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Статистика LiveInternet.ru: показано количество хитов и посетителей
Создан: 13.01.2010
Написано: 19

«Люди такие странные!»

«Я не ленивая - просто мой кайф в ничегонеделании»

Like Life

Воскресенье, 21 Марта 2010 г. 22:01 + в цитатник
Всё зашиииибенски хорошо х)
Тусовалась, отрывалась, в классной компании, с хорошей музыкой.
С отличным натсроением.
Севиль приедет летом ко мне! Ей только нужно денег заработать, и она приедет.
Господи, я её так люблю!
Милая моя, приезжай скорей, мне только тебя нехватает...

Жизнь стала лучше, легче, проще.
Стоило только улыбнуться.
И всё сново хорошо.


Понравилось: 14 пользователям

Может, и в новой школе у меня будут подруги?

Среда, 17 Марта 2010 г. 18:51 + в цитатник
А всё изменила литература....
Дала списать Вике эссе по литературе. За это она села со мной на химии. Разговорились)
Она пригласила меня поесть в столовке с ней за столиком. Была очень рада)
Вместе шли домой)
Сегодня вместе сидели на биологии) Всякими "девчачьими секретами красоты" делились.
Потом вместе дежурили в столовой одну перемену)
Ели один салат на двоих (понятное дело за одним столиком).
Викина лучшая подружка Альбина тоже была с нами.
После школы вместе пошли в парикмахерскую) По дороге покурили, посплетничали)
В контакте Альбинка написала мне "Авка супер! Мне нрава!" и оставила "живое граффити" "Ты супер девчонка!"
В ответ я ей оставила граффити "Ты классная девчонка!" и подарила подарочек - розовые шлёпки)
Пошла в магазин, встретила Вику (она шла в парикмахерскую), пожелала ей удачи)
В магазине встретила Альбинку, та долго благодарила за подароче, вся счастливая)
Потом говорит "Мы завтра с Викой в узком дежурим. А ты в центре одна - не против?" Только хотела расстроиться, но... узкикий коридор сообщается с центром! "Женьк, ты подходи к концу центра, мы будем в конце узкого специально...Всё равно вместе будем!"
Может, мы подружимся?)


"Внимательно читай состав!" Конспект по косметологии №1

Среда, 17 Марта 2010 г. 18:24 + в цитатник
Вредные вещества в продукции, по уходу за кожей, в частности в кремах:
Лаурил сульфат Na
пропилен гликоль - приводит к церозу печени
минеральные масла - знаете, они не такие уж и минеральные...
бентонит (отбеливающая глина) - может привести к акне
каменноугольный дёготь
триэтоноломин - вожет вызвать раздражение кожи
свинец - *без коментариев*
нитрозомин - *содержится в туше для ресниц*
формальдегид и таулол - *содержатся в лаках д/ногтей*
В детской косметике содержатся:парабены­, тоулол, формальдегид - они могут привести к развитию онко. заболеваний
В антивозрастных кремах:
Колаген - структурный белок, образующий в дерме клетчатую структуру. Его молекула слишком велика, и с кремом в кожу не проникает. Так что крема с колагеном не так эффективны, как их рекламируют.
Альфа-гидро кислоты - удаляют верхний слой эпидермиса
Каинзим - усиляет регенерацию кожи, при этом она истощается
Пектиды, ростовые факторы в антивозрастных кремах с быстрым эффектом могут вызывать отёки.
Химические пилинги при домашнем приминении могут вызвать химический ожог кожи
Консерванты:бутилен­ гликоль и полидицен - консерванты в кремах по уходу за кожей.


Вампиризм. Миф? (заметка сделана 15.02.10 в 21:30.)

