентября 2008 г. 09:30 + в цитатник


Information technology consulting

Четверг, 11 Сентября 2008 г. 04:31 + в цитатник

Information technology can be a very useful tool in improving many aspects of a company. It can analyze how well marketing is working for the company, it can determine whether the company is operating within the targeted rate for quality and time management. Sometimes, companies do not know how to fully make use of information technology or they ignore this domain and pay the prices later.

In either case, information technology consulting is required as a result of this inaction..

Information technology consulting consists of a company hiring an outside source that specializes in information technology. The company will then provide this consultant with all of the information linked to their company's financial state, and its goals.

Using this information, the consultant will then proceed to identify the main problems in the company's production, distribution, and sales domains. Thus, information technology consulting relies mainly on programs that can calculate large masses of numbers such as Excel and Minitab and other similar programs..

After the consultant has identified these problems, he/she will then move on to propose theoretically possible solutions to these problems. During this presentation, the board of the company will be able to make clearer decisions to improve various aspects of the company, and the consultant will advise whether these decisions would be beneficial or destructive for the company.

To conclude, information technology consulting can be a very useful tool in providing companies with an extra edge over the competition. For a relatively low price, information technology consulting provides information that allows members of the board of the company to make better financial decisions in the goal of improving the organization..

Information technology consulting has grown by leaps and bounds over the last few years. The larger the technology burdens of a business, the more in need information technology consultations will become.

Information technology : Information technology consulting

Банк Японии сохранил ключевую процентную ставку без изменений

Вторник, 09 Сентября 2008 г. 17:31 + в цитатник

Управляющий Банка Японии Масааки Сиракава (Masaaki Shirakawa) и его шесть коллег приняли единогласное решение сохранить ключевую процентную ставку “овернайт” без изменений на уровне 0,5% ввиду того, что растущие цены на энергоносители и сырьевые товары снижают прибыли и негативно сказываются на капиталовложениях корпораций. Об этом японский центробанк сообщил в пятницу 13 июня.

По мнению главного рыночного экономиста из Mizuho Securities Co. в Токио Ясунари Уэно (Yasunari Ueno), “у Банка Японии нет другого выбора, кроме как занять выжидательную позицию”, поскольку экономические условия “исключают возможность повышения ставок, а снижение ставок затруднительно, так как правительство неоднократно заявляло, что монетарные условия вполне приспосабливаемые”.

Банк Японии сохранил ключевую процентную ставку без изменений

Investment properties

Вторник, 09 Сентября 2008 г. 05:30 + в цитатник

If you're interested in investing your money you have many options. If you have a lot of "extra" money, it would be wise to work with a financial advisor. A financial advisor will analyze your money and assets and suggest where your money would be put to the best use, either plunked down in one place or spread over a variety of investments.

One option of potentially low investment therefore attainable to many people is that of real estate investment..

Doing a rehab on a house is very appealing to a lot of people. The idea of taking a house, in one of the many different phases of condition, making the necessary repairs and giving it a makeover speaks to their creative side. Many have tried and many have been burned because the proper research had not been done.

You first have to get the house for the right price, having already done good estimates of the costs to do the project of fixing it up. First timers especially have a tendency to over spend here, making the sale price needed to recoup the total investment and make a profit too high. Also appealing with the rehab is that once the house is ready and assuming you sell quickly, you stand to gain a lump sum at once.

The risk, assuming all your resources and efforts have been used wisely to this point, lies in the time it takes to sell the property. Especially in a depressed market, which you can thank for allowing you to get such a great deal on the purchase of the house to begin with, it may take a long time to sell..

The other option is investment property as a rental and become a landlord. On one hand it would seem that this would be the less risky option because you are not at the mercy of the housing market and having to sell the house. A slight risk is whether or not you will be able to find a renter, which if you have done your research and bought wisely in the right location, you should not have any trouble the renter.

The troubles of renting come into play screening the renters for someone who pays consistently and on time while respecting the property. Even after the screening and interviewing you will probably occasionally not receive your rent on time and you will have to track the tenant and the money down. You have already thought about maintenance on the property, but have you considered late night emergency repair calls?.

The interest in owning real estate is a growing trend. Whether you are considering buying a house to rent out or buy one to fix up and sell, the practice can be very profitable. Notice I said, "can". It isn't guaranteed. As with anything, do your research and make sure your expectations are right. It will take work to build wealth with investment properties..

Investment : Investment properties

Investment bonds

Суббота, 06 Сентября 2008 г. 22:32 + в цитатник

An investment bond, also known as an insurance bond, is a single premium life insurance policy used for investment purposes. It is wise to invest in bonds because they provide growth and income and have access to a wide range of investment funds. Investment bonds also offer a tax advantage by attracting investment once the tax free limit has been used..

Life insurance, or life assurance, is the contract between the policy owner and the entity providing the insurance. Upon the death of the policy owner, an agreed upon sum of money is paid to the designated recipient. The policy owner pays a stipulated amount called a premium. Covered events include death and accidental death. "Death" being categorized by natural or health issues, such as old age or illness. "Accidental death" would be the result of an accident, such as a car wreck or drowning.

