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: 21.08.2013
: 1359
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. Natashas beads ( )

, 08 2014 . 12:38 +

  Natashas beads  
-   Natasha Designs

. Natashas beads ( ) -

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Natasha Technique


Picture 1
1. I've started with two colors, red and blue. I will make a very large bead to help illustrate this process.
1. , . ,

Picture 2
2. I made a log from the blue and I'm going to cover it with the red!
2. ()  !

Picture 3
3.You can see the blue all covered with Red. The example in the rear is used to illustrate what it looks like inside the sample I just made!

3. , . .

Picture 4
4. Now I'm going to TWIST this log from 3 to 5 times.
4.You can see how this ripples the line made from the meeting of the two colors of clay in the inside example!

4. () 3 5 . ,

Picture 5
5. Square up this lump of clay, or I should say, rectangle up this lump of clay!

5. , ..


Picture 6
6. Slice the rectangle in half lengthwise.


Picture 7
7. Slice it again making 4 equal parts.

7. , 4

Picture 8
8.I've put X's on the tops of each piece. I'm hoping this will make it easier to see what I"m doing!

  . , !

Picture 9
9. Take section 1 and start peeling it back like it was a banana.

9. 1 , .

Picture 10
10. Keep peeling!

10. !

Picture 11
11. Keep peeling, remember where the "X" is.
11. , , .
Picture 12
12. Lift the bottom up so that the "X" side is now on the bottom.
12. , .
Picture 13
13.Slide this back into it's original position, but you have turned it inside out and upside down!
13. , .
Picture 14
14. From the top you can see 3 sections with "X"'s haven't been moved yet, but our first one has been!
14. , 3 , .
Picture 15
15. Now turn one quarter turn to the right and start peeling the next piece!
Picture 16
16. Peel it down!
Picture 17
17. Slide it back into it's place.
17. .
Picture 18
18. We are actually half done with this, see two "X's" left.
18. ,
Picture 19
19. Another quarter turn, start peeling.
17. ,

Picture 20
20. Keep peeling down.


Picture 21
21. Pull up the bottom and slide it into place.

Picture 22
22. Three down and one to go!

22. !

Picture 23
23. Quarter turn, Peel.
22. ,
Picture 24
24. Peel, Lift
24. ,
Picture 25
25. Slide back in place
Picture 26
26. Your basic moves are done!

Picture 27
27. All the pieces have been moved, don't squeeze too tight yet! 
27. , !

Picture 28
28. All the edges might not meet up right yet, so we will now straighten up the edges!
28. ( ),


Picture 29
29. Start from the top of each side nad match up the pattern so that it is even on both sides.
29. ,
Picture 30
30. Work your way down to the bottom of each side, being sure to hold on to all 4 pieces while your straightening up each seem.
30. , 4 , 4 .

Picture 31
31. Blend the seams together, I use the needle tool from Kemper for almost everything!
31. , ,


Picture 32
32. Square up the bead with a brayer, or roll it out like a log if you prefer!
32.   ,


Picture 33
33.And there is your bead! We'll it's a little big, but I thought it would be easier to see! Look for the Natasha Project sheet comeing soon!
33. . ,



1 - :
2 - : FIMO
27 - : - 2
28 - : .
29 - . Natashas beads ( )
30 - - - "" ""
31 - : . "" ( )
41 - : , . Fimo Premo.
42 - (yefremova-shop)
43 - , ( )

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