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 - e-mail



( : 5) _ Hand_made_TOYS _-_ _ __
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: 09.09.2015
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, 06 2016 . 16:07 +
Dama_Madama [ + !]

, , , . 42 -!

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, 06 2016 . 16:03 +
[ + !]

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自制可爱的太阳花发圈的方法图解 材料:不织布 剪刀 针线 胶水 饰物 将不织布剪成如上图所示的样子,中间剪成这样子的一段段。 将布条对折,然后用针线缝起来,针距5mm为佳。 如果想要花朵大一点,可以稍微抽松一点,盘圈大一点;如果想要花朵小一点,可以稍微抽紧一点,盘圈小一点。 想要...

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, 06 2016 . 16:01 +
Valentina_iv [ + !]

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tekstilnaya_brosh_1 (300x200, 16Kb)

: ( - ), , ( – 3 .), , «-», , , ( ).

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, 28 2016 . 10:03 +
_ [ + !]

C:Documents and SettingsStephanieMy DocumentsMy PicturesAdobeDigital Camera Photos€7-05-17-1028-27ow tut 17.jpg             free-instruction-mini-hair-bow-hairbow-clip-13.jpg

13.   C:Documents and SettingsmwangMy DocumentsMy Picturesutterflyneweb-99ugs.jpg   C:Documents and SettingsmwangMy DocumentsMy Picturesutterflyneweb-99ugs.jpgC:Documents and SettingsmwangMy DocumentsMy Picturesutterflyneweb-99ugs.jpg  C:Documents and SettingsmwangMy DocumentsMy Picturesutterflyneweb-99ugs.jpg

C:Documents and SettingsmwangMy DocumentsMy Picturesutterflyneweb-99ugs.jpg  C:Documents and SettingsmwangMy DocumentsMy Picturesutterflyneweb-99ugs.jpg 

C:Documents and SettingsmwangMy DocumentsMy Picturesutterflyneweb-99ugs.jpg  C:Documents and SettingsmwangMy DocumentsMy Picturesutterflyneweb-99ugs.jpg

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, 02 2015 . 09:15 +
Vitolda [ + !]

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, 02 2015 . 09:06 +
70 [ + !]


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, 01 2015 . 10:49 +
frau_selena [ + !]

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, 15 2015 . 15:04 +
_ [ + !]

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613c9821a49303f4178ff576d7d85ac4 (1) (620x344, 56Kb)

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, 13 2015 . 22:28 +
_ [ + !]

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, 21 2015 . 12:40 +
_75 [ + !]

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