Четверг, 18 Февраля 2010 г. 18:25 + в цитатник
В 15-16 веках за вампиризм принимали две болезни: гипотоманию и парфирию*.
Гепотомания – болезнь, при которой человеку требуется 30-50 грамм свежей крови в неделю. Без этой дозы человек чувствует дискомфорт, так называемый «голод», испытывает головные боли и т.д.
Парфирия – не вырабатывание красных телец (?). Губы становятся ярко-красными, кожа белеет и иссыхается, челюсти впадают, создая так называемы «оскал». Дневной (солнечный) свет больным этой болезнью вреден – он приносит нестерпимую боль человеку, и ещё больше иссушивает кожу. Так вот и получается, что «вампиры» не могут появляться днём, имеют бледную кожу, звериный оскал, ярко-красные губы.
Действительно, впервые эти болезни были зарегистрированы в Румынии, где некоторые племена (очевидно, имевшие какую-либо из этих болезней) надрезали кожу лошадей и пили свежую кровь.


Выдержка из "Сказки уснувшего леса"

Среда, 10 Февраля 2010 г. 20:02 + в цитатник
«В тёмном-тёмном лесу
Заколдованной страны
Убитая принцесса спит
Лежит, не шевелиться

И не войдёт в её склеп принц
Не оживляет поцелуй
Такое может быть с тобой
Однажды приключится»

Jane Jons, 2010


Джаз или подготовка к "Музыкальному аукциону"

Среда, 10 Февраля 2010 г. 20:00 + в цитатник
Jazz is called the most American musical form. New Orleans, Lousiana, is often called the birthplace of American jazz. It appeared in the early 1900s.

Louis Armstrong, one of the greatest jazz musicians, came from New Orleans. Louis Armstrong created a new jazz style by improvising solos.
Louis Armstrong is said to be the inventor of a new vocal style when instead of singing words, he sang sound, like «de-de-de or laf-daf-da-da» to imitate various musical instruments.

Later Ella Fitzgerald used this style with great success, brilliant Ella, who was called the First Lady of Song and who became the finest woman jazz singer of all time.

Louis Armstrong 1900-1971
Ella Fitzgerald 1928-1996


14 Февраля или почему я?

Понедельник, 08 Февраля 2010 г. 15:22 + в цитатник
Скоро, скоро этот день.....
День сердец, красного и розового цветов, пряничных городов, парков аттракционов, кафешек, концертов, парков, скамеечек, лодочек и т.д.
Нет, праздник неплохой. Хоть я и не буду его праздновать, но и говорить о том, что праздник плох, это ерунда и мне всё равно тоже не буду. Да, настоящую любовь можно отметить и в любой другой день (День знакомства, день вашего первого поцелуя, или просто Ваш "День любви", извиняюсь, что отвлеклась).
Но и День СВ пусть тоже будет. Ещё один маленький тёплый день в такой холодный февраль ;)
Я буду сидеть дома. Никуда я не пойду! Никто никуда не звал, да и я никого никуда не звала. Немного грустно( Но не обидно. Стала думать "Почему? Должно быть грустно, тоскливо и обидно! Должна злиться на "Дурацкий" праздник!". Вспомнила. Я не в кого не влюблена. Нет, честно. Некому слать тайную валентинку, и не от кого её ждать. Я никому не симпатизирую, меня никто не влечёт. Так легко сразу)
Лучше разобраться. Я вот разобралась. Подруга рвёт и мечет, что её никто не приглашает и во всё горло орёт "Тупой праздник, я посплю! Мне плевать, это для детей!". А я спокойна. С одной стороны грустно "вот, ни в кого не влюблена" а с другой - чего грустить? Всё впереди.
Так что я на счёт 14 февраля спокойна)


ФСБ, 03, 02, 01, 04 или как мы сегодня "учились"