Some situations that would void the claim would be suicide, war, riot, or fraud..

Life based insurance bonds fall into two categories, protection policies and investment policies. Protection policies provide a benefit, usually in the form of a lump sum payment, in the event of a specified even. The main objective of the investment bond is to facilitate the growth of capital by regular or single premiums.

Investment bonds are a little different as they are not life insurance but life assurance. Whereas life insurance is based upon payment at death, life assurance refers to a benefit being paid out for an even that is certain to happen. A good example is pension. Pension is built up during a personРўs work life.

Upon retirement, the pensioner will use his pension funds to buy and annuity contract that will guarantee a certain payment each month until death..

Investment : Investment bonds

ЅнТеРовиРУСнЫе инФекЦии

Суббота, 06 Сентября 2008 г. 05:32 + в цитатник

Энтеровирусные инфекции представляют собой острые инфекционные заболевания с поражением многих органов.

Их возбудителями являются энтеропатогенные РНК-вирусы (Coxacki virus, Echovirus), относящиеся к пикорнавирусам. Следует упомянуть, что к этой же группе вирусов относится возбудитель полиомиелита..

Болеют энтеровирусными инфекциями люди разного возраста, по-видимому, чаще других дети. Заражение происходит энтерально и аэрозольно, возможно также внутриутробное развитие заболевания. Инкубационный период неизвестен. Длительность болезни до нескольких недель. Заболевание возникает в виде небольших вспышек или спорадических случаев..

Первичный очаг возникает в органах дыхания или кишечнике. В легких он сходен по проявлению с умеренно выраженной острой вирусной респираторной инфекцией. При поражении кишечника наблюдается незначительное катаральное воспаление.

При развитии заболевания во внутриутробном периоде или у новорожденных нередко происходит в основном гематогенная диссеминация возбудителя. При этом возможно поражение различных органов и тканей в разных сочетаниях.

Одной из наиболее важных форм является поражение центральной нервной системы, имеющее чаще всего характер серозного менингита. При этом отмечаются полнокровие, отек, небольшая, вначале кратковременная лейкоцитарная, а затем круглоклеточная инфильтрация мозговых оболочек. Те же клетки определяются при исследовании ликвора.

Значительного увеличения белка в последнем не происходит. Наряду с менингитом возможно развитие умеренно выраженных явлений энцефалита. У новорожденных иногда наблюдается более тяжелое поражение в виде энцефаломиелита..

Нередко возникает поражение скелетных мышц (миозит) и миокарда (миокардит). Оно проявляется в развитии дистрофических изменений мышечных волокон и лимфогистиоцитарных инфильтратов в соединительнотканных прослойках. Возможно также поражение верхних отделав пищеварительного тракта, преимущественно глотки (герпангина), с развитием папул, превращающихся затем в везикулы, которые далее изъязвляются.

Такое поражение может сочетаться с экзантемой..

При внутриутробном инфицировании возможно нарушение развития плода с его гибелью или возникновением аномалий развития.

Здоровье : Энтеровирусные инфекции

Advertising campaign

Среда, 03 Сентября 2008 г. 21:30 + в цитатник

An advertising campaign consists of a series of ads that share a similar idea or theme. An advertising campaign is used for promoting a company's particular product or service. Most companies hire advertising agencies to create new advertising campaigns.

An advertising agency will create a series of advertisements that have a single idea and release the messages for the client over a specific time frame and utilize all relevant types of media to do so..

To begin creating an advertising campaign, someone must first come up with the campaign theme. The theme is extremely important in having a solid advertising campaign because it is the thread that holds all of the advertisements together. It also sets the tone as what message will be conveyed, and how that message will come across to new and existed customers of the product or service.

Many forms of marketing go into an advertising campaign, and these forms of marketing also help to determine how to approach and develop a campaign theme. The theme also helps to determine the kinds of promotional activities that the advertising campaign can be utilized..

Most campaign themes are intended for long term usage in the advertising world. Though campaigns are developed for use in a substantial amount of time, most advertising campaigns are short lived. There are many factors that cause this, but the most common are an ineffective marketing campaign, significant change in the market conditions, and strong competition in the marketplace.

Advertising campaigns are still the most effective way to advertise a product or service, but need to be prepared by a marketing specialist with a great understanding of a fluctuating business market and the best methods of advertising adaptation to deal with these changes..

Advertising : Advertising campaign

Electronic commerce software

Среда, 03 Сентября 2008 г. 17:32 + в цитатник

Electronic commerce software is the software program that the various businesses employ to enable their websites to handle the purchasing of products and different methods of payment. These programs can be complex or simple, but they all handle digital money or create invoices for checks or money orders in the sale of a product.

These programs can be purchased or be created for an individual business..

Electronic commerce software has several functions. The primary function is to handle to currency from the customer to the company in the form of digital payment. This payment can be from a debit or credit card or a digital check.

Either method is easy to transfer funds quickly and safely from the customer to the business. Some of these electronic commerce software programs allow for one to use his or her Paypal.com account. These programs can also handle the addition of the products, calculations of the price, the taxes and the shipping and handling fees.

