

Utile dulci Miscere.


Пятница, 17 Апреля 2009 г. 03:18 + в цитатник
OUT OF OUR SOLAR SISTEM (into milky way)

If we step at the edge of our solar system, we’re actually 8million million that’s a trillion kilometers from home. But in reality this is just the baby step. Straight ahead trillions of kilometers are billions of stars. This is it. Time to stop looking in and start looking out. Step out into a big wide universe. Into a interstellar space. Interstellar space, beyond our solar system. Billions of stars like our own Sun, many with planets, many of those with moons. It’s hard to know which way to go. There are infinite possibilities in every direction. No matter which way, we’re going to need a serious burst of acceleration.
40 trillion kilometer from home a 150 years ride with a space shuttle and we only reached the first solar system after our own. Alfa-century. Not one, but 3 stars has spinning around each other, knocked into celestial stand of. Each star gravity attracting the other and the same orbital speed is keeping them apart. Get between them and we could be flown into one of these stars. Vaporized, trillions of kilometers from home. So far kilometers becoming minimus. We’re going to have to talk in light years. A blink of light takes 1 year to travel a 10 trillion kilometers. So 40 trillion km is 40 light years from home. It’s crazy. Distance is so vast that’s almost beyond comprehension.
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10 light years from Earth is a star Epsilon Eridany. Spectacular ring of dusten ice and somewhere in there planets forming out to a debry. Being born before our eyes. Asteroids and comets everywhere. We can almost be looking at our own solar system billions of years ago, with comets delivering organic molecules, water to these young planets. It’s starting life just as they may have done on Earth. At the center of all this action a star smaller than our Sun and still it’s infancy any life in this solar system would be primitive of the best. There must be more nature develop solar system out there. But finding them is just like looking for a needle in a cosmic haystack.
20 light years from Earth star Gliese 581. It’s about the same age as our Sun and orbiting it this planet. It’s just like our Earth. It’s just enough close that any closer the water would boil away and any further it would freeze.
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Ideal conditions for life to have involved. And if comet so struck delivering water and organic materials. Than life, complex beings like us or even civilization like our own could be down there right now. And if they are even in this distance they could be tuning into our TV signals watching shows from 20 years ago. But until future generation can find the way of communicating these vesting distances all we can do is speculate. Us and them living parallel life an aware of each others existence. Unless life has been and gone. Comets. They are creators and destroyers. As the dinosaurs found out the hard way 65millions years ago. This is the needle in the cosmic haystack. The closest we come to inhabitable solar system like our own but it’s a chance and counter.There could be hundreds, millions of more solar systems like this out there out here or none at all.
65light years from Earth tuning at the light star and you will pick up TVsignal from Hitlers olympic games in Berlin. From Earth it appears to a blink of a one star passes in front of the other but it actually twin stars. The Deamon star. Closer is even stranger. One star is expanded into a gravitational into the other. It’s being sucked towards it.
Almost 100 light years from Earth. If you listen you can hear the 1st radio broadcast. Behind that is silence. From here on out, like Earth never existed. Any aliens living beyond here have no idea that we’re there. It’s time to appreciate the wonders we see. Not just for what they tell us about our own world it’s what they can tell us about the whole universe. It’s past and future.

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Deep inside our galaxy is milky way our celestial library. Each star a book, with a story to tell. It’s all here waiting for us to lift the cover. The 7 sisters twin daughters of the ancient Greek God Atlas. Transformed into a stars to come to their father as he held the heavens on his shoulders.
Further into space is a giant star called Backelgoals. The brightest, biggest star we’ve even seen so far. It’s got to be 600 times as big as our own sun.
Going further is not a star not a planet and not like anything we’ve ever seen. It’s ghastly specter. It’s more than 1300 light years from Earth. Orion dark cloud. Dust and gas so dance its shredding us shooting us out of from the universe outside.
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There deep inside is a ball of light pulling a gas and dust towards it. Heating up. Merging into a ball and burning hot gas. Like a star like our sun in miniature. It’s millions of degrees inside it. So hot it’s being to trigger a nuclear reaction the kind it keep our sun shining and making energy, radiation, light. A star is being born. Orion dark cloud is a vast star factory. We’re witnessing a birth of future universe. We’ve come to expect a hostile forest but we’re discovering one of the universe greatest creative wonders a star birth.
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Going further. Jets of gas explosions out 200km/h. Blasting dust and gas out of millions of km. It’s unbelievably violent but look at the result it’s beyond words – Nebula. Vast glowing clouds of gas hanging in a space. With no wind out here it will take 1000 of years to displace. They seem to be forming a vast stellar sculpture which makes you realize, nature is more than scientist and engineer. It’s an artist. We’ve seen some strange science but this is a masterpiece. A giant horses head.
Stars are born, grow up and than, than what? Do they die? Do they slip quietly into the night or go out with the bang?