Понедельник, 08 Февраля 2010 г. 13:35 + в цитатник
День конечно можно обозвать одним словом - "Пипец"
Всё началось с ночного маньяка (это был ужасный сон!)
Потом я встала в 5:45 и не знала, чем себя занять.
Хоть на первую пару мне не надо сегодня, притащилась и отсидела.
На второй нас за "Викторию" наградили шоколадками)))
Потом мы писали. Много писали (вторая пара - физика). Потом услышали, как звенит телефон в учительской.
Мы тогда не знали, что через 3 минуты, когда положат трубку, прозвенят три звонка и начнётся эвакуация.
Три минуты прошли. И началось!
Э В А К У А Ц И Я ! ! !
Мы (лохи, что уж говорить) как всегда подумали, что учебка и выбежали без вещей. Стоим на улице, холодно. Думаем "Счас минут 5-10 постоим и всё, в школу". Ну да! Побежали за вещами. В корпус уже не пускают, прорвались ток я, Катька, Бинка, Саня и Вика. Собирали вещи - свои и одногруппников. Выбежали на улицу. По колено в снегу, надеваем сапоги, куртки, застёгиваем сумки. Ппц.
В этот раз сами себя организовали, пол часа на улице были (замёрзли жесть!), потом час в клубе ждали. Приехала милиция, скорая, пожарная, газовая служба, инспектора и т.д.
Короче, кто-то из школы позвонил и сказал, что школа заминирована. Ну и искали эту "Бомбу", "Мину" или что там ещё. А мы замерзали. Конечно, ничего не нашли, и нас вернули на занятия.
И занятия будут до 4-х. И ещё день с каникул снимут. Беспредел!
Я смотала. Ещё две пары посидела и смотала. Да ну, я до четырёх не буду сидеть!
Вот так и поучились.
Весело у нас, да?
Ну, я пошла. Алгебру чирикать)


Ой, мамочки!

Среда, 03 Февраля 2010 г. 20:21 + в цитатник
Самую безжалостную и непоколебимую на свете - заставила волноваться, сомневаться и втайне сожалеть.
Самую добрую, но занятую на свете - наглотаться таблеток и отправиться в реанимацию
Самого лживого, двуличного и жестокого - остаться на скончанье дней одному
Самую хитрую, гадкую, но симпотичную - оставила без сестры-близнеца

Я любила его. Его сестра терпеть меня не могла. Её лучшая подруга никогда не находила на меня времени. Сестра-близнец этой лучшей подруги увела Его. Он обманул меня, и использовал. В прошлой жизни. А по заслугам получили в этой. Хех, смешно!


Мелинда. Будет пятый сезон, она не умрёт! О, я счастлива!

Среда, 03 Февраля 2010 г. 17:56 + в цитатник
Melinda has the ability to see and communicate with ghosts. She moved to Grandview after she married Jim Clancy, a paramedic who knows of her ability. She had always been able to speak with the dead, or "earthbound spirits" as her grandmother (with whom she shared this ability) called them. Her mother, Beth Gordon, possesses the same gift, although she denies it.

Apart from her husband, Jim Clancy, Melinda shared her secret with quirky Professor Rick Payne, an expert in occult beliefs and history who thrives on helping her gain insights into the more baffling paranormal phenomena she encounters. Other individuals who are aware of her gift include Andrea Marino (killed in the first season's finale), Delia Banks and her son, Ned Banks, and the latest addition to the cast, Eli James.

[edit] Abilities
Melinda is at least a fourth-generation medium (as her great-great-great-grandmother, Tessa, was also a ghost whisperer). She is able to communicate with the spirits of those who are dead. She can see and speak with the earthbound spirits that reach out to her for help. She then helps them to cross over, either by speaking to loved ones or by doing things for them which they died before they could do/finish, giving them peace.

As a result of her abilities, Melinda often receives visions of things concerning the ghost(s) she is trying to help. For example, in the first season finale, Melinda kept receiving messages from ghosts on a plane that hasn't crashed yet. In another episode, her powers transported her from Grandview to a rain forest. In the second season finale, she sees people staring at her, looks out her window and sees that her house is under a large body of water and that a boat is sinking, is transported to a tunnel, and sees a large bridge in the sky with cars falling everywhere around her.

An inscription said : "you are the one". At the end of the second season, she is "designed" by four children from all over the world, one child drew a lantern, one sculpted a heart like pendant, another drew her out of chalk with the pendant and the lantern (the fourth child drew a field). They did this to help her, they said it had to exit of them, all of them died in separate occasions but were revived (near death experiences).