This is all made into one clear amount due for the customer..

The electronic commerce software system that is used by the company can be complex or simple. There are software programs that enable coupons to be registered, discounts for frequency of use, and saved consumer information. These programs tend to be very complex and therefore more expensive to purchase and maintain.

There are software programs that simply add up the costs of the products and charge the customer said amount, on the other hand. These systems tend to be easier to use and therefore more efficient than the more complex systems..

Electronic commerce software provides a company with statistics and sales data in order to track all information regarding the sales made through the eCommerce or electronic commerce site. This information can be used for shipping and sales reporting.

Commerce : Electronic commerce software

Образ жизни

Пятница, 27 Июня 2008 г. 07:30 + в цитатник

Если наследственные заболевания или предрасположение к той или иной болезни не зависит от "волевых действий" родителей больного, то появление многих врожденных нарушений (возникших в период эмбрионального развития ребенка, а не переданных ему по наследству, т. е. генетически) чаще всего связано с влиянием на организм больного вредных привычек и опасных склонностей его родителей.

Как правило, это последствия курения, употребления алкоголя или наркотиков, в результате чего еще до зачатия ребенка половые клетки будущих родителей могут быть повреждены. Так, при систематическом пьянстве развивается хроническое отравление зародышевых клеток алкоголем. Но даже у человека, не злоупотребляющего спиртными напитками, половые клетки в момент опьянения оказываются в состоянии острого алкогольного отравления.

Зачатие в состоянии опьянения может привести к мертворождению или тяжелейшим заболеваниям ребенка, слабоумию и другим психическим отклонениям..

Но и в дальнейшем — в период внутриутробного развития — алкоголь и никотин, попадая в кровь матери, угрожают будущему здоровью человека. Функциональные системы развивающегося плода очень чувствительны к воздействиям окружающей среды. Этой средой для него являются околоплодные воды и кровь матери. Если эта кровь содержит вредные продукты обмена веществ из-за плохой функции почек, печени, кожи, легких, если в крови матери циркулируют токсины, алкоголь, никотин или наркотики, налицо все условия для того, чтобы ребенок появился на свет больным, дефективным..

Поэтому не следует забывать, что причиной врожденных заболеваний, как и предрасположений к различным нарушениям тех или иных функций организма, являются те вредные условия, которые влияли на него, когда он находился в чреве матери во время внутриутробного развития.

Наибольшее же влияние на здоровье человека, как свидетельствуют клинико-статистические исследования, оказывают условия внешней среды и образ жизни. Выявлено, в частности, что городские и сельские условия жизни по-разному влияют на продолжительность жизни населения..

Так, например, основная часть долгожителей Сибири и Дальнего Востока (около 80%) проживает в сельской местности; то же характерно для Закавказья и других районов страны.

Неблагоприятные условия труда и быта ведут к прежде временному старению и сопутствующим ему заболеваниям. Под преждевременным старением подразумевается такое старение, когда люди среднего и пожилого возраста, не чувствуя себя больными или не считая, что больны "по настоящему", в то же время не могут назвать себя и полностью здоровыми.

Они сохраняют способность воспринимать мир ярко и эмоционально, мыслить глубоко и тон ко, их душа полна неизрасходованных сил. Но полноценно жить и работать им мешают быстрая утомляемость, слабость, нарушения сна, разнообразные неприятные ощущения в конечностях (онемение, зябкость, судороги, боли и т. п.), болезненность суставов, головные боли.

Когда такое самочувствие появляется у 35—50-летних людей, то, с точки Зрения некоторых геронтологов, это и является преждевременным старением. Не все ученые согласны с этим мнением, но для нас не столь существенно, как называть вышеописанные явления, а важно понять, чем они вызваны и каким образом их можно избежать..

Наиболее распространенные причины подобных состояний не так уж многочисленны. Главные из них — это нервно-эмоциональное перенапряжение, психическое пере утомление, недостаточная двигательная активность (гиподинамия), переохлаждение, поверхностное дыхание, неправильная осанка, нерациональное питание, курение, употребление алкоголя, наркотиков.

Понимание роли этих факторов и умение избежать или противостоять их воздействию являются важным шагом па пути к восстановлению здоровья, бодрости, работоспособности, душевной уравновешенности..

Здоровье : Образ жизни

Миогенные контрактуры

Четверг, 19 Июня 2008 г. 15:32 + в цитатник

Миогенные контрактуры возникают тогда, когда в мышцах развивается сморщивание в результате их повреждения или воспаления или длительного вынужденного положения конечности.

Профилактика — правильная иммобилизация переломов, своевременная ЛФК и др.

Лечение образовавшихся миогенных контрактур: массаж, активные и пассивные движения, редрессация под наркозом с последующим наложением гипсовой повязки, тенотомия для удлинения сухожилий.

Если миогенная контрактура связана с замещением части поврежденной мышцы рубцовой тканью, то лечение должно состоять в иссечении рубца..

Болезни и лечение : Миогенные контрактуры

Дневник rurikgromov

Среда, 11 Июня 2008 г. 08:34 + в цитатник
Be regular and orderly in your life, so that you may be violent and original in your work.

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