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: 27.07.2010
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, 27 2010 . 13:07 +

 « -»


, , , -, - . 

,  « -». - , , , , .

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  «». , , .   -. , , , - - . , . , . , , , , . - , , . «» -. 


.   , , . 


! - Let's take a bath! 

! - It's bathtime! 

 - to take a bath; to bathe 

 - bathroom 

 - bathtub, tub 

 - tubby 

 - shower

 - thermometer 

 - sink 

 - faucet [. ], tap [. ] 

 - bathmat 

 - mirror 

 - soap 

 - bubble bath 

 - shampoo 

 - suds 

 - bubbles 

 - bath pouf, scrubby 

 - sponge 

/ - to turn on/ turn off 

 - to scrub 

( ) - to take a bath 

( ) - to take a shower 

 - water 

! - Try the water! 

! - Let's try the water! 

 - warm 

 - cold 

 - warm water 

- . - The water is warm. 

? - Is the water warm? 

 - cold water 

- . - The water is cold. 

? - Is the water cold? 

 - sudsy/soapy water 

 - wet 

 - dry 

 - clean 

 - dirty 

 - head 

 - - eye - eyes 

 - mouth 

 - nose 

 - belly 

 - back 

 - - hand - hands 

 - - foot - feet 

 - - palm - palms 

 - - heel - heels 

() - finger 

() - toe 

! - Give me your hand! 

 - Give me your foot! 

! - Close your eyes! 

! - Wash your hands! 

! - Let's wash your hands! 

 - to lather 

 - to rinse 

,  - to splash 

! - Try not to splash on the floor! 

 - to wipe 

 - towel 

 - Turkish towel 

 - soft towel 

 - dry towel 

 - terry towel 

 - napkin, receiving blanket 

 - diaper 

 - toy ship 

, ,  - duck, ducky, duckling 

 - bathrobe, robe 

 - terry robe 

 - slippers 

 - comb 

 - hair brush 

() - to comb one's hair 

() - to brush one's hair 

Bath Time

After a bath, I try, try, try to wipe myself dry, dry, dry. 
( )
Hands to wipe, and fingers, and toes,
( , )
Two wet legs and a shiny nose 
( , )
Just think how much less time I’d take
If I were a dog and could shake, shake, shake!
( ) 

Naughty Soap Song
by Dorothy Aldis

Just when I'm ready to start on my ears 
That is the time that my soap disappears. 
It jumps from my fingers and slithers and slides 
Down to the end of the tub, where it hides. 
And acts in a most disobedient way. 
And that's why my soap's growing thinner each day. 

Singing In The Bathtub
by Band Vocal

I'm singing in the bathtub 
Happy once again 
Watching all my troubles 
Go swimming down the drain 

Singing through the soap suds 
Life is full of hope, soap 
You can sing with feeling 
While feeling for the soap 

Oh! A ring around the bathtub 
It isn't so nice to see 
But a ring around the bathtub 
Is a rainbow to me 

Reaching for a towel 
Ready for a rub 
Everybody's happy 
While singing in the tub 

There's A Hippo in my Tub
by Ann Murray

There's a hippo in my tub singing in the shower. 
She's having such a jolly time she'll be in there at least an hour. 
The bathrooms filled with bubbles so that I can barely see 
but I'm sure there's a hippo in my and there's no room left for me. 

I guess your wondering why I'm here outside the bathroom door. 
I know I'm still as dirty as can be 
but peeking through the bubbles I blink my eyes to see 
to see that peeking through the bubbles two eyes blink back at me. 

There's a penguin in my tub wearing a tuxedo. 
he's swimming under water cause he thinks he's a torpedo. 
The waters full of icebergs and frosty as can be 
and I' m sure there's a penguin in that tub and its just to cold for me. 

I guess your wondering why I 'm here outside the bathroom door. 
I know I'm still as dirty as can be 
but peeking through the bubbles I blink my eyes to see that peeking 
through the bubbles two eyes blink back at me. 

There's a Crocodile in my tub lounging in the water 
He's asking me to join him - but I don't think that I ought to 
He ate the soap and sponge and swallowed them with glee 
and I'm sure there's a Crocodile in my tub look he making room for me. 
and I'm sure there's a Crocodile in my tub look he's making room for me. 

Bubble Bath
by Rob Reid

Bubbly, bubbly bubble bath, 
( ) 
Filled to the top, 
( , ) 
Listen to the bubbly bubbles, 
( "" - ) 
Pop! Pop! Pop! 
( ) 

The Old Woman

The old woman stands at the tub, tub, tub, 
( ) 
The dirty clothes to rub, rub, rub. 
( , - "" ) 
But when they are clean and fit to be seen, 
( , ) 
She'll dress like a lady and dance on the green. 
("" ) 

Rubber Ducky
(Sesame Street)

Rubber Ducky, you're the one, 
You make bathtime lots of fun, 
Rubber Ducky, I'm awfully fond of you; 

Woo woo be doo 

Rubber Ducky, joy of joys, 
When I squeeze you, you make noise! 
Rubber Ducky, you're my very best friend, it's true! 

Doo doo doo doo, doo doo 

Every day when I 
Make my way to the tubby 
I find a little fella who's 
Cute and yellow and chubby 


Rubber Ducky, you're so fine 
And I'm lucky that you're mine 
Rubber ducky, I'm awfully fond of you. 

Every day when I 
Make my way to the tubby 
I find a little fella who's 
Cute and yellow and chubby 

Rubber Ducky, you're so fine 
And I'm lucky that you're mine 
Rubber ducky, I'm awfully fond of - 
Rubber ducky, I'd like a whole pond of - 
Rubber ducky I'm awfully fond of you! 

Doo doo, be doo 


Soap and Water
[ "Row, Row, Row Your Boat"]

Soap, soap, soap and water; 
Soap and water please. 
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, 
Wash your dirty knees.

, , , , :

Back, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
Back, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes
And arms and legs and face and nose
Back, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes. 


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