
buttock_up: ДР

12-08-2016 15:46 (ссылка)   Удалить
Happy bidet to thee,
Now wash off the pee.
Happy bidet to you,
Now wash off the poo!
happy-bidet (700x465, 126Kb)

buttock_up: H

26-06-2016 04:21 (ссылка)   Удалить
Привет! Заходи ко мне в гости!

buttock_up [вложенный комментарий]

buttock_up: A Memory

11-06-2016 10:52 (ссылка)   Удалить
Yes, really, that's as near as I can write the name. And no, there was no Rebecca, that's not a name I'd associate with home.

buttock_up: A Memory

10-06-2016 18:48 (ссылка)   Удалить
Man-dur-liy, really? Did you by any chance dream about someone called Rebecca?
buttock_up [вложенный комментарий]

buttock_up: Дневник buttock_up

05-06-2016 18:34 (ссылка)   Удалить
I adore buttock ups! Especially in the meadow in springtime

buttock_up: Дневник buttock_up

05-06-2016 18:04 (ссылка)   Удалить
"Buttock up"?! Until I noticed your ava, I thought this was going to be an entirely different sort of diary...
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