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Somewhere between here and the edge of the universe lies the answer. Nearly 4000 light years further is Luminous cloud expanded into space in circling what was once the star like our own sun. All it’s left form it are these lightly colored gases. Elements formed by nuclear fusion deep inside of star released into the space on it’s death. Green and violet – hydrogen and helium. The raw materials in the universe. Red and blue nitrogen and oxygen the building block of life on Earth. For us to live, star like this had to die. The oxygen in our owns the nitrogen in our DNA it was all produced by nuclear fusion when the star died a long before the Earth was born. We’re made of stealer nuclear waste. Our family tree begins here. At heart a ghost of a star. It’s white wolfe. White, hot, small but unbelievably dance. In a star dying moments it’s atoms fuse and squeeze together making it so dance that just a tea spoon of this white wolfe would weight 1tone. 6billion years from now, our sun will become like this one. It’s death would mean the end of life on Earth. It makes you wonder how many other lives has been and gone. Stories left untold, celestial books lost forever.
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But the greatest story of all is still to be told. We must go back threw time to a very first chapter to tell the story of how the universe began. Traveling 6000 light years from home deep inside a stella graveyard it’s the crap nebula. We’ve learned so much seen things we’ve never believed they’re possible. Now sites like this wonders once beyond imagination.
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It looks dead but maybe this is just a calm of storm after a massive explosion. Power enough to turn a huge star into a dust and dance – A supernova. The eye of a storm is spinning star a pulser. Gravity must have squeeze a giant stars core down to this. It’s just 20km across unimaginably dance. One pin head of this would weight hundreds or maybe millions of tons. It begun to spin faster. Two beings of light energy and radiation are spinning 30 times per second and powering huge cloud of gas and dust. There is so much radiation more than ever than on the sun. That was the deadliest thing we found so far. Once it would terrified us. For now we realized that without the dangerous there would be no wonders . Without the nightmares, there would be no dreams.
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Getting further into space is getting us strange sensations. A feeling as that something is bad right here. The one think we didn’t want to encounter impossibly black, blocking up the stars behind it. We’re starring into face of extinction. The remains of a giant star. A black hole. Instead of contracting to a white wolfe or in to pulser, it’s just keep on going. Shrinking, until it got so small it’s just a few km across. Far dancer of a pulser and impossible to resist. Straight to close and is no turning back. Now we know why is a black hole. It’s gravity is so intense not even light can escape. Inside is no matter, no time and no space. All rules of physics collapse. The truth is that nobody knows where everything goes when it get in. There could be a millions of black holes creeping around our galaxy. More perhaps than all the stars in the sky. But we wouldn’t see them until would be too late. Who is to say that there is no living inside of the black hole? Maybe the whole universe isn’t inside one of them, right now. Inside another universe? Sometimes it feels that more we see the less we know. But we do know that the our galaxy is more complex and more dangerous as we ever imagined. But we’re still in our own galaxy the milky way.
The vastness of the universe beyond lies ahead. The wonders, the dangers, the secrets are out there. But first let’s find the way out of the milky way. Travelling with light speed 7000 light years from home and we’re still deep in our own galaxy. But we have to find the way threw and reach the edge. Only than we can understand where it or we begun.

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At the edge of our galaxy we’ve been blinded to it terror and straight into a cosmic mine field. Like an explosion in slow motion giant clouds of gas are bursting out of a star. A massive star millions of times brighter than our sun. It’s going to melt down. The fuel which sustains it is running out. The nuclear reaction which powers it running down. We’re watching it’s death. Eventually the core will implode. The result is a new black hole. Even bigger dangerously unstable star but this one is about to explode and when a star like this big dies it’s a 100 times more violent than a supernova. Somehow this is the most violent star death imaginable – hypernova.
The core collapse which means it becoming a black hole and the shock wave will rip into space. There will be radiation everywhere enough to have a catastrophic effect on any planet being unlucky to be that by. When virtually every spices on Earth was wiped out 450 million years ago. The reason may have been one of these.

