


 - e-mail


: !

, 12 2014 . 05:55 +
belorys_kh : !


it served him right -
to take a nap -

ups-and-downs -
\act in cold blood -
to take a chance -
In short/in a word/ in brief -
to have a rest -
to take offence -
On the contrary -
to be really into - -
to be terrified -
to give smb a lift - -
Not a bit! / No such thing -
by and large -
with the exception of -
to take measures -
to put an end to - ,
to play with fire -
the root of the trouble -
in charge of -
to achieve results -
to get on very well -
take the view -

Learn smth at one's mother's knee - -
Mental food -
Food for thought -
Be very quick in-
Follow in smb's footsteps - -
Go one's own way -
In doing we learn - ,
An idle brain is the devil's workshop - -
Work by fits and starts - ,
Be head over ears in work -
Busy one's brains about smth - -
Stuff smb's head with smth - - -
Stuff smb's memory with smth - -
From cover to cover -
Hammer into smb's head - -
Show promise -
She should go far -
A walking dictionary \ encyclopedia - ,
Reap the fruits of smth - -
Under pressure - ,
Turn a deaf ear to smth - -
In (at) one ear and out (at) the other - ,
It's never late to learn -
He, who makes no mistake, makes nothing - ,
Little knowledge is a dangerous thing -
Knowledge is power - -
Live and learn - -
Better untaught than ill taught -
Like teacher, like pupil - ,
Study under smb -
Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain - , ,



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