At the end of Season 4, the Book Of Changes and the Watchers both revealed Melinda's son can do much more. In Season 5, Melinda has to deal with both parenting and crossing ghosts into the light. It is also revealed in the season premiere that Melinda is connected to her son Aiden Lucas who the Watchers revealed that he is an Empath. With this, Melinda is able to receive visions from Aiden.

[edit] Appearances
[edit] Season 1
Melinda and Jim moved to the small town of Grandview where Melinda opened a small antique shop, named "The Same As It Never Was ANTIQUES". She met and became friends with Andrea Marino, who came to share management responsibilities of the store with Melinda. Eventually, Melinda gained enough trust in Andrea to tell her about her ability.

In the later part of the season, Melinda began encountering a malevolent spirit (Romano) that wore a black hat while trying to "cross over" earthbound spirits. In the season finale, a plane crashes in Grandview. Romano used the massive death count to his advantage, "keeping" the souls that Melinda was unable to cross over- one of which was Andrea who died when the plane crashed.

[edit] Season 2
After losing her friend and business partner to the plane crash, Melinda succeeds against the dark spirit in helping Andrea and many of the other ghosts from the plane crash cross over.

Melinda ends up meeting several new people in season two: an occult professor, Rick Payne, who often helps Melinda with a troublesome ghost without realizing it, until she tells him about her gift[2]. She also meets widow Delia Banks and her son Ned. After a few episodes, Melinda invites Delia to take the place of Andrea as her business partner, and confides in Ned about her gift. While trying to crossover Delia's husband, in the episode Delia's First Ghost, Melinda reveals to Delia her gift. Delia, a skeptic in anything beyond the norm, slowly begins to believe Melinda.

Throughout the season, events occur showing that the "veil" between the living and the dead is thinning. With the introduction of a second ghost whisperer, Gabriel Lawrence, it is learned through the earthbound spirit of Payne's wife that dark forces "are trying to make the dead stronger than the living." In the season finale, dark spirits try to kill four special children (each child were the sole survivors of terrible disasters or accidents). Melinda attempts to save them and succeeds, but loses her own life in the process, culminating in the fulfillment of a prophecy that would lead to the "death of a loved one" - Melinda. Only then did Melinda realise that it was her that the dark side wanted to kill, and not the children. In the limbo between life and death, Melinda sees a shadow of her father who says she has a brother. Meanwhile, the four special children help revive her (as noted under "Abilities"). She is stunned when she returns to consciousness, stating "I think I have a brother". She looks around and, from a distance, Gabriel is looking at her very crossly.

[edit] Season 3
Melinda searches continually for her father, strongly believing him to have died, and for her brother, whom by now Melinda suspects is Gabriel. She speaks with her mother who does not give her much information other than that she never had another child apart from Melinda and that Melinda and Jim have to leave Grandview because of all the evil spirits. If not something very bad can happen. Melinda also learns that Beth had once lived in Grandview. In the fifth episode "Weight of What Was" Gabriel arrives at her home saying that he is her half-brother and that he is also looking for their father. He was staying in a hotel under the name Gabriel Gordon. He hands Melinda a package that leads her to an underground church that had been buried as well as to her ancestor, Tessa, who was also a ghost whisperer.

Tom Gordon reveals to her a little bit about her past. Melinda and Jim later on have a discussion about having children and Melinda agrees on having one. From some point in the show Melinda is haunted by a ghost who is known as the (Masked Man) at first. Towards the end of the season, Tom Gordon shows up in Grandview, alive and well.

When things begin to get more dangerous and suspicious, Melinda asks her mother to be absolutely honest with her and tell her everything. Her mother reveals the fact that her birth father is really a man named Paul Eastman, who is the very same "Masked Man" who has been haunting Melinda. Tom later shows up and takes Melinda to their old home where Melinda once lived as a child and tries to jog back her memory, to see what she remembers of the night Paul Eastman came to her house. Only then does Melinda realize that Paul Eastman was murdered by Tom. Once Tom realizes that Melinda remembers that, he tries to choke her to death but Paul arrives just in time and takes control of Tom's body, causing Tom to topple over the stairs and fall on to the floor below, causing immediate death. Tom's spirit later appears and vanishes in front of Melinda.