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Deadly hypernova, frozen comets, scorched planets, white wolfes, red giants, Earth. Tiny drops in a vast pool of white light. Our home the milky way. We want to know where we fit in and here is the answer. Civilization past and present. Everyone has ever lived. The smallest bug the highest mountain all of it invisible. Our home is a mini planet of a insignificant star. If it disappear right now, who or what will ever notice? And jet so far we found no one else where we would rather live. No where we could live. It’s only now far from home that would beginning truly appreciate it.

OUT OF OUR GALAXY (into universe)

Hundreds of thousands of stars outside of our own galaxy only one should be supported life. In the warm of stars is a great cluster. Back into 1970 astronauts sent a message into this direction which is telling the structure of our DNA and our solar system’s location. But it so far from home that the message sent to arrive would least another 205000 years. We haven’t found alien life yet. But we either haven’t find any reason to believe that isn’t out there somewhere. There is a equation devices that estimate the numbers of other advised civilizations. Crunch the numbers and the result is shocking. There could be a millions of civilizations just in our own galaxy. Everything we’ve seen so far is inside the milky way. Now let’s see the other galaxies to give even bigger picture and perhaps to answer the ultimate question. Where all this came from? Now we’re going to leave our galaxy and enter into intergalactic space. (universe from which you see only galaxies).
Out here, there is no horisont site. Even the closest galaxies are millions of light years away. The remains ripped apart by the milky ways huge gravitational pole. Scatted threw it’s nothing. This is the closest when the universe gets to a perfect vacuum. But even this isn’t totally empty. There are thin wisps of gas levitating traces of dust and sth else. The dark matter. So mysterious we can’t see it, feel it, taste it, touch it even measure it. Yet all comment that it could sustain 90% all matter in the whole universe. If dark matter does exist it means that there is no such thing as empty space. Even out there, we’re surrounded by matter. We only know it exists because of the strange holes it exerts on it galaxies. More than 6billion years in today the fastest space craft. 100000 light years out of the milky way at the edge of it is gravitational reach. Galaxy should spin of out into space but sth. Is holding it there. Sth invisible, powerful the dark matter. Stars, clusters of stars, Nebula is a vast astronomical treasure house.
A fire ball expanding out what has been a massive explosion a supernova. So bright that when the light reached the earth in 1987 it was visible with the naked eye. And so violent that triggers the nuclear reactions. Forcing atoms together creating a new elements like gold, silver, platinum. Blast into the space. The gold in your ring on finger was made by a supernova like this. Trillions of kilometers away billions of years ago. We were wrong. The story of the universe is the story of everyone of us.

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Going further and further faster and faster into the space we get to the Andromeda galaxy. 2 and a half million light years away. It’s moving through space at million kilometers per hour. Everything in space is moving apart.
Going further to space and further back in time and we find a place where the whole galaxy exploded. The only thing enough to cause it has to be another galaxy. It looks like the end of the world but this galaxy when die it will be reborn. There are billion of new galaxies in the universe. Each with billions even trillions of stars. Possibly more stars than all sand of our beaches on Earth. All of this are stars that just exists now. How about the stars that being and gone?

Going further we get to pinwheele galaxy is so far from Earth that if we send a message now it will take 27 million years to get it. Who knows whether our spices or our planet will still be around to be sent it. Most likely not. Travelling further we pass the time when dinosaurs were wiped out than we pass the moment when the first creatures came on to land.
2 billion light years from home closing into the edge of the universe going back to the beginning of time. This isn’t a galaxy it’s brighter than 100 of galaxies put together a blinding energy bursting out for trillions of kilometers. Something this big and so bright must be incredibly powerful. Experience tells us out here power is equal danger. It looks like equalizer the deadliest thing in the universe.
The source of its power lies deep inside. A lot of dark super massive black hole. Heavier as billions of suns. It’s ripping apart all stars, sucking their gas into equalizer. Until its lost for ever from the visible universe. We’ve seen the worst that universe confront us.

