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: 03.07.2012
: 123


, 17 2012 . 16:30 +
Warwick Goble.

1862-1943 ( )
, The City of London School Westminster School School of Art.
, , : , , .
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The Book of Fairy Poetry

 (434x698, 90Kb)
William Shakespeare: A Midsummer Nights Dream

 (428x699, 43Kb)
Three Spirits Filled with Joy

 (430x698, 92Kb)
John Milton: Good Luck Befriend Thee

 (433x698, 110Kb)

 (431x699, 100Kb)
The Ferlie

 (438x699, 109Kb)
Charles Mackay: The Kelpie of Corrievreckan

 (434x698, 112Kb)
Christina Rossetti: Goblin Market

 (430x698, 105Kb)
The Vearies

 (432x699, 100Kb)
A Crust of Peacock Pie

 (432x698, 93Kb)
William Shakespeare: Ding-Dong, Bell

 (436x698, 89Kb)
Fairies on the Sea-Shore

 (435x698, 89Kb)
Keats: Four Fairies

 (437x699, 96Kb)
Alfred Lord Tennyson: The Mermaid

 (433x698, 76Kb)
Lirope the Bright

 (432x699, 85Kb)
Plea of the Midsummer Fairies

 (434x699, 105Kb)
J.R.R. Tolkein: Goblin Feet

Il Penteramone images:

 (600x414, 56Kb)

 (600x405, 35Kb)

 (339x500, 29Kb)

 (341x500, 42Kb)

 (335x500, 26Kb)

 (600x407, 39Kb)

 (600x406, 49Kb)

 (335x500, 31Kb)

 (600x404, 48Kb)

 (339x500, 32Kb)

 (338x500, 25Kb)

 (600x411, 54Kb)

 (600x409, 53Kb)

 (600x409, 60Kb)

 (345x500, 43Kb)

 (600x403, 49Kb)

 (600x410, 42Kb)

 (600x401, 57Kb)

 (476x698, 129Kb)

 (472x699, 129Kb)

 (476x698, 129Kb)

 (600x404, 41Kb)

 (600x405, 44Kb)

 (468x699, 108Kb)

 (600x406, 49Kb)

 (482x699, 119Kb)

 (600x400, 46Kb)

 (480x699, 128Kb)

 (484x699, 149Kb)

 (600x418, 57Kb)

 (487x699, 145Kb)

Goddesses, Myths, and Fables

 (444x640, 57Kb)
A Change

 (640x436, 99Kb)
Decorate the Palace

 (640x443, 61Kb)
Cleopatra's Own Galley

 (398x640, 78Kb)

 (443x640, 67Kb)
A Most Elegant Young Man

 (383x479, 32Kb)
The Flute

 (383x479, 34Kb)
The Golden Comb

 (215x300, 14Kb)
India 1

 (300x189, 13Kb)
India 2

 (640x444, 70Kb)
The Lady Gave her Purse

 (383x479, 39Kb)

 (302x440, 28Kb)
Moon Maiden

 (479x383, 33Kb)
Come to the Sea

 (640x439, 76Kb)
The Origin of Rubies

 (444x640, 65Kb)

 (306x440, 30Kb)
Peony Lantern

 (333x477, 39Kb)
The Prince of the Jewel

 (299x440, 33Kb)
Singing Bird of Heaven

 (640x439, 68Kb)
Star Lovers

 (640x447, 98Kb)
Three Lambs
 (439x640, 90Kb)
Zenobia, Queen of Palmyria

 (640x445, 62Kb)
Dressing a Queen

 (640x442, 81Kb)
A Vision

Fairies, Angels, Magical Creatures:

 (435x640, 64Kb)
Bird of Paradise

 (436x640, 90Kb)
Chaucer's Angels

 (327x477, 22Kb)
Dressing a Fairy

 (448x640, 78Kb)
Flowers and Fairies

 (640x446, 60Kb)
Meeting a Trout

 (383x479, 40Kb)
Jewel in Hand

 (327x477, 34Kb)
Fairies and Water Babies

Fairy Tales

 (445x640, 73Kb)
Cinderella and the Glass

 (640x424, 55Kb)
Espousal of the Rats Daughter

 (600x686, 81Kb)
Friar and Boy

 (479x383, 45Kb)

 (350x500, 44Kb)
Puss in Boots

 (585x400, 73Kb)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

 (348x500, 52Kb)
Red Riding Hood

 (580x400, 68Kb)
Sleeping Beauty

 (343x500, 43Kb)
Snow Red

 (640x441, 95Kb)
The Golden Ball

 (640x447, 79Kb)
Dragon from the Grotto

 (581x400, 64Kb)
Beauty and the Beast

 (488x698, 128Kb)
Iron Stove

 (483x699, 106Kb)
The Elf Queen

 (478x698, 93Kb)
Emily in the Garden

 (482x699, 113Kb)
Cancee and the Falcon

 (525x365, 53Kb)
Winged Wonders

 (483x699, 111Kb)
January Helping May into a Tree

 (478x699, 105Kb)
In Thrall

 (484x698, 99Kb)
Hop O' My Thumb

 (503x699, 90Kb)
The Magic Kettle

 (510x699, 99Kb)
Matsuyama's Mirror

 (700x467, 73Kb)

 (471x699, 94Kb)
The Tongue-cut Sparrow

 (501x699, 104Kb)

 (485x699, 90Kb)
Jack and the Beanstalk

 (485x698, 87Kb)
John Dietrich : Elves

 (483x699, 90Kb)
The Juniper Tree

 (481x699, 103Kb)
Six Swans

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