Melinda, Beth and Paul all reconcile and Paul goes into the Light. After all these years of thinking that the man whom she thought was her father (Tom) had abandoned her, Melinda was now glad to know that her real father (Paul) would never have abandoned her and had he not been dead, he would have been there by her side.

At the very end of the season, what seems to be a happy moment is spoiled when Payne makes a shocking observation. He points out the fact that there are six people lined up (Delia, Beth Gordon, Ned, Jim, Melinda, and Payne himself), yet there are only five visible shadows.

[edit] Season 4
In this season, Melinda and Jim talk about having children. In the beginning of the season, Melinda meets a man who had a ghost haunting him - one of his patients. Eli suffered a near-death experience, and when he was revived he discover that can hear the dead. Eli is extremely confused and refuses to listen to Melinda, but in the end they develop a good partnership.

Professor Payne went on a trip for a long time. In "Big Chills", Melinda helps a ghost that has to have the truth come out about an accidental death on a boat. In the next episode, Melinda finds a man that is dead and trapped in an online chat game. She soon realizes that the man is actually the teenager's father, who is trying to protect his daughter from an online predator. Melinda and Jim went on a trip to find another ghost (or many on the boat), but the main reason is to talk to the boat owner's son, who is planning to tear down the boat and rebuild it. Many spirits were worried that their home would be ruined, so they were bothering Melinda to help them. But one girl needed help to talk to the owner of the boat about the accidental death, when she waited for him in the same room she met him many years before.

Then Melinda meets a teenage ghost who dies on the tennis court from a blood clot in her lung and Melinda watches the dead teenager follow her friend's family home (both families used to be friends, but one moved away and they stopped talking, and the families are no longer friends.) The two families soon find out that the hospital made a mistake and they switched the girls at birth. In the end Melinda and Jim think she is pregnant, but are disappointed when they get they discover that Melinda had a miscarriage.

In this episode Melinda and Jim go to the woods and they stay in a cabin for Jim's friend's wedding. The spirit wants the bride to play a game which will let her know the truth about her fiance. She discovers that the ghost (Owen) used to know the bride when they were young. When she finds out the truth, she calls off the wedding. Later Jim goes back to clean up and finds the groom still in the cabin, with a gun. Melinda finds out and calls a detective. When Melinda and the detective get there they see two shadows through the door windows and they see one man with the gun and one man without. Then the detective pulls out the gun and shoots. Jim falls in front of the window after being the one who was shot. He is rushed to the hospital and Melinda is sitting in his room, waiting for him to wake up from his surgery. When she does, she sees Jim kneeling in front of her. Happy to see that he's awake, she tells him she loves him. Jim goes on to tell her that he had an embolism. He says not to worry about it and to remember him the way she sees now. Melinda then realizes that she's seeing Jim's ghost as nurses rush in to try to save him. Melinda starts to cry and begs to Jim that it's not him. Jim tell her that he loves her and vanishes. This episode is the episode of which the tagline is: The episode that will change everything.

In the next episode Jim keeps saying throughout that he is will not cross over, no matter how hard Melinda tries. There is a teenage ghost who keeps saying she's sorry and that it's all her fault that Jim is dead. It turns out that the teenager was anorexic and that made her heart stop. Her stepfather was very depressed, and he went back to work before he was ready to. Later it is found out that the girl's stepfather is the detective who shot Jim. Melinda says to Jim "You have to do the right thing." He replies "I will." and possesses the body of a dead man, Sam, to live again in episode 4.07 "Threshold". Melinda happily says to Jim "You're back" to which Jim/Sam replies "Do I know you?"

