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: 04.01.2015
: 529
: 10
: 541


, 07 2015 . 19:40 +
- - Montague Dawson (18951973)

1425506831 a clipper ship in a moonlit sea1425506868 the submarine hunter1425506859 the charles b lunt1425506832 a ship in open water

4964063_0_90ef8_a61bda3a_orig (500x121, 39Kb)

1425506835 blowing hard the thermopylae1425506829 11425506831 a fair wind1425506837 chinese port morning departure1425506838 clipper and pt boat1425506846 hms inflexible dordanelles1425506847 idle sails1425506849 legion boat the first queen1425506849 montague dawson thepagodaanchorage1425506855 statek21425506856 sunset at sea1425506861 the crest of a wave1425506864 the flying cloud1425506864 the glory of the seas1425506874 winged racer

"** ()":
1 - Josephine Ducollet
2 - (Cesare Auguste Detti), 18471914. -
25 - - (Jean-Gabriel Domergue), 1889 - 1962.
26 - - (Jean-Gabriel Domergue), 1889 - 1962.
27 - - Montague Dawson (18951973)
28 - Francis Danby, 1793-1861.

"** ":
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2 - . .
27 - . ( )
28 - , , ...
29 - - Montague Dawson (18951973)
30 - ))

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3 - ...
4 - ?... -...
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