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(Tunnel book)


: http://stranamasterov.ru/taxonomy/term/1411

" tunnel book, . tunnel . «» (book) . . , , — , , , . - , .. . VIII . .

- . tunnel book , (459 ) 1840 . « ». ."


- 18 , . , - .  http://smithsonianlibraries.si.edu/smithsonianlibraries/2010/04/the-dance-of-the-tunnel-book.html

The Dance of the Tunnel Book

Tunnel books or peep shows are a series of cut-paper panels placed one behind the other, creating the illusion of depth and perspective. Often, these are engineered like an accordion, with the two boards pulling apart and the illustrated panels lined up and viewed through a front peep-hole or viewer.

A recent purchase by the Cooper-Hewitt Design Museum Library is an 18th century tunnel book attributed to the engraver and print-seller Martin Engelbrecht (1684-1756) of Augsburg, Germany.

The set includes six hand-colored etched prints on light gray laid paper, with sections carefully cut out to create a perspective view of aristocratic men and women dancing together in a formal garden. However, there was no box or accordion support to hold the prints, just six loose cards. 

Tunnel Book, Martin Engelbrecht Tunnel Book, Martin Engelbrecht

Tunnel Book, Martin Engelbrecht Engelbrecht, "Garden of Eden" c. 1730Engelbrecht's miniature theaters or dioramas evolved from his large-scale Zograscope images and are regarded as the earliest "paper" theaters in history. They were the forerunners of the peepshow books popularized by Dean & Son of London during the mid-nineteenth century, and have been cited by photographers and cinematographers for their early optical effects and appreciated as an aid to creating dramatic perspective on film.


Engelbrecht, "Oktoberfest" c. 1730
"A celebrated engraver of his time, Engelbrecht dominated the print trade in Augsburg. Best known for his portraits of monarchs as well as his intricate landscapes, Engelbrecht's work is beyond compare. Some of his best work was with optical prints. He used these in his perspective boxes and miniature theatres. Typically 8 cards would be inserted into a peepbox, consecutively, which provided imagery similar to that of a theatre scene, or play. The view had great perspective. (The History of the Discovery of Cinematography).

"In the 18th century dioramas became very popular as a means of entertainment. Around 1730, the Augsburg copperplate engraver and publisher Martin Engelbrecht created miniature theater[s]. [They] consist of 5-8 scenery-like sheets, which create a perspective image if arranged one behind the other. Along with religious themes, these scenes show courtly life, the seasons...These small-size dioramas are regarded as the precursors of the paper theaters that became popular in the 19th century."


Engelbrecht, “Vorstellung eines zerstörten Schlosses mit Geister” c. 1730

"The first true movable books published in any large quantity were those produced by Dean & Son, a publishing firm founded in London before 1800. By the 1860's the company claimed to be the 'originator of childrens' movable books in which characters can be made to move and act in accordance with the incidents described in each story.' From the mid-19th century Dean turned its attention to the production of movable books and between the 1860's and 1900 they produced about fifty titles. To construct movable books, Dean established a special department of skilled craftsmen who prepared the hand-made mechanicals. The designers used the peep-show principle of cut-out scenes aligned one behind the other to give a three-dimensional effect. Each layer was fixed to the next by a piece of ribbon that emerged behind the uppermost portion, and when this was pulled, the whole scene sprang up into perspective." (Montanaro, Ann. A Concise History of Pop-Up and Moveable Books).


, : http://pinterest.com/robincood/paperwork/ ,

: http://allegrobookcollection.typepad.com/allegrobookcollection/about.html

A parallel development from the early1400s reached mass circulation in the 1840s and onwards. This was the Peep Showor Tunnel book, two flat pieces of card with concertina-folded paper scenes cut to any shapes, hand-coloured and usually housed in an outer sleeve. The cover has an eyehole or multiple level holes to peer through and experience a 3-D view. This medium was used to celebrate public events like the Great Exhibition in London and the opening of the Thames Tunnel in 1851. Tunnel Booksbecame the generic name for these souvenir and educational toy-books.  

  Thames Tunnel cover
  Thames Tunnel back cover

Thames Tunnel open
The Thames Tunnel Peepshow, London, London 1847 with 3 viewing peepholes.

Crystal Palace Peepshow Tunnel Book, Lane's of London, 1851 with single peephole.

Crystal Palace Tbook cover
 Crystal Palace open
  Crystal Palace view


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: http://stranamasterov.ru/node/238490?tid=451%2C1411

: Iulia

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: http://sticksstonesnpaperstew.com/2009/05/17/basic-tunnel-book-tutorial/

: http://extremecards.blogspot.com/2008/08/how-to-make-tunnel-book.html


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Extreme cards and Papercraftings :



How to Make a Tunnel Book

This card is two tunnel books, hinged together in the middle, with a pop out back.

tunnel book

Top view to show accordion pleats.

tunnel book


1.Kathryn Cody, Tunnel Book http://www.holycross.edu/departments/visarts/sschmidt/August7WebsiteStudBook/pages/KCody2.htm





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