Melinda begins dating Jim/Sam when Sam's ex-girlfriend Nikki leaves Grandview. Melinda revealed her gift to Jim/Sam and his response was unexpected. Melinda told Jim/Sam he is really Jim and Jim/Sam tells Melinda that he thinks she needs help. Melinda finally gives up and painfully tells him to leave, thinking that no matter how hard she tries, Jim will never be back.

But later, Melinda gets trapped in an underground chamber that was rapidly filling up with water and Jim/Sam comes to her rescue. When he was swimming towards her, he suddenly gets flashes of his life as Jim, memories of his life and of the times with Melinda. Melinda saves Jim/Sam from drowning and is surprised when he asks her why she is calling him Sam and that she should just call him Jim. Melinda realizes that Jim is definitely back and reconciles with him. Soon after, she learns she is eight weeks pregnant with Jim's baby.

Melinda began to have nightmares and visions that her baby is in danger. She was sure by the things she was being told the baby was a girl after Melinda runs into the faceless child again, who puts her hand on Melinda's belly and says, "You can't save her. You can't." and Carl telling Melinda that her future is in Melinda's hands.

Jim reveals to Melinda that he had seen her chart accidentally and knew it was a boy. He knew they agreed not to find out, but he told her to ease her mind, so she’d see her visions and dreams were wrong and her was actually about Zoe, who was Eli's ex-girlfriend and killed accidentally when she fell down the steps, startled by a thief ( who is actually being controlled by the Watcher Carl) in her house. They were looking for an ancient tome written in multiple languages called The Book of Changes, of which Zoe was caretaker. Eli then became the caretaker of the book, and was warned by one of the Watchers (Carl) that people were after the book, he must safeguard it and was also warned he must NOT show it to Melinda.

Melinda, however, couldn’t get the idea something was wrong out of her mind and convinced Eli to show her the book. The book had their names in it, followed by odd dates. The dates were revered; Melinda realized they were dates of death. Andrea was there, as was Jim, Sam, Zoe and even Eli from his near death experience. She was also listed as September 25 and if the prophecy is fulfilled, Melinda will die upon giving birth to her son. Later Melinda confronts Carl in the tunnels and wants to know if her son is in danger. Carl tells Melinda that white light spirits are watching over her, but the balance can shift and her son is the key. Carl advises her to teach her son about the other side, not shield him from it, because her son will be able to do much, much more than she can. Jim and Melinda marry again at the same place they met - in front of witnesses, Eli James (best man) and Delia Banks (matron of honor), and a full gathering of spirits.

[edit] Season 5
Melinda believes her due to date is the exact date in the book, which arises doubts from Jim and the rest of the characters (Delia, Ned, and Eli), Melinda finally needs an emergency C-Section. When the baby suddenly goes into fetal distress in the operating room, the season’s first ghosts appear to Melinda. First the watcher, that warned Melinda of her child’s power and the danger he may come into, stops time to tell her that Fate and Free Will will work together to decide whether or not the baby will live. The second ghost comes in the form of a young woman in a white gown, she quickly disappears and time restarts. While the baby isn’t breathing at first, he suddenly recovers to full health. Later in recovery, Melinda tells Jim they’ll name the baby Aiden Lucas, in honour of Jim’s father, and Sam. To the celebration of Aiden's upcoming fifth birthday. Jim is now a resident at the Rockland Memorial Teaching Hospital. Ned is also in college, taking classes with Eli, whilst Delia has become a big Real Estate salesperson.

There was always a problem every year on Aiden's birthday, he would become strangely sick, for example. Every year a woman would visit Melinda, and tell her that Aiden was, in fact, her son. The woman, Amber, had died in child birth the night Melinda gave birth to Aiden. Amber was convinced her son’s spirit jumped into Aiden, as he had stopped breathing shortly after he was born. Later in the episode, it is revealed that the son was actually taken by the birth father and his new wife. Melinda helps Amber into the light, and learns from the watcher that Aiden is an empath, he feels and takes on emotions of those around him. This is revealed as the reason why each year he gets sick. Melinda also finds out that she shares a psychic link with Aiden, which allows them to communicate with one another, though he doesn’t fully understand it. Melinda decides to not tell Aiden, as she wants him to have a normal life.