To reach the edge we need to go further another 8 billion light years from home. We see more galaxies. But this are different. Small, close together. We’re so far back in time that we see galaxies how they were before Earth was born. They’re still young, still growing.
A 12 billion years ago galaxies are more like primitive plankton floating in a vast dark ocean. Clouds of dust and gas forming a shape merging to make embryonic galaxies. This is how our own galaxy was born. They are disappearing. We’ve gone back before our stars were born. In to a cosmic dark age and before that light. The afterglow from the massive explosion. The explosion which created the known universe.
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The edge of the universe a 130 billion trillion kilometers from home. 13 in a half billion years ago the very instant of the big bang. The most violent, most creative moment in history. Everything which ever happened follows from this moment. Every religion, every culture has come from it. An infidently hot, small.. Creating space, time, matter and our own universe itself. First is a size of subatomic particles and the tiniest fraction and a second later its big enough to be hold in a hand. Moments later is the size of the Earth. Today the light from a big bang is still spreading out. As a his of radio static. TV arial picks it up you can see it as static on un tune TV.
All the things we’ve seen on our journey to Earth. We had to go back into our past to see our future. 3 billion light years from now a vast galaxy smashed into our own and the new galaxy was born. The sun and planets survived but they’ve been thrown into a huge orbit around the new galaxy. The sun is becoming a red giant swallowing up mercury and venus, scorching up planets surface, destroying all life on Earth. The sun dies into a white wolfe. Neighbouring stars are dying too being replaced by white wolfe, pulser and black holes. The life is going down in the galaxy. Since the big bang the universe has been fating, dying.
But there could be a way out an escape root from our dying universe. It might be possible for our distant descendence to find a shortcut threw space and find a warm home. If there are universes it could take our descendence from our own dune universe in to parallel one. Where they can find another Earth still in a prime of life. If they lucky enough they will live own in a new universe. A new home.
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Без заголовка

Суббота, 22 Ноября 2008 г. 00:47 + в цитатник
LoL))) Today we were having colloquium from thermodynamic. First part of it it was theory i think i'm gonna write 100% or at least 95%))). But i wasn't cheating. Fair play.) Some of my friends were, well it's normal to do that hahaha. While we were writing and Assistant was sanding just behind me some of my friend were looking for him where he is, so could easier cheat. He saw them, and said: "For those who are looking my coordinates i'm here." Ahahahahahahahaha That was so funny!!! I think at that time was nobody there who stayed serious. I mean he exactly knew what's the point of all that. Well i still start to smile when i remember the situation when he said that. Ok the second part of colloquium was exercises. I admit it wasn't so funny anymore. Well i'm not happy at all with myself.... but when they put theory and exercises together i'm sure it will be somewhere close to 60% or lil bit more, let say cca. 70%. Anyway my wish is to write 50% like the wish from every normal student. Sometimes i think i'm not a normal student, you know to remember all formulas on your mind of watching A4 paper for 15min... (small letters) or remember in the same time 5 different diagrams with all numbers for materials and different lines - i don't know if this is normal. I was watching them and when i came on exam i saw all diagrams in front of my eyes and i can still see them now. Little scary sometimes... Ok maybe i shouldn't be writing about my mind yet, cause there is still a lot of other things to do with. I'll talk with my cousin at first she's studying medicine. I heard that people are not using all of their brains. I heard that if we were using 90% of our brains we could move the objects. Well i hope i won't get so far - i just wanna stay normal lol))

Без заголовка

Суббота, 01 Ноября 2008 г. 20:02 + в цитатник
I decided to be lil bit more on this side. To say sth., well everything is in Russian, which makes everything harder but anyway, I wanted to learn it, so here i have!!) And I'm gonna make a good use of it I promise, but depends of my free time of course. I wish i could change this blue text somehow, cause it's very hard to read. Anyway the last few days I was ill. My body temperature was 40C. I was taken to hospital where they gave me the injection, it really hurts a lot((. After it i had to lay in bed. It was boring. I was thinking to read sth. but i couldn't cause i was to tired. I didn't know what to do so i decided to "play" a lil bit. I decided to build a website. Yea my own website, just for fun. Here it is:( http://nivrerayon.webs.com/ ). - but is not finished jet.
I still have to admit that this one is better much better. It was made by a special Russian girl. From who i haven't heard for a long time((((, but i still remember her clearly, I just miss her - a lot. I wish that will change some day. I know it will. Now we're just busy and i think it's still better to finish our work, which we have to do and than we can met each other some day. That would be much more exciting than corresponding which was exciting to))) but by than we still can use this) Ok it looks that diary has started and that the site is becoming to be used lil bit more from today.)) kiss and bye bye)

Jaguar XF - новая серия фотографий в фотоальбоме

Суббота, 24 Мая 2008 г. 14:55 + в цитатник

Дневник Jaguar_Noir

Суббота, 24 Мая 2008 г. 02:14 + в цитатник
hi there!

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