Melinda soon finds out that her son has abilities that she did not know about. Not only is he an empath, but he can also see things beyond Melindas abilities. He calls these the "shinnies and the shadows", which are pieces of people that are left behind when they cross over or broken people as he puts it.


Непостоянная, как волна

Среда, 03 Февраля 2010 г. 17:23 + в цитатник
Нашла свой стаааарый дневник, в котором ещё встречалась с Денисом. Переоборудоваю его теперь под мини-логово Динки)
А ещё мне нравятся шоколадки)))
Я не смогла заплатить за свет..Меня отключат! О, жесть....)



Среда, 03 Февраля 2010 г. 14:54 + в цитатник
Я болела...В классе, заразили, гады!XD
Сегодня физичка доставала...У, гадюка!)))
Вобще нормально после болезни. Я ещё в понедельник пошла в школу. Вчера в столовке дежурила, прикольно)
Разбила руку. Ну, ушибла. Теперь болит, и вены с артериями выпирают...Как у пожилых людей. Больно..((((
Полнолуние я встретила. Правда без обрядов. Зато с вещим сном. Сон пока не расшифровала, хотя главную суть уловила. И эта суть меня напугала....
Вчера плакала...Из-за "Говорящей с призраками". Я не сентиментальная, но плакала... Мелинда умрёт. Умрёт, и даже не воспитает своего малыша, не увидит его....Блин, сейчас я опять расплачусь....(((( Ме-ме-ме-мелииииииииииндааааааааааа................ Жуть! Какой ужасный конец! Я просто в ауте....(
В журнале меня не напечатали.....Я опять отправлю...Сегодня или завтра. Я их там достану!)


Новая школа не такая уж плохая)

Пятница, 22 Января 2010 г. 18:06 + в цитатник
Наконец-то появился постоянный выход в интернет, теперь смогу нормально вести блог ;)
Новая школа оказалась не такой-уж ужасной, всё вполне миленько. Я если честно боялась, что будет хуже.
С некоторыми ребятами подружилась, но прям таких близких друзей чуствую не найду.
Сегодня обществознание было без учителя. Мальчики играли в классе (а класс довольно маленький) в футбол и разбили окно. Вика (главная красавица и активистка класса) правильно сказала "Большие, а ведут себя как дети". А ведь ключ от класса брали мы с Викой, нам и отвечать.
В итоге все убирали стёкла и вешали занавески. Вроде никто из учителей ничего не заметил. *как всегда с приключениями*
А вобще все болеют, в классе всего 8 человек, и нас особо не напрягают. Всё нормально.



Здравствуй. Давай знакомиться.

Среда, 13 Января 2010 г. 19:50 + в цитатник
Здравствуй дневник.
Давай знакомиться. Меня зовут Джейн. Джейн Джонс. Друзья называют меня Джей, Мика или Мистери (от англ. Mystery - тайна). Хотя...Какие друзья?
Я перешла в новую школу. Уже сегодня ходила. Вроде ничего.... Но здесь ни с кем подружиться не получится - я слишком не такая, как они. А с друзьями из старой школы и старого города смогу общаться только письмами и через интернет. Грустно.
Решила завести новый дневник. А что? Новый город, новая школа, новая жизнь. Можно и новый дневник.
Немного грустно, скучаю по своим друзьям. Надеюсь, в этом городе есть кто-нибудь на подобие мне.
Вот и всё. На сегодня рассказ закончен, т.к. ещё нужно сделать домашние.


Дневник Jane_Jons

Среда, 13 Января 2010 г. 19:42 + в цитатник
Я странная, непонятная, сумашедшая личность. Хожу во всём чёрном, ношу ботинки Mary Jane, люблю чёрных кошек и ночь больше чем день. Зовут Джейн, друзья называют Джей, Мика или Мистери. Вот и всё!)
 (100x162, 29